Internal Wave Propagation from Pulsating Sources in a Two-Layer Fluid of Finite Depth
The influence of internal waves is very important in the Engineering Analysis, Design and Optimization. To study the internal wave properties, we model a two-layer fluid and generalize to multiple layers. In a two-layer fluid with the upper layer having a free surface, there exist two modes of waves propagating due to the free surface and the interface. This is due to the density difference in the vertical direction of the water, due to the variation in salinity and temperature where waves from underwater structures are of importance. In this case the fluid is assumed to be non viscous, incompressible and the flow is non rotational. On the other hand, there is need for appropriate Green functions to analyze these properties. In this paper, we use the three dimensional Green functions for a stationary oscillating source to study the internal wave characteristics. Some of the behavior studied in this work includes effects of internal waves on the surface and internal wave amplitudes. Further, an investigation of the influence of internal waves on the wave length, frequency and period is made.