2019 ◽  
pp. 54-78
Yaroslav Tsytsiura

The article presents the results of a long-term study of the features of the phytocenology of agrophytocenoses of oil radish using different methods for assessing their condition and studying the tactics of the plant vitality strategy. A comprehensive assessment was made of the effect of changes in row spacing, seeding rates and fertilizer rates on the formation of various plant morphotypes, the variability of morphological characters and the general characteristics of plant viability. Three idiotypes of the plant oil radish were identified in a vertical study of agrophytocenosis, on the basis of which a detailed analysis of the variability of each group and a statistical assessment of the reliability of its existence were carried out. The features of the morphological integration of each tier are analyzed and its impact on the formation of the overall field productivity is evaluated. Based on the modular and vitality grouping, the effectiveness and feasibility of combining various options for plant density and fertilizer in the range of 30-90 kg of active substance per 1 ha were evaluated. Conclusions are drawn about the desired model of agrophytocenosis of oil radish based on the characteristics of its vital tactics and the goals of its growing. Grouping was carried out according to a variety of morphological traits of plants in the population and the possibilities of applying the basic patterns of phytocenology in their application to radish oilseed plants were evaluated. Through the use of regression analysis, the influence of climatic conditions on the formation of various morphological types of plants and the nature of the relationship of plants of oil radish in cenoses of various densities against the background of various fertilizer options has been evaluated. The main promising areas for further research on the peculiarities of creating highly productive and highly adaptable agrophytocenoses of oil radish have been outlined.

Amin G. Ades ◽  
Donald R. Joondeph ◽  
Robert M. Little ◽  
Michael K. Chapko

2019 ◽  
pp. 42-44

Впервые в мире создана популяция зубров на территории 60 градусов северной широты. В новых климатических условиях разведения и сохранения зубров определены и проанализированы факторы существования вида на севере Европейской части РФ. Выявлены признаки, динамика численности, которые являются составной частью системы, предназначенной для управления биоразнообразием. Интродукция, являясь процессом введения в экосистему нехарактерных для нее видов, может усиливать изменения биоценозов как положительно, так и отрицательно. Насколько быстро и успешно проходит процесс адаптации заселенного вида, и усматривается его влияние на окружающую среду зависит дальнейшее существование зубров и в целом биоразнообразия. В статье обсуждаются вопросы взаимоотношения зубров с другими видами копытных и хозяйственной деятельностью человека, а также дальнейшим использованием зубров в сельскохозяйственном производстве. Пластичность зубров, выявление изменений и их анализ при вселении видов в новые условия обитания необходимы не только для определения развития или деградации биоценозов и в целом экосистемы, но и прогноза социально-экономических последствий интродукции как одного из методов сохранения редких и исчезающих видов фауны.For the first time in the world, a bison population has been created in an area of 60 degrees north latitude. In the new climatic conditions of breeding and preservation of bison, the factors of the species existence in the north of the European part of the Russian Federation are identified and analyzed. The signs, dynamics of abundance, which are an integral part of the system designed to manage biodiversity are identified, since the preservation of biological diversity on the planet is one of the main problems of our time. Introduction, being the process of introducing non-typical species into an ecosystem, can enhance changes in biocenoses, both positively and negatively. The question posing sounds especially when it comes to such a large hoofed animal as the European bison. How quickly and successfully the process of adaptation of the universe takes place and its environmental impact is seen depends on the continued existence of bison and biodiversity in general. The article discusses the relationship of bison with other types of ungulates and human activities, as well as the further use of bison in agricultural production. How these issues will be resolved positively depends on the future of these animals. Thus, the plasticity of bison, the identification of changes and their analysis, with the introduction of species into new habitat conditions is necessary not only to determine the development or degradation of biocenoses and the ecosystem as a whole, but also to predict the socio-economic consequences due to the introduction as one of the methods of preserving rare and endangered species of fauna.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Xin Mao ◽  
Jun Kang Chow ◽  
Pin Siang Tan ◽  
Kuan-fu Liu ◽  
Jimmy Wu ◽  

AbstractAutomatic bird detection in ornithological analyses is limited by the accuracy of existing models, due to the lack of training data and the difficulties in extracting the fine-grained features required to distinguish bird species. Here we apply the domain randomization strategy to enhance the accuracy of the deep learning models in bird detection. Trained with virtual birds of sufficient variations in different environments, the model tends to focus on the fine-grained features of birds and achieves higher accuracies. Based on the 100 terabytes of 2-month continuous monitoring data of egrets, our results cover the findings using conventional manual observations, e.g., vertical stratification of egrets according to body size, and also open up opportunities of long-term bird surveys requiring intensive monitoring that is impractical using conventional methods, e.g., the weather influences on egrets, and the relationship of the migration schedules between the great egrets and little egrets.

1978 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 549-564 ◽  
J. W. Garmany

This article discusses some of the issues involved in the choice of technology in developing countries, especially those in Africa, and the relationship of this to employment and output. The problem is to find an optimum combination of productive resources that comes nearest to satisfying two objectives: the full and economically efficient utilisation of such resources, and the creation of as much surplus as possible over current consumption, thereby making possible new investment and long-term growth.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 368 ◽  
Roshana Gul

Though a lot of studies have been done to conclude customer loyalty as dependent variable but still there is a vast margin of researches to be conducted in future in different spheres of this construct. On the other hand the truth of the importance of customer loyalty as an enduring asset cannot be falsified. It is fundamental for organizations to build up long term and mutual beneficial associations with the customers. The purpose of this research paper is to show the inter relationship of reputation, customer satisfaction and trust on customer loyalty. According to the observations reputation is the major independent variable that has significant relationship with customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and trust. Data for this research study was taken from the Islamia University, Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, and different banks located at various geographic locations of Bahawalpur region of Pakistan. Data was collected through self administered questionnaire and analyzed by using regression through SPSS. The results have been drawn from 150 users of NISHAT LINEN and it was found that there is positive and significant relationship among reputation, customer satisfaction, trust and customer loyalty. Hence the studies give the positive sign that with the increment of reputation, customer satisfaction and trust the customer loyalty enhances.  

2009 ◽  
Vol 276 (1663) ◽  
pp. 1845-1854 ◽  
Arild Husby ◽  
Loeske E.B. Kruuk ◽  
Marcel E. Visser

For multiple-brooded species, the number of reproductive events per year is a major determinant of an individual's fitness. Where multiple brooding is facultative, its occurrence is likely to change with environmental conditions, and, as a consequence, the current rates of environmental change could have substantial impacts on breeding patterns. Here we examine temporal population-level trends in the proportion of female great tits ( Parus major ) producing two clutches per year (‘double brooding’) in four long-term study populations in The Netherlands, and show that the proportion of females that double brood has declined in all populations, with the strongest decline taking place in the last 30 years of the study. For one of the populations, for which we have data on caterpillar abundance, we show that the probability that a female produces a second clutch was related to the timing of her first clutch relative to the peak in caterpillar abundance, and that the probability of double brooding declined over the study period. We further show that the number of recruits from the second clutch decreased significantly over the period 1973–2004 in all populations. Our results indicate that adjustment to changing climatic conditions may involve shifts in life-history traits other than simply the timing of breeding.

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (S267) ◽  
pp. 103-103
A. H. Andrei ◽  
S. Bouquillon ◽  
J. L. Penna ◽  
F. Taris ◽  
S. Anton ◽  

Quasars are the choicest objects to define a quasi-inertial reference frame. At the same time, they are active galactic nuclei powered by a massive black hole. As the astrometric precision of ground-based optical observations approaches the limit set by the forthcoming GAIA mission, astrometric stability can be investigated. Though the optical emission from the core region usually exceeds the other components by a factor of a hundred, the variability of those components must surely imply some measure of variability of the astrometric baricenter. Whether this is confirmed or not, it puts important constraints on the relationship of the quasar's central engine to the surrounding distribution of matter. To investigate the correlation between long-term optical variability and what is dubbed as the “random walk” of the astrometric center, a program is being pursued at the WFI/ESO 2.2m. The sample was selected from quasars known to undergo large-amplitude and long-term optical variations (Smith et al. 1993; Teerikorpi 2000). The observations are typically made every two months. The treatment is differential, comparing the quasar position and brightness against a sample of selected stars for which the average relative distances and magnitudes remain constant. The provisional results for four objects bring strong support to the hypothesis of a relationship between astrometric and photometric variability. A full account is provided by Andrei et al. (2009).

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Iwan Sunardi ◽  
Vini Wiratno Putri

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the trust of co-workers and proactive personalities on career satisfaction by exchanging leader-members as mediation on employees of bus assembly companies in the city of Semarang. Career satisfaction is the phase in which employees’ long-term career needs are aligned with what they get while working. Employees will always look for opportunities and trust in the organization and people who will help them in achieving career satisfaction. The sampling method uses a purposive sampling technique in the category of staff and foreman employees who have worked for more than five years with a sample of 160 employees. The analytical data in this study uses descriptive statistical test methods, instinctual tests include validity and reliability, and hypothesis testing. The tool used to test in this study uses SmartPLS 3.0. The results of this study, colleague trust cannot directly influence career satisfaction. However, it can be mediated by the exchange of leader members and produce significant influence. For further researchers, they can re-examine the relationship of coworkers’ trust with career satisfaction. And can expand the object of research or respondents under study.

2021 ◽  
Yuan Tian ◽  
Jianyu Xiao ◽  
Xinjie Zha ◽  
Chengqun Yu

Abstract Although previous studies have been reported between the Kashin–Beck Disease (KBD) epidemic and the hydrochemical characteristics of surface waters, the etiology of the disease remains unclear. In the present study, we investigated the relationship between the KBD and the environment by comprehensively examining the hydrochemical characteristics of surface waters in Longzi County, Tibet, and the spatial incidence of the disease. Results show that, the pH (mean = 7.27±0.30), TH (mean = 57.08±45.74 mg L–1), and TDS (mean = 67.56±44.00 mg L–1) of surface waters in KBD endemic areas are lower than for those in the non-KBD endemic areas (means of pH = 7.49±0.30; TH = 262.06±123.29 mg L–1; TDS = 253.25±100.39 mg L–1). These results suggest that long-term consumption of low TDS, essential trace elements (e.g., nickel, cobalt, iron, selenium, zinc, molybdenum, and iodine) deficient, and potential toxic elements (such as arsenic) enriched waters by humans likely causes the KBD. Environmental factors such as the geology and geomorphology may produce biogeochemical imbalance, geomorphic, vegetation types and local climatic conditions may have significant impact on food fungi toxin poisoning and water organic compound poisoning, and these are also important in the KBD occurrence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Irena Andršová ◽  
Katerina Hnatkova ◽  
Martina Šišáková ◽  
Ondřej Toman ◽  
Peter Smetana ◽  

The electrocardiographic (ECG) assessment of the T peak–T end (Tpe) intervals has been used in many clinical studies, but several related physiological aspects have not been reported. Specifically, the sources of the Tpe differences between different ECG leads have not been systematically researched, the relationship of Tpe duration to underlying heart rate has not been firmly established, and little is known about the mutual correspondence of Tpe intervals measured in different ECG leads. This study evaluated 796,620 10-s 12-lead ECGs obtained from long-term Holters recorded in 639 healthy subjects (311 female) aged 33.8 ± 9.4 years. For each ECG, transformation to orthogonal XYZ lead was used to measure Tpe in the orthogonal vector magnitude (used as a reference for lead-to-lead comparisons) and to construct a three-dimensional T wave loop. The loop roundness was expressed by a ratio between its circumference and length. These ratios were significantly related to the standard deviation of Tpe durations in different ECG leads. At the underlying heart rate of 60 beats per minute, Tpe intervals were shorter in female than in male individuals (82.5 ± 5.6 vs 90.0 ± 6.5 ms, p < 0.0001). When studying linear slopes between Tpe intervals measured in different leads and the underlying heart rate, we found only minimal heart rate dependency, which was not systematic across the ECG leads and/or across the population. For any ECG lead, positive Tpe/RR slope was found in some subjects (e.g., 79 and 25% of subjects for V2 and V4 measurements, respectively) and a negative Tpe/RR slope in other subjects (e.g., 40 and 65% for V6 and V5, respectively). The steepest positive and negative Tpe/RR slopes were found for measurements in lead V2 and V4, respectively. In all leads, the Tpe/RR slope values were close to zero, indicating, on average, Tpe changes well below 2 ms for RR interval changes of 100 ms. On average, longest Tpe intervals were measured in lead V2, the shortest in lead III. The study concludes that the Tpe intervals measured in different leads cannot be combined. Irrespective of the measured ECG lead, the Tpe interval is not systematically heart rate dependent, and no heart rate correction should be used in clinical Tpe investigations.

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