Zmiany w obszarze zatrudnienia migrantek i migrantów ukraińskich w powiecie tatrzańskim w kryzysie pandemii COVID-19. Prekarność a bezpieczeństwo i godziwość pracy

Wiktor Magdziarz ◽  
Natalia Styrnol

In this publication we present the results of qualitative research we carried out in July 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. It concerned support networks of Ukrainian migrants working in the Tatrzański county, Poland. Extensive empirical material that we have gathered allows us also to examine working conditions in the tourism-related services sector. We analyze them in the context of the concept of precarious work, opposing it to the ideas of work safety and decent work. We recall numerous examples of violation of workers’ rights and point out how the precarious position of migrant workers has additionally worsened during the crisis related to the coronavirus pandemic.

2009 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-81 ◽  
Kate Hannan

China now has a second generation of rural-to-urban migrant workers. An estimated eighty percent of these workers were born in the 1980s or after. Many of these young workers are unwilling to follow their parents in acquiescing to dirty, exhausting backbreaking work. China’s young migrant workers are demanding ‘decent work’. They want increased wages that are paid in full and on time. They also want improved working conditions and some are expecting work that will provide them with ‘self-fulfilment and self-esteem’. In this contribution to the journal I discuss the reasons young migrant workers are unhappy with the employment and conditions on offer in China’s export manufacturing hubs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 99-103
Artur Woźny

AbstractThe article presents a case study; an analysis and a proposal concerning the improvement of the conditions of occupational health and safety in a reloading terminal of a logistics company. The specificity of the workplace means that employees are exposed to a permanent overload of the musculoskeletal system, which is determined in the process of transporting loads of significant mass. After the analysis, the introduction of changes in the conditions of safe and hygienic work at selected positions was suggested. Qualitative research using the observation method, as well as a quantitative approach after introducing changes in working conditions show a change in employees’ attitudes to their work, as well as their higher performance. After a year of operation of the proposed and introduced changes, it was decided to introduce them for new employees and external companies working at the transshipment terminal.

2010 ◽  
B. Greiner ◽  
E. Rosskam ◽  
V. McCarthy ◽  
M. Mateski ◽  
L. Zsoldos ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 304-320
Ryszard Cholewinski

AbstractThis paper explores the role played by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in the consultations and stocktaking during 2017 and the negotiations during 2018 leading up to the adoption of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). It examines selected parts of the text of the GCM, with particular reference to the ILO's mandate of securing social justice and decent work, as well as the protection of migrant workers and governance of labour migration. The final part of the paper looks ahead to the ILO's role in the implementation of the GCM, with specific reference to the Arab states region, where migration for employment is significant and the governance challenges, particularly in relation to the protection of low-wage and low-skilled workers, are especially acute.

Marina Batista Chaves Azevedo de Souza ◽  
Viviane Fonseca Santos ◽  
Daniela Da Silva Rodrigues

A arte desenhada sobre papel simboliza os trabalhadores e as trabalhadoras, e suas constantes lutas sociais pela manutenção dos direitos trabalhistas no Brasil, conquistados na década de 1943, com a Consolidação das Leis Trabalhistas (CLT). Trata-se de um estatuto de Normas Regulamentadoras - NR de relações individuais e coletivas de trabalho para aqueles contratados formalmente com vínculo empregatício. Em 2017, o Governo aprova a Lei nº 13.467, reconhecida como Reforma Trabalhista, a qual exclui mais de cem artigos da CLT, reduz direitos e o papel do Estado em relação à proteção da dignidade do trabalhador. Posteriormente, a classe trabalhadora sofreu novo impacto em 2019, momento em que o Governo Federal promoveu a extinção do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (MTE), órgão responsável pela fiscalização e regulamentação das relações de trabalho no país. Isso gerou o fracionamento das atribuições das Leis de trabalho em três pastas ministeriais, fragilizando ainda mais as normas trabalhistas, dificultando a interlocução entre o trabalhador e empregadores e formalizando a precarização do trabalho. Nesse sentido, a imagem representa os desmontes que o trabalhador vem sofrendo, ao longo dos anos, em relação à legislação e aos direitos trabalhistas, mas também à saúde e à previdência social. A flexibilização das relações no ambiente laboral revela uma nova configuração do mundo do trabalho, uma realidade ainda mais perversa, pautada em um discurso neoliberalista de "menos direitos e mais liberdade para o trabalhador", porém, que carrega como consequências a redução do emprego digno, de saúde e segurança para os trabalhadores brasileiros. AbstractThe art drawn on paper symbolizes the workers and their constant social struggles for the maintenance of labor rights in Brazil, conquered in the 1943s by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT). The CLT is a statute of the Regulatory Norms - NR about individual and collective labor relations for those formally hired with an employment relationship. In the year of 2017, the Government approved the Law 13.467 that implemented a Labor Reform, which excludes more than one hundred articles from CLT reducing many workers rights and the role of the State regarding the protection and dignity of the workers. Subsequently, the working class suffered a new impact in the year of 2019, when the Federal Government extinguished the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE), the institution responsible to monitor and regulate labor relations in Brazil. This fact caused a division of the attributions of the Labor Laws into Three Ministerial Portfolios, further weakening labor standards making it more difficult for workers and employers to communicate with each other, formalizing precarious work. Thus, this image represents the problems workers has been suffering, over the years, due to the lack of labor rights, health and social security. The flexibilization of labor relations reveals a new configuration for the labor society and provides an even more perverse reality based on a neoliberalist discourse that propagates the idea of "less rights and more freedom for the workers", reducing decent employment, health and safety for Brazilian workers.Keywords: Labor Legislation; Occupational Health; Occupational Therapy; Precarious Employment; Work. ResumenEl arte dibujado en papel simboliza a los trabajadores masculinos y femeninos, y sus constantes luchas sociales para el mantenimiento de los derechos laborales en Brasil, logrados en la década de 1943, con la Consolidación de las Leyes Laborales (CLT). Este es un estatuto de Normas Reguladoras - NR de relaciones trabajo individual y colectivo para aquellos formalmente contratados. En 2017, el Gobierno aprobó la Ley 13.467, reconocida como Reforma Laboral, que excluye más de cien artículos del CLT, reduce los derechos y el papel del Estado en relación con la protección de la dignidad de los trabajadores. Posteriormente, la clase trabajadora sufrió un nuevo impacto en 2019, cuando el Gobierno Federal promovió la extinción del Ministerio de Trabajo y Empleo (MTE), el organismo responsable de la inspección y regulación de las relaciones laborales en el país. Esto condujo a la división de las atribuciones de las leyes laborales en tres carteras ministeriales, debilitando aún más las normas laborales, dificultando la comunicación entre trabajadores y empleadores y formalizando el trabajo precario. En este sentido, la imagen representa el desmantelamiento que el trabajador ha estado sufriendo, a lo largo de los años, en relación con la legislación y los derechos laborales, pero también con la salud y la seguridad social. La flexibilización de las relaciones en el entorno laboral revela una nueva configuración del mundo del trabajo, una realidad aún más perversa, basada en un discurso neoliberalista de "menos derechos y más libertad para el trabajador", pero con la consecuencia de reducir el empleo decente, salud y seguridad para los trabajadores brasileños.Palabras clave: Empleo Precario; Legislación Laboral; Salud Laboral; Terapia Ocupacional; Trabajo.      

2020 ◽  
Hridaya Raj Devkota ◽  
Bishnu Bhandari ◽  
Pratik Adhikary

AbstractBackgroundPoor mental health and illness among the working population have serious socio-economic and public health consequences for both the individual and society/country. With a dramatic increase in work migration over the past decades, there is recent concern about the health and wellbeing of migrant workers and their accessibility to healthcare services in destination countries. This study aimed to explore the mental health and wellbeing experiences of Nepali returnee-migrants and non-migrant workers, and identify their perception on the risk factors for poor health and health service accessibility for them.MethodsThis qualitative study was conducted among Nepali migrant and non-migrant workers in February 2020. Four focus group discussions (n=25) and 15 in-depth interviews were conducted with male non-migrant and returnee migrant workers from Gulf countries and Malaysia. The discussions and interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, translated into English and analysed thematically.ResultMigrant workers reported a higher risk of developing adverse mental health conditions than non-migrant workers. In addition, fever, upper respiratory infection, abdominal pain, ulcer, and occupational injuries were common health problems among both migrant and non-migrant workers. Other major illnesses reported by the migrant workers were heat burns and rashes, snake-bites, dengue, malaria, gallstone, kidney failure, and sexually transmitted diseases, while non-migrants reported hypertension, diabetes, and heart diseases. Adverse living and working conditions including exploitation and abuse by employers, lack of privacy and congested accommodation, language barriers, long hours’ hard physical work without breaks, and unhealthy lifestyles were the contributing factors to migrant workers’ poor mental and physical health. Both migrant and non-migrants reported poor compliance of job conditions and labor protection by their employers such as application of safety measures at work, provision of insurance and healthcare facilities that affected for their wellbeing negatively. Family problems compounded by constant financial burdens and unmet expectations were the most important factors linked with migrant workers’ poor mental health condition.ConclusionBoth migrant and non-migrant workers experienced poor mental and physical health condition largely affected by their adverse living and working conditions, unmet familial and financial needs and adherence to unhealthy life styles. It is needed to ensure the compliance of work agreement by employers and promotion of labor rights in relation to worker’s health and safety. In addition, policy interventions on raising awareness on occupational health risk and effective safety training to all migrant and non-migrant workers are recommended.

2015 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 259-287 ◽  
Joanna Howe ◽  
Alexander Reilly

This article examines whether Australia's regulatory settings for temporary migrant labour are working effectively and argues that a backdoor currently exists which permits the entry of low skilled migrant workers on visas which are not for a work purpose, namely the international student visa and the working holiday maker visa. We propose that an explicit visa pathway be created for low and semi-skilled workers so that the working conditions of these visa holders are more appropriately monitored and to enable Australia's temporary labour migration program to better meet skill shortages in the economy.

Kathy Jenkins ◽  
Sara Marsden

This chapter is based on a number of international case studies of grassroots occupational and environmental health struggles that are attempting to link workplace, environment and community. Interviews with key people involved in each struggle, in combination with documented campaigns and our own experience as occupational and environmental health activists, have provided a picture of the changing patterns of work under neoliberalism, and the implications for community and workers’ struggle for environmental justice and occupational health. Themes include the erosion of the distinction between work and community and between the workplace and the environment; the increasing casualisation and precarity of work; downward pressure on working conditions; repression of trade unions and decline in union membership; deregulation of work, safety and environmental protection; and particular risks faced by women, young and migrant workers. Union and community organisers are employing diverse tactics in the face of these challenges.

Richard Wolff ◽  
Karen Dodge

This entry discusses migrant workers in the United States and the unique circumstances and conditions they face. Included in the discussion are social problems faced by migrants with respect to health, housing, working conditions, child labor, and education. Policy issues are addressed, including relevant national, international, and corporate laws. Migrant patterns, demographics, and definitions are presented. Finally, social work programs, responses, and interventions are identified.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18 ◽  
Maryann Bylander

In the context of sharply increasing levels of international migration, development actors across Southeast Asia have begun to focus their attention on programming intended to make migration safer for aspiring and current migrant workers. These projects, however, typically begin with the assumption that more regular, orderly migration is also safer for migrants, an idea built into the language of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Compact on Migration. This article questions this assumption. It takes as its starting point the observation that migrant workers who move through legal channels do not systematically experience better outcomes among a range of indicators. Based on data collected from Cambodian, Burmese, Laotian, and Vietnamese labor migrants recently returned from Thailand, this work highlights the limits of regular migration to provide meaningfully “safer” experiences. Although migrants moving through regular channels report better pay and working conditions than those who moved through irregular channels, they also systematically report working conditions that do not meet legal standards, and routinely experience contract substitution. In other areas, regular migrants generally fare similarly to or worse than irregular migrants. They are more likely to experience deception and to have written or verbal agreements broken in migration processes. On arrival in Thailand, they routinely have their documents held, and they are more likely than irregular migrants to experience harassment and abuse both in the migration process and at their worksites. They are also more likely to return involuntarily and to struggle with financial insecurity and indebtedness after returning. These findings challenge mainstream development discourses seeking to promote safer migration experiences through expanding migration infrastructure. At the same time, they highlight the need for policymakers, development actors, and migration practitioners to reconsider the conflation of “safe” with “regular and orderly” migration throughout their programming.

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