Characteristics of the Haskalah in the Kingdom of Poland, 1815–1860

Marcin Wodziński

This chapter examines the characteristics of the Haskalah in the Kingdom of Poland. In many ways, the Haskalah in the Kingdom of Poland was a movement similar to others in eastern Europe, but it also retained many unique features. In terms of its similarities, the programme of the Polish maskilim was fundamentally in sympathy with the ideological foundations of the entire east European Haskalah. Educational plans and the struggle with Jewish separatism occupied a particularly important place, but so too did the maintenance of Jewish identity through the cultivation of the Hebrew language, Jewish literature, and historical awareness. Meanwhile, differences in the programme were attributable to the Kingdom's specific legal, social, cultural, and even economic context. The opportunity to participate in the government project for Jewish reform and the genuine influence which many maskilim brought to bear on these projects meant that Jewish supporters of modernization in the Kingdom were particularly interested in the socio-political aspect of Haskalah ideology and in putting it into action. As a result, they paid considerable attention to the productivity programme and to changes in the socio-occupational structure of the Jewish population in Poland, while neglecting areas of theory or religion. Another distinguishing characteristic of the Polish Haskalah was the predominance of literature in the Polish language.

2006 ◽  
Vol 56 (4) ◽  
pp. 455-468
Zoltán Ádám ◽  
László Csaba ◽  
András Bakács ◽  
Zoltán Pogátsa

István Csillag - Péter Mihályi: Kettős kötés: A stabilizáció és a reformok 18 hónapja [Double Bandage: The 18 Months of Stabilisation and Reforms] (Budapest: Globális Tudás Alapítvány, 2006, 144 pp.) Reviewed by Zoltán Ádám; Marco Buti - Daniele Franco: Fiscal Policy in Economic and Monetary Union. Theory, Evidence and Institutions (Cheltenham/UK - Northampton/MA/USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Co., 2005, 320 pp.) Reviewed by László Csaba; Piotr Jaworski - Tomasz Mickiewicz (eds): Polish EU Accession in Comparative Perspective: Macroeconomics, Finance and the Government (School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College of London, 2006, 171 pp.) Reviewed by András Bakács; Is FDI Based R&D Really Growing in Developing Countries? The World Investment Report 2005. Reviewed by Zoltán Pogátsa

2020 ◽  
pp. 14-29
Lyubov Prokopenko

The article considers the political aspect of land reform in the Republic of Zimbabwe. The problem of land reform has been one of the crucial ones in the history of this African country, which celebrated 40 years of independence on April 18, 2020. In recent decades, it has been constantly in the spotlight of political and electoral processes. The land issue was one of the key points of the political program from the very beginning of Robert Mugabe’s reign in 1980. The political aspect of land reform began to manifest itself clearly with the growth of the opposition movement in the late 1990s. In 2000–2002 the country implemented the Fast Track Land Reform Program (FTLRP), the essence of which was the compulsory acquisition of land from white owners without compensation. The expropriation of white farmers’ lands in the 2000s led to a serious reconfiguration of land ownership, which helped to maintain in power the ruling party, the African National Union of Zimbabwe – Patriotic Front (ZANU – PF). The government was carrying out its land reform in the context of a sharp confrontation with the opposition, especially with the Party for the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), led by trade union leader Morgan Tsvangirai. The land issue was on the agenda of all the election campaigns (including the elections in July 2018); this fact denotes its politicization, hence the timeliness of this article. The economic and political crisis in Zimbabwe in the 2000–2010s was the most noticeable phenomenon in the South African region. The analysis of foreign and domestic sources allows us to conclude that the accelerated land reform served as one of its main triggers. The practical steps of the new Zimbabwean president, Mr. Emmerson Mnangagwa, indicate that he is aware of the importance of resolving land reform-related issues for further economic recovery. At the beginning of March 2020, the government adopted new regulations defining the conditions for compensation to farmers. On April 18, 2020, speaking on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the independence of Zimbabwe, Mr. E. Mnangagwa stated that the land reform program remains the cornerstone of the country’s independence and sovereignty.

2019 ◽  
pp. 12-20
I. A. Kostiuk

The problem of accessibility for socially significant goods for the population, among which the most important place occupy medicines in Ukraine, is very acute today. In this regard, the need for specific state interference through regulatory processes becomes relevant. One of the priority directions for increasing the availability of medicines is the Government of Ukraine has recognized reimbursement. The mechanism of full or partial payment of the cost of medicines used to counteract most socially significant diseases. One of these diseases is bronchial asthma (BA), since it affects all age groups of the population, and with ineffective control of the disease, the quality of life of patients is significantly reduced. The aim of the work is to study the range of medicines for the treatment of BA, included in the Government program «Accessible medicines» for the period 2017–2019 years. From April 1, 2017 to July 1, 2019, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine issued five orders, which approved the Register of medicines, the cost of which is subject to reimbursement. In the study analyzed all editions of the Register and found that with each update, the number of trade names (TN) of the medicines increased: for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases – by 56%, diabetes – by 92%, and BA – by 133%. During the 2017–2019 years, the number of international non-proprietary names (INNs) for the treatment of BA also increased: 3 times Beclomethasone, Budesonide 3.5 times, and Salbutamol is almost 2 times. Also, found that 87% of TN are imported and only 13% – domestic. Total of medicines for the treatment of asthma, the value of which is refundable imports 6 countries, the main segment of which is formed by Spain (31%) and Sweden (23%). The analysis of the size and amount of rejection and the amount of the surcharge for packaging allows us to establish that the percentage of medicines without an additional payment is approximately up to 50%. At 75% of the medicines for the treatment of BA, the amount of packing surcharge with each edition of the Register of medicines subject to reimbursement was increased by 2 medicines (Beckhazon-eco 100 mcg/dose and 250 mcg/dose) and 1 medicine (Budesonide-inteli 200 mcg/dose) – decreased 1 medicine (Budesonide-inteli 200 mcg/dose) subject to partial compensation only once. The conducted studies allow us to conclude that there is a need to improve the assortment policy in order to provide the pharmaceutical market with the available and necessary domestic medicines, in accordance with the needs of the population and the standards for the treatment of BA.

Luana Faria Medeiros

POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY AND THE MINERAL SECTOR: the legislative propositions that impact the management of the territories with mining in the state of Pará – 2011 to 2016GEOGRAFÍA POLÍTICA Y EL SECTOR MINERO: las proposiciones legislativas que impactan la gestión de los territorios con la minería en el estado de Pará – 2011 a 2016O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de resgatar o campo da política na Geografia, no contexto da atividade mineral no estado do Pará, principalmente diante de vários entendimentos de que os conflitos de interesses nas sociedades e nos territórios se resolvem também pelo viés político; partindo de uma leitura teórica do conceito de território, poder e política, onde essa tríade será determinante para o entendimento das proposições legislativas dos anos de 2011 a 2016 voltadas para a mineração, e da análise da gestão política e territorial no setor mineral paraense e seus impactos na sociedade a partir das políticas públicas. A relevância da pesquisa está no aspecto político que envolve a tomada de decisão que é essencialmente importante nas relações sociais de poder do Governo do Estado do Pará que, materializadas, causam impactos no território com mineração, sobretudo na utilização da taxa mineral, instrumento regulador de ação no território.Palavras-chave: Território; Poder; Política; Mineração.ABSTRACTThe present work aims to redeem the field of politics in geography, in the context of the mineral activity in the state of Pará, mainly faced with various understanding that conflicts of interests in societies and territories also resolve by bias Political; Starting from a theoretical reading of the concept of territory, power and politics, where this triad will be decisive for the understanding of the legislative propositions of the years of 2011 to 2016 focused on mining, and the analysis of the political and territorial management in the mineral sector Pará and Its impacts on society from public Policy. The relevance of the research is in the political aspect which involves the decision making which is essentially important in the social relations of the Government of the state of Pará that, materialized, cause impacts on the territory with mining, especially in the use of the mineral rate, Action-regulating instrument in the territory.Keywords: Territory; Power; Policy; Mining.RESUMEN El presente trabajo pretende redimir el campo de la política en geografía, en el contexto de la actividad minera en el estado de Pará, frente principalmente a diversos entendimientos de que los conflictos de intereses en sociedades y territorios también se resuelven por sesgo Política. A partir de una lectura teórica del concepto de territorio, poder y política, donde esta tríada será decisiva para la comprensión de las proposiciones legislativas de los años de 2011 a 2016 se centró en la minería, y el análisis de la gestión política y territorial en el sector minero de Pará y Sus impactos en la sociedad de la política pública. La relevancia de la investigación está en el aspecto político que implica la toma de decisiones que es esencialmente importante en las relaciones sociales del gobierno del estado de Pará que, materializadas, causan impactos en el territorio con la minería, especialmente en el uso de la tasa mineral, Instrumento de regulación de la acción en el territorio.Palabras clave: Territorio; Poder; Política; Minería.

Nataliia Sytnyk ◽  
Veronika Ishchenko

In modern conditions of functioning of the market economy, in the era of development of globalization and globalization processes, the prevalence of international relations, the spread of various forms of international capital movement, in particular foreign direct investment, an important place is occupied by investment activities and policies implemented by the state within the framework of the latter. It is difficult to overestimate the importance and role of investment, because world experience shows that the effective development of business entities, and therefore the country's economy as a whole, cannot be imagined without making investments. Therefore, the government of almost any country in the world is focused on creating a favorable investment climate. The article defines the theoretical foundations of investment security of the state: the essence of the concept is outlined, the principles on which investment security is based, its place and role in the state's economic security system are justified. Qualitative and quantitative criteria for a comprehensive assessment of the state's investment security are presented. The calculation and analysis of the main indicators – quantitative criteria of investment security: gross accumulation of fixed capital; the degree of accumulation of fixed capital; the ratio of the cost of newly introduced fixed assets to the volume of capital investments is carried out; the ratio of net growth of foreign direct investment to GDP; the size of the Ukrainian economy as a percentage of global GDP. The dynamics of the total volume of foreign direct investment in the Ukrainian economy in the context of world countries is analyzed. The main investor countries that ensure the receipt of the largest volumes of investment flows to the Ukrainian economy are identified. Ukraine's place in the World Bank's “Doing Business” rating over the past ten years has been demonstrated. The positive dynamics regarding Ukraine's place in the World Bank's “Doing Business” rating and the main factors that influenced such positive changes were noted. The investment climate of the state is assessed and possible measures are proposed to improve the mechanism of managing the state's investment security.

Christopher Leslie

The idealism that Fredrich Engels seeks to defeat in Dialectics of Nature today pervades online discourse and pedagogies of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The deterministic view that STEM is dedicated to unleashing the inherent power in objects for the service of privileged societies fails to understand the basic principles that Engels proposed. Engels exposes his contemporaries’ flawed understanding of science and technology and provides interdisciplinary examples that exemplify a different way of thinking. Outside of China, Engels’s ideas have been used suggest that social considerations cannot be a part of science because they limit the free exchange of ideas. Within China, particularly after the establishment of the People’s Republic in 1949, these ideas have been the basis of new thinking about the relationships among developers, the government, and the people. Moreover, readers of Dialectics of Nature who are familiar with the basic tenets of Science and Technology Studies (STS), such as social constructivism and actor-network theory, will not be so impressed with the idea that social theory has no place in understanding science and engineering. This analysis suggests avenues of cooperation for international science studies. In addition, it provides a starting point for pedagogies to promote the development for science and technology that reduces inequality and supports the notion that the liberal arts have an important place in the study of science and engineering, an insight known as STEAM.

2019 ◽  
pp. 21-30
V. S. Huz ◽  
O. M. Zaliska

The implementation of the government program on reimbursement in Ukraine meets the requirements of WHO to ensure access to drugs, especially in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The list of TN drugs included in the «Affordable medicines» program increased by 22.6% in 2017–2018, and the proportion of compensated TNs has increased completely from 16.2% to 29.1%, that is, every third drug is released free of charge, which provides increased availability for patients with CVD. The purpose of the study was to analyze and compare the list that are available in the State Register of Ukraine for the treatment of CVD, and the range of INNs under the trade name (TN) and producers, which are part of the government program «Affordablee medicines» in dynamics for 2017–2018 years.We conducted an expert evaluation of the demand for drugs and the prospects for expanding the list of drugs in the reimbursement program by questioning pharmacists working in pharmacies involved in a government project in the Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. The objects of the study were the Orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the CMU Decisions, the Drug Registry for CVD, the cost for reimbursement in the program «Affordable Medicines». Questionnaires for assessing demand and prospects for expanding the list of reimbursement drugs were conducted. We used methods of comparative and content analysis, as well as logical and graphical analysis. We identified the groups of drugs presented in the «Available drugs» program, mainly foreign suppliers, therefore, the introduction of generic preparations of carvedilol, losartan, simvastatin and spironolactone is promising for domestic production, in order to increase consumption and reduce reimbursement costs, which will ensure availability for consumers. It is advisable to include domestic preparations of isosorbide dinitrate, hydrochlorothiazide, enalapril and atenolol in a program that will expand the list of these drugs in the «Affordable medicines» program. According to the expert opinion of pharmacists from Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, it is expedient to include from the group of lisinopril in the list of available drugs such as Lisinopril-Teva and Enap, and from the combined preparations of Enap H, Vasar H and Co-Preneca, which are often prescribed by doctors and they are in demand by patients.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Marina Tsurkan ◽  
David Mamagulashvili

The relevance of the article is caused by the necessity to use information technologies and digital methods during the selection and launch of regional participatory projects. The objective of the paper is to develop technical task pattern for PIMS of LISP projects with the emphasis on launching models and appropriate selection procedure for participatory projects that are to obtain the interbudgetary transfer in the form of grant. The article gives more accurate definition of the term «participatory project» in the area under study. The study demonstrates the best examples of IT use during the launch and selection of regional participatory projects. The paper sets out the key requirements to the participatory projects data management system. The results of the study are practically relevant for the government, project managers and scientists, engaged in digital economics and management.

Paul Valentine ◽  
Lionel D. Sims

During the 1930s in the Venezuelan village of San Carlos de Río Negro, the Baré practiced cross-cousin marriage. However, by the 1980s they married hypergamously among the Curripaco, Geral, and Criollos, all of whom had recently migrated to the village. There is considerable historical material on San Carlos, which when coupled with fieldwork, facilitate the formulation of a number of hypotheses to test what best accounts for this transformation of marital rules. Lévi-Strauss predicted the causes of the breakdown of elementary kinship structures and the creation of complex ones; this chapter suggests an alternative scenario. In a parallel case, Curripaco women migrated to San Carlos in the 1970s and 1980s, could marry someone employed directly or indirectly in the government project, Codesur (Comisión para el Desarrollo del Sur), and became incorporated into the complex kinship structure of this ex–rubber boom village. This chapter suggests their social transformation sheds light on the Baré transformation of some forty years earlier.

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