A microsatellite study on the genetic distance between Suri and Huacaya phenotypes in Peruvian alpaca (Vicugna pacos)

V. La Manna ◽  
A. La Terza ◽  
S. Dharaneedharan ◽  
S. Ghezzi ◽  
S. Arumugam Saravanaperumal ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. e60 ◽  
Vincenzo La Manna ◽  
Antonietta La Terza ◽  
Silvia Ghezzi ◽  
Siva Saravanaperumal ◽  
Norberto Apaza ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (05) ◽  
pp. 326-327

Meesters M, Opsomer G, Govaere J. Macroscopic evaluation of the placenta of the alpaca (Vicugna pacos). Reprod Dom Anim 2019; 54: 996–1002 Zu den wesentlichen Untersuchungen post partum gehört die makroskopische Beurteilung der Plazenta. Insbesondere bei einem Abort, einer Früh- oder Totgeburt sollte die Nachgeburt sorgfältig auf Anomalien wie Unvollständigkeit, Plazentitis, Ödeme oder andere Veränderungen untersucht werden. Um pathologische Veränderungen erkennen zu können, muss dem Untersucher der physiologische Zustand einer Nachgeburt bekannt sein. Bisher fehlen jedoch ausreichende Referenzen für unauffällige Alpakaplazenten. Ziel der Studie war, physiologische Plazenten von Alpakas hinsichtlich Aussehen, Größe, Gewicht und Volumen zu untersuchen und damit künftigen Untersuchern die objektive Beurteilung von Alpakaplazenten zu ermöglichen.

2014 ◽  
Vol 42 (03) ◽  
pp. 169-177 ◽  
T. Theuß ◽  
M. Pfeffer ◽  
A. Konrath ◽  
D. Kalthoff ◽  
D. Woll ◽  

ZusammenfassungBeschreibungen von Infektionen mit Orthopockenviren bei Neuweltkameliden beschränken sich in der Literatur auf einzelne Fallberichte. Ausgehend von einer generalisierten Kuhpockenvirusinfektion eines Alpakas werden klinische Symptomatik, Diagnostik und pathologische Befunde dargestellt. Laut Vorbericht wurde das Tier bereits über einen längeren Zeitraum aufgrund von Hautveränderungen behandelt. Bei der klinischen Untersuchung fielen papulöse Veränderungen auf der gesamten Hautoberfläche auf. Außerdem lagen eine beidseitige mukopurulente Konjunktivitis sowie starke Salivation infolge einer hochgradigen erosiv-ulzerativen Stomatitis vor. Trotz intensivmedizinischer Versorgung verstarb das Alpaka 8 Tage nach Einweisung in die Klinik. Bei der Sektion fanden sich weiterhin eine erosiv-ulzerative Laryngitis sowie eine nekrotisierende Pneumonie und Lymphadenitis. Histologisch wurde der Verdacht auf eine Orthopockenvirusinfektion gestellt. Diese ließ sich in der elektronenmikroskopischen Untersuchung und mittels quantitativer Polymerasekettenreaktion (qPCR) von Organmaterial bestätigen. Das Virus konnte isoliert werden und eine PCR mit anschließender Sequenzierung verifizierte Kuhpockenvirus als ursächlich für die generalisierte Infektion.

2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
MM Rahman ◽  
L Rahman ◽  
SN Begum ◽  
F Nur

Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay was initiated for molecular genetic analysis among 13 F3 rice lines and their parents. Four out of 15 decamer random primers were used to amplify genomic DNA and the primers yielded a total of 41 RAPD markers of which 37 were considered as polymorphic with a mean of 9.25 bands per primer. The percentage of polymorphic loci was 90.24. The highest percentage of polymorphic loci (14.63) and gene diversity (0.0714) was observed in 05-6 F3 line and the lowest polymorphic loci (0.00) and gene diversity (0.00) was found in 05-12 and 05-15 F3 lines. So, relatively high level of genetic variation was found in 05-6 F3 line and it was genetically more diverse compared to others. The average co-efficient of gene differentiation (GST) and gene flow (Nm) values across all the loci were 0.8689 and 0.0755, respectively. The UPGMA dendrogram based on the Nei’s genetic distance differentiated the rice genotypes into two main clusters: PNR-519, 05-19, 05-14, 05-12 and 05-17 grouped in cluster 1. On the other hand, Baradhan, 05-9, 05-13, 05-11, 05-5, 05-6, 05-1, 05-4, 05-15 and 05-25 were grouped in cluster 2. The highest genetic distance (0.586) was found between 05-4 and 05-17 F3 lines and they remain in different cluster.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/pa.v20i1-2.16839 Progress. Agric. 20(1 & 2): 1 – 8, 2009

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  

Genetic divergence of Babul (Acacia nilotica) was assessed using Mahalanobis 0 statistics. They were grouped into eight clusters. Maximum genetic distance was recorded between III & VIII ciusters indicating greater distance between two clusters that showed maximum diversity amount the genotype and helps in hybridization programme.

2017 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 146-156
T. M. Suprovych ◽  
M. P. Suprovych ◽  
R. V. Kolinchuk

Introduction. The main direction of increasing the productivity of milk is to increase the proportion of heredity of the Holstein breed in the genotype of cows. Industrial breeds in Ukraine are improving due to the increase in the Holstein inheritance in the genotype of cows. The "holsteinization" of the most widespread domestic Black-and-White diary breed is intensively conducted. Currently, the percentage of heredity from Holstein is 90% or more. The negative effect of "holsteinization" appeared in reducing the resistance of animals to diseases that led to the spread of necrobacterial pathology. The control of the spread of necrobacteriosis can be based on genetic markers. Important markers can be the allele of the BoLA-DRB3.2 gene responsible for the formation of adaptive immunity. Due to the ambiguity of the results of "holsteinization", the following tasks were solved: To study the genetic structure of the herd for the BoLA-DRB3.2 gene at the beginning of the "holsteinization" and now. To compare the detected genetic structures with the alleles spectrum of North American Holstein and identify quantitative and qualitative changes in the structure of the herd genotype. To determine the effect of "holsteinization" on the dynamics of milk production and the state of morbidity by necrobacteriosis. Materials and methods of research. Comparison of alleles of population of the Ukrainian Black-Pied Dairy (UBPD) breed and Holstein breed was conducted to detect the consequences of "holsteinization" on milk yield and incidence of necrobacteriosis. The data of the allelic polymorphism of the BoLA-DRB3.2 gene of the UBPD10 (2010, n = 162), UBPD15 (2015, n = 114) and two Holstein populations of the USA and Canada were collected. The allelic spectrum was determined by the PCR-RFLP method. The amplification of the BoLA-DRB3.2 gene was performed using 2-step PCR with the use of primers HLO-30, HLO-31 and HLO-32 and allele-specific PCR. Restriction analysis was performed with endonuclease RsaI, HaeIII, BstYI (XhoII). Restriction fragments were separated by electrophoresis in 4% agarose gel. Counting of allele frequencies was performed taking into account the number of homozygotes and heterozygotes found for the corresponding alleles. To determine the phylogenetic relationships between the populations of the studied herds, genetic distance and genetic similarity were determined by the M. Nei method. Individual dairy productivity of cows was estimated for all lactation (regardless of its duration). Average milk yields were determined as the total volume of milk produced divided by the number of dairy cows. Results and discussion. The breeding measures carried out led to the accumulation of alleles characteristic of the Holstein breed. For Holstein, there are eight alleles with a frequency of more than 4%. It is alleles *03, *07, *08, *11, *16, *22, *23, *24. A high degree of consolidation of weighty alleles can be outlined. In total they occupy 84,6% of allele spectrum of the population. Consolidation of such alleles in the herd of the Ukrainian Black-and-White diary breed is much lower - only 52.2%, although it increased by 6.2% over 5 years. Alleles *10, *13 and *28 are "weighty" for the Ukrainian Black-and-White diary breed, but they are almost non-existent in Holsteins. The genetic similarity of the herd UBPD15 and Holstein increased by ΔI = 0,085, and the genetic distance between the herds of the UBPD increased by ΔD = 0,085 for 5 years. The comparison of the allele spectrum of Holstein and the Ukrainian Black-and-White diary breed shows both the accumulation and the elimination of alleles associated with high productivity. The largest consolidation is typical for alleles *24 (+ 6.75%) and *16 (+ 4.65%). The frequency of "milk" alleles *22 and *08 decreased, respectively, by 4.14 and 1.27%. Alleys, which cause low milk productivity, have the following dynamics: * 23 + 2.53%, *11 – 0.67 and *28 – 0.26. The accumulation of alleles *16 and *23 (7.18%) was found that are associated with predisposition to necrobacteriosis and elimination of *03 and *22 alleles (4.75%) that influence on this disease. Conclusions. It is determined that the role of alleles characteristic for Holstein is increasing in the the Ukrainian Black-and-White diary herd. Breeding measures for holsteinization are conducted in the right direction. There is accumulation of alleles associated with high milk productivity and predisposition to necrobacteriosis. It positively affects the growth of milk production and negatively affects the incidence of necrobacteriosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Luca Villa ◽  
Pavlo Maksimov ◽  
Christine Luttermann ◽  
Mareen Tuschy ◽  
Alessia L. Gazzonis ◽  

Abstract Background Neospora caninum, a coccidian protozoan, represents an important cause of bovine abortion. Available N. caninum strains show considerable variation in vitro and in vivo, including different virulence in cattle. To which extent sexual recombination, which is possible in the intestines of domestic dogs and closely related carnivores as definitive hosts, contributes to this variation is not clear yet. Methods Aborted bovine foetuses were collected between 2015 and early 2019 from Italian Holstein Friesian dairy herds suffering from reproductive problems. A total of 198 samples were collected from 165 intensive farms located in Lombardy, northern Italy. N. caninum samples were subjected to multilocus-microsatellite genotyping using ten previously established microsatellite markers. In addition to our own data, those from a recent study providing data on five markers from other northern Italian regions were included and analysed. Results Of the 55 samples finally subjected to genotyping, 35 were typed at all or 9 out of 10 loci and their individual multilocus-microsatellite genotype (MLMG) determined. Linear regression revealed a statistically significant association between the spatial distance of the sampling sites with the genetic distance of N. caninum MLMGs (P < 0.001). Including data from this and a previous North Italian study into eBURST analysis revealed that several of N. caninum MLMGs from northern Italy separate into four groups; most of the samples from Lombardy clustered in one of these groups. Principle component analysis revealed similar clusters and confirmed MLMG groups identified by eBURST. Variations observed between MLMGs were not equally distributed over all loci, but predominantly observed in MS7, MS6A, or MS10. Conclusions Our findings confirm the concept of local N. caninum subpopulations. The geographic distance of sampling was associated with the genetic distance as determined by microsatellite typing. Results suggest that multi-parental recombination in N. caninum is a rare event, but does not exclude uniparental mating. More comprehensive studies on microsatellites in N. caninum and related species like Toxoplasma gondii should be undertaken, not only to improve genotyping capabilities, but also to understand possible functions of these regions in the genomes of these parasites.

C. Montagnon ◽  
A. Mahyoub ◽  
W. Solano ◽  
F. Sheibani

AbstractWhilst it is established that almost all cultivated coffee (Coffea arabica L.) varieties originated in Yemen after some coffee seeds were introduced into Yemen from neighboring Ethiopia, the actual coffee genetic diversity in Yemen and its significance to the coffee world had never been explored. We observed five genetic clusters. The first cluster, which we named the Ethiopian-Only (EO) cluster, was made up exclusively of the Ethiopian accessions. This cluster was clearly separated from the Yemen and cultivated varieties clusters, hence confirming the genetic distance between wild Ethiopian accessions and coffee cultivated varieties around the world. The second cluster, which we named the SL-17 cluster, was a small cluster of cultivated worldwide varieties and included no Yemen samples. Two other clusters were made up of worldwide varieties and Yemen samples. We named these the Yemen Typica-Bourbon cluster and the Yemen SL-34 cluster. Finally, we observed one cluster that was unique to Yemen and was not related to any known cultivated varieties and not even to any known Ethiopian accession: we name this cluster the New-Yemen cluster. We discuss the consequences of these findings and their potential to pave the way for further comprehensive genetic improvement projects for the identification of major resilience/adaptation and cup quality genes that have been shaped through the domestication process of C. arabica.

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