scholarly journals ALMA Reveals Sequential High-mass Star Formation in the G9.62+0.19 Complex

2017 ◽  
Vol 849 (1) ◽  
pp. 25 ◽  
Tie Liu ◽  
John Lacy ◽  
Pak Shing Li ◽  
Ke Wang ◽  
Sheng-Li Qin ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 620 (2) ◽  
pp. 795-799 ◽  
C. J. Lintott ◽  
S. Viti ◽  
J. M. C. Rawlings ◽  
D. A. Williams ◽  
T. W. Hartquist ◽  

A J Rigby ◽  
N Peretto ◽  
R Adam ◽  
P Ade ◽  
M Anderson ◽  

Abstract Determining the mechanism by which high-mass stars are formed is essential for our understanding of the energy budget and chemical evolution of galaxies. By using the New IRAM KIDs Array 2 (NIKA2) camera on the Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimétrique (IRAM) 30-m telescope, we have conducted high-sensitivity and large-scale mapping of a fraction of the Galactic plane in order to search for signatures of the transition between the high- and low-mass star-forming modes. Here, we present the first results from the Galactic Star Formation with NIKA2 (GASTON) project, a Large Programme at the IRAM 30-m telescope which is mapping ≈2 deg2 of the inner Galactic plane (GP), centred on ℓ = 23${_{.}^{\circ}}$9, b = 0${_{.}^{\circ}}$05, as well as targets in Taurus and Ophiuchus in 1.15 and 2.00 mm continuum wavebands. In this paper we present the first of the GASTON GP data taken, and present initial science results. We conduct an extraction of structures from the 1.15 mm maps using a dendrogram analysis and, by comparison to the compact source catalogues from Herschel survey data, we identify a population of 321 previously-undetected clumps. Approximately 80 per cent of these new clumps are 70 μm-quiet, and may be considered as starless candidates. We find that this new population of clumps are less massive and cooler, on average, than clumps that have already been identified. Further, by classifying the full sample of clumps based upon their infrared-bright fraction – an indicator of evolutionary stage – we find evidence for clump mass growth, supporting models of clump-fed high-mass star formation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 644 ◽  
pp. A34
G. Sabatini ◽  
S. Bovino ◽  
A. Giannetti ◽  
F. Wyrowski ◽  
M. A. Órdenes ◽  

Context. Deuteration has been suggested to be a reliable chemical clock of star-forming regions due to its strong dependence on density and temperature changes during cloud contraction. In particular, the H3+ isotopologues (e.g. ortho-H2D+) seem to act as good proxies of the evolutionary stages of the star formation process. While this has been widely explored in low-mass star-forming regions, in the high-mass counterparts only a few studies have been pursued, and the reliability of deuteration as a chemical clock remains inconclusive. Aims. We present a large sample of o-H2D+ observations in high-mass star-forming regions and discuss possible empirical correlations with relevant physical quantities to assess its role as a chronometer of star-forming regions through different evolutionary stages. Methods. APEX observations of the ground-state transition of o-H2D+ were analysed in a large sample of high-mass clumps selected from the ATLASGAL survey at different evolutionary stages. Column densities and beam-averaged abundances of o-H2D+ with respect to H2, X(o-H2D+), were obtained by modelling the spectra under the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium. Results. We detect 16 sources in o-H2D+ and find clear correlations between X(o-H2D+) and the clump bolometric luminosity and the dust temperature, while only a mild correlation is found with the CO-depletion factor. In addition, we see a clear correlation with the luminosity-to-mass ratio, which is known to trace the evolution of the star formation process. This would indicate that the deuterated forms of H3+ are more abundant in the very early stages of the star formation process and that deuteration is influenced by the time evolution of the clumps. In this respect, our findings would suggest that the X(o-H2D+) abundance is mainly affected by the thermal changes rather than density changes in the gas. We have employed these findings together with observations of H13CO+, DCO+, and C17O to provide an estimate of the cosmic-ray ionisation rate in a sub-sample of eight clumps based on recent analytical work. Conclusions. Our study presents the largest sample of o-H2D+ in star-forming regions to date. The results confirm that the deuteration process is strongly affected by temperature and suggests that o-H2D+ can be considered a reliable chemical clock during the star formation processes, as proved by its strong temporal dependence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 643 ◽  
pp. A178
Kadirya Tursun ◽  
Jarken Esimbek ◽  
Christian Henkel ◽  
Xindi Tang ◽  
Gang Wu ◽  

We surveyed the Aquila Rift complex including the Serpens South and W 40 regions in the NH3 (1,1) and (2,2) transitions making use of the Nanshan 26-m telescope. Our observations cover an area of ~ 1.5° × 2.2° (11.4 pc × 16.7 pc). The kinetic temperatures of the dense gas in the Aquila Rift complex obtained from NH3 (2,2)/(1,1) ratios range from 8.9 to 35.0 K with an average of 15.3 ± 6.1 K (errors are standard deviations of the mean). Low gas temperatures are associated with Serpens South ranging from 8.9 to 16.8 K with an average of 12.3 ± 1.7 K, while dense gas in the W 40 region shows higher temperatures ranging from 17.7 to 35.0 K with an average of 25.1 ± 4.9 K. A comparison of kinetic temperatures derived from para-NH3 (2,2)/(1,1) against HiGal dust temperatures indicates that the gas and dust temperatures are in agreement in the low-mass-star formation region of Serpens South. In the high-mass-star formation region W 40, the measured gas kinetic temperatures are higher than those of the dust. The turbulent component of the velocity dispersion of NH3 (1,1) is found to be positively correlated with the gas kinetic temperature, which indicates that the dense gas may be heated by dissipation of turbulent energy. For the fractional total-NH3 (para+ortho) abundance obtained by a comparison with Herschel infrared continuum data representing dust emission, we find values from 0.1 ×10−8 to 2.1 ×10−7 with an average of 6.9 (±4.5) × 10−8. Serpens South also shows a fractional total-NH3 (para+ortho) abundance ranging from 0.2 ×10−8 to 2.1 ×10−7 with an average of 8.6 (±3.8) × 10−8. In W 40, values are lower, between 0.1 and 4.3 ×10−8 with an average of 1.6 (±1.4) × 10−8. Weak velocity gradients demonstrate that the rotational energy is a negligible fraction of the gravitational energy. In W 40, gas and dust temperatures are not strongly dependent on the projected distance to the recently formed massive stars. Overall, the morphology of the mapped region is ring-like, with strong emission at lower and weak emission at higher Galactic longitudes. However, the presence of a physical connection between the two parts remains questionable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 644 ◽  
pp. A82
O. Miettinen

Context. Infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) can be the birth sites of high-mass stars, and hence determining the physical properties of dense cores in IRDCs is useful to constrain the initial conditions and theoretical models of high-mass star formation. Aims. We aim to determine the physical properties of dense cores in the filamentary Seahorse IRDC G304.74+01.32. Methods. We used data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), and Herschel in conjuction with our previous 350 and 870 μm observations with the Submillimetre APEX Bolometer Camera (SABOCA) and Large APEX BOlometer CAmera, and constructed the far-IR to submillimetre spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the cores. The SEDs were fitted using single or two-temperature modified blackbody emission curves to derive the dust temperatures, masses, and luminosities of the cores. Results. For the 12 analysed cores, which include two IR dark cores (no WISE counterpart), nine IR bright cores, and one H II region, the mean dust temperature of the cold (warm) component, the mass, luminosity, H2 number density, and surface density were derived to be 13.3 ± 1.4 K (47.0 ± 5.0 K), 113 ± 29 M⊙, 192 ± 94 L⊙, (4.3 ± 1.2) × 105 cm−3, and 0.77 ± 0.19 g cm−3, respectively. The H II region IRAS 13039-6108a was found to be the most luminous source in our sample ((1.1 ± 0.4) × 103 L⊙). All the cores were found to be gravitationally bound (i.e. the virial parameter αvir < 2). Two out of the nine analysed IR bright cores (22%) were found to follow an accretion luminosity track under the assumptions that the mass accretion rate is 10−5 M⊙ yr−1, the stellar mass is 10% of the parent core mass, and the radius of the central star is 5 R⊙. Most of the remaing ten cores were found to lie within 1 dex below this accretion luminosity track. Seven out of 12 of the analysed cores (58%) were found to lie above the mass-radius thresholds of high-mass star formation proposed in the literature. The surface densities of Σ > 0.4 g cm−3 derived for these seven cores also exceed the corresponding threshold for high-mass star formation. Five of the analysed cores (42%) show evidence of fragmentation into two components in the SABOCA 350 μm image. Conclusions. In addition to the H II region source IRAS 13039-6108a, some of the other cores in Seahorse also appear to be capable of giving birth to high-mass stars. The 22 μm dark core SMM 9 is likely to be the youngest source in our sample that has the potential to form a high-mass star (96 ± 23 M⊙ within a radius of ~0.1 pc). The dense core population in the Seahorse IRDC has comparable average properties to the cores in the well-studied Snake IRDC G11.11-0.12 (e.g. Tdust and L agree within a factor of ~1.8); furthermore, the Seahorse, which lies ~60 pc above the Galactic plane, appears to be a smaller (e.g. three times shorter in projection, ~100 times less massive) version of the Snake. The Seahorse core fragmentation mechanisms appear to be heterogenous, including cases of both thermal and non-thermal Jeans instability. High-resolution follow-up studies are required to address the fragmented cores’ genuine potential of forming high-mass stars.

2015 ◽  
Vol 576 ◽  
pp. A131 ◽  
X. H. Han ◽  
J. J. Zhou ◽  
J. Z. Wang ◽  
J. Esimbek ◽  
J. S. Zhang ◽  

T. W. Hartquist ◽  
J. E. Dyson

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