scholarly journals Begonia medogensis, a new species of Begoniaceae from Western China and Northern Myanmar

PhytoKeys ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 103 ◽  
pp. 13-18 ◽  
Jian-Wu Li ◽  
Yun-Hong Tan ◽  
Xi-Long Wang ◽  
Cheng-Wang Wang ◽  
Xiao-Hua Jin

Begoniamedogensis JianW.Li, Y.H.Tan & X.H.Jin, a new species of Begoniaceae, is described and illustrated by colour photographs. Begoniamedogensis is distributed in western China and northern Myanmar. It has erect stems, is tuberless, has many triangular to lanceolate leaves, base slightly asymmetric, margins remotely and irregularly denticulate; staminate flowers have 4 perianth segments, with outer 2 segments broadly ovate, inner 2 spathulate; pistillate flowers have 5 perianth segments, unequal, outer 4 broadly ovate, inner 1 spathulate. The new species is assigned to section Platycentrum and can easily be distinguished from the other species in the section.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 348 (4) ◽  
pp. 289 ◽  
LU LI ◽  

Aquilegia yangii (Ranunculaceae), a new species from western China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to A. oxysepala and A. kansuensis. However, there are differences in reproductive structure, especially flower size, petal shape, anther colour and seed surface, between the new species and the other two species. The seed surface morphology of the new species is also described in this study.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 11060
Punyo Chada ◽  
Monsoon Jyoti Gogoi ◽  
James John Young

Elcysma, a small genus of zygaenid moths occurring in Nagaland, western China and Japan is recorded from Arunachal Pradesh, northeastern India for the first time.  The other known species from northeastern India is E. dohertyi, so far known only from Nagaland by a single specimen collected by W. Doherty in 1889.  A new species, E. ziroensis is hereby described.  The other species of the genus is white in colour with prominent black veins whereas the new species has very broad black stripes along both sides of the veins taking over the white background on forewing and brown background on hindwing, making the moth look entirely blackish in colour.  The new species also has the orange patch restricted to the upper base of forewing, whereas the other species of the genus has orange patch in whole of base of the forewing.  The shape of the wing resembles that of E. dohertyi in being narrower forewing and hind wing. The wing venations is, however, markedly different from all other Elcysma species having five radius veins with three posterior radius sectors branching out to the apical area in forewing.  The species also shows mimetic assemblage with B. lidderdalii which also flies together at the same locality.

Taxonomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-68
Jun Souma ◽  
Shûhei Yamamoto ◽  
Yui Takahashi

A total of 14 species in seven tingid genera have been described from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese (Kachin) amber from northern Myanmar, with very distinct paleofauna. Here, a new species of a new genus, Burmavianaida anomalocapitata gen. et sp. nov., is described from Kachin amber. This new species can be readily distinguished from the other described tingid taxa by the apparently smaller body and the structures of the pronotum and hemelytron. Burmavianaida gen. nov. shares the diagnostic characters with two clades composed of three extant subfamilies (Cantacaderinae + Tinginae) and Vianaidinae and may represent an extinct clade distinct from them. To the best of our knowledge, B. anomalocapitata sp. nov. is the smallest species of Tingidae among over 2600 described species. Our new finding supports the hypothesis of the miniaturization phenomenon of insects in Kachin amber, as suggested by previous studies.

Zootaxa ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2804 (1) ◽  
pp. 25 ◽  

We sampled two forms of Leptobrachium in syntopy at the type locality of L. pullum at upper elevations on the Langbian Plateau, southern Vietnam. The two forms differed in morphology (primarily in coloration), mitochondrial DNA, and male advertisement calls. One form closely agrees with the type series of L. pullum (but not to its original description due to error), and the other is described as new. Leptobrachium leucops sp. nov. is distinguished from its congeners by having small body size (males with SVL 38.8–45.2), the upper one-third to one-half of iris white, a blue scleral arc, a dark venter, and sexually active males without spines on the upper lip. Leptobrachium pullum and L. mouhoti, a recently described species from low-elevation slopes of the Langbian Plateau in eastern Cambodia, are morphologically divergent but genetically similar, warranting further investigation into geographic variation in the red-eyed Leptobrachium of southern Indochina.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 257 (3) ◽  
pp. 280 ◽  
Hao Zhou ◽  
Si-rong Yi ◽  
Qi Gao ◽  
Jie Huang ◽  
Yu-jing Wei

Aspidistra revoluta (Asparagaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from limestone areas in southern Chongqing Municipality, China. The new species can be distinguished from the other Aspidistra species by its unique umbrella-like pistil with large revolute stigma lobes that bent downwards and touch the base of the perigone. A detailed morphological comparison among A. revoluta, A. nanchuanensis and A. carnosa is provided. The pollen grains of A. revoluta are subspherical and inaperturate, with verrucous exine. The chromosome number is 2n = 38, and the karyotype is formulated as 2n = 22m + 6sm + 10st. The average length of chromosome complement is 4.50 μm, and the karyotype asymmetry indexes A1 and A2 are respectively 0.37±0.03 and 0.49±0.01.

1953 ◽  
Vol 27 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 81-94 ◽  
T. Goodey

1. A detailed morphological study has been made of certain nematodes occurring in the basidiomycetous fungi, Entoloma rhodipolium, Pleurotus corticalus, P. ostreatus, Hygrophorus virgineus and Tricholoma cunifolium.2. From the first three of these, males and females of two species of eelworms have been obtained which are placed in the genus Iotonchium Cobb, 1920. One of these is Iotonchium fungorum (Butschli, 1878) n. comb., originally described by Butschli under the name of Tylenchus fungorum', the other is a new species which is named I. bifurcatum n. sp.3. The males of both species have peculiar lobed, dorso-ventrally flattened heads and a poorly developed mouth spear. The bursa is very large, the spicules have posterior prolongations which arc extruded through the cloaca and ventral post-anal papillae are present. A gubernaculum is absent.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4999 (2) ◽  

A new, and only the third known species of the Neotropical montane genus Oressinoma Doubleday is described—O. sorina n. sp., from the Andes of central Peru. It is distinguishable immediately from the other two congeners by the shape of the hindwing underside submarginal orange band, and by the male genitalia. The systematics of Oressinoma are reviewed. A preliminary analysis is carried out based on COI barcode confirming the separate specific status of O. sorina n. sp. in relation to other two congeners. Both barcode and genital morphology data suggest that the widespread O. typhla Doubleday may be a complex of allopatric or, locally parapatric species. The genus Oressinoma is the only neotropical member of the predominantly Australian subtribe Coenonymphina, represented in the entire Holarctic by one genus only—Coenonympha Hübner, considered as the putative sister-genus of Oressinoma. Their origins and relationships are briefly discussed.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4933 (4) ◽  
pp. 527-542

A new Tardigrada species, Claxtonia goni sp. nov. is described from specimens collected in the central area of the Haleakalā National Park, the island of Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A. The new species and Clx. pardalis (Degma & Schill, 2015) together with several examples of Clx. wendti (Richters, 1903) are the only known Claxtonia species with the plates having an intracuticular pattern resembling that on a leopard’s fur. Claxtonia goni sp. nov. differs from Clx. pardalis in the absence of pores on leg plates, in smaller and uniform pores on dorso-lateral plates, in very unequally spaced teeth in the dentate collar, in lesser ratio of internal cephalic cirrus and lateral cirrus A lengths, and in relatively shorter claws in fourth pair of legs. The differences between the new species and the other congeners as well as Echiniscus species with the same cirri composition and similar cuticular sculpture are also defined. The diagnosis of the genus Claxtonia is amended and three Echiniscus species are transferred into the genus with the proposed new combinations: Claxtonia aliquantilla (Grigarick, Schuster & Nelson, 1983) comb. nov., Clx. mosaica (Grigarick, Schuster & Nelson, 1983) comb. nov. and Clx. nigripustula (Horning, Schuster & Grigarick, 1978) comb. nov.. 

1925 ◽  
Vol s2-69 (276) ◽  
pp. 703-729

1. Those species of Proteocephalid Cestodes in which the testes are situated in the cortex may be described as of the Monticellia type. Of this type there are three conditions : (a) the Monticellia condition in which the testes, uterus, ovary, and vitellaria are all situated in the cortex; (b) the Rudolphiella condition in which the testes and vitellaria alone are in the cortex, the other organs being entirely or almost entirely in the medulla ; and (c) the Marsypocephalus condition in which the testes alone are in the cortex, all other organs being medullary. Fuhrmann's genus Goezeella is synonymous with Monticellia if we ignore the characters of the scolex as features of generic value. 2. The anatomy of two species of Marsypocephalus is described: Marsypocephalus rectangulus Wedl, 1862, and Marsypocephalus heterobranchus, n.sp., from Nile Siluroid fishes. 3. It is concluded that the cortical situation of the testes and other organs is a taxonomic feature of generic value only (as in Pseudophyllidea in the case of the vitellaria) and La Rue's new family of the Monticellidae, created to include Monticellia-like forms, is not accepted. Monticellia, Rudolphiella, and Marsypocephalus are thus regarded as new genera in the Proteocephalidae. 4. The facts that the ‘Corallobothrium’ type of scolex is found in all of the three genera Monticellia (as amended by me and including ‘Goezeella’ siluri, Fuhrmann), Rudolphiella, and Proteocephalus (as amended by me and including ‘Corallobothrium’ solidum, Fritsch), and that in the Caryophyllaeidae, Bothriocephalidae, and Cyclophyllidea (cf. e.g. Taenia solium and Taenia saginata) minor scolex characters are evidently only features of specific value, compel us to delete such genera as Corallobothrium, Choanoscolex, Acanthotaenia, and my own recent genus Gangesia and to regard them as synonyms of Proteocephalus (La Rue's genus ‘Ophiotaenia’, syn. ‘Crepidobothrium’, not being accepted). Fuhrmann's Goezeella siluri becomes Monticellia siluri, and Fritach's Corallobothrium solidum becomes Proteocephalus solidus. The genera of the Proteocephalidae are thus four in number: Proteocephalus , Monticellia, Rudolphiella , and Marsypocep, halus, and these are formally or informally redefined. The two species of Marsypocephalus are diagnosed. 5. The ‘Taenia malopteruri’ of Fritsch, 1886, is not of the Monticellia type, as suggested by La Rue. Its structure is of the usual Proteocephalid type, save that the scolex possesses a rostellum and a broad band of hooklets and is covered with spinelets. It is renamed Proteocephalus malopteruri. 6. A new species of Clestobothrium--Clestobothrium clarias, from Clarias anguillaris Günth-is described. It is of interest, not only as being the third (second ?) species known of the genus, but because it affords one more illustration of the fact that the characters of the scolex cannot be used for diagnoses of genera. For this reason also, Lönnberg's genus Ptychobothrium (1889) becomes synonymous with Diesing's genus Polyonchobothrium (1884).

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 500 (3) ◽  
pp. 179-200

A synopsis of the genus Cnidoscolus is presented for the midwestern region of Brazil, which resulted from the analysis of about 1,200 specimens from 62 national and foreign herbaria, including type collections. Observations of populations in field were also made. Nine species are recognized, one of which, C. mcvaughii, is new to science. It is described and illustrated, and comments about its geographic distribution, morphological relationships, systematic position, phenology, and conservation status are provided, as well as images and a map. The other species are contrasted by a dichotomous key. Also, distributional information, maps, conservation evaluations, images and morphologically diagnoses are included. Eight synonymizations, one lectotypification, a neotypifcation, and the re-establishment of C. neglectus are proposed.

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