scholarly journals Preventive risk management in the enterprise

2021 ◽  
pp. 22-25
Oksana KOVALYK ◽  

In modern conditions, when changes in the external environment occur quite often, the probability of risks increases, there is a need to study and develop a risk management system for each enterprise separately, depending on its specifics. The article considers the main definitions of risk, its impact on the company's activities. The main types of risks that arise in any direction of business activity are considered. The impact of these risks on the company's activities is determined. It is determined that each risk can be considered as a negative financial result of activity or the probability of loss of profit, as well as a positive result of activity in the form of additional unplanned profit. The article considers risk management at the enterprise as an integrated system. Each stage of the risk management process is considered as a separate element and as one component of the whole process. There are three approaches to risk management: adaptive, integrated, and preventive. One of the methods of risk management the article considers the preventive method, the mechanism of its implementation. Preventive management is considered from the point of view of a scientific approach as a process of developing and implementing coordinated preventive actions aimed at preventing and minimizing losses from the impact of possible risks on the enterprise. The main task of preventive management is defined, which is to identify and eliminate possible causes of risk. The use of the preventive method and its impact on the interrelation of each activity process are prescribed. It also describes the need to introduce preventive analysis and assess the impact of internal and external factors on business activities. It is determined that the active application of the risk management system using the preventive method, provided that it quickly responds to changes that occur during the company's activities, forms a risk prevention system that allows you to work continuously and covers all areas of activity of all structural divisions of the enterprise, changing the general principles and generally accepted management culture.

Anastasiia Artomova

The article discusses the features of implementation a risk management system in the framework of customs control. The relevance of the problems under consideration is due to the fact that the activities of customs authorities in practice, like no other area, are directly related to various risk zones. The main task of the customs authorities is very closely intertwined with the goals of risk management. This is a systematic identification and, most importantly, prevention and leveling of risks and threats arising in various fields of activity at any stage of crossing the customs border. Customs activity in the risk management system is not only a process of identifying risks, but also a way of thinking, without which the customs authorities may not react to various situations and provide for the necessary initiatives, and this process is usually called “risk analysis”. Of particular interest in this vein is the construction of a structured system by the risk management process. This is due to the need for a clear passage of all stages of customs control of goods when crossing the customs border while meeting all standards. The unification of such a process is necessary. Clarifies the concept of risk management in relation to the customs control system from an operational and practical point of view. The article considers such elements of the risk management system as: statistics, implementation of the risk management system in various countries, the advantages of customs risk management, the process of risk management in customs control. Particular attention is paid to the benefits of customs risk management. The elements of the risk management system are highlighted; the effectiveness of risk management in customs control is assessed. Analyzed the problems of the risk management system in customs control. Particular attention is paid to the advantages of customs risk management, which are classified according to the following criteria: achievement of the organization’s goals; improved management processes; improved public and business profile. Proposals for improving the risk management system in customs control are presented.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 115-145
Monika Gorgoń ◽  
Konrad Raczkowski ◽  
Felix Kraft

Abstract Objective: This article focuses on the analysis of cultural similarities and differences important in terms of the compliance risk management in Polish and German enterprises, with the deliberate omission of Hofstede’s four cultural dimensions, in favour of the modified E. Schein’s model. This article explains the basic concept of risk management culture, the compliance risk and the essence of the compliance management system in Poland and Germany as well as the impact of cultural factors of each of the analysed countries on the development of compliance. The research objective of this paper is to present a comparative analysis of the examined countries, through the analysis of compliance management systems, as an indispensable element of risk management in an organisation, both in practical and formal terms. Methodology: This research is based on a critical review of the source literature and inference with assigned classical and fuzzy logic values as part of the culture description and risk management. Findings: The initial hypothesis is that the compliance risk management in companies in Poland and Germany has common and standardised features of the Community legal standards, which can be differently displayed from the declarative and actual point of view in Germany, due to an increase in internationalisation and intercultural relations. Value Added: This article presents the theoretical significance and functions of compliance risk management based on an analysis of applicable compliance systems and cultural systems in Poland and in Germany. Recommendations: The compliance risk management system is an essential risk management mechanism in organisations, both in formal and practical terms. It should take into account both the cultural diversity of the regions in Germany and the high cultural and ethnic homogeneity of enterprises in Poland – open, however, to cultural diversity.

Anom Bowolaksono ◽  
Fatma Lestari ◽  
Saraswati Andani Satyawardhani ◽  
Abdul Kadir ◽  
Cynthia Febrina Maharani ◽  

Developing countries face various challenges in implementing bio-risk management systems in the laboratory. In addition, educational settings are considered as workplaces with biohazard risks. Every activity in a laboratory facility carries many potential hazards that can impact human health and the environment and may cause laboratory incidents, including Laboratory Acquired Infections (LAIs). In an effort to minimize the impact and occurrence of these incidents, it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of a bio-risk management system in every activity that involves handling biological agents. This study was conducted in an Indonesian higher-education institution, herein coded as University Y. This is a descriptive, semi-quantitative study aimed at analysing and evaluating the implementation of the bio-risk management systems used in laboratories by analysing the achievements obtained by each laboratory. The study used primary data that were collected using a checklist which referred to ISO 35001: 2019 on Laboratory Bio-risk Management. The checklist consisted of 202 items forming seven main elements. In addition, secondary data obtained from literature and document review were also used. The results show that out of 11 laboratories examined, only 2 laboratories met 50% of the requirements, which were Laboratory A and B, achieving good performance. Regarding the clauses of standards, a gap analysis identified leadership, performance evaluation, and support as elements with the lowest achievement. Therefore, corrective action should be developed by enhancing the commitment from management as well as improving documentation, policy, education and training.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-103 ◽  
D. V. Shamin

The article is devoted to the optimization of the processes of organization and management of international megaprojects based on the formation of a risk management system.Currently, the implementation efficiency of megaprojects remains low due to the emergence of many risks at various stages of project implementation.In this connection, it is proposed to form an integrated risk management system, which implies a three-stage structure for introducing the 6 element risk management system into the project life cycle, into the main project management processes.This article substantiates the need to form a risk management system in three stages in accordance with the key elements of a risk management system: (1) Planning – the block «Objectives and environment of the project»; (2) Approval of the project – the blocks «Identification», «Classification», «Assessment of risks and risk tolerance», «Risk management plan»; (3) Monitoring and control – the block «Control and monitoring of risks».Thus, the proposed integrated risk management system provides: continuity of the risk management process based on the audit of the RMS; the ability to adjust RMS at the stage of forecasting a risk event; possibility of scenario modeling for forecasting risk reduction potential; risk management program, formed by current risks in order to increase the attractiveness of the mega-project for the investor.It is also proposed to introduce an audit of risk management processes and procedures based on an adapted methodology for the following components of the risk management system: defining events and setting goals; the internal environment of the organization; organization risk assessment; risk control tools; responding to risks; communications and information; risk monitoring.This technique allows you to take into account risks not only at the stage of project development, but also during its implementation, which ensures its feasibility, as well as an audit algorithm for risk management systems of a megaproject is developed and recommendations for improving the RMS through this tool are proposed.

Olena Tsvirko ◽  
Denys Krylov

The article considers the concept of "risk in railway transport", identifies the types of risks that exist in the railway transport of Ukraine; determined that the processes of transformation of economic relations in Ukraine require the deepening of theoretical and practical developments in risk management in the field of railway transport; the risk management process according to the ISO 31000: 2018 standard is given; according to the implemented Strategy and Policy of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" the main tasks of the risk management system are defined and the risk map of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" is developed; The results of the structural reform of railway transport were insufficient to create effective sources of development in the short term, which will ensure large-scale attraction of funds for the development of the industry and its modernization. The results of the structural reform of railway transport were insufficient to create effective sources of development in the short term, which will ensure large-scale attraction of funds for the development of the industry and its modernization. Many types of risks that need to be assessed, as well as different purposes of assessing the same type of risk (for the purposes of state supervision and company purposes) provide JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" a real challenge in terms of building risk assessment models. The task of applying the method of assessing a specific type of risk is significantly different from the task of building a methodology for assessing the risks of a large company. In solving this problem, it is important to keep in mind that a method successfully applied in one area may be completely ineffective in another. Risk classification of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" should be carried out taking into account the existing management structure, as well as the tasks to be solved at each level of management; the effect of the risk management system should be synergistic, each element of each level of management should be effective: from the structural unit at the linear level to the department of the corporate level of management. Currently, for the company's internal purposes, several dozen risks have been formulated related to various areas of life of JSC UZ: from financial activities to locomotive maintenance and innovative development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 8652-8657

Issues of developing a culture of risk management, today is perhaps one of the most significant in risk management. The lack of a well-built risk management culture is for many companies, one of the main barriers to building an effective risk management system. It should be understood that all methods that are used to manage risk are as effective as the culture of risk management in the organisation. It depends on the culture of risk management how secure the organisation can feel as part of its development strategy. The development of a risk management culture, in contrast to increasing the costs of expanding the risk management department, is an intensive way to increase the effectiveness of the risk management system and, as a result, provide the possibility of safe development under any market conditions and challenges. By cultivating a risk management culture for the entire hierarchy of employees, you can achieve much better results than simply hiring expensive risk managers.

Hamed Rashed Sayed Abdullah Alnuaimi ◽  

Modern processes in a society increasingly began to take on the character of emergencies, namely, the situation in a certain territory, which developed as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, the spread of a disease, a natural or other disasters that may or did entail human casualties, damage to health people or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of the living conditions of people. At the current time, such a situation is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has already claimed the lives of many people and brought significant economic consequences, including a complete shutdown of the activities of business structures. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to develop a conceptual framework for a risk management system for emergency situations, which can ensure the normal operation of a business structure and prevent its death in the event of an emergency event of any nature. The author analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on society and the activities of business structures as one of the latest and most striking examples of emergencies. The analysis revealed that this event could completely destroy the business; therefore, the primary and indispensable criterion for the normal viability of a modern business structure is the ability of top management, based on a strictly scientific basis, to predict, carry out prevention, rationally control and effectively manage risks. Based on the analysis, the author proposed conceptual risk management of emergencies for business structures in the context of global informatization of digitalization. The proposed system is based on the fact that modern processes in society are a symbiosis of two concepts - emergency situations and "black swan", i.e. this is difficult to predict an event that has significant financial and material losses and a violation of the living conditions of an economic entity up to its complete dysfunction. The proposed comprehensive emergency risk management system will allow neutralizing two main and most ambitious consequences: catastrophic losses (financial, labour) and suddenness of the event.

2019 ◽  
Vol 276 ◽  
pp. 02014
Nevila Rodhi Nova ◽  
I Putu Artama Wiguna ◽  
Anwar Nadjadji

Risk management has been widely studied and applied in oil and gas pipeline projects, but the reality is that the impacts still occur. This is due to the ineffectiveness of existing risk management applications, so of course in this case an effective risk management system is needed, in which risk management must pay attention to all aspects that exist, both internal aspects, external aspects, and other aspects that can affect and influenced by existing risks and risk management not only can be used as a preventive method. But it can also support sustainable development targets. This paper presents the application of risk management by oil and gas companies in Indonesia that has been adapted to ISO 31000:2009 as a framework that can integrate various other management processes, including the management of HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) risk in the hope of that sustainable development can be achieved . But in the reality it can not be denied that the activities that continue to this day still cause negative impact, especially for the environment. International oil and gas companies nowadays place more emphasis on preventive measures than the methods of mitigation. Thus it shows that the concept of sustainable development has not been fully considered in risk management applications. The existence of a continuous negative impact would greatly affect the credibility of oil and gas companies. Based on the results of research conducted with the hybrid method and analyzed with the help of System Dynamics it can be concluded that there are 3 (three) factors that can affect reputation risk, these factors are social, environmental, and economic and the model built in this study shows that it will can help the oil and gas company players to predict and improve the company’s reputation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-109
A. Nurtayeva ◽  
M. Kayirgaliyeva ◽  
A. Kabdeshova ◽  
D. Babash ◽  

The article discusses the risk management system, its optimization to improve the financial stability of the enterprise. The main task in the company's risk management activities is to systematically reduce them to the most acceptable level possible. The purpose of risk management is to ensure the financial stability and dynamism of the company's development, i.e., to optimize the risk of deviations from the financial development trend. Major tasks of the present stage of building the innovation model of the market economy in the conditions of integration of national economies into the global trading and economic space pose problems for the effective management of financial stability of economic entities, since the primary care is the formation of the competitive potential, the gross national income, the process of implementation of scientifictechnical development in new products. The article describes the process of risk management as a systematic work on risk identification, risk assessment, selection of risk management techniques, implementation of selected techniques, and evaluation of the results obtained.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 6047-6052 ◽  

Risks always accompany any possible type of activity, it is a complex economic concept, without an effective management system which it is impossible to imagine the functioning of a modern enterprise. Close attention has always been paid to the creation and improvement of the risk management system, while the very nature of this economic category predetermines multiple and diverse approaches, both to the assessment methodology and to the management methodology. Systematization of numerous and diverse risks is the basis for creating an effective system for their further identification, analysis and description, in order to increase the effectiveness of risk management. The issues addressed in this article allow you to take a fresh look at the construction and use of the risk management system

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