scholarly journals TGF-B Super Family Correlation with the Fertility of Iraqi Awassi Ewes

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 26-32
Ismael K. Ajam ◽  
Thamer R. S . Al-Jubouri ◽  
Qayssar H. Ghayyib

This study was conducted in Barakat Abu al Fadhl Al- Abbas station (AS) for raising sheep/a subsidiary of Al- Kafeel Company for General Investment and livestock services in Holy Karbala province and Babylon Province It was undertaken on Awassi sheep for between October, 2013 to May, 2014 to investigate the polymorphism of TGF-B gene and its association with reproductive traits of Awassi sheep. Blood samples were collected from (80) ewes included 35 samples of Awassi ewes producing twins (pure breed), 21 samples of Awassi ewes producing twins lambs (hybrid breed), also 25 samples of Awassi ewes producing single lambs (pure breed), with age (2 .5- 5) years. DNA samples were extracted from each blood sample of sheep. Reference PCR primers were utilized to amplify segments in TGF-B Super Family gene. Then, AFLP technique was performed for each PCR fragment. The results indicated that two genotypes for each of the fragments of TGF-B Super Family gene (AF and FF) were identified. TGF-B Super Family gene revealed two fragments (156 and 245 bp) for FF genotypes and three fragments (156, 254 and 410 bp) for AF genotypes. PCR- AFLP methods detected two genotypes (AF and FF) with predominant of AF genotype in Awassi ewes producing twin, and this study refers to utilizing TGF-B gene as good genetic markers and their correlation with high fertility and twins producing Awassi sheep.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Carlos Velasco ◽  
Adriana Mota-Cobián ◽  
Jesús Mateo ◽  
Samuel España

Abstract Background Multi-tracer positron emission tomography (PET) imaging can be accomplished by applying multi-tracer compartment modeling. Recently, a method has been proposed in which the arterial input functions (AIFs) of the multi-tracer PET scan are explicitly derived. For that purpose, a gamma spectroscopic analysis is performed on blood samples manually withdrawn from the patient when at least one of the co-injected tracers is based on a non-pure positron emitter. Alternatively, these blood samples required for the spectroscopic analysis may be obtained and analyzed on site by an automated detection device, thus minimizing analysis time and radiation exposure of the operating personnel. In this work, a new automated blood sample detector based on silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) for single- and multi-tracer PET imaging is presented, characterized, and tested in vitro and in vivo. Results The detector presented in this work stores and analyzes on-the-fly single and coincidence detected events. A sensitivity of 22.6 cps/(kBq/mL) and 1.7 cps/(kBq/mL) was obtained for single and coincidence events respectively. An energy resolution of 35% full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) at 511 keV and a minimum detectable activity of 0.30 ± 0.08 kBq/mL in single mode were obtained. The in vivo AIFs obtained with the detector show an excellent Pearson’s correlation (r = 0.996, p < 0.0001) with the ones obtained from well counter analysis of discrete blood samples. Moreover, in vitro experiments demonstrate the capability of the detector to apply the gamma spectroscopic analysis on a mixture of 68Ga and 18F and separate the individual signal emitted from each one. Conclusions Characterization and in vivo evaluation under realistic experimental conditions showed that the detector proposed in this work offers excellent sensibility and stability. The device also showed to successfully separate individual signals emitted from a mixture of radioisotopes. Therefore, the blood sample detector presented in this study allows fully automatic AIFs measurements during single- and multi-tracer PET studies.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 487
Hongyan Xu ◽  
Zhangying Wu ◽  
Jinan Deng ◽  
Jun Qiu ◽  
Ning Hu ◽  

The development of a simple, portable, and cost-effective plasma separation platform for blood biochemical analysis is of great interest in clinical diagnostics. We represent a plasma separation microfluidic device using microspheres with different sizes as the separation barrier. This plasma separation device, with 18 capillary microchannels, can extract about 3 μL of plasma from a 50 μL blood sample in about 55 min. The effects of evaporation and the microsphere barrier on the plasma biochemical analysis results were studied. Correction factors were applied to compensate for these two effects. The feasibility of the device in plasma biochemical analysis was validated with clinical blood samples.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 206-213
G.Y. Benjamin ◽  
H.I. Inabo ◽  
M.H.I. Doko ◽  
B.O. Olayinka

Malaria is a disease of public health concern in Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa. It is caused by intracellular parasites of the genus Plasmodium. The aim of this study was to detect genetic markers associated with Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance among malaria patients in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study was a cross-sectional study that lasted from May 2018 to October 2018. Three hundred blood samples were collected from consenting individuals attending selected hospitals, in the three senatorial districts of Kaduna State, Nigeria. Structured questionnaire were used to obtain relevant data from study participants. The blood samples were screened for malaria parasites using microscopy and rapid diagnostic test kit. Polymerase Chain Reaction was used for detection of the drug resistance genes. Pfcrt, pfmdr1, pfdhfr, pfdhps and pfatpase6 genes were detected at expected amplicon sizes from the malaria positive samples. The pfatpase6 PCR amplicons were sequenced and a phylogenetic tree was created to determine their relatedness. Result showed that Pfcrt (80%) had the highest prevalence, followed by pfdhfr (60%), pfmdr1 (36%) and pfdhps (8%). Pfatpase6 was also detected in 73.3% of the samples, and a phylogenetic tree showed relatedness between the pfatpase6  sequences in this study and those deposited in the GenBank. In conclusion, the study detected that Plasmodium falciparum genes were associated with drug resistance to commonly used antimalarials.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 232
Sutikno Sutikno ◽  
Rudy Priyanto ◽  
Cece Sumantri ◽  
Jakaria Jakaria

ABSTRAK Gen FTO berfungsi sebagai regulasi homeostasis, deposisi lemak dan pengaturan obesitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi polimorfisme SNP g.125550A>T di ekson 3 gen FTO pada bangsa sapi potong Indonesia. Sampel darah diperoleh dari 209 ekor sapi, terdiri atas sapi bali (44), madura (20), Pesisir (20), katingan (20), Peranakan ongole (PO) (22), Pasundan (20), Sumba Ongole (SO) (11), brahman (20), simental (15), dan limousin (18). Polimorfisme gen FTO dianalisis menggunakan metode PCR-RFLP (HpyCH4III) dan direct sequencing. Hasil genotiping SNP g.125550A>T adalah polimorfik (genotipe AA, AT, dan TT) pada sapi madura, pesisir, katingan, PO, pasundan, SO, brahman, simental, dan limousin. Frekuensi alel A dan T masing-masing adalah 0,70, 0,68, 0,84, 0,89, 0,70, 0,86, 0,90, 0,73, 0,69 dan 0,30, 0,33, 0,16, 0,11, 0,30, 0,14, 0,10, 0,27, 0,31. Nilai Ho dan He masing-masing adalah 0,60-0,14 dan 0,44-0,18 serta dalam keseimbangan Hardy-Weinberg (P>0.05). Sementara pada sapi bali bersifat monomorfik hanya bergenotipe AA. Hasil sekuensing SNP g.125550A>T ditemukan mutasi tranvesi A menjadi T pada posisi nukleotida  g.125550. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa SNP 125550A>T gen FTO beragam dan berpotensi dijadikan marka genetik untuk kualitas daging pada bangsa sapi potong Indonesia.Kata Kunci: gen FTO, PCR-RFLP, Sapi, SNP g.125550A>TABSTRACTThe FTO gene functions as regulation of homeostasis, fat deposition and regulation of obesity. This study aimed to identify the polymorphism of SNP g.125550A>T in exon 3 of FTO gene in Indonesian beef cattle. Blood samples were collected from 209 cattle, including bali (44), madura (20), pesisir (20), katingan (20), PO (22), pasundan (20), SO (11), brahman (20), simental (15), and limousin (18). Polymorphism of the FTO gene was analyzed using PCR-RFLP (HpyCH4III) and direct sequencing methods. The results of genotyping SNP g.125550A>T was polymorphic (AA, AT and TT genotypes) in madura, pesisir, katingan, PO, pasundan, SO, brahman, simental, and limousin cattle. The frequency of A and T alleles were 0,70, 0,68, 0,84, 0,89, 0,70, 0,86, 0,90, 0,73, 0,69 and 0,30, 0,33, 0,16, 0,11, 0,30, 0,14, 0,10, 0,27, 0,31 respectively. The values of Ho and He were 0,60-0,14 and 0,44-0,18 respectively and in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P>0,05). While in Bali cattle was monomorphic (AA genotype). Results of sequencing SNP g.125550A>T of the FTO gene found a transverse mutation A to T at the nucleotide position g.125550. As a result of this study, it can be concluded that SNP 125550A>T of the FTO gene was diverse and potentially used as genetic markers for meat quality in Indonesian beef cattle.Keywords: cattle, FTO gene, PCR-RFLP, SNP g.125550A>T.

1978 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 506-506
Anthea Kelly ◽  
Louis Munan ◽  
Claude PetitClerc ◽  
Kok Ping Ho ◽  
Bernard Billon

Abstract Volume 22 p 1726: In the footnote to Table 3, the last half of the sentence should read " for SI units, the index becomes (80 calcium - 120)/protein." Volume 23 p 1779: In column two of "corrections," the word "malate" should be substituted for "maleate." p 2127: In column two, last line, change "chinic" to "chenodeoxycholic." On the next page, change the last part of the sub-legend to Figure 7 to read "(5) ursodeoxycholic acid, (6) cholic acid." p 2205: col. two, line 32. For "mg/g body weight" read "mg/kg body weight." p 2288: In the last sentence of the abstract, change ".... 0.3 to 7.8 mole..." to "... 0.3 to 7.8 mmol...." p 2289: Table 1, footnote a should read: "Millimoles of 4NP injected/270 x 10-3 moles of 4NPP. This is calculated as if the 4NP were present in 270 nmol of 4NPP...." p 2290: In Table 2, in column A "7.76d" should read "7.76c" p 2356: The reader may incorrectly infer that the "Gamma-Coat Kit" (CA 535, 536; 555, 556) is intended for the analysis of dried blood samples on paper in screening for congenital hypothyroidism in infants. Actually, that kit is intended for serum thyroxine assay. A modified kit dedicated to dried blood-sample screening for hypothyroidism is currently under development and will be introduced shortly as CA-538, 558. Further, in Tables and text, the "3.5-mm" disks referred to should read "3.18 mm" (⅛''). This is of significance, because the error in diameter produces a 20% error in the apparent blood volume or thyroxine content per disk in the Tables. Inadvertent omissions from the list of invited reviewers (p 2360) and our annual index are, respectively: Jocelyn M. Hicks and Royden Rand and "Direct Spectrophotometric Determination of α-Amylase Activity in Saliva, with p-Nitrophenyl α-Maltoside as Substrate," by Baiba K. Gillard, Henry C. Markman, and Stephen A. Feig. (p 2279)

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Agata Sakowicz ◽  
Michalina Lisowska ◽  
Lidia Biesiada ◽  
Magda Rybak-Krzyszkowska ◽  
Agnieszka Gach ◽  

Background. Metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a pivotal role during the process of trophoblast invasion and placentation. The appearance of five functional single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the genes of the metalloproteinases most commonly implicated in the implantation process may influence the development of preeclampsia. Methods. Blood samples were collected from 86 mothers and 86 children after preeclampsia and 85 mothers and 85 children with uncomplicated pregnancies. The distribution of genotypes for −1607 1G/2G MMP1, −735 C/T MMP2, −1306 C/T MMP2, −1171 5A/6A MMP3, and −1562C/T MMP9 polymorphisms was determined by RFLP-PCR. Results. The occurrence of 1G/1G MMP1 or 5A/5A MMP3 genotype in the mother or 1G/1G MMP1 or 5A/6A MMP3 genotype in the child is associated with preeclampsia development. Moreover, simultaneous maternal and fetal 1G/1G homozygosity increases the risk of preeclampsia development 2.39-fold and the set of maternal 5A/5A and fetal 5A/6A MMP3 genotypes by over 4.5 times. No association between the carriage of studied MMP2 or MMP9 polymorphisms and the predisposition to preeclampsia was found. Conclusion. The maternal 1G/1G MMP1 and 5A/5A MMP3 and fetal 1G/1G MMP1 and 5A/6A MMP3 gene polymorphisms may be strong genetic markers of preeclampsia, occurring either individually or together.

2018 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-28
Drayton A. Hammond ◽  
Taylor B. James ◽  
Lexis N. Atkinson ◽  
Jacob T. Painter ◽  
Katherine Lusardi

BACKGROUND Clinical practice guidelines for initiation and therapeutic drug monitoring, but not timing, of vancomycin dosing exist at many institutions. Scheduling vancomycin trough measurements and doses around the morning blood sample collection could yield more interpretable troughs and increase patient safety. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the appropriateness of blood sample collection times for vancomycin trough measurements before and after an initiative to change the timing of blood sampling to determine vancomycin doses and trough levels in a medical intensive care unit. METHODS A retrospective cohort study was conducted of patients in a medical intensive care unit who received intravenous vancomycin at a scheduled interval. Differences in continuous and categorical data were compared between pre- and postintervention groups. The primary outcome was proportion of blood samples collected for vancomycin trough measurements within 30 minutes of the next scheduled vancomycin dose. RESULTS Baseline characteristics were similar between the preintervention (n = 68) and postintervention (n = 176) groups except for the percentage of blood samples drawn for trough measurements and morning laboratory tests (6% vs 81%; P &lt; .001). Frequency of loading doses was similar between patients in the pre- and postintervention groups, as was weight-based maintenance dosing. There was no significant difference in the percentage of blood samples collected to measure vancomycin trough levels appropriately at 30, 60, or 75 minutes from the next scheduled dose. CONCLUSION Measuring vancomycin trough levels in morning blood samples did not affect the percentage of inappropriately collected blood samples used to measure vancomycin trough levels.

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