Александр Валентинович Черезов

В статье рассматриваются актуальные проблемы реализации уголовно-процессуальных полномочий органов и учреждений УИС в стадии возбуждения уголовного дела. В частности, рассмотрена проблема и дано определение компетенции органов дознания и предварительного следствия, предусмотренной УПК РФ. Исследован объем уголовно-процессуальных прав и обязанностей органов дознания и следствия, а также оперативных подразделений УИС в системе иных органов дознания и следствия. Проведен анализ порядка принятия решений уполномоченными должностными лицами ФСИН России при проверке сообщений о преступлениях, выражено мнение о том, что они вправе принимать только одно решение: о передаче сообщения о преступлении по подследственности и в исключительных случаях возбуждать уголовные дела в порядке, предусмотренном ст. 157 УПК РФ. Рассмотрены причины, на основании которых законодатель уменьшил полномочия оперативных подразделений ФСИН России как органа дознания. Рассмотрены актуальность применения ст. 157 УПК РФ в части возбуждения уголовных дел и проведения по ним неотложных следственных действий, а также роль начальников органов и учреждений УИС в их проведении. На основании рассмотренных проблем подведен итог о нечеткой регламентации процессуальных полномочий органов и учреждений ФСИН России в уголовно-процессуальном законе и подзаконных актах на стадии возбуждения уголовного дела. The article deals with the actual problems of implementation of the criminal procedure powers of the criminal procedure authorities and institutions at the stage of criminal proceedings. In particular, we consider the problem and the definition of the competence of bodies of inquiry and preliminary investigation under code of criminal procedure. The volume of criminal procedure rights and obligations of operational divisions of the criminal investigation department in the system of other bodies of inquiry and investigation is studied. The analysis of the procedure for decision-making by authorized officials of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia when checking reports of crimes is carried out. The reasons why the legislator reduced the powers of operational divisions of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia as a body of inquiry are considered. The relevance of the application of article 157 of the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation in terms of criminal cases and conducting urgent investigative actions on them, as well as the role of the heads of criminal investigation bodies and institutions in their conduct, were reviewed. Based on the problems discussed, the author summarizes the lack of regulation of the procedural powers of the Federal Penitentiary Service bodies and institutions in the criminal procedure law and by-laws at the stage of initiation of a criminal case.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 495-513
Yu. V. Derishev

In November 2019, the world legal community widely celebrated the 125th anniversary of Professor M. S. Strogovich, who, according to his scientific colleagues and students, was a scientist who was “ahead of time”.This article provides a retrospective and comparative analysis of the positions of M. S. Strogovich and his colleagues on certain problems of domestic criminal proceedings, in particular its pre-trial phase, in the context of the direct influence of the scientist's scientific heritage on the development of modern criminal procedure law. The Author of the article particularly interesting views of the scientist and his participation in discussions related to defining the essence and purpose of the preliminary investigation, the implementation of the functions of preliminary investigation in relation to criminal prosecution, the problems of implementation of the principles of presumption of innocence and the adversarial nature of pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases, and, finally, the General Manager of the “investigative case” in modern Russia.M. S. Strogovich consistently adhered to the idea of the need to develop and strengthen procedural guarantees of individual rights, guarantees of justice, and this can be seen in this article. Thus, defining the essence of the criminal process as a system of actions of the relevant officials and the procedural legal relations that arise in connection with them, which in itself was a serious “scientific courage” of those years, M. S. Strogovich particularly defended the position that all participants in criminal proceedings are subjects of the rights granted to them and the duties assigned to them, and they should not be considered objects of unilateral power of officials. This idea has become widespread and generally accepted as the basic definition of domestic (Soviet and Russian) criminal proceedings.The article analyzes M. S. Strogovich’s scientific steps on the conceptual turn from revolutionary-radical ideas about the construction of criminal proceedings to its classical canons and traditions of the Russian criminal process, On the basis of which the conclusion is made about the indispensable use of the scientist's legacy in modernьRussian procedural studies.The research of M. S. Strogovich’s legacy carried out in the article will fully allow to rethink the modern system of criminal proceedings in a new way, can be used as a kind of key to finding solutions to law-making and law enforcement problems, for the further development of the national science of criminal procedure law.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-105
Alexandra Vladimirovna Boyarskaya

The subject. The article is devoted to the investigation of the main direct object and the circle of victims are subjected of harm by criminal acts stipulated by pts. 1, 2 of art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.The purpose of the paper is to identify does the art. 294 of Criminal Code of the Russian Federation meets the other provisions of criminal procedure legislation.The methodology of research includes methods of complex analysis, synthesis, as well as formal-logical, comparative legal and formal-legal methods.Results and scope of application. The content of art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not comply with the provisions of the criminal procedure law. The discrep-ancy lies in terms of the range of participants in criminal proceedings and the functions performed by them, as well as the actual content and correlation of such stages of criminal proceedings as the initiation of criminal proceedings and preliminary investigation. In addi-tion, the current state of art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not take into account the ever-widening differentiation of criminal proceedings.The circle of victims listed in pt. 2 of art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation should be supplemented by such participants in the criminal process as a criminal investi-gator, the head of the investigative body, the head of the inquiry department, the head of the body of inquiry. At the same time, the author supports the position that the criminal-legal protection of the said persons should cover not only their activities at the stage of preliminary investigation, but also of the entire pre-trial proceedings as a whole.The circle of criminal acts provided for in art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Fed-eration, should also be specified with an indication of encroachment in the form of kidnapping, destruction or damage to such a crime as materials of criminal, civil and other cases, as well as material evidence.Conclusions. The content of art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not comply with the provisions of the criminal procedure law. The author formulates the conclusion that the circle of victims listed in pt. 2 of art. 294 of the Criminal Code should be broadened and joins the position that the criminal-legal protection of these persons should cover not only their activities at the stage of preliminary investigation, but also of the entire pre-trial proceedings as a whole.

V.V. Djafarov ◽  

The article considers problems of substantiating certain types of decisions in the criminal process. The author’s views are based on recent changes in the criminal procedure legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the existing experience of the Russian Federation. The article focuses on provisions of the current criminal procedure code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author refers to Russian proceduralists whose works are devoted to the problems of studying the validity of procedural decisions at the pre-trial stage. The author indicated types of decisions, which are not recognized as criminal procedural, but for which justification should be a mandatory criterion according to the criminal procedural legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The article provisions justify the need to enshrine the definition of «reasonableness» in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a mandatory requirement that must be met when taking decisions by the prosecuting authorities.

Svetlana V. Verkhoturova ◽  
Oksana V. Pavlenko

This article examines the current theoretical and practical issues of criminal proceedings against minors in the light of recent changes in the criminal procedure legislation. The research was conducted using formal-logical and dialectic methods, as well as the comparative-legal method when analyzing criminal and legal proceedings against minors. The authors conclude that a number of existing criminal procedure norms regulating the preliminary investigation and consideration of criminal cases in court against minors do not meet international standards and require further improvement. This article draws attention to the procedural errors of investigators (inquirers) and judges that are allowed in the process of investigation and consideration of criminal cases in court in relation to minor suspects, accused persons, defendants. The lack of sufficient legal regulation in the criminal procedure law is called the main reason for the mistakes made in the criminal proceedings against minors. In order to solve the identified problems, the authors propose to make appropriate additions to the current criminal procedure law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (Extra-D) ◽  
pp. 273-278
Dmitriy Aleksandrovich Ivanov ◽  
Ekaterina Alekseevna Trishkina ◽  
Anna Vladilenovna Skachko ◽  
Elena Vladimirovna Blinova ◽  
Irina Valerievna Larina

The article discusses topical issues related to compensation for physical harm caused by a crime, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. Analysis of the provisions of the current criminal procedure law in Russia, as well as a number of neighboring countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan) allowed the authors to analyze the existing problems and propose rational ways to solve them.  One of the main goals of the institution of compensation for harm caused by a crime, the authors consider the creation by competent officials of the preliminary investigation bodies of appropriate conditions for the restoration of social justice through compensation for the harm caused by the crime. The authors substantiated the conclusion that a claim for compensation for physical harm is most often declared through a claim method of protecting violated rights; it is logical to assert that the possibility of making such claims should be included in the content of the rights of a civil plaintiff as a participant in criminal proceedings.

A.A. Nasonov

The article analyzes the opinions of scientists expressed during the scientific discussion that unfolded around the issue of criminal procedure functions of the Prosecutor in pre-trial proceedings. Provides additional arguments in favor of supervision of execution of laws as the main function of the Prosecutor under the Law on the Prosecutor determines other types of prosecutorial activities (criminal prosecution, the preliminary investigation, etc.) that are supportive in nature. These types of Prosecutor's activities are not only ways to specify Prosecutor's supervision in criminal proceedings, but also means of implementing the criminal procedure function of the prosecution, which exists according to the concept of the current criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation, focused on the adversarial process, along with the function of protection and the function of resolving criminal cases. The article also addresses the issue of granting additional powers to the Prosecutor in pre-trial proceedings. It is proved that the decision to grant additional powers to the Prosecutor in pre-trial proceedings should create opportunities to maintain the necessary balance in pre-trial proceedings between Prosecutor's supervision, departmental control and judicial control. Evidence is given that the harmonious existence of Prosecutor's supervision and departmental control in pre-trial proceedings will allow us to count on overcoming existing violations of the law in the investigation of crimes, which currently remain many.

Svetlana Vladimirovna Nikitina

The subject of this research is the problems caused by the absence of explicit regulations in the criminal procedure law on the rules for establishing facts by the courts necessary for decision-making, as well as recommendations for their solution. These problems include thee difficulties in determining the proper and acceptable procedural behavior of the court and the parties to criminal proceedings in pretrial stages, intricacies of making a procedural court decision in cases of failure of proof, ambivalence of the court's approaches demonstrated by the legislator and the highest judicial bodies (the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation ) pertinent to regulation of judicial activity in pre-trial stages, etc. Special attention is turned to the procedure of establishing facts by the court in pretrial stages in view of the special legal and social significance of the procedural decisions made by the court, which restrict the constitutional rights of the citizens and require most full guarantees of their justness. The result of the conducted research is reflected in the author’s recommendations for solution of the indicated issues. The conclusions lies in theoretical provisions on the possible legislative approaches towards determining the judicial activity in pre-trial proceedings based on the following principles: personalization (differentiation of the form depending on procedural status of the actors), simplification (no excessive formalization), variability (presence of several variants of the procedure, the application of which depends on the procedural situation and the purpose of activity of the court), application of actions regulate by the Criminal Procedure Code among other procedural acts available to the court and parties to the court hearing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-210
Dmitriy Aleksandrovich Ivanov ◽  
Marina Vladimirovna Sokolova ◽  
Oksana Leonidovna Podustova ◽  
Pavel Vladimirovich Fadeev ◽  
Alexey Yurievich Molyanov

The authors consider the theoretical provisions and analyze practical examples of the activities of the investigative bodies to seize property in pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases. The relevance of this topic is determined by the fact that one of the priority activities of the preliminary investigation bodies at present is to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of citizens against criminal encroachments. The possibility of compensation to victims of harm caused by a crime in criminal procedure law is a guarantee of protection of these rights and contributes to the implementation of the purpose of criminal proceedings. Based on the results obtained, the authors conclude that it is necessary to further improve the law enforcement practice and the norms of criminal and criminal-procedure legislation in order to improve the efficiency of solving problems of identifying property that can be seized. In this connection, it is proposed to amend Part 3 of Article 104.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, providing for the possibility of confiscation of property, regardless of the awareness of the causal relationship between the committed act and the presence of money or other property.Keywords: Criminal proceedings; Measures of procedural coercion; Investigator; Inquirer; Civil claim Penyitaan Properti sebagai Cara untuk Memastikan Kompensasi atas Kerusakan yang Disebabkan oleh Kejahatan: Teori dan Praktik AbstrakPenulis mempertimbangkan ketentuan teoritis dan menganalisis contoh praktis dari kegiatan badan investigasi untuk menyita properti dalam proses pra-persidangan dalam kasus pidana. Relevansi topik ini ditentukan oleh fakta bahwa salah satu kegiatan prioritas badan investigasi pendahuluan saat ini adalah memastikan hak dan kepentingan sah warga negara terhadap perambahan kriminal. Kemungkinan pemberian ganti rugi kepada korban kerugian yang diakibatkan oleh suatu tindak pidana dalam hukum acara pidana merupakan jaminan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak tersebut dan turut menunjang terlaksananya tujuan proses pidana. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa perlu lebih meningkatkan praktik penegakan hukum dan norma-norma peraturan perundang-undangan pidana dan acara pidana untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penyelesaian masalah identifikasi harta benda yang dapat disita. Sehubungan dengan itu, diusulkan untuk mengubah Bagian 3 Pasal 104.1 KUHP Federasi Rusia, yang mengatur kemungkinan penyitaan properti, terlepas dari kesadaran akan hubungan sebab akibat antara tindakan yang dilakukan dan adanya uang atau properti lainnya.Kata Kunci: Proses pidana; Tindakan paksaan prosedural; Peneliti; Penanya; Klaim sipil. Наложение ареста на имущество в целях обеспечения возмещения вреда, причиненного преступлением: теория и практика АннотацияАвторами рассматриваются теоретические положения и анализируются практические примеры деятельности органов расследования по наложению ареста на имущество в досудебном производстве по уголовным делам. Актуальность данной темы определяется тем, что одним из приоритетных направлений деятельности органов предварительного следствия в настоящее время является обеспечение прав и законных интересов граждан от преступных посягательств. Возможность возмещения потерпевшим вреда, причиненного преступлением, в уголовно-процессуальном праве является гарантией защиты данных прав и способствует реализации назначения уголовного судопроизводства. На основе полученных результатов авторы приходят к выводу о необходимости дальнейшего совершенствования правоприменительной практики и норм уголовного и уголовно-процессуального законодательства в целях повышения эффективности решения задач по установлению  имущества, на которое может быть наложен арест. В связи с чем предлагают внести в ч. 3 ст. 104.1 УК РФ изменения, предусматривающие возможность конфискации имущества, вне зависимости от осведомленности о причинно-следственной связи между совершенным деянием и наличием денег или иного имущества.Ключевые слова: Ключевые слова: уголовное судопроизводство, меры процессуального принуждения, следователь, дознаватель, гражданский иск

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 68-70
Y.R. Gershevskiy ◽  

The article deals with a set of problems related to judicial jurisdiction in the application of preventive measures in the form of detention. A number of additions to existing legislation on the use of preventive measures in the form of detention are proposed. This article deals with the peculiarities of the application of a preventive measure, such as detention. The main features of its use were established. The procedural characteristics of such a type of preventive measures as detention are studied, the procedural measures related to the detention of a suspect/ accused/defendant are analyzed, the provisions of the current criminal procedure law are analyzed. It is stated that ensuring the rights of suspects accused when choosing and applying a preventive measure in the form of detention against them is faced with difficulties, primarily due to the fundamental problems of the entire Russian criminal proceedings: the excessive length of the proceedings, its excessive bureaucratization, formalism, the hypertrophied role of the preliminary investigation before the trial, poor conditions of detention and others. Materials of St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk region are used.

V.V. Strukova

The article is devoted to the study of procedural aspects related to the effectiveness of the functioning of the institution of attesting witnesses at the pre-trial stages in the framework of modern Russian criminal proceedings. The author considers the issues of the participation of the attesting witness as one of the subjects of proof in the conduct of investigative or other procedural actions, the list of which is enshrined in the current Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Its role as a participant in the criminal process in the preservation (deposition) of evidentiary information in the implementation of "control" over the course and results of investigative actions carried out by the criminal prosecution authorities in the course of criminal proceedings is indicated. The situation concerning the improvement of the institution of attesting witnesses, in case the latter is not excluded by the legislator from the criminal procedure law, has been studied from various sides. Various points of view of both leading proceduralists and practitioners on the existing problem are considered: to preserve or exclude (cancel) the institution of attesting witnesses. In support of the author's position on the importance of witnesses as participants in criminal proceedings, examples from practice are given. The procedural status of an attesting witness and his main functions as a participant in the conduct of investigative actions in pre-trial proceedings are disclosed. The issues of the presence of attesting witnesses during the implementation of investigative actions and the use of technical means for fixing the latter have been studied. The features of video and photographic recording of the results of investigative actions in the volume with the participation of attesting witnesses and the obligation to further familiarize this participant with the received video material are revealed.

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