scholarly journals Strong and Weak Disjunctivism: A Short Comparative Essay


The brief essay is devoted to the articulation of the main claims of strong disjunctivism in its comparison with weak disjunctivism. They are examined in the main part of the essay as constituting the only possible way to defend a realist conception of truth that combines internalism with the thesis of the independence of truth from introspective justification. It is concluded that weak disjunctivism, even though it compares favorably with its opponents in this respect, cannot claim to defend a realist conception of truth.

1975 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 87-92
P. L. Bender

AbstractFive important geodynamical quantities which are closely linked are: 1) motions of points on the Earth’s surface; 2)polar motion; 3) changes in UT1-UTC; 4) nutation; and 5) motion of the geocenter. For each of these we expect to achieve measurements in the near future which have an accuracy of 1 to 3 cm or 0.3 to 1 milliarcsec.From a metrological point of view, one can say simply: “Measure each quantity against whichever coordinate system you can make the most accurate measurements with respect to”. I believe that this statement should serve as a guiding principle for the recommendations of the colloquium. However, it also is important that the coordinate systems help to provide a clear separation between the different phenomena of interest, and correspond closely to the conceptual definitions in terms of which geophysicists think about the phenomena.In any discussion of angular motion in space, both a “body-fixed” system and a “space-fixed” system are used. Some relevant types of coordinate systems, reference directions, or reference points which have been considered are: 1) celestial systems based on optical star catalogs, distant galaxies, radio source catalogs, or the Moon and inner planets; 2) the Earth’s axis of rotation, which defines a line through the Earth as well as a celestial reference direction; 3) the geocenter; and 4) “quasi-Earth-fixed” coordinate systems.When a geophysicists discusses UT1 and polar motion, he usually is thinking of the angular motion of the main part of the mantle with respect to an inertial frame and to the direction of the spin axis. Since the velocities of relative motion in most of the mantle are expectd to be extremely small, even if “substantial” deep convection is occurring, the conceptual “quasi-Earth-fixed” reference frame seems well defined. Methods for realizing a close approximation to this frame fortunately exist. Hopefully, this colloquium will recommend procedures for establishing and maintaining such a system for use in geodynamics. Motion of points on the Earth’s surface and of the geocenter can be measured against such a system with the full accuracy of the new techniques.The situation with respect to celestial reference frames is different. The various measurement techniques give changes in the orientation of the Earth, relative to different systems, so that we would like to know the relative motions of the systems in order to compare the results. However, there does not appear to be a need for defining any new system. Subjective figures of merit for the various system dependon both the accuracy with which measurements can be made against them and the degree to which they can be related to inertial systems.The main coordinate system requirement related to the 5 geodynamic quantities discussed in this talk is thus for the establishment and maintenance of a “quasi-Earth-fixed” coordinate system which closely approximates the motion of the main part of the mantle. Changes in the orientation of this system with respect to the various celestial systems can be determined by both the new and the conventional techniques, provided that some knowledge of changes in the local vertical is available. Changes in the axis of rotation and in the geocenter with respect to this system also can be obtained, as well as measurements of nutation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-74
Stefano Mattioli

The rediscovery of the original, unedited Latin manuscript of Georg Wilhelm Steller's “De bestiis marinis” (“On marine mammals”), first published in 1751, calls for a new translation into English. The main part of the treatise contains detailed descriptions of four marine mammals, but the introduction is devoted to more general issues, including innovative speculation on morphology, ecology and biogeography, anticipating arguments and concepts of modern biology. Steller noted early that climate and food have a direct influence on body size, pelage and functional traits of mammals, potentially affecting reversible changes (phenotypic plasticity). Feeding and other behavioural habits have an impact on the geographical distribution of mammals. Species with a broad diet tend to have a wide distribution, whereas animals with a narrow diet more likely have only a restricted range. According to Steller, both sea and land then still concealed countless animals unknown to science.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (XXII) ◽  
pp. 147-160
Katarzyna Wojan

The article focuses on the state of academic literature in the field of Russian translation studies based on Ewa Konefał’s latest bibliographic monograph entitled Russian translation studies. Volume 1: Abstracts of dissertations 1937–2015 (Publishing house of Gdansk University, Gdansk 2016). The first part of the article justifies the need to create bibliographic monographs, and briefly presents Polish bibliographic research in Russian studies, with 169 publications from the years 1883–2016. In the main part of the article, the author discusses Konefał’s work and presents statistical data of documents from the field of Russian translation studies available in libraries in Russia and Post-Soviet countries based on Konefał’s research results. The total number of the excerpted titles of dissertations (PhD and postdoctoral) in the years 1937–2015 is 2202, with 87.5% belonging to the field of philology (1927 positions).

Avtandil kyzy Ya

Abstract: This paper highlights similarities and different features of the category of kinesics “hand gestures”, its frequency usage and acceptance by different individuals in two different cultures. This study shows its similarities, differences and importance of the gestures, for people in both cultures. Consequently, kinesics study was mentioned as a main part of body language. As indicated in the article, the study kinesics was not presented in the Kyrgyz culture well enough, though Kyrgyz people use hand gestures a lot in their everyday life. The research paper begins with the common definition of hand gestures as a part of body language, several handshake categories like: the finger squeeze, the limp fish, the two-handed handshake were explained by several statements in the English and Kyrgyz languages. Furthermore, this article includes definitions and some idioms containing hand, shake, squeeze according to the Oxford and Academic Dictionary to show readers the figurative meanings of these common words. The current study was based on the books of writers Allan and Barbara Pease “The definite book of body language” 2004, Romana Lefevre “Rude hand gestures of the world”2011 etc. Key words: kinesics, body language, gestures, acoustics, applause, paralanguage, non-verbal communication, finger squeeze, perceptions, facial expressions. Аннотация. Бул макалада вербалдык эмес сүйлѳшүүнүн бѳлүгү болуп эсептелген “колдордун жандоо кыймылы”, алардын эки башка маданиятта колдонулушу, айырмачылыгы жана окшош жактары каралган. Макаланын максаты болуп “колдордун жандоо кыймылынын” мааниси, айырмасы жана эки маданиятта колдонулушу эсептелет. Ошону менен бирге, вербалдык эмес сүйлѳшүүнүн бѳлүгү болуп эсептелген “кинесика” илими каралган. Берилген макалада кѳрсѳтүлгѳндѳй, “кинесика” илими кыргыз маданиятында толугу менен изилденген эмес, ошого карабастан “кинесика” илиминин бѳлүгү болуп эсептелген “колдордун жандоо кыймылы” кыргыз элинин маданиятында кѳп колдонулат. Андан тышкары, “колдордун жандоо кыймылынын” бир нече түрү, англис жана кыргыз тилдеринде ма- селен аркылуу берилген.Тѳмѳнкү изилдѳѳ ишин жазууда чет элдик жазуучулардын эмгектери колдонулду. Түйүндүү сѳздѳр: кинесика, жандоо кыймылы, акустика,кол чабуулар, паралингвистика, вербалдык эмес баарлашуу,кол кысуу,кабыл алуу сезими. Аннотация. В данной статье рассматриваются сходства и различия “жестикуляции” и частота ее использования, в американской и кыргызской культурах. Следовательно, здесь было упомянуто понятие “кинесика” как основная часть языка тела. Как указано в статье, “кинесика” не была представлена в кыргызской культуре достаточно хорошо, хотя кыргызский народ часто использует жестикуляцию в повседневной жизни. Исследовательская работа начинается с общего определения “жестикуляции” как части языка тела и несколько категорий жестикуляции, таких как: сжатие пальца, слабое рукопожатие, рукопожатие двумя руками, были объяснены несколькими примерами на английском и кыргызском языках. Кроме того, эта статья включает определения слов “рука”, “рукопожатие”, “сжатие” и некоторые идиомы, содержащие данных слов согласно Оксфордскому и Академическому словарю, чтобы показать читателям их образное значение. Данное исследование было основано на книгах писателей Аллана и Барбары Пиз «Определенная книга языка тела» 2004 года, Романа Лефевра «Грубые жестикуляции мира» 2011 года и т.д. Ключевые слова: кинесика, язык жестов, жесты, акустика, аплодисменты, паралингвистика, невербальная коммуникация, сжатие пальца, чувство восприятия, выражение лиц.

2020 ◽  
pp. 99-104
S.A. Zaydes ◽  
A.N. Mashukov ◽  
T.Ya. Druzhinina

The contact belt of the gate assembly is the main part of high pressure fittings. The serviceability of the fittings assembly as whole depends on the air-tightness and quality of the mating surfaces. The technology of diamond burnishing allows to increase the interface of the nodes by red ucing the surface roughness of the metal-to-metal seal. The real experience for improving of the fittings contact belt due to the use of diamond burnishing of the nozzles seats and the conical surface of the rods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Mohaddese Mahboubi

: Arctium lappa or burdock (Compositae family) is a perennial plant, native to Europe, Northern Asia and North America. Burdock roots are known as detoxifying herb to clear toxins from the bloodstream. It seems that its effects are on the liver functions as the main part of body in detoxifying the bloodstream. The aim of this review article was to evaluate the potency of burdock in management of liver functions in detoxifying the bloodstream. The information was extracted from electronic resources (Google scholar, Science Direct, Springer, Magiran). The results of our investigation exhibited that the studies are limited to animal studies, but the results of investigations showed that burdock roots detoxify the liver against ethanol, carbon tetrachloride (CCL4), acetaminophen, cadmium and zinc oxide by improving the functions of liver enzymes. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and prebiotic effects of burdock roots may involve in its effects on liver enzymes and detoxifying the blood. The large clinical studies are required to confirm its efficacy on liver functions and detoxify the liver.

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