scholarly journals Religious norms and value orientations in modern legal and political relations

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-29
I.V. Karpenkov

The article is devoted to the role of the religious factor, norms, values and value orientations in the formation and development of political and legal systems, legal and socio-political relations. It is shown that religion and the corresponding system of religious values and orientations have always had a significant impact on the development of society, legal and political relations. Religion acted largely as a regulator of public life. Religious norms could merge with moral and legal ones. But even after their separation, religion, if not acting as a direct source of legal norms, had a general impact on the worldview and value system, which, in turn, influenced the formation of the legal system and the development of socio-political relations.

Виктор Момотов ◽  
Viktor Momotov

In Russian legal science there is a wide-spread belief according to which legal precedents are not sources of Russian law, because Russian legal system forms a part of continental legal system. Various researchers believe that judicial practice does not contain legal norms and consequently case law is not a component of Russian legal framework. The present paper contains the theoretical and historical legal research of the place and role of case law in Anglo-American and continental legal systems. It’s shown that for long historical periods legal precedents were recognized as sources of law not only in Great Britain and the USA, but also in major European legal systems, while at the present time differentiation of legal systems with respect to their attitude towards case law is becoming outdated. Furthermore, based on the research of various legal scholars’ traditions (principally of the positivistic and the sociological traditions) this article demonstrates that negative attitude towards case law is largely determined by the formalistic and obsolete understanding of the term ”source of law”, coming from the misinterpretation of positivism. The paper also presents the current development trends of case law as a source of law. In particular the article outlines the proactive interpretations of new statutory provisions issued by the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the global uniqueness of such interpretations and the influence of scientific–technological progress and public needs on the highest court’s interpretations. The mutual interference of case law and statutory law is shown.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 137-142

This article reveals the problem of the role of the religious factor in the formation of the value orientations of the military personnel of the Russian army from its inception to the present state. In the article, the author reveals the significance of the Church in the formation of the value orientations of military personnel. The problem of religious situation in foreign armies is considered. The article presents data from sociological studies confirming the increase in the number of religious servicemen in the modern Armed Forces. The concept of “religious factor” is revealed. The author suggests considering the influence of the religious factor on the formation of value orientations through the functions of religion. The article provides examples of the influence of religion on the formation of value orientations of military personnel from the time of the Baptism of Russia to the present. Examples of writers of Russian classical literature about the influence of religion on the morale of troops are given. Examples of religious participation in major battles and wars of the past years are shown. The significance of the religious factor in uniting the people and the army is shown. The work of officials of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation in strengthening values among military personnel in modern conditions is demonstrated. The role of the Minister of defense of the Russian Federation, General of the army S.K. Shoigu in strengthening the faith of the Russian army is outlined. Issues related to the construction of the Main Temple of the Armed Forces and its impact on the public masses were discussed. In this study, the author aims to show the significant role of religion in the formation of value orientations in Russian military personnel. The analysis shows an increasing role of religion in the minds of military personnel in modern conditions.

يونس عبد الله ما تشنغ بين الصيني

الملخّص إن بقاء الإسلام، ورغبة المسلمين في الحفاظ على عقيدة الإسلام، وشريعته السمحاء في الصين راجعة إلى جهود علمائنا الأجلاء الذين نَهَلُوا العلم الصافي من مَعِينِ القرآن والسنة. وخدمتهم من خلال ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم، وتبسيط العقيدة والشريعة باللغة الصينية خير دليل على ذلك. ويحاول الباحث تسليط الضوء من خلال هذا البحث على طبيعة الإسلام في أرض الصين، كاشفا أمر وضع الإسلام وطبيعة حال المسلمين، وتحدياتهم قديما وحديثا، مبينا محاولتهم على حفاظ دين الإسلام، وأداء شعائره. ويؤمن الباحث من خلال توصيف حالة الإسلام والمسلمين، أن صلاح المسلمين، وبقاءهم كأمة مسالمة لا رغبة لها؛ إلا في الإصلاح، والتعمير في الأرض، فهو لا يتحقق إلا بإصلاح النفس، وعودتها إلى طاعة الله سرا وعلانية دون الإنغماس في تحقيق الرغبات المادية، وإشباع المطامع الشهوانية من خلال جمع حطام الدنيا دون الالتفات إلى حلال وحرام، وطاعة ومعصية.    الكلمات المفتاحيّة: جهود العلماء، ثقافة الإسلام، مصادر الإسلام الأصلية، التحديات، الصين، الدعوة.                                                                                             Abstract The continuation of Islam in China and the aspiration of the Muslims to maintain Islamic faith and its true tolerant legal system retract to the struggles of our respected scholars who learnt the knowledge of the Qurʼan and the Prophetic traditions (al-Sunnah). The services they rendered in translating the meaning of the Qurʼan, simplifying the creed and the legal system of Islam into Chinese language are good indications in that context. In this paper, the researcher is trying to highlight the normal nature of Islam in China by exploring the position and nature of the Muslims, their contemporary and past challenges, and revealing their attempts to preserve the religion of Islam in discharging the religious rites. Through the depiction of Islam and the Muslims, the researcher believes that the wellbeing of Muslims and their continuous survival to be a peace-loving nation could not be achieved without the reform and proper development through self-reformation and its return to full submission to Allah both in private and public life, and without indulging in attainment of material desires and satiating the lust of accumulating ephemeral materials of this world without paying any heed to lawfulness or unlawfulness, or to being obedient or disobedient. Keywords: Effort of the Scholars, Islamic Culture, Noble Origin of Islam, Challenges, Propagation of the Religion.

يونس عبد الله ما تشنغ بين الصيني

الملخّصإن بقاء الإسلام، ورغبة المسلمين في الحفاظ على عقيدة الإسلام، وشريعته السمحاء في الصين راجعة إلى جهود علمائنا الأجلاء الذين نَهَلُوا العلم الصافي من مَعِينِ القرآن والسنة. وخدمتهم من خلال ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم، وتبسيط العقيدة والشريعة باللغة الصينية خير دليل على ذلك. ويحاول الباحث تسليط الضوء من خلال هذا البحث على طبيعة الإسلام في أرض الصين، كاشفا أمر وضع الإسلام وطبيعة حال المسلمين، وتحدياتهم قديما وحديثا، مبينا محاولتهم على حفاظ دين الإسلام، وأداء شعائره. ويؤمن الباحث من خلال توصيف حالة الإسلام والمسلمين، أن صلاح المسلمين، وبقاءهم كأمة مسالمة لا رغبة لها؛ إلا في الإصلاح، والتعمير في الأرض، فهو لا يتحقق إلا بإصلاح النفس، وعودتها إلى طاعة الله سرا وعلانية دون الإنغماس في تحقيق الرغبات المادية، وإشباع المطامع الشهوانية من خلال جمع حطام الدنيا دون الالتفات إلى حلال وحرام، وطاعة ومعصية.   الكلمات المفتاحيّة: جهود العلماء، ثقافة الإسلام، مصادر الإسلام الأصلية، التحديات، الصين، الدعوة.                                                                                   AbstractThe continuation of Islam in China and the aspiration of the Muslims to maintain Islamic faith and its true tolerant legal system retract to the struggles of our respected scholars who learnt the knowledge of the Qurʼan and the Prophetic traditions (al-Sunnah). The services they rendered in translating the meaning of the Qurʼan, simplifying the creed and the legal system of Islam into Chinese language are good indications in that context. In this paper, the researcher is trying to highlight the normal nature of Islam in China by exploring the position and nature of the Muslims, their contemporary and past challenges, and revealing their attempts to preserve the religion of Islam in discharging the religious rites. Through the depiction of Islam and the Muslims, the researcher believes that the wellbeing of Muslims and their continuous survival to be a peace-loving nation could not be achieved without the reform and proper development through self-reformation and its return to full submission to Allah both in private and public life, and without indulging in attainment of material desires and satiating the lust of accumulating ephemeral materials of this world without paying any heed to lawfulness or unlawfulness, or to being obedient or disobedient.Keywords: Effort of the Scholars, Islamic Culture, Noble Origin of Islam, Challenges, Propagation of the Religion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-12
L.B. Gandarova ◽  

The article examines the place of the theory of state and law in the system of legal sciences, and also emphasizes its fundamental role in the system of legal sciences. To substantiate his position, the author investigated the views of authoritative modern domestic legal scholars on the classification of legal sciences. The article identifies the main thematic blocks, which include all legal disciplines. The problems that hinder the development of the theory of state and law as a basic legal science are identified, its methodological nature is noted. It is concluded that without the assimilation of theoretical and legal knowledge, it is impossible to give a correct assessment of the complex state and legal phenomena of public life, to know their essence and purpose, to get an idea of the legal system as a whole

Svetlana Dombek ◽  
Natalia Lebedeva ◽  
Arina Michailova ◽  
Inna Pradun ◽  
Natalia Shlat

The article deals with the problem of value orientations of modern preschoolers. The authors clarify the concepts of «value», «value orientations», define the place of value orientations in the structure of the personality of a preschooler, the role of the teacher in the development of the value system of children.The article describes the empirical study of the value orientations of children of senior preschool age: diagnostic tools are characterized, the procedure of diagnosing is described, and the results are analyzed. The authors indicate the trends in the change of value orientations of children, infer which value orientations are dominate and typical for modern elder preschoolers.The article is intended for public reading and for those who are interested in pedagogical research. 

Yuliia Breus ◽  
Roman Kozlov ◽  
Tetiana Virchenko

The article is devoted to the problem of developing values among adolescents, along with the significance of literature in this process. Adolescence with all its complexity and contradictions is a period of intensive development of the value system, which influences both character-building and personality in general. The authors of the study have identified fundamental characteristics of values and value perspectives of youth, and reasonably established specific factors in their formation while studying literary works. A teenager perceives life values only in personal, concrete embodiment. For this reason, literary works and their protagonists are rightly considered an effective way of passing on a set of values from generation to generation. The information theoretic unit of the article is complemented by the results of the empiric interdisciplinary research with basic concepts defined, sample characteristics and research methods given, and the outcomes of the experiment presented. Using M. Rokeach’s value list, the authors have defined the value system of modern adolescents, and analyzed the mechanisms of their formation through the curriculum pieces of Ukrainian literature.

1999 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 673-683 ◽  
Pitman B. Potter

On the 50th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, the legal system plays an increasingly significant role in social, economic and even political relationships. Legal norms drawn largely from foreign experiences have been selected and applied through a plethora of newly established institutions. The role of law as a basis for government authority has become a legitimate and significant issue in the broader political discourse. Despite these achievements, law in China remains dependent on the regime's policy goals. Particularly where political prerogatives are at stake, legal requirements appear to pose little restraint on state power. In this sense, the ten years that have passed since Tiananmen appear to have had little impact on the willingness of the party-state to dispense with legal requirements in pursuit of political expediency. If we are to rely upon Dicey's dictum on the rule of law being in effect when the state becomes just another actor, the rule of law in China still seems a distant prospect indeed.

A. Ya. Kapustin ◽  
I P. Zhuravleva

INTRODUCTION. The issue of implementation of international legal norms is extensive and multifaceted, and most importantly, it is always relevant. Despite the long-term development of questions of the operation of international law in national legal systems, the issue remains in the focus of researchers. Russian scholarship is quite rich in research of this area, and the practice of Russian courts is also rich in examples of the use and application of international law. Their presentation at the international level can significantly enrich the basis for analytical comparisons with the practice of other countries and further developments in this area. Nevertheless, the research of Russian authors is not well represented in the international legal discourse: the appearance of works by our compatriots in foreign editions is not so frequent. That is why monographic research papers by Russian authors published in major foreign publishing houses is of great interest to both Russian and foreign readers. At the same time, such publications implicitly set a high bar for expectations from their content.MATERIALS AND METHODS. The article presents a critical understanding of the monograph of Professor S. Marochkin, published in 2019 by one of the world's oldest publishers Brill-Nijhoff (Leiden, the Netherlands) – "the Operation of international law in the Russian legal system. Changing approach". The article highlights key elements of the study. Special attention is paid to the reflections and conclusions of the author of the monograph on the theory of international law. The analysis of the research is based on general and private scientific methods.RESEARCH RESULTS. Th reviewed monograph presents to our attention a wide range of Soviet and Russian general theoretical, discipline-specific and international legal doctrines. The work covers a significant period of theoretical, normative, institutional and practical development of the issue of implementation of international legal norms – more than three decades. This corresponds to the goal set out in the study – to show a changing approach to the issue in scholarship, judicial practice, and rule-making. The monograph consistently exposes the author's idea about the essence of national implementation of the principles and norms of international law, domestic legal and institutional mechanisms for such implementation, assessment and generalization of the practice of Russian courts related to the appeal to international law and the application of international legal norms. At the same time the monograph begs some questions: 1) on the author's understanding of the content of the concerned concepts in the theory of international law; 2) on the methods of law-formation in the national and international legal system; 3) on the constituent elements of the international legal system; 4) on the meaning and nature of self-executing international legal norms; 5) on the problem of international legal personality; 6) on the author's view of the state of modern legal scholarship in Russia.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. Russian scholarship, as well as practice in the law-making, law-application and law-enforcement have gone a long way in mastering and ensuring the constitutional provision on the principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation as an integral part of the national legal system. The reviewed book emphasizes the importance of theoretical justification and competent application of theoretical theses on the place and role of norms and sources of international law within national jurisdiction, on the correlation of the legal force of international and domestic norms. Indeed, both legal scholars and public institutions that directly address questions about the operation of international legal norms need to have a complete understanding about the functioning of the regulatory and institutional mechanism for implementation of international legal obligations in the domestic sphere. In this light, it is reasonable to attach particular importance to the role of the judiciary branch in appealing to and applying international law. The research paper consistently demonstrates changes in the practice and approaches to the perception of international law over time with ups and downs in the estimation of its significance and role in the country's legal order. Although the study claims to offer an exhaustive fundamental analysis of all the problems raised, the author still makes some theoretical mistakes that complicate the correct understanding of his analytical work. Thereby the author challenges himself to continue the research of the issue in order to untangle some knots of doctrinal contradictions.

Scott Soames

This chapter is concerned with the content of legal norms governing the interpretation of legal texts by legally authoritative actors in a legal system. As such, a theory of legal interpretation is a theory of the content of the law, codified or uncodified, governing legally authorized interpreters. Thought of in this way, it is a nonnormative empirical theory related to, but distinct from, (a) empirical theories about what the mass of judges in a particular legal system actually do in the cases before them; (b) moral theories about what they morally should do in particular cases; and (c) politically normative theories about what the role of the judiciary should be in an ideal system. The most important question to be answered by such a theory is, what precisely is required of legally authoritative interpreters, how much and what kind of latitude are they allowed, and what factors are they to take into account in their interpretations?

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