The term Good Governance (an-Nizam al-Siyasah) is an Islamic concept in the implementation of good governance according to the Qur'an and Hadith. This concept was re-emerged by UNDP in 1990 which was implemented by Umar bin Abdul Aziz during the Umayyad dynasty, in balancing a synergistic and constructive relationship between the state, the private sector and society, through the principles of good governance applied by Umar bin Abdul Aziz: 1. tawhid, 2. Trust, 3. Deliberation, 4. Justice and Law Enforcement, 5. Equality, 6. Brotherhood, 7. Human Rights (HAM), 8. Effective and Efficient, 9. Social Supervision. Umar bin Abd Aziz's principles of good governance are in line with Islamic values, such as: Allah as the highest caliph, trustworthiness, deliberation, justice, equality, brotherhood, human rights, and commanding good and evil. In comparison, UNDP and LAN Good Governance have the following principles: participation, law enforcement, transparency, equality, responsiveness, effectiveness, professionalism, supervision. The principles of good governance of Umar bin Abdul Aziz associated with maqasid sharia are; the principle of tawhid according to maqasid shari'ah in the field of muhafazah ad-din (maintaining religion), the principle of trustworthiness and effectiveness and efficiency, including the category of muhafazah al-mal (protection of property). The application of deliberation, including the category of muhafazah al-aql (preservation of reason) and brotherhood is included in the category of muhafazah al-nasl (maintaining offspring). Human Rights (HAM) are included in the category of muhafazah al-nafs (protecting the soul). in line with the maqasid shari'ah al-Syatibi. If tawhid is connected with Imam Malik's istislahi theory, then this principle includes daruriyyah (principle), while justice and law enforcement, deliberation, trust, equality, brotherhood are included in the hajiyyah category. effective, efficient, social supervision is included in the category of taksiniyah. Then how is good governance implemented and how is it related to UNDP good governance. This is the study of this treatise as material to add to the treasures of knowledge in the state
Abstrak: Istilah Good Governance (an-Nizam al-Siyasah) merupakan konsep Islam dalam pelaksanaan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik sesuai al-Qur’an dan Hadits. Konsep ini dimunculkan kembali oleh UNDP pada 1990 yang pernah dilaksanakan Umar bin Abdul Aziz pada masa dinasti Umayyah, dalam menyeimbangkan hubungan yang sinergis dan konstruktif antara negara, sektor swasta dan masyarakat, melalui prinsip good governance yang diterapkan Umar bin Abdul Aziz: 1. tawhid, 2. Amanah, 3. Musyawarah, 4. Keadilan dan Penegakan Hukum, 5. Persamaan, 6. Persaudaraan, 7. Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM), 8. Efektif dan Efisien, 9. Pengawasan Sosial. Prinsip-prinsip Good governance Umar bin Abd Aziz sejalan dengan tata nilai Islam, seperti: Allah sebagai khalifah tertinggi, amanah, musyawarah, keadilan, persamaan, persaudaraan, HAM, dan amar makruf nahi munkar. Sebagai bandingannya adalah Good Governance UNDP dan LAN memiliki prinsip sebagai berikut: partisipasi, penegakan hukum, transparansi, kesetaraan, daya tanggap, efektif, profesionalisme, pengawasan. Prinsip-prinsip good governance Umar bin Abdul Aziz diakaikan dengan maqasid syariah adalah; prinsip tawhid sesuai maqasid syari’ah bidang muhafazah ad-din (menjaga agama), prinsip amanah dan efektif serta efisien termasuk ketagori muhafazah al-mal (penjagaan harta). Penerapan musyawarah, termasuk kategori muhafazah al-aql (penjagaan akal) dan persaudaraan termasuk kategori muhafazah al-nasl (menjaga keturunan). Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) termasuk kategori muhafazah al-nafs (menjaga jiwa). sejalan dengan maqasid syari’ah al-Syatibi. Jika dihubungkan tawhid dengan teori istislahi Imam Malik maka prinsip ini termasuk daruriyyah (pokok), sementara keadilan dan penegakan hukum, musyawarah, amanah, persamaan, persaudaraan termasuk tingkatan kategori hajiyyah. efektif, efisien, pengawasan sosial termasuk kategori taksiniyah. Lalu bagaimanakah good governance ini diterapkan dan bagaimana hubungannya dengan good governance UNDP. Inilah kajian risalah ini sebagai bahan untuk menambah khazanah ilmu pengetahuan dalam bernegara.
Kata Kunci: Tata Kelola, Konsep dan Aplikasi yang Baik, Pemerintahan Omar Bin Abdul Aziz