Research and Practice of Scientific Research Quality Cultivation of Undergraduates Majoring in Materials Forming and Control Engineering

2013 ◽  
Vol 321-324 ◽  
pp. 3037-3040
Wei You

In this paper, the cultivation mode of scientific research quality of undergraduates majoring in materials forming and control engineering was introduced. The goal of the major is cultivate applied talents of high quality. The authors had designed a training program_SEE Plan to cultivate the scientific research innovation consciousness and capability of undergraduates. Moreover, the authors had made full use of Beijing's academic resources such as various academic meeting of the professional to train the ability of communication of the undergraduates. Through several years cultivation, the undergraduates majoring in materials forming and control engineering had achieved considerable academic achievements, including academic papers, patents application and samples. The work is helpful of cultivating the undergraduates with strong science and technology innovation consciousness and has important theoretical meaning and practical application value in undergraduates cultivation.

ياسر بن إسماعيل (Yasir Bin Ismail) ◽  
رحمة أحمد عثمان (Rahmah Ahmad Osman)

ملخص البحث:المناظرة فنّ من فنون الحوار المنضبط والمؤدب، فالمناظرة تستلزم أمرين، أولاً استجلاء كل الحجج والبراهين رغم حدّة الاختلاف فيها بين الطرفين، ثانياً تقبُّل الطرفين اختلاف الرؤى وإظهارهما الرضا بالخلاف الموجود. وقد أثبتت النتائج المبنية على الملاحظة والدراسة أن المناظرة الهادفة تدفع بالفرد والمجتمع نحو التفوّق والتفاهم والاستقرار. وهذا البحث سيكشف هذه الجوانب الإيجابية، فيبرز ما يجنيه الطالب الذي يشارك في مسابقة المناظرة من ثقة نفسية وصحة لغوية وبراعة فكرية، حيث تمّ دراسة عيّنتين ومقارنتهما، الأولى الطلبة الذين لم يشاركوا في نشاط المناظرة، والثانية الطلبة الذين شاركوا فيها، فاتّضح أنّ الطلبة المشتركين في المناظرة أكثر تفوقاً من الناحية العلمية والقيادية. كما سيُبرز البحث فوائد عديدة من بثِّ روح المناظرة الهادفة لصالح المجتمع والدولة، فمثلاً ماليزيا رغم أنها دولة ذات شعوب متعددة وأجناس مختلفة، إلاّ أنّه عبر نشر ثقافة المناظرة في مدارسها الابتدائية والثانوية وفي المراحل الجامعية، وعبر بثِّ المناظرات التي تُقام بين كبار وزرائها ومسؤوليها استطاع الشعب الماليزي أن يألف الاختلاف في وجهات النظر والتعايش في هذا الجو دون اللجوء إلى استخدام العنف والقوة.الكلمات المفتاحية: الحوار- الجدال- المناظرة- التطبيق- الآثار.Abstract:The paper aims to uncover the positive impact of debate on society as it is observed that a proper debating discipline would respect the different viewpoints and the positions of others regardless of how heated that the debate may become. Two categories of experimental and control groups were studied; the former consists of the students who participated in debate as their co-curricular activities and the latter are those who are not involved in the activity. Analysis of the comparison between two groups revealed that students who are involved in debates have better self-confidence and academic achievements than the latter. To take this positive effect to the next level, it is suggested that the debate model should also be adopted as an approach to further harmonize between the Malaysians who are of different races, religions and political affiliations so as to improve the quality of co-existence among the diverse population of the nation.Keywords: Dialogue– Argument– Debate– Application– Effects.Abstrak:Debat merupakan salah satu seni perbualan yang tersusun dan bersopan, ia memerlukan dua perkara iaitu: penjelasan setiap hujah serta bukti meskipun terdapat perbezaan pendapat oleh kedua pihak terhadap hujah tersebut, kedua belah pihak hendaklah menerima perbezaan pendapat tersebut dan bersikap menerima dengan redha akan kewujudan perbaezaan tersebut. Beberapa dapatan kajian yang dibuat melalui pemerhatian bahawa debat yang berobjektif akan mendorong seseorang individu dan sesebuah masyarakat ke arah kecemerlangan, persefahaman dan kestabilan. Kajian ini ingin mengenalpasti aspek-aspek positif ini dan dengan itu dapat memperlihatkan faedah yang diperolehi oleh pelajar yang menyertai pertandingan debat daripada keyakinan diri, kesempurnaan bahasa serta pemikiran yang tajam, iaitu dengan membuat perbandingan antara dua kumpulan sampel kajian, yang tidak menyertai pertandingan debat dan yang menyertai pertandingan debat.  Ternyata pencapaian pelajar yang menyertai pertandingan debat lebih tinggi dari segi akademik dan kepimpinan. Kajian ini juga akan menyatakan pelbagai manfaat yang boleh didapati dengan meniupkan semangat debat berobjektif demi kebaikan masyarakat dan negara, sebagai contohnya Malaysia, biarpun ia adalah negara yang berbilang bangsanya, melalui pertandingan debat yang dianjurkan di peringkat sekolah dan universiti, juga melalui perdebatan-perdebatan yang diadakan antara para menteri dan pihak berkenaan, bangsa Malaysia dapat membiasakan diri dengan perbezaan pendapat dan seterusnya hidup dengan harmoni tanpa penggunaan paksaan dan kekerasan.Kata kunci: Perbualan- Perbalahan– Debat– Aplikasi– Kesan-Kesan.

2019 ◽  
pp. 19-26
Alfredo Gutiérrez-García

There are several tools for managing the quality of processes and services, which have as their common purpose to have an impact on customer satisfaction. In this sense, the appropriate procedure is to first identify quality critics (CTQs), a In order to focus the efforts on what is most important and apply QFD., secondarily in order to brainstorm, formulate a Forrester diagram simulating the repercussion that the variables cause in the loop or critic of greater importance obtained in the QFD to begin with scientific research and use statistical and control models that fit the root of the problem encountered.

Russell L. Steere ◽  
Eric F. Erbe ◽  
J. Michael Moseley

We have designed and built an electronic device which compares the resistance of a defined area of vacuum evaporated material with a variable resistor. When the two resistances are matched, the device automatically disconnects the primary side of the substrate transformer and stops further evaporation.This approach to controlled evaporation in conjunction with the modified guns and evaporation source permits reliably reproducible multiple Pt shadow films from a single Pt wrapped carbon point source. The reproducibility from consecutive C point sources is also reliable. Furthermore, the device we have developed permits us to select a predetermined resistance so that low contrast high-resolution shadows, heavy high contrast shadows, or any grade in between can be selected at will. The reproducibility and quality of results are demonstrated in Figures 1-4 which represent evaporations at various settings of the variable resistor.

Margaret Jane Radin

Boilerplate—the fine-print terms and conditions that we become subject to when we click “I agree” online, rent an apartment, or enter an employment contract, for example—pervades all aspects of our modern lives. On a daily basis, most of us accept boilerplate provisions without realizing that should a dispute arise about a purchased good or service, the nonnegotiable boilerplate terms can deprive us of our right to jury trial and relieve providers of responsibility for harm. Boilerplate is the first comprehensive treatment of the problems posed by the increasing use of these terms, demonstrating how their use has degraded traditional notions of consent, agreement, and contract, and sacrificed core rights whose loss threatens the democratic order. This book examines attempts to justify the use of boilerplate provisions by claiming either that recipients freely consent to them or that economic efficiency demands them, and it finds these justifications wanting. It argues that our courts, legislatures, and regulatory agencies have fallen short in their evaluation and oversight of the use of boilerplate clauses. To improve legal evaluation of boilerplate, the book offers a new analytical framework, one that takes into account the nature of the rights affected, the quality of the recipient's consent, and the extent of the use of these terms. It goes on to offer possibilities for new methods of boilerplate evaluation and control, and concludes by discussing positive steps that NGOs, legislators, regulators, courts, and scholars could take to bring about better practices.

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