work safety
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2022 ◽  
Vol 147 ◽  
pp. 105592
Ioannis Adamopoulos ◽  
Demetris Lamnisos ◽  
Niki Syrou ◽  
George Boustras

2022 ◽  
Vol 87 ◽  
pp. 103255
D. Summers ◽  
A. Sarris ◽  
J. Harries ◽  
N. Kirby

Dawid Szurgacz ◽  
Sergey Zhironkin ◽  
Jiří Pokorný ◽  
A. J. S. (Sam) Spearing ◽  
Stefan Vöth ◽  

The global situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic has forced employers to find an adequate way to conduct training in order to ensure work safety. The underground mining industry is one of the industries which, due to its nature, was not able to switch to remote work. Conducting traditional training risked spreading the virus among workers. For this purpose, it was necessary to start a search for a form of training that would be safe and would not cause additional stress for employees. Research on the development of an active employee training method and testing of the method itself was conducted online. In order to develop a method of active training, one of the most important workstations was selected, which is the operation of the conveyor belt. The training method comprises four training modules. The modules cover questions related to the operation of the conveyor belt, emergencies, its assembly and disassembly, repair and maintenance. The developed issues also take into account questions concerning natural hazards and work safety. The entire training course lasts 10 days. Every day, an employee receives a set of eight questions sent to their email address, which they must answer before starting work. The article describes the methodology and implementation of the training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-113
Sabran Sabran ◽  
Achmad Fathurrahman ◽  
Fahmi Fahmi

  Abstract:                  The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of the Work Environment and Work Safety and to determine the most dominant variable influencing the Work Environment and Work Safety on the Risk of Accidents at the Oil Palm Plantation Company PT. Niagamas Gemilang, in Sungai Payang Village, Loa Kulu District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression with a sample of 91 people.                The results showed that the variables of the Work Environment and Work Safety had a simultaneous effect on the Risk of Accidents at Work. Work Environment and Work Safety variables have a partial effect on the Risk of Work Accidents at PT. Brilliant Niagamas. Besides that, the work safety variable has a dominant effect on the risk of work accidents at PT. Brilliant Niagamas.   Keywords: Work Accident and Occupational Safety, Risk of Work Accident

Wllyane Silva Figueiredo ◽  
Tania Machado da Silva ◽  
Luiz Fabrício Zara

In hydroelectric plants, there are, on a regular or untimely basis, shutdowns of the generating units in order to carry out some maneuvers for tests and mechanical maintenance. The low operating flow increases the probability of accumulation of ichthyofauna in the draft tube. As a result, the variables that determine the quality of water can change, which requires a broad and coordinated human effort to rescue trapped fish. In addition to the risks related to work safety, there are large economic liabilities as a result of the downtime of the generating units. To minimize this problem, it is necessary to improve techniques for repelling fish from risk areas. The detection of chemical substances in water is one of the most efficient methods of communication between fish. Thus, this study presents a brief review of alarm substances, which are released by the fish epidermis as a sign of defensive response to a dangerous situation and are promising for use as a chemical barrier in the hydroelectric sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Dagmara Nowak-Senderowska ◽  
Michał Patyk

The paper highlights the results of a study that examined the employees' expertise andawareness of occupational hazards in their work environment. The research involved a survey conductedin the form of a short questionnaire among employees responsible for loading and hauling of excavatedmaterial in an opencast mine. Among 23 major hazards that were thus identified, there were global hazards(affecting the entire mining process) as well as local, task-specific hazards. Depending on the number ofresponses, 10 local and 3 global hazards were identified in the analyzed area, involving noise, stress anddust. Active participation of the crew in the risk identification process helped in the assessment of theircriticality levels, according to employees carrying out various task, highlighting the benefits of suchapproach for effective work safety management in a mining company. The conducted researchdemonstrated yet another goal to be achieved - i.e. the comparison of criticality levels of hazards asidentified by employees and those reported in occupational risk assessment reports in the mine.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8541
Sławomir Bartoszek ◽  
Joanna Rogala-Rojek ◽  
Dariusz Jasiulek ◽  
Jerzy Jagoda ◽  
Krzysztof Turczyński ◽  

Mining in underground plants is associated with high risk. Improving work safety and increasing the productivity of longwall systems in the mining industry is a problem considering many criteria. Safety aspects concern both the crew and the machinery. The KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology designed and manufactured a geometry monitoring system based on inclinometers that meet the requirements of the ATEX directive. Monitoring of the roof support geometry is used for the prevention of loss of roof stability: roof fall or/and cave-in. The system was tested on a real object in real conditions.

2021 ◽  
Kara Takasaki ◽  
Matt Kammer-Kerwick ◽  
Mayra Yundt-Pacheco ◽  
Melissa I.M. Torres

Abstract Immigrant day laborers routinely experience exploitative behaviors as part of their employment. These experiences are understood in the context of their immigration histories and in the context of their long-term goals for less precarious labor and living situations. Using mixed methods, over three data collection periods in 2016, 2019, and 2020, we analyze the work experiences of immigrant day labors in Houston and Austin, Texas. We report how workers judge precarious jobs and respond to labor exploitation in an informal labor market. We also discuss data pertaining to a worker rights training intervention conducted through a city-sponsored worker center. We discuss the potential for worker centers to be a convening and remediation space for workers and employers. Worker centers where immigrant day labors meet employers offer the potential for informal intervention into wage theft and work safety violations, by formalizing the context where laborers are hired.

Praful R. Dabhekar ◽  
Rupali Naik

Background: Working staff in the radiology department are exposed to harmful factors such as Radiation exposure, injuries; needle pricks while performing an investigation, leads to exposure to body fluids, muscle stress due to wearing heavy lead aprons, and while moving portable equipment for examinations. Strategies to prevent and reduce such harmful factors are guaranteed by taking regular inspections by radiation safety officers.  Safety supervision in radiology is important in shielding the patients, radiologists and healthcare staff. Observational safety audits and regular inspections in the radiology department for staff safety are the main and important parts of this study. Objective: To assess and evaluate the current safety measures in Radiology Department and Scope of innovations and interventions in current working safety condition awareness.  Methods: All employees working in radiology department satisfying the inclusion criteria are evaluated for the study. A survey carried out related to general working and routine procedures carried out in radiology department. Regular audits and inspection studies are covered in the study. The study consists of closed-ended questions regarding the profession and the knowledge of the basic safety measures in diagnostic and special scans in radiology department.                                    Results: Employees in the radiology department are highly aware about work safety measures. There are regular safety audits and inspection studies are carried out by RSO and concerning departments. There is also scope for radiation workers to have introductory seminars on radiation safety before they start working with radiation. Conclusion: Working in the radiology department has several types of safety risks, which can be barred or compact if manage suitably. Informally with these types of risks and their penalty, agreement with policy and strategy on work ecological safety, and expansion of a traditions that supports supervision, treatment, and on time conduct will go far toward civilizing overall employee security for all employees in the radiology department.

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