Risk Adjustment Based Upon Resource Utilization

Patricia Cerrito

Resource utilization is based upon the assumption that patients with more severe problems will utilize more resources, and the most severe patients will require the most resources. This type of index assumes that no unnecessary resources are utilized and that treatments, medications, and laboratory diagnostics are required because of the severity of the patient condition. However, if the provider is extravagant in the use of resources, the patient will look severe. Then, too, some of the resources used will depend upon the admitting condition.

2012 ◽  
Vol 581-582 ◽  
pp. 142-145
Shi Yi CHEN ◽  
Shou Ting Zhang

This paper introduced fluorite resource profiles on the basis of elaborated China fluorite resource utilization status, focusing on analysis of fluorite in the fluorine chemical industry, discusses the problems of our country in the fluorine chemical industry development and firefly stone rational use of resources and the sustainable development of China's fluorine chemical industry recommendations.

Blood ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 120 (21) ◽  
pp. 4283-4283
Marko Kavcic ◽  
Brian T. Fisher ◽  
Yimei Li ◽  
Alix E. Seif ◽  
Kari Torp ◽  

Abstract Abstract 4283 Background The role of Gemtuzumab ozogamicin (GO) for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) remains controversial. GO was removed from the U.S. market in 2010 due to concerns of increased induction mortality in adults. Other studies have shown a survival benefit without increased treatment related mortality. Moreover, no data are available on the resources required to deliver GO based chemotherapy. Since pediatric data are limited, we evaluated in-hospital mortality and resource utilization in pediatric AML patients treated with GO and standard chemotherapy. Methods We used the Pediatric Information Health System (PHIS) to establish a cohort of children < 19 years old treated for de novo AML with GO and standard cytarabine, daunorubicin, and etoposide (ADE) induction. Cohort assembly was validated by local chart review and used ICD-9 diagnosis codes and manual review of chemotherapy. Case fatality was determined after induction (defined from the start of therapy to the initiation course 3), at 6 months and at 12 months. Resource utilization was determined for each patient based on daily billing data. Each resource variable was dichotomized (exposure or no exposure) for each inpatient day and then summarized during each study period to determine resource utilization days per 1,000 hospital days. Results In total, 253 children who had billing data for GO during the first course of ADE induction were identified. Median age was 9.6 years; a slight male predominance was observed (54%) and most patients were white (69%). In-hospital case-fatality rates were 2.4% during induction, 6.7% at 6 months, and 13.0% at 12 months from start of therapy. PHIS billing data demonstrated that patients received opioids almost on one in four hospital days, that during induction period 12% of patients received vasopressors on at least two consecutive days, and 12% needed assisted ventilation. Mean inpatient stay and resource utilization rates are presented in Table 1. Discussion In-hospital mortality rates at the three time points were low and concordant with published data on pediatric AML trials using an ADE induction (Gibson, BJH 2011) and ADE Induction + GO (Cooper, Cancer 2012) and lower than trials using intensively timed DCTER regimens (Woods, Blood 2001; Lange, Blood 2008). Resource utilization data demonstrated an extensive use of resources needed to manage infections (blood cultures, imaging, antimicrobials). While infections are the leading cause of non-relapse morbidity and mortality in pediatric AML, such extensive use of resources has not been previously quantified. In addition, PHIS billing data describe toxicities such as pain (opioid use), hypotension (vasopressor support), and respiratory failure (assisted ventilation) at rates higher than those previously reported in clinical trials. In conclusion, the in-hospital mortality of children treated with GO at PHIS centers appears comparable to previously published studies of ADE and ADE + GO. The resource utilization data provide a more comprehensive description of resources needed to treat pediatric AML than previously reported. In addition, the resource utilization data suggest that toxicities reported on clinical trials may underestimate the resources needed to administer AML induction therapy safely. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

2001 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 165-180 ◽  
Claude Sicotte ◽  
François Béland

This study tests the ability of medical work groups to overcome coordination problems related to group decision-making in allocating clinical resources to inpatients. The study was conducted over a 32-month period in two medium-sized acute-care hospitals located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The data were collected by hand from the medical charts of 10 456 patients in the surgical and medical departments. The Linear Structural Relations (LISREL) approach was employed to address the work-group issue using a task contingent model of work-group organization. In this model, the nature of the task is fundamental because its level of complexity determines both the organization of the work group and the use of resources. Medical work-group mechanisms should be efficient to the extent that resource utilization is explained solely by task characteristics rather than by work-group structure. In this study, the following two major organizational concepts were used as factors to explain resource use: task characteristics and work-group characteristics. Our analysis confirmed the main points of the task contingency theory as applied to the field of medicine. First, the results confirm that resource utilization is explained mainly by task complexity. Second, they confirm that medical work groups modulate their structures on the basis of task characteristics and do not explain resource use. The results also reveal a more complex model in which, for instance, the concepts of medical task and medical professional work are not easy to separate. The results highlight the interest in conceptualizing and analysing medical practice in work groups. It raises important issues that have seldom been taken into account in the study of medical practice variations, which has tended to focus on attending physicians.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 152-158
D. O. Ivanov ◽  
V. N. Timchenko ◽  
E. B. Pavlova ◽  
N. V. Pavlova ◽  
A. N. Nazarova ◽  

In Russia, Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome (HFRS) takes the leading place among all natural focal infections, the incidence rate in 2018 was 3,99 per 100 thousand population. In the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation, HFRS occurs much less frequently – 1,46 cases per 100 thousand population. The disease is more susceptible to men aged 16–50 years, children rarely get sick. In 2019, 73 cases of HFRS (1,36 per 100 thousand population) were registered in St. Petersburg, among them only 2 episodes – in children under 18 years of age. A clinical case of HFRS in a child aged 1 year and 8 months is presented. The diagnosis was established on the basis of clinical and epidemiological data (acute onset of the disease, the presence of fever, thrombohemorrhagic syndrome, oliguria, anuria, information on cases of HFRS at the place of residence of the child) and laboratory data (detection of specific IgM antibodies to the Hantaan virus) in the later stages of the disease. The described case should alert pediatricians regarding possible natural focal diseases, including HFRS. A thorough analysis of the anamnestic, epidemiological and clinical data of the patient will help in the early stages of the disease to suggest a diagnosis, conduct laboratory diagnostics and prescribe appropriate therapy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. S883-S884
Emily Abdoler ◽  
Katherine Gruenberg ◽  
Brian Schwartz ◽  
Brian Schwartz ◽  
Conan MacDougall

Abstract Background Antimicrobial prescribing mistakes are common and adherence to guidelines for treatment of infections is poor. Effective use of clinical resources could help ameliorate these issues, but little is known about the use of such resources by physicians and pharmacists. We thus aimed to explore how practitioners utilize clinical resources in the management of infections. Methods We conducted individual interviews with a purposeful sample of eight Hospitalists, eight ID attendings, four ID pharmacists, and six non-ID pharmacists. As part of a larger, semi-structured interview exploring ID practice patterns, we asked respondents how they utilize resources when managing infections. We describe the resources mentioned by the different practitioners, as well as the frequency of their reported use. Results All respondents reported using at least one resource to help manage infections, with a mean of 5.6 resources each. The majority of respondents use resources daily, although some ID practitioners use resources more frequently and some general practitioners less frequently (Figure 1). The types of resources utilized by respondents fell into six main categories: local ID resources, outside ID resources, primary literature, guidelines, colleagues, and pharmacy resources (Figure 2). In general, local resources are utilized more frequently by non-ID practitioners, while guidelines and the primary literature are utilized more frequently by ID practitioners. ID physicians use pharmacy resources more frequently than non-ID physicians. Six respondents spontaneously reported being motivated to review resources for their own interest or learning. Several also commented that accessibility was important in choosing resources. Conclusion Providers report use of resources to manage infections, although the type of resource and frequency of use varies. ID practitioners utilize more detailed resources than nonspecialists. Accessibility seems to influence resource utilization, which may explain the popularity of local ID resources. As such, efforts to make local ID resources as accessible and clear as possible may have an impact on appropriate antibiotic use. Future quantitative studies could help illuminate rates and perceived advantages of specific resource utilization. Disclosures All authors: No reported disclosures.

Claas Tido Olthoff ◽  
Philipp Reiss

Human spaceflight is an expensive endeavor. Every kilogram that needs to be transported to low Earth orbit or beyond costs tens of thousands of dollars, with the cost increasing exponentially the farther humanity extends its reach into the solar system and beyond. It is therefore prudent, if not necessary, to consider the use of resources that are available at the destination of a given exploration mission. This concept is called in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). The processes that are required to extract useful materials from the local environment can not only be used to support a human crew, but also to obtain resources that are of value on Earth and can thus be returned there for commercial gain. This chapter provides background information on ISRU in general and discusses the most important technologies and processes that are currently employed or under development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 351-354
Iryna A. Holovanova ◽  
Oksana I. Krasnovа ◽  
Svetlana M. Tanianskaia ◽  
Irina A. Kolenko ◽  
Mariya O. Rumyantseva ◽  

The aim: Is to study and analyze the dynamics of the indicators of the emergency medical service of the Ukrainian and the Poltava region in the context of the reforms of the healthcare system in Ukraine. Materials and methods: In this work, the indicators of development of the emergency medical service of the Ukrainian and the Poltava region were studied and analyzed. Conclusions: The provision of emergency medical care in the Poltava region is provided by the Poltava Regional Center for Emergency Medicine and Disaster Medicine. The structure of the center includes 4 emergency medical stations, which are located in cities such as Poltava, Kremenchuk, Lubny, Mirgorod. А modern telemedicine center was built іn 2018 for emergency counseling on-line in new directions was carried out: ultrasound and endoscopic diagnostics, radiology, counseling during surgical interventions, laboratory diagnostics, etc. Emergency medical care reform Poltava Regional should be aimed at increasing the efficiency of the use of resources; provision of the EMC system by the relevant vehicles; qualitative training of doctors in emergency medicine; informatization of the EMC system.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 2777
Frederik Hildebrandt ◽  
Kathrin Büttner ◽  
Jennifer Salau ◽  
Joachim Krieter ◽  
Irena Czycholl

The aim of this study was to analyze the utilization of different stable areas of a total of 52 group-housed horses as well as their preferred stable parts and the use of resources. The study was situated in a “HIT Active Stable®” in Northern Germany for a period of 227 observation days. After dividing the whole farm area in a grid of 3 × 3 m, the dataset was examined with and without the pasture area. Furthermore, linear mixed models were applied. On average, horses used 53.2 ± 19 different squares per hour. The observation day (p < 0.001) and the covariate age (p < 0.001) had significant effects on the different squares visited per hour. No significant effects were found for sex (p = 0.30) and breed (p = 0.65) as only geldings and no stallions were part of the group and the distribution of the breeds was unfavorable. The random effect animal showed that the horse-individual estimates from -19.2 to 17.6 different squares visited per hour were quite large. Furthermore, it could be shown that the horses used resources such as feed stalls with a frequency of up to 0.14% more than other paddock areas without resources. Open lying halls with tarp skin were also preferred over the metal hall. The shelters were only partly popular. Use could be visualized with the help of heat maps. This study gives a good overview of the use of individual areas and resources and possible improvements.

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
Isamu Shioya

This paper describes how to coordinate autonomous mobile multi-agents, whose agents stochastically move over a finite resource consisting of cells in accordance with transition probabilities. We assume there are interactions or coordination among agents such that (1) each agent cannot move to a destination cell occupied by agents more than the agents of a current cell and (2) their agents have time-lag. Then it is ideal that every cell is always occupied by agents, because of the efficient use of resources, and it is desirable to be the fewest expected number of cells not occupied by agents. The first result shows that the resource utilization of accelerated mobile multi-agents with appropriate average moving speed becomes higher than the resource utilization of mobile multi-agents without average moving speed. Then the resource utilization can be accelerated to maximum by giving appropriate moving speed. The second result shows that there are the best moving speed of system-specific optimum to utilize the resources of autonomous stochastic mobile multi-agents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (9) ◽  
pp. 4458-4461
B. K. Dhanalakshmi ◽  
K. C. Srikantaiah ◽  
K. R. Venugopal

Cloud computing is an instant use of resources and it is a trending technology in the field of computer science. Here, many jobs will be arriving continuously with different job size, at that point of time, allocating of resources for suitable virtual machines without allowing virtual machine to starving is a hindrance job. So, to avoid this hindrance, an algorithm Dynamic Computation of Threshold Value is proposed (DCTV) and based on the threshold value the jobs are classified in the initial stage, so this classification leads to allocation of resources precisely and efficient resource utilization. The experimental result shows that by using dynamic computation of threshold value the allocation of resource time is reduced and classification accuracy is improved compared to manual computation of threshold value.

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