Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing

Marina Sokolova ◽  
Stan Szpakowicz

This chapter presents applications of machine learning techniques to traditional problems in natural language processing, including part-of-speech tagging, entity recognition and word-sense disambiguation. People usually solve such problems without difficulty or at least do a very good job. Linguistics may suggest labour-intensive ways of manually constructing rule-based systems. It is, however, the easy availability of large collections of texts that has made machine learning a method of choice for processing volumes of data well above the human capacity. One of the main purposes of text processing is all manner of information extraction and knowledge extraction from such large text. Machine learning methods discussed in this chapter have stimulated wide-ranging research in natural language processing and helped build applications with serious deployment potential.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 1039
Ilham Firmansyah ◽  
Putra Pandu Adikara ◽  
Sigit Adinugroho

<p class="Abstrak">Bahasa manusia adalah bahasa yang digunakan oleh manusia dalam bentuk tulisan maupun suara. Banyak teknologi/aplikasi yang mengolah bahasa manusia, bidang tersebut bernama <em>Natural Language Processing </em>yang merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari untuk mengolah dan mengekstraksi bahasa manusia pada perkembangan teknologi. Salah satu proses pada <em>Natural Language Processing </em>adalah <em>Part-Of-Speech Tagging</em>. <em>Part-Of-Speech Tagging </em>adalah klasifikasi kelas kata pada sebuah kalimat secara otomatis oleh teknologi, proses ini salah satunya berfungsi untuk mengetahui kata-kata yang memiliki lebih dari satu makna/arti (ambiguitas). <em>Part-Of-Speech Tagging</em> merupakan dasar dari <em>Natural Language Processing</em> lainnya, seperti penerjemahan mesin (<em>machine translation</em>), penghilangan ambiguitas makna kata (<em>word sense disambiguation</em>), dan analisis sentimen. <em>Part-Of-Speech Tagging</em> dilakukan pada bahasa manusia, salah satunya adalah bahasa Madura. Bahasa Madura adalah bahasa daerah yang digunakan oleh suku Madura dan memiliki morfologi yang mirip dengan bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian pada <em>Part-Of-Speech Tagging </em>pada bahasa Madura ini menggunakan algoritme Viterbi, terdapat 3 proses untuk implementasi algoritme Viterbi pada pada <em>Part-Of-Speech Tagging</em> bahasa Madura, yaitu <em>pre-processing </em>pada data<em> training </em>dan <em>testing</em>, perhitungan data latih dengan <em>Hidden Markov Model </em>dan klasifikasi kelas kata menggunakan algoritme Viterbi. Kelas kata (<em>tagset</em>) yang digunakan untuk klasifikasi kata pada bahasa Madura sebanyak 19 kelas, kelas kata tersebut dirancang oleh pakar. Pengujian sistem pada penelitian ini menggunakan perhitungan <em>Multiclass Confusion Matrix</em>. Hasil pengujian sistem mendapatkan nilai <em>micro average</em> <em>accuracy </em>sebesar 0,96 dan nilai <em>micro average</em> <em>precision </em>dan <em>recall </em>yang sama sebesar 0,68. <em>Precision</em> dan <em>recall</em> masih dapat ditingkatkan dengan menambahkan data yang lebih banyak lagi untuk pelatihan.</p><p class="Abstrak"> </p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>Natural language is a form of language used by human, either in writing or speaking form. There is a specific field in computer science that processes natural language, which is called Natural Language Processing. It is a study of how to process and extract natural language on technology development. Part-Of-Speech Tagging is a method to assign a predefined set of tags (word classes) into a word or a phrase. This process is useful to understand the true meaning of a word with ambiguous meaning, which may have different meanings depending on the context. Part-Of-Speech Tagging is the basis of the other Natural Language Processing methods, such as machine translation, word sense disambiguation, and sentiment analysis. Part-Of-Speech Tagging used in natural languages, such as Madurese language. Madurese language is a local language used by Madurese and has a similar morphology as Indonesian language. Part-Of-Speech Tagging research on Madurese language using Viterbi algorithm, consists of 3 processes, which are training and testing corpus pre-processing, training the corpus by Hidden Markov Model, and tag classification using Viterbi algorithm. The number of tags used for words classification (tagsets) on Madurese language are 19 class, those tags were designed by an expert. Performance assessment was conducted using Multiclass Confusion Matrix calculation. The system achieved a micro average accuracy score of 0,96, and micro average precision score is equal to recall of 0,68. Precision and recall can still be improved by adding more data for training.</em></p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 3729 ◽  
Hei Wang ◽  
Yung Chi ◽  
Ping Hsin

With the advent of the knowledge economy, firms often compete for intellectual property rights. Being the first to acquire high-potential patents can assist firms in achieving future competitive advantages. To identify patents capable of being developed, firms often search for a focus by using existing patent documents. Because of the rapid development of technology, the number of patent documents is immense. A prominent topic among current firms is how to use this large number of patent documents to discover new business opportunities while avoiding conflicts with existing patents. In the search for technological opportunities, a crucial task is to present results in the form of an easily understood visualization. Currently, natural language processing can help in achieving this goal. In natural language processing, word sense disambiguation (WSD) is the problem of determining which “sense” (meaning) of a word is activated in a given context. Given a word and its possible senses, as defined by a dictionary, we classify the occurrence of a word in context into one or more of its sense classes. The features of the context (such as neighboring words) provide evidence for these classifications. The current method for patent document analysis warrants improvement in areas, such as the analysis of many dimensions and the development of recommendation methods. This study proposes a visualization method that supports semantics, reduces the number of dimensions formed by terms, and can easily be understood by users. Since polysemous words occur frequently in patent documents, we also propose a WSD method to decrease the calculated degrees of distortion between terms. An analysis of outlier distributions is used to construct a patent map capable of distinguishing similar patents. During the development of new strategies, the constructed patent map can assist firms in understanding patent distributions in commercial areas, thereby preventing patent infringement caused by the development of similar technologies. Subsequently, technological opportunities can be recommended according to the patent map, aiding firms in assessing relevant patents in commercial areas early and sustainably achieving future competitive advantages.

Rashida Ali ◽  
Ibrahim Rampurawala ◽  
Mayuri Wandhe ◽  
Ruchika Shrikhande ◽  
Arpita Bhatkar

Internet provides a medium to connect with individuals of similar or different interests creating a hub. Since a huge hub participates on these platforms, the user can receive a high volume of messages from different individuals creating a chaos and unwanted messages. These messages sometimes contain a true information and sometimes false, which leads to a state of confusion in the minds of the users and leads to first step towards spam messaging. Spam messages means an irrelevant and unsolicited message sent by a known/unknown user which may lead to a sense of insecurity among users. In this paper, the different machine learning algorithms were trained and tested with natural language processing (NLP) to classify whether the messages are spam or ham.

Ayush Srivastav ◽  
Hera Khan ◽  
Amit Kumar Mishra

The chapter provides an eloquent account of the major methodologies and advances in the field of Natural Language Processing. The most popular models that have been used over time for the task of Natural Language Processing have been discussed along with their applications in their specific tasks. The chapter begins with the fundamental concepts of regex and tokenization. It provides an insight to text preprocessing and its methodologies such as Stemming and Lemmatization, Stop Word Removal, followed by Part-of-Speech tagging and Named Entity Recognition. Further, this chapter elaborates the concept of Word Embedding, its various types, and some common frameworks such as word2vec, GloVe, and fastText. A brief description of classification algorithms used in Natural Language Processing is provided next, followed by Neural Networks and its advanced forms such as Recursive Neural Networks and Seq2seq models that are used in Computational Linguistics. A brief description of chatbots and Memory Networks concludes the chapter.

Marina Sokolova ◽  
Stan Szpakowicz

This chapter presents applications of machine learning techniques to problems in natural language processing that require work with very large amounts of text. Such problems came into focus after the Internet and other computer-based environments acquired the status of the prime medium for text delivery and exchange. In all cases which the authors discuss, an algorithm has ensured a meaningful result, be it the knowledge of consumer opinions, the protection of personal information or the selection of news reports. The chapter covers elements of opinion mining, news monitoring and privacy protection, and, in parallel, discusses text representation, feature selection, and word category and text classification problems. The applications presented here combine scientific interest and significant economic potential.

IoT ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 218-239 ◽  
Ravikumar Patel ◽  
Kalpdrum Passi

In the derived approach, an analysis is performed on Twitter data for World Cup soccer 2014 held in Brazil to detect the sentiment of the people throughout the world using machine learning techniques. By filtering and analyzing the data using natural language processing techniques, sentiment polarity was calculated based on the emotion words detected in the user tweets. The dataset is normalized to be used by machine learning algorithms and prepared using natural language processing techniques like word tokenization, stemming and lemmatization, part-of-speech (POS) tagger, name entity recognition (NER), and parser to extract emotions for the textual data from each tweet. This approach is implemented using Python programming language and Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK). A derived algorithm extracts emotional words using WordNet with its POS (part-of-speech) for the word in a sentence that has a meaning in the current context, and is assigned sentiment polarity using the SentiWordNet dictionary or using a lexicon-based method. The resultant polarity assigned is further analyzed using naïve Bayes, support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), and random forest machine learning algorithms and visualized on the Weka platform. Naïve Bayes gives the best accuracy of 88.17% whereas random forest gives the best area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC) of 0.97.

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