Investigating the Roles of School Management Teams in Curriculum Delivery

2021 ◽  
Bongi P. Mqina ◽  
Leila Goosen

The purpose of this chapter is to investigate the roles of school management teams in curriculum delivery through information and communication technologies (ICTs) in education concerning e-schools' community engagement. In terms of summarizing the content, the background is provided regarding the context of this problem and a review of the literature as per the outlined objectives of the chapter and including applicable theoretical and conceptual frameworks. The methodology, research method, paradigm, and sampling techniques used are indicated, as are data collection instruments, data analysis and interpretation, and research ethics. Finally, in dealing with the issues, controversies, problems, and challenges presented in the research questions and objectives, the findings as per the empirical study conducted are outlined with the discussions of solutions and recommendations. Future research directions are also discussed before the conclusion provides a discussion of the overall coverage of the chapter.

Philda Mandisa Mbane ◽  
France Machaba

This chapter investigates the school management teams' views on managing curriculum delivery and assessment in primary schools at Germiston, Ekurhuleni South District in Gauteng Province, South Africa. The following research questions premise the study: What are SMTs' views on managing curriculum delivery and assessment strategies at primary schools? The study applies a qualitative research methodology, which is explorative and descriptive. Five primary school SMTs based on their managing teaching experiences in the Germiston area, at Ekurhuleni District are purposefully selected for interviews. The study's findings summarized as strategies that contribute to the effective management of curriculum assessment, the role of the school assessment teams in managing curriculum assessment, and teacher competencies and attitudes to the effective managing of curriculum assessment in classrooms.

Ailwei Solomon Mawela

The uncertainty of how the curriculum is supposed to be delivered in schools during COVID-19, which is different from traditional practices, was a global challenge. This chapter seeks to explore school management teams' strategies to enhance curriculum delivery in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this qualitative chapter, transformative learning and quality management theories, purposive sampling techniques, and the interpretive paradigm were employed. In addition, data collected from semi-structured interviews were thematically analyzed and discussed to give conclusions and recommendations. This study found that despite the existing policies such as the Curriculum and Assessment Policy System (CAPS) and the National Policy for Assessment (NPA) on planning and implementing curriculum delivery in schools, school management teams (SMTs) found it difficult to execute their duties as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the study suggests annual in-service training for departmental heads (Dh) and deputy principals (Dp) on planning and implementing curriculum in schools.

Shonisani Agnes Mulovhedzi ◽  
Takalani Rhoda Luhalima

School management teams (SMTs) plan school teaching and learning curriculum. Through the desktop research method, this chapter investigates the role of SMTs in planning the curriculum delivery during and after COVID-19. It focuses on the role of SMTs in planning the mode of curriculum delivery, reviewing learning materials, setting plans on the transition to online teaching and learning, controlling curriculum issues, and encouraging a predictable annual routine during and after COVID-19. The chapter also discusses challenges faced in the planning of curriculum delivery during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, it provides suggestions on strategies that can assist teachers in improving the delivery of the curriculum. Finally, the chapter concludes by explaining the available different modes of delivering the curriculum. Thus, the chapter aims to investigate the planning of curriculum delivery during and after the COVID-19 pandemic as one of the roles of school management teams in education.

Petrus Dhiginina Shipalanga ◽  
Anna Niitembu Hako ◽  
Sakaria M. Iipinge

This qualitative study examined the roles of the school management teams in curriculum delivery during COVID-19 and beyond. The closure of the schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused serious disruptions to teaching and learning. Learners were expected to be engaged in learning processes via different platforms. The school management teams were given enormous responsibilities to ensure planning, implementing, and monitoring curriculum delivery during and post COVID-19. Twenty participants are purposefully selected from 10 schools ranging from primary to secondary. Focus group interviews and document analysis were used to collect data. The authors followed the thematic approach in analyzing data. The study revealed that the amount of teaching is not significant as only the quality of learning matters. It proved that planning is the best approach to academic outcomes. The authors hope the study would provide insight into lived experiences of school management teams in curriculum planning, implementation, and monitoring of curriculum delivery amidst COVID-19 and beyond.

Takalani Rhoda Luhalima ◽  
Shonisani Agnes Mulovhedzi

A curriculum is a guiding strength behind any educational system, and its successful implementation defines the actualization of every country's education goals. School management team (SMT) success depends on their readiness to be dynamic in changing times and serving their duties as curriculum leaders. The purpose of this chapter is to investigate the roles of SMTs in managing curriculum delivery during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The desktop research method was used. The content of this chapter focuses on the management of teaching and learning during the COVID-19 crisis. To ensure the quality of education, schools should be actively involved in curriculum implementation. Various factors supporting school management teams and strategies used in effective management curriculum delivery are highlighted. In addition, the factors that act as barriers in managing curriculum delivery and conflict of interests will be discussed. Finally, the authors recommend that SMTs, teachers, students, and all stakeholders should embrace the transition of curriculum delivery.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 55-68
Khashane Stephen Malatji ◽  
Cosmas Maphosa ◽  
Mzuyanda Percival Mavuso

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