foreign student
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Hespi Septiana ◽  
Him’mawan Adi Nugroho ◽  
Warsita Noer Ardiyanti ◽  
Masilva Raynox Mael ◽  
Agus Ridwan

From time to time, Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) continues to grow, including BIPA at the State University of Surabaya (Unesa). It cannot be denied that in its journey, BIPA Unesa encountered various problems. One of them is a report from a foreign student who was confused when he first arrived in Surabaya. Their confusion includes finding the ideal place to live, using online motorcycle taxi applications, and using public facilities such as markets, hospitals, and police stations. Not only that, but the understanding of academic rules on campus has also not been able to be conveyed on target. Some local students and lecturers have helped, but the limited number and time have made it impossible to assist students. Therefore, this research focuses on making a pocketbook called "survival book" in five different languages ​​for foreign students. The benefits of this research are expected to be able to solve the concerns of BIPA students when they first come to Surabaya with the development of a pocketbook. This research belongs to the category of product development. With this research, it is hoped that it will produce an output in the form of a survival book for BIPA Unesa students as well as scientific articles that will be published in accredited national journals.

2021 ◽  
pp. 333-339
Elena A. Nikolaeva ◽  
Tatiana V. Grymzina ◽  
Radmir A. Iksanov ◽  
Igor A. Vladimirov

Е.В. Комовская

Актуальность статьи обусловлена необходимостью отбора и систематизации эффективных средств в обучении русскому языку как иностранному в условиях изменяющейся действительности, или глобальной цифровизации образовательного процесса. Исходя из этого цель статьи заключается в определении специфики создания электронных учебных материалов для эффективного преподавания русского как иностранного курсантам военно-инженерно-технического института военной академии материально технического обеспечения (далее - ВИТИ ВАМТО). Авторами сформулирован новый подход к организации электронных материалов или линейно-разветвлённый принцип обучения. Он наиболее эффективен при обучении иностранных курсантов, так как синтезирует в себе особенности уже классических принципов представления электронных упражнений в медиапространстве: линейного и разветвленного. В статье раскрыта сущность нового принципа обучения, линейно-разветвлённого, для всех видов речевой деятельности, которая заключается в том, что любая тема сопровождается как вопросами контролирующего характера, так и вопросами тестового характера, на основе чего прогнозируется дальнейшее цифровое обучение иностранных курсантов, а также прогнозируются наиболее эффективные способы и приёмы их обучения по концентрическому типу подачи материала. Классифицированы существующие электронные контенты, исходя из организации обучающей информации в них. Выделены два основных и предложен третий тип, синтезирующий в себе плюсы, имеющихся электронных обучающих упражнений и преодолевающий отрицательные стороны их. Предложено направить усилия на разработку упражнений линейно-разветвленной структуры для обучения русскому языку иностранных учащихся по всем видам речевой деятельности. Экспериментально констатирующим и контрольным срезом знаний иностранных курсантов доказано, что подача электронной информации по линейно- разветвленному принципу наиболее эффективна для преподавания русского как иностранного, так как преодолевает ряд отрицательных моментов при обучении русскому языку в цифровом или дистанционном формате. Доказано, что цифровое образование, построенное по принципу линейно-разветвлённого обучения, эффективно для тренировки грамматики и для повышения коммуникативной компетенции иностранных обучающихся при создании дополнительных фильмов не общеречевой тематики, а профессиональной направленности, необходимой им для овладения будущей профессией. Статья предназначена для преподавателей военных вузов, методистов и специалистов, разрабатывающих цифровой образовательный контент. The relevance of the article is due to the need to select and systematize effective means in teaching the Russian language as a foreign language in a changing reality, or the global digitalization of the educational process. Based on this, the purpose of the article is to determine the specifics of creating electronic educational materials for the effective teaching of Russian as a foreign student to the military engineering and technical institute of the military academy of logistics (hereinafter - VITI VAMTO). The authors formulated a new approach to the organization of electronic materials or a linearly branched principle of training. It is most effective in training foreign cadets, as it synthesizes the features of the already classical principles of presenting electronic exercises in media space: linear and branched. The article discloses the essence of the new principle of learning, linearly branched, for all types of speech activities, which consists in: that any topic is accompanied both by questions of a controlling nature and questions of a test nature, on the basis of which further digital training of foreign cadets is predicted, as well as the most effective methods and techniques for their training in a concentric type of material supply are predicted. Existing electronic content is classified based on the organization of training information in them. Two main ones are highlighted and a third type is proposed, synthesizing the pros, existing electronic training exercises and overcoming the negative sides of them. It is proposed to direct efforts to develop exercises of a linearly branched structure for teaching the Russian language to foreign students in all types of speech activities. An experimentally ascertaining and control section of the knowledge of foreign cadets proved that the submission of electronic information according to a linearly branched principle is most effective for teaching Russian as a foreign, as it overcomes a number of negates moments when learning Russian in digital or remote format. It has been proved that digital education, built on the principle of linear-branched learning, is effective for training grammar and for increasing the communicative competence of foreign students when creating additional films not of a general speech theme, but of the professional orientation necessary for them to master the future profession. The article is intended for teachers of military universities, methodologists and specialists developing digital educational content.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
I Lynchak ◽  

Abstract. The article is devoted to the research of linguodidactic potential of counting-out rhymes in classes of Ukrainian as a foreign language. Now there are many works in Ukrainian methodology of teaching language to foreign students concerning the formation of a set of texts for studying purposes. The authors of selected scientific articles suggest including folklore texts (fairy tales, songs, legends, proverbs and sayings, tongue twisters) in the teaching of the Ukrainian language. The aim of our article is to explore the place and role of the counting-out rhyme as a supplementary text for foreign students of beginner level. For this purpose, we describe the definition of the term «counting-out rhyme», define the linguistic and methodological criteria for selecting texts and how they should be presented to foreign audiences. Results of the research. The counting-out rhyme is a genre of children's playful folklore, a small-form poetic text with a clear rhyme-rhythmic structure. For to study Ukrainian as a foreign language at the beginning stage not all the texts of counting-out rhymes are suitable, but only those that folklorist G. Vinogradov called «chislovka» or «proper chislovka". This type of counting-out rhymes have cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers as a part of their structure. We consider that the main criteria for selecting and presenting texts of this genre as educational units should be: 1) a simple structure, clear and understandable content of the text; 2) the common vocabulary of counting-out rhymes, which corresponds as much as possible to communicative topics and grammatical material of the beginner level of Ukrainian language learning; 3) the texts of the counting rhymes should be chosen with the aim of practising certain speech skills and abilities; 4) limited amount of the material. In classes with foreign students, we primarily use counting-out rhymes to introduce the category of numerals and to teach counting. Children's folklore play texts act as very important supplementary linguistic material. Rational, accurate counting (mostly from one to ten) and the rhythm and rhythmics of the short poetic text help a foreign student to learn to count in Ukrainian quickly and easily. In addition, the expressive reading of counting-out rhymes helps to improve the phonetic aspect of foreign language speech - clear pronunciation of separate sounds, intonation, accents, training of rhythm, speed of speech. Working with the texts of counting-out rhymes in UFL classes also actualises word meanings within the boundaries of communicative topics of the first year of language learning, enriches vocabulary, and optimises the rapid memorisation of typical lexical-grammatical constructions with their subsequent inclusion in the active vocabulary. Moreover, tasks with counting-out rhymes engage an element of a game in the learning process, making the lesson more exciting and interesting. Conclusions. The results of the analysis show that the counting-out rhymes have linguodidactic potential and can be used as supplementary teaching material in UFL classes (beginner level).

Виктория Михайловна Швецова ◽  
Наталья Александровна Гончарова

В статье рассмотрены лингвометодические аспекты, связанные с обучением студентов-иностранцев (инофонов) русскому языку как иностранному на продвинутом уровне на примере работы с текстами А. И. Солженицына. Художественные тексты писателя изобилуют индивидуально-авторскими единицами, созданными по неизвестной или знакомой в современном русском языке модели. Подчеркивается, что сложность обучения инофонов русскому языку на базе художественных текстов А. И. Солженицына вызвана необходимостью самому преподавателю в полном объеме владеть тонкостями стиля писателя. Лингвистический аспект данной статьи позволяет осознать специфику структурного состава индивидуально-авторских единиц А. И. Солженицына. В рамках методического аспекта подобные слова с измененным правописанием или семантической природой расширяют кругозор студента-иностранца, повышая не только уровень его владения русском языком, но и культурный уровень в целом. Активизируются широкие возможности для общения со студенческой аудиторией и преподавателями, а также для наиболее полного понимания всех коннотативных признаков коммуникативной ситуации. Нами выявлено, что при создании индивидуально-авторских единиц прослеживается определенная поэтапность, которая может быть положена в основу разработки ряда приемов обучения, отражающих факт поэтапной концептуализации в сознании студентов-иностранцев значимых особенностей менталитета русскоговорящих людей - носителей языка. The article deals with the linguistic and methodological aspects related to teaching foreign students Russian as a foreign language at an advanced level by the example of working with the texts by A. I. Solzhenitsyn. Literary texts of the writer abound in individual author units created according to an unknown or familiar model. It is emphasized that the complexity of teaching Russian to foreign speakers based on the texts by A. I. Solzhenitsyn is caused by the need for the teacher to fully master the subtleties of the style of A. I. Solzhenitsyn. The linguistic aspect of this article allows us to get into the specifics of the structural composition of the individual author’s constructions of A. I. Solzhenitsyn. Within the methodological aspect, such words with a changed spelling or a changed semantic nature expand the horizons of a foreign student, increasing not only the level of Russian language proficiency, but also the cultural level in general, giving a foreign student greater opportunities not only to communicate with the student audience and teachers, but also to better understand all the connotative signs of a communicative situation. We found that when creating individual author units, there is a certain step-by-step approach, which can be used as a basis for developing a number of teaching methods that reflect the fact of step-by-step conceptualization in the minds of foreign students of significant features of the mentality of Russian native speakers.

Anita Kéri ◽  
Erzsébet Hetesi

AbstractInternationalization has been in the center of research interest in the past decades. With the increasing number of students studying abroad, there has been a growing need for higher education institutions to understand foreign student satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to distinguish between university- and non-university-related factors accountable for foreign student satisfaction, and to highlight the effect of non-university related factors on overall foreign student satisfaction and loyalty. A clear distinction made between foreign students based on the reason for their loyalty is also studied. The proposed theoretical model is examined with structural equation modeling (SEM) and with the method of partial least squares (PLS). Results show that both university-related and non-university-related satisfaction influence foreign student loyalty. Loyalty of foreign students could be distinguished between. Examined foreign students were proven to be loyal towards either the university, the study abroad experience or none of the above.

SenSaSi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-25
Oryza Tannar

Berdasarkan industri UMKM Rungkut Berkarya yang bekerjasama dengan negara Indonesia dan Jepang yaitu Institute Teknologi Surabaya (ITS) dengan multidisiplin Statistika dengan perwakilan 20 Foreign Student Kumamoto University (KU) di acara Global Leadership Camp khususnya bidang pangan, tujuan yang pengabdian masyarakat berikut untuk meninggikan dan mengembangkan pencatatan akuntansi dan memiliki kemampuan menganalisis usaha masyarakat UMKM secara lebih baik sehingga mampu mandiri dalam pengambilan keputusan usaha. Serta dapat juga mementingkan ketrampilan masyarakat sehingga bisa menunjang ekonomi dari di setiap keluarga. Masalah dan kendala hambatan yang ditangani oleh UMKM Rungkut Berkarya ini perihal yang diutamakan yaitu menyangkutpautkan penambahan ketrampilan para pelaku usaha kecil dan belum ada tumbuhnya jiwa usaha antara semua masyarakat setempat pengguna keuangan yang kurang memadai sehingga waktu kosong belum dimanfaatkan dengan begitu maksimal. Bila diklasifikasikankan pada concern terkait ternyata UMKM menyangkut beberapa perihal yakni: Peningkatan implementasi dari ilmu akuntansi sendiri Penerapan pencatatan akuntansi sehingga menunjangkan pendapatan keluarga Belum adanya ilmu atau metode tentang bagaimana teknis dari mengelola usaha keuangan sederhana dengan optimal   Metode pendekatan yang meningkatkan dan mengembangkan tersebut dengan memberikan pelatihan di bidang akuntansi dengan pencatatan sederhana dan disertai pembukuan kas sehingga bisa meningkatkan daya saing pasar dengan kemampuan akuntansi masyarakat yang memenuhi kebutuhan hidup Disamping itu dari sebelumnya telah memberikan berbagai pelatihan metode system yang digunakan adalah pendampingan, yang dimaksut metode dimana mitra dapat melakukan pencatatan akuntansi maka produknya optimal mitra juga diharapkan yang menjualnya dan memasarkan, sehingga produk yang dihasilkan tersebut dapat menunjang dari gaji di setiap keluarga melalui pengelolaan keuangan yang sistematis.

2021 ◽  
pp. 75-81
I.A. Solovtsova ◽  
N.A. Vanyushina ◽  

Examined is specifics of foreign students’ professional socialization during studying at a regional university. The methodological basis of the research is the theory of dialogue of cultures by M.M. Bakhtin – V.S. Bibler, which allows us to consider the foreign students professional socialization as a component of the broader process of inculturation. The authors identified and characterized three stages of foreign students’ professional socialization. The content of the adaptation stage is the assimilation by students the norms, rules, activity methods characteristic of the socio-cultural environment of the region and for a particular regional university, acquaintance with the values and norms of the future profession. At the stage of individualization, the formation of future specialist professional position begins. The stage of integration is characterized by the initial inclusion of a foreign student in professional activities and in the professional environment. The problems and contradictions characteristic of each stage are revealed, the pedagogically expedient overcoming of which is a necessary condition for the success of foreign students’ professional socialization. The specificity of foreign students’ professional socialization in the educational medium of a regional university is revealed through the features of the pedagogical means used at each stage, such as pedagogical support, reflexive, interactive and projective teaching methods, the inclusion of a student in the professional community of the region.

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