Security Issues in E-Commerce

Arram Sriram ◽  
Adiraju Prashantha Rao

E-commerce is selling and buying products in online shopping through the internet. When purchasing the products using internet, many security issues arise. These issues are to be addressed effectively and to be resolved. The security issue is an essential part of any transaction that takes place over the internet. Security becomes paramount not only for retailers but for any business that operates via the internet as the popularity of online shopping grows. This chapter focuses security protocols and their achievements in providing effective communication between end-users and business people.

Arram Sriram ◽  
Adiraju Prashantha Rao

E-commerce is selling and buying products in online shopping through the internet. When purchasing the products using internet, many security issues arise. These issues are to be addressed effectively and to be resolved. The security issue is an essential part of any transaction that takes place over the internet. Security becomes paramount not only for retailers but for any business that operates via the internet as the popularity of online shopping grows. This chapter focuses security protocols and their achievements in providing effective communication between end-users and business people.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-103 ◽  
Michael Adu Kwarteng ◽  
Michal Pilík

Abstract The advent of the Internet continues to open new frontiers in digital marketing. One visible impact of the Internet in marketing has been the growing increase in online transactions which profits marketers and seemingly satisfies customers. However, in developing countries, the potential of online shopping has not been fully explored, and in some cases, are just non-existent. Lack of online infrastructure has often been attributed to the slower growth in online transactions in Africa, however, the customers’ preparedness and inclination to use the service is ignored. .Against this backdrop, this study seeks to analyze consumers’ propensity to engage in online transactions with a focus on demographic attributes such as age, gender and education. Using customers in Ghana as a case study, key reasons as well as the demographics that fancy online transactions are revealed. The results indicate that delivery problems, poor internet connection, privacy and security issues are some of the reasons preventing customers to shop online

Michael Adu Kwarteng ◽  
Michal Pilik

The advent of the Internet continues to open new frontiers in digital marketing. One visible impact of the Internet in marketing has been the growing increase in online transactions which profits marketers and seemingly satisfies customers.  However,in developing countries, the potential of online shopping has not been fully explored, and in some cases, are just non- existent. Lack of online infrastructure has often been attributed to the slower growth in online transactions in Africa, however, the customers’ preparedness and inclination to use the service is ignored. .Against this backdrop, this study seeks to analyze consumers’ propensity to engage in online transactions with a focus on demographic attributes such as age, gender and education. Using customers in Ghana as a case study, key reasons as well as the demographics that fancy online transactions are revealed. The results indicate that delivery problems, poor internet connection, privacy and security issues are some of the reasons preventing customers to shop online

Balkis Hamdane ◽  
Sihem Guemara El Fatmi

The internet was initially proposed to interconnect a few trusted hosts. However, its continued success has caused many security problems. New internet services, such as e-government, must address these security issues. A host-centric security model tied to information location and based on various partial corrections has been proposed. However, this model hasn't brought radical solutions and has largely contributed to architecture ossification. In this context, the idea of a clean slate approach, satisfying the new requirements and without any compatibility obligation, has emerged. The information-centric networking approach represents one of these architectures. Its main idea is to consider the named information as the central element rather than the IP addresses. To ensure security requirements, it adopts an information-centric security. This chapter is a survey on security in the ICN, satisfying the internet security requirements in general and particularly e-government services.

Ana-Maria CERNOV

Network security has become more important to personal computer users, organizations, and the military. With the advent of the internet, security became a major concern and the history of security allows a better understanding of the emergence of security technology. This paper presents the main issues regarding the network security issues and solutions to fight back the cyber-attacks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-256
Sanja Klisarić

In a world of increasingly intense cyber content that relies on new technologies, the security of all systems is at risk. This article will present the danger and security options in order to protect not only data but also the entire system connected to the new technologies. Also, the importance of persons dealing with online security issues will be emphasized. The analysis of the content reveals the possibility for prediction that is presented in the paper, and connected with the conclusion that technology will develop more and more, and thus the danger of cyber attacks will be more and more intense. The paper focuses on the essence of the defense against terrorism that is necessary on the Internet. This indicates those defense options that are in line with the roles of those in charge of Internet security as an open field for terrorist cyber attacks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-68
Deanne Destriani Firmansyah Putri ◽  
Muhammad Helmi Fahrozi

ABSTRAKKemajuan teknologi yang diiringi perkembangan internet kini kian pesat. Di era globalisasi seperti ini kita semakin dipermudah semenjak kemuncul internet. Seperti belanja, kita dapat membeli kebutuhan sehari-hari melalui aplikasi belanja online lewat beberapa e-commerce. Pelanggan e-commerce di Indonesia tercatat mengalami peningkatan sebesar 38,3% setelah terjadi pandemi, hal ini justru membuat tingkat keamanan internet semakin rentan karena banyak pendaftar baru yang mendaftarkan data pribadinya ke dalam data pelanggan e-commerce. Maka tak banyak terjadi kasus kebocoran data seperti yang terjadi pada e-commerce Oleh karena itu tentu kita masih dihadapi persoalan mengenai bagaimana pencegahan kebocoran data dan apa upaya penindakan untuk pelaku kebocoran data serta bagaimana tanggung jawab dari e-commerce tersebut, maka perlu adanya pengesahan RUU Perlindungan Data Pribadi yang mana telah dibentuk oleh pemerintah dari lama, RUU ini apabila disahkan dapat menjadi jawaban dari persoalan kebocoran data. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis-normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan kasus. Dalam penelitian ini akan menjabarkan betapa pentingnya RUU Perlindungan Data Pribadi untuk segera disahkan untuk menutut pelaku dan menuntut pertanggungjawaban pemilik e-commerce itu sendiri, tentunya masyrakat akan mendapatkan kepastian hukum untuk menangani masalah kebocoran data.Kata Kunci: E-commerce; Kebocoran Data; Pandemi COVID-19; Perlindungan Data Pribadi.ABSTRACTThe progression of the technology which accompanied by development of the internet are growing rapidly. In this era of globalization, we’ve made it easier by the since emerged of the internet. Like shopping, we can buy our needs by online shopping application through some e-commerces. The consumers of e-commerce in Indonesia has increased until 38,3% after this pandemic happened, this thing actually makes the level of internet security more vulnerable because many registrants just register their data into the e-commerce. So many cases about data leakage, like it happened in e-commerce Therefore, we still facing problems regarding about data leakage and how to prevent data leakage, what our behaviour regarding data leakage perpetrators and what the responsibility by the e-commerce, and then to legalization The Protection of Personal Data Bill is very important, if this bill has legalized it can answer all problems about data leakage. The research method used is normative juridical with statute approach and case approach. In this research will be explained how important to legalization The Protection of Personal Data Bill, because many important articles which can be applied to the consumers who feel disadvantaged by data leakage perpetrators and public will get legal certainty to deal with data leakage problems.Keywords: Data Leakage; E-commerce; Pandemic of COVID-1; Personal Data Protection.

Pauline C. Reich

While the benefits of the Internet and other forms of computer networks are streamlining financial institutions, the same institutions are often among the first institutions to be affected by Cybercrime and Cybersecurity issues due to the financial incentives as well as their strategic place in each nation’s infrastructure and economy. We must look not only at the efficiency, but also at the negative aspects of the use of technology by financial institutions. Consumers as well as business must be well informed about conducting transactions in the safest manner possible. The nature of the Internet is cross-border, and thus Cybercrime and Internet Security issues involving financial institutions should be made known by international organizations, regional organizations and when there have been cross-border law enforcement collaborations in investigations, extraditions, etc. At present, due to the fact that law is generally written at the national (or even state level, as is the case of Identity Theft law in the US), there is a need for reporting of cross-border cases in the literature if such data can be obtained from law enforcement officials by scholars.

Naheeda Praveen ◽  
Shweta Srivastava

According to Internet World Stats' statistics (2012), more than two billion people are linked to the Internet and this number shows that 30 per cent of the world population use the Internet. As a result, this can be used as an efficient marketing platform. The convenience of online shopping renders it to be an emerging trend among consumers. Online shopping involves sharing of personal and financial information from the buyer. This makes the e-tailer to stand in a fiduciary position against the buyer and he is required to act for the sole benefit of the buyer. He has to duly address the security issues involved in the online shopping transactions and exhibit highest order of diligence and care. This paper aims at identifying the potential security threats involved in the online shopping transactions and the remedial measures adopted by the e-commerce companies. The paper also exemplifies from Indian e-commerce as demonetization, along with rapid digitalization, has not paved the way for cashless transactions, but also, for the e-commerce crimes.

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