2020 ◽  
Vol 01 (01) ◽  
pp. 15-25
Khusan Abdurakhimovich Umarov ◽  

Studying the further development of higher education, improving the quality of education, expanding the integration of science and industry, we came to the following conclusions: literature on the formation of vocational training of students, as well as an analysis of educational (and pedagogical) practice in higher education, despite the fact that more was done work on the development of professional readiness of students, the problem of the formation of professional readiness of future teachers has not yet been completely resolved. To solve this problem, we set ourselves the following tasks: to explain the concept of “professional readiness” among future teachers, taking into account the requirements of the time (for example, students of pedagogical universities); analyze factors affecting student readiness; development of innovative methods of forming students' readiness. A practical study of the problem showed that the most effective process of forming the professional readiness of a future teacher occurs in a real process or in the process of educational activity close to it. Building on the educational process on the basis of an innovative approach, bachelors develop creative skills to analyze existing materials needed to solve professional problems, to independently solve new problems. The study showed that the practical activity of students in their chosen specialties guarantees clear prospects for future professional growth, as well as employment, contributes to the formation and increase of their professional competence; The development of the experimental and educational base of educational institutions, increasing the level of education provided, stimulating the professional growth of teachers, the customer will be given the opportunity to train highly qualified personnel on the basis of educational institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 3535-3541
Khusan Abdurakhimovich Umarov

Studying the further development of higher education, improving the quality of education, expanding the integration of science and industry, we came to the following conclusions: literature on the formation of professional education of students, as well as an analysis of educational (and pedagogical) practice in higher education, despite the fact that more was done work on the development of professional readiness of students, the problem of the formation of professional readiness of future teachers has not yet been completely resolved. To solve this problem, we set ourselves the following tasks: to explain the concept of “professional readiness” among future teachers, taking into account the requirements of the time (for example, students of pedagogical universities); analyze factors affecting student readiness; development of innovative methods of forming students' readiness. A practical study of the problem showed that the most effective process of forming the professional readiness of a future teacher occurs in a real process or in the process of educational activity close to it. Building on the educational process on the basis of an innovative approach, bachelors develop creative skills to analyze existing materials needed to solve professional problems, to independently solve new problems. The study showed that the practical activity of students in their chosen specialties guarantees clear prospects for future professional growth, as well as employment, contributes to the formation and increase of their professional competence; The development of the experimental and educational base of educational institutions, increasing the level of education provided, stimulating the professional growth of teachers, the customer will be given the opportunity to train highly qualified personnel on the basis of educational institutions.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (31) ◽  
I. Kamenska

The article deals with topical issues of professional training of future teachers. The essence of the concepts of «self-development» and «self-improvement» was revealed, the significance of pedagogical practice as a factor of professional self-development and self-improvement of the future teacher was substantiated. It was revealed that effective preparation of participants in the educational process in educational institutions is possible due to the strengthening of the practical orientation of students' training. That is, pedagogical practice is the initial stage in the system of professional training, the first part of the practical mastering of the pedagogical profession. It promotes the deepening and systematization of knowledge gained by students in the process of studying specialized disciplines, as well as the development of information competence of future professionals. Pedagogical practice provides a combination of theoretical training of students with their practical pedagogical activity in the conditions of educational institutions of different types and promotes the formation of a creative attitude towards future professional activities, deepening and systematization of the knowledge gained by students in the process of theoretical training; self-development and self-improvement of future teachers. In this period, the foundations of professional activity of future specialists are laid, professional qualities are formed, the ability to self-development, self-realization and interest in the future profession are revealed.It is established that proper organization of pedagogical practice contributes to professional growth of the future teachers, development of abilities, allows to create external and internal conditions for self-development of the student. Thus, continuous self-education and self-improvement are the only way that allows a modern educator to become a real professional, to develop professional competence.Keywords: professional competence, self-development, self-improvement, pedagogue, educational process.І. Каменська, кандидат сільськогосподарських наук,  Професійне становлення майбутнього педагога у навчальному процесі за рахунок педагогічної практики / ДВНЗ «Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди»,  Україна, Київська обл., м. Переяслав-ХмельницькийВ статті розглянуто актуальні питання професійної підготовки  майбутніх педагогів. Розкрито суть понять «саморозвиток» та «самовдосконалення», обґрунтовано значення педагогічної практики, як чинника професійного саморозвитку та самовдосконалення майбутнього педагога. З’ясовано, що ефективна підготовка учасників освітнього процесу у закладах освіти можлива за рахунок посилення практичної спрямованості навчання студентів. Тобто, педагогічна практика – це початковий етап у системі фахової підготовки, перша ланка практичного засвоєння педагогічної професії. Вона сприяє поглибленню і систематизації знань, отриманих студентами в процесі вивчення профільних дисциплін, а також розвитку інформаційної компетенції майбутніх фахівців. Педагогічна практика забезпечує поєднання теоретичної підготовки студентів з їх практичною педагогічною діяльністю в умовах навчальних закладів різних типів і сприяє формуванню творчого відношення до майбутньої професійної діяльності, поглибленню та систематизації знань, одержаних студентами в процесі теоретичного навчання; до саморозвитку та самовдосконалення, майбутніх педагогів. В цей період закладаються основи професійної діяльності майбутніх фахівців, формуються професійні якості, розкривається здібність до саморозвитку, самореалізації та інтерес до майбутньої професії.Встановлено, що правильна організація педагогічної практики сприяє професійному росту майбутніх педагогів, розвитку здібностей, дозволяє створити зовнішні та внутрішні умови для саморозвитку студентів. Таким чином, постійне самовиховання та самовдосконалення – єдиний шлях, який дозволить сучасному педагогу стати справжнім професіоналом, розвинути професійну компетентність.Ключові слова: професійна компетентність, саморозвиток, самовдосконалення, педагог, навчальний процес.


The article considers and theoretically substantiates the necessity and feasibility of the implementation  of  tutor support during the organization of independent work of foreign students in the higher technical educational institution. The basic ways of construction and improvement of elements of independent studying of educational material in the context of self-improvement of professional skills of a personality are determined. The main factors influencing the successful performance of independent work by foreign students in technical universities are analyzed. The specific pedagogical means of organization and management of independent activity of foreign students in higher technical educational institutions are studied. The interpretation of the concept of “tutor” in the domestic and foreign pedagogical practice is considered. The content of the tasks of the tutor-teacher, who works directly with foreign students, is analyzed in detail. It is proved that a tutor at a higher technical educational institution creates an educational sphere that allows a foreign student not only to acquire knowledge and skills, but also to solve real problems in his educational activity, to create a comfortable and convenient mode of work for him, especially during the initial stages of adaptation. The author emphasizes that this new method of successful cooperation between the teacher-tutor and foreign citizens who are students of Ukrainian universities is quite optimal and effective in terms of reforming the educational process in higher education, although it requires improvement and some adaptation to the system of higher education in Ukraine.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-136
Inna Sabatovska

The article analyzes the experience of forming the professional competence of future university lecturers during their preparation in the conditions of the magistracy. The survey data is provided to the students of the Masters and teachers regarding the peculiarities of the formation of professional competence, as well as the self-assessment of the levels of formation of future teachers of universities of professional competence.It is emphasized that the most effective influence on the development of professional competence of future teachers (university lecture) is realized through the implementation of certain organizational and pedagogical conditions in the educational institutions of higher education institutions, namely: development and use of scientific and methodological support of the educational process based on the system approach; provision of professional motivated masters; organization of educational activity of education applicants taking into account their individual characteristics; ensuring the formation of the professional identity of future teachers higher education; organization of the subject environment, which creates comfortable conditions for educational activities.It is determined that the most effective influence on the development of a person and a competitive specialist is carried out through the application in the educational space of institutions of higher education of such technologies of the organization of educational process: design technology, gaming technology, personally oriented technology, training, problem technology, information-communication and interactive methods (studying in discussions, case method, situation simulation method, training). It is proved that the complex use of innovative forms, methods, technologies in the training of future teachers higher education (university lecture) on the basis of the principle of professional immersion contributes to the formation of their professional competence in the conditions of the magistracy.

Nataliya Dziubyshyna

The article considers the peculiarities of the student youth's spiritual and creative potential development based on students' socio-cultural, moral and ethical, creative needs and values. The interrelation and interdependence of objective and subjective factors of the modern youth's way of life and its role in the formation of worldview, value-normative model of behaviour, moral and ethical ways of cognition, communication and leisure have been analyzed. The role of education in the formation and development of student youth as an intellectual potential of the state is determined. The essence of the concepts «quality of higher education», «quality of educational activity» in the context of the functioning of a higher education institution is distinguished. The necessity of introduction of monitoring of educational institutions as a method (systems, methods, technologies) of constant diagnostics of educational process and analysis of empirical information to compare basic and normative indicators and prevention of undesirable deviations in the processes of cognition, communication and leisure of student youth is substantiated. The way of the spiritual life of student youth, style of thinking, value orientations and attitudes have social and psychological significance and acquire a powerful influence on other communities of society. Therefore, as a result of identification, the elements of the spiritual and creative potential of society affect the development of the individual, the deepening of his/her needs and interests. That is why the most pressing issue is the problem of constant study of student youth and development of methods for reorientation from passive and chaotic activities of educational social institutions to purposeful and scientifically sound action of mass communication systems and implementation of public control programs for socio-psychological manifestations of the student cohort. Particular attention needs to be paid to the establishment of a system of permanent diagnostics of social well-being in educational institutions and to anticipate the influence of social and socio-economic factors in promoting educational skills and professional competence as a guarantee of successful employment.

Mykhailo MEDVID ◽  

Responding to identified shortcomings is components of the internal quality assurance system of a higher education institution. A study of the educational activities of future teachers-engineers of computer profile found that most students are not going to devote their career to teaching, thus preferring engineering. Undoubt- edly, higher education institutions must respond to the requests of stakeholders, especially those seeking higher education. On the other hand, there are requests from employers (educational institutions) for teachers-engineers of computer profile. Therefore, further research was aimed at enhancing cognitive activity primarily by increasing motivation for pedagogical activity. Methods: pedagogical experiment. Results. An experimental test of the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for intensifying the educational activities of future teachers-engineers of computer profile in professional training. Originality. The results of the study testify to the effec- tiveness of certain pedagogical conditions for intensifying the educational activities of future teachers-engineers of computer profile: changes of external motivation to internal will take place if the information and communication technologies are introduced into educational process of studying peda- gogical disciplines; change of position in the educational activity of future teachers-engineers of computer profile in the study of pedagogical disciplines will take place under the condition that students apply a project approach to the organization of their own educational activity; intensification of educational activity due to its correc- tion in future teachers-engineers of computer profile in the process of operative feedback at each stage of educational activity. Comparative analysis of experimental data shows an increase in the percentage of students of the experimental group compared to the control group with a high level of educational activities of future teachers-engineers of com- puter profile in the study of pedagogical disciplines for a stable active position of educational activity – by 34%, internal motivation to study – by 32%, by the ability to plan and organize their own educational trajectory – by 32%, by academic performance – by 25%). When comparing the results before and after the ex- periment: in the control group the empirical values of the criterion χ2 are less than critical, the characteristics of the compared groups coincide at the level of significance of 0.05; in experimental group the empirical values of the criterion χ2 are greater than the critical one, the signifi- cance of the difference in the characteristics of the com- pared groups is 95%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-51
D.P. Melnik ◽  

This article discusses the impact of economic digitalization on the educational process in higher educational institutions of Russia. The most important role is given to improving the methodology of the managerial process in order to improve the digitalization process. The problematic issues of educational activity associated with the transition to the digital economy are identified and the corresponding conclusions are made.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-21
Быкова ◽  
S. Bykova

The article discusses the problem concerning the “fi lling the curriculum with branchy system of practices” in the context of strengthening the practical orientation of professional teacher education. Including the branchy system of practice into the curriculum will allow to create conditions for the conscious embracement of theoretical material by future teachers and to obtain their fi rst professional experience. The article presents the results of a pilot experiment concerning the organization of distributed educational practice. This experiment was carried out on the basis of the Pedagogic Institute of the Vyatka State University. The purpose of the practice was to obtain primary professional skills by future teachers, including the study of the functioning system of modern educational institutions, the work experience of the class teacher and subject teachers. The article describes the content and expected results of the distributed educational practice on the example of forming the professional competence (general professional competence — 4 (GPC-4) and analyzes the results of the carried out pilot experiment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 171-183
Serhii Illiuschenko ◽  
Mykhailo Povidaichyk ◽  
Tetiana Dorosh ◽  
Natalia Demyanenko ◽  
Larysa Ostapenko ◽  

The article talks about the postmodern approach to studying the problem of reflexive competence of future specialists, requires a comprehensive analysis of the organization and content of the educational process in higher education institutions. The postmodern concept of professional reflection and personal reflexivity of students is highlighted, it determines the ratio of these formations as unique individual phenomena, their influence on the formation and manifestation of professional and professional competence at the creative-professional, cognitive and personal-motivational levels. The concept of reflectivity of the future specialist is specified. The structure of professional reflection of students is specified. The value of pedagogical practice for the development of professional reflection in future professionals from the standpoint of the postmodern approach is emphasized. The model of formation and development of personal-professional reflectivity in future specialists at the competence, cognitive, personal-motivational, emotional and evaluative-behavioral levels is presented.

Yu. Atamanchuk

The article deals with the creation of unified information-educational environment of an educational institution, requirements to it, the organization of the educational process based on it, as well as all its constituent parts presented in an educational institution. A promising field of research of the problem of information technologies usage in students' learning activities can become the experimental study of the beliefs of students, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions on e-learning tools and their application in the educational environment. Moreover, it is worthwhile to mention that the problem of effective use of modern ICT disciplines is studied by many professors of higher educational institutions. However, its incorrect usage leads to the substitution of the learning objectives. Nowadays it is possible to reduce the educational process in universities not only by knowledge mastering, but also teaching students to learn and apply their new knowledge and information as effective, as it is possible. Numerous theoretical and practical research characteristics of the information technology in the students’ educational process claim that this approach is a response to students’ social demands and needs, since it contributes to the formation of professional competence of future professionals. One of the most important factors that significantly effects the quality of education is the usage of modern information technologies. Modern graduate students should have special professional tools and solve working problems, using information systems. Thus, the introduction of innovative information technologies in higher educational institutions enables future professionals to expand their potential abilities and encourages active learning.

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