The development of science technology civilization and the Countermeasures of literature education : The possibility of poetry education in intelligence information society, seen through an ‘eye-tracker’

2016 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 77-120
Jung-Woo Kim ◽  
So-Yeon Chung ◽  
Yu-Jin Park ◽  
Ji-Yun Pyun
Fábio Mascarenhas e Silva

Aborda as iniciativas governamentais referentes à gestão da Informação Científica e Tecnológica (ICT) brasileira no âmbito da Sociedade da Informação a partir da leitura crítica de quatro publicações oficiais (Livro Verde da Sociedade da Informação no Brasil; Livro Branco: Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação; Ciência e Tecnologia para a construção da Sociedade da informação; e Contribuição para políticas de Informação Científico-Tecnológica). Traz ainda um breve retrospecto histórico da comunicação científica e, mais restritamente, da política brasileira da ICT. Abstract This article discuss the Brazilian governmental initiatives in Scientific and Technological Information management in the Information Society to arise from critical reading of four official publications (Green Book of the Information Society of Brazil; White Book: Science, Technology and Innovation; Science and Technology for the construction of the Information Society; and Contribution for policies of Scientific Information). It also brings a brief historical approach of scientific communication and Brazilian Scientific and Technological Information management.

Eduard Aibar

Science and Technology Studies (STS) have developed over the last four decades very rich and deep analysis of the interaction between science, technology and society. This paper uses some STS theoretical and methodological insights and findings to identify persistent misconceptions in the specific literature on ICTs and society. Technological deterministic views, the taken-for-granted image of technological designs, the prospective character of many studies that focus mainly on potential effects, a simplistic view of uses and users, and an uncritical distinction between the technical and the social, are discussed as some of the most remarkable theoretical flaws in the field.

Márcia Gorett Ribeiro Grossi ◽  
Marlene De Oliveira ◽  
Welber Amaro Santos de Souza

O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar algumas contribuições de programas sociais e educacionais de inclusão social e digital no Brasil e refletir sobre o software livre e sua contribuição no acesso ao conhecimento e à informação, Apresenta-se dados importantes sobre as desigualdades econômicas e consequentemente tecnologias existentes entre os paises no Sistema Mundial. Para isso apresenta-se como fruto o estudo realizado das iniciativas do Estado brasileiro para diminuir as desigualdades do acesso às tecnologias e, assim promover a inclusão digital. Mostra-se dados e informações importantes sobre contextualizar a disponibilização do conhecimento na sociedade da informação, mostrando como essa disseminação pode ser mais democrática utilizando as tecnologias de informação e os softwares livres, uma vez que o avanço científico, tecnológico e dos meios de comunicação proporcionam maior acesso às tecnologias da informação e de comunicações e posicionam-se cada vez melhor na sociedade pós-industrial. Traz também algumas iniciativas de programas de inclusão digital no Brasil, que tem como meta a redução da exclusão digital. AbstractThis article aims to present some contributions of social and educational programs for social and digital inclusion in Brazil and to think about free software and its contribution to access knowledge and information. It presents important data about economic inequalities, including existing technologies among the World System countries. For this, reports as the results the study of the Brazilian states initiatives to reduce inequalities of access to technology in order to promote digital inclusion. It brings important information about the contextualization of knowledge availability in the information society, showing how its dissemination can be more democratic, using the information technologies and free softwares. It is feasible, since the advance of science, technology and media provide greater access to information and communication technologies and stand up more and more in the post-industrial society. Also, presents some initiatives of digital inclusion programs in Brazil, that aims to reduce digital exclusion.

Eduard Aibar

Science and Technology Studies (STS) have developed over the last four decades very rich and deep analysis of the interaction between science, technology and society. This paper uses some STS theoretical and methodological insights and findings to identify persistent misconceptions in the specific literature on ICTs and society. Technological deterministic views, the taken-for-granted image of technological designs, the prospective character of many studies that focus mainly on potential effects, a simplistic view of uses and users, and an uncritical distinction between the technical and the social, are discussed as some of the most remarkable theoretical flaws in the field.

Martin Bridgstock ◽  
David Burch ◽  
John Forge ◽  
John Laurent ◽  
Ian Lowe

2012 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 257-265 ◽  
Carmen Munk ◽  
Günter Daniel Rey ◽  
Anna Katharina Diergarten ◽  
Gerhild Nieding ◽  
Wolfgang Schneider ◽  

An eye tracker experiment investigated 4-, 6-, and 8-year old children’s cognitive processing of film cuts. Nine short film sequences with or without editing errors were presented to 79 children. Eye movements up to 400 ms after the targeted film cuts were measured and analyzed using a new calculation formula based on Manhattan Metrics. No age effects were found for jump cuts (i.e., small movement discontinuities in a film). However, disturbances resulting from reversed-angle shots (i.e., a switch of the left-right position of actors in successive shots) led to increased reaction times between 6- and 8-year old children, whereas children of all age groups had difficulties coping with narrative discontinuity (i.e., the canonical chronological sequence of film actions is disrupted). Furthermore, 4-year old children showed a greater number of overall eye movements than 6- and 8-year old children. This indicates that some viewing skills are developed between 4 and 6 years of age. The results of the study provide evidence of a crucial time span of knowledge acquisition for television-based media literacy between 4 and 8 years.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-65 ◽  
Lonneke Dubbelt ◽  
Sonja Rispens ◽  
Evangelia Demerouti

Abstract. Women have a minority position within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and, consequently, are likely to face more adversities at work. This diary study takes a look at a facilitating factor for women’s research performance within academia: daily work engagement. We examined the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between two behaviors (i.e., daily networking and time control) and daily work engagement, as well as its effect on the relationship between daily work engagement and performance measures (i.e., number of publications). Results suggest that daily networking and time control cultivate men’s work engagement, but daily work engagement is beneficial for the number of publications of women. The findings highlight the importance of work engagement in facilitating the performance of women in minority positions.

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