Evaluation of Personality Traits for a Successful Career of Engineers

2014 ◽  
Vol 657 ◽  
pp. 1056-1060
Armin Betz

Various research on aptitude testing has been accomplished yet [1,2,. Experiences from many years of HR consulting and knowledge of the industrys needs regarding to and lack of specific scientific research in aptitude testing for engineers emerged into research acivities in this field. The paper presents the data and main results of the field of aptitude testing for engineers. Its present situation as well as the reasons for that are considered and its necessity is shown. The gotten insights are presented: the existence of personality traits typical for engineers, the existence of key criteria and deduction of HR development measures necessary for a career. A newly developed personality test was applied to the occupational area of engineers. With more than 1400 tests conducted, many deductions were possible.Through the innovative approach of standard profiles of corresponding average groups rather than with demografic equivalent results could be derived. These are typical traits on the one side and development areas on the other.

1969 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 368-384 ◽  
Sebastian Payne

In recent discussions of the origins and process of animal domestication (Reed, 1961, Zeuner, 1963), both authors rely on two kinds of evidence: on the one hand, the present distributions and characteristics of the different breeds of whatever animal is being discussed, together with its feral and wild relatives, and, on the other hand, the past record, given by literary and pictorial sources and the bones from archaeological and geological sites. Increased recognition of the limitations of the past record, whether in the accuracy of the information it appears to give (as in the case of pictorial sources), or in the certainty of the deductions we are at present capable of drawing from it (this applies especially to the osteological record), has led these authors to argue mainly from the present situation, using the past record to confirm or amplify the existing picture.Arguing from the present, many hypotheses about the origins and process of domestication are available. The only test we have, when attempting to choose between these, lies in the direct evidence of the past record. The past record, it is freely admitted, is very fragmentary: the information provided by the present situation is more exact, ranges over a much wider field, and is more open to test and control. Nevertheless, the past record, however imperfect it is, is the only direct evidence we have about the process of domestication.

Hang Su ◽  
Susan Hunston

Abstract This study takes a lexical-grammatical approach to exploring the evaluation of human behaviour and/or character. It uses adjective complementation patterns as the starting point to examine the lexical-grammatical resources at risk in the appraisal system of judgement, aiming to explore the extent to which we can arrive at the same categorization of the resources realizing judgement if a formal or lexical-grammatical approach, rather than a discourse-semantic one, is taken. Using a corpus compiled of texts categorized as ‘Biography’ in the British National Corpus, the study, on the one hand, shows that most of the items identified can be very satisfactorily classified in terms posited in the judgement system, suggesting that the nomenclature from that model is useful. On the other hand, a considerable number of items have also been identified which construe attitudes towards emotional types of personality traits, leading to the proposal of a potentially useful new judgement category and further an adjusted system of judgement. The heuristic potential of aligning the lexical-grammatical and discourse-semantic approaches to appraisal is further discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 165-180
Agnieszka Morawiak

Innovation in creating consumer values as an important factor in socio-economic selection making  Consumption concerns many aspects of human life in both material and non-material dimensions. It shapes the attitude towards the family, spare time management, religion or culture. It sets the shape of our dreams, desires and life aspirations. On the one hand, it affects the system of our values, on the other hand, it is inspired by this system. Opponents of consumption, treating it as a secondary value and value in itself, accuse it of leading to the development of such phenomena as: mass entertainment, commercialization of culture or devel­opment of quite unnecessary, apparent needs. Instead, it removes the values generally respected in so­ciety, such as: interest in the fate of others, solidarity, care for the environment or the future of next gen­erations. Today’s consumer is not a mindless human being subject to the rules of the market, they are increasingly educated, aware and responsible. They make choices based not only on their own needs but based on values existing in a given society. They purchase wisely and respectfully, remembering that today’s choices will be the legacy for future generations, thus the consumer’s interest must be synchronized with these generations. Nowadays, it is the consumer who creates the image of the company, forcing it to take ethical and moral actions, and also heading for conscious consumption. Such an attitude creates the opportunity to include the consumer in the processes of companies’ activities and their innovations, as well as treating them personally and more like a partner. In the realities of the new economic, political, and social system, new values of individuals, as well as of entire social groups associated with the behaviour of consumers of the modern world are developing. Consumption, on the one hand, determines the shape of dreams, desires and the way of life. On the other hand, based on an innovative approach to it, it performs a symbolic function that gives a deeper and wider perspective to existing products, emphasizing them as exceeding their useful functions. Consumers becoming more aware of their choices take into account not only the system of their own values but also the values existing in a given society. This innovative approach to consumption creates new quality, a new lifestyle, it shapes new roles, it draws attention to the environment around us, and it cares about the sensible use of its resources and its means. Following values in the selection of products reveals responsibility connected to decision making, its impact on the environment and on entire social groups. They allow the individual to real­ize themselves in the group and the human community, they enable human development, achieving customer satisfaction, and avoiding the plundering economy. 

2019 ◽  
Thomas H Costello ◽  
Shauna Marie Bowes ◽  
scott lilienfeld

Philosophers have long speculated that authoritarianism and belief in determinism are functionally related. To evaluate this hypothesis, we assessed whether authoritarianism and allied personality and political variables predict varieties of belief in determinism in three community samples (N1 = 566 to 20,010; N2 = 500; N3 = 419). Authoritarianism and allied variables manifested moderate to large positive correlations with both fatalistic and genetic determinism beliefs. Controlling for political conservatism did not meaningfully attenuate these relations. Further, openness was negatively related to fatalistic determinism beliefs and agreeableness was negatively related to genetic determinism beliefs. Taken together, our findings clarify the nature of relations between authoritarianism and general personality, on the one hand, and free will/determinism beliefs, on the other, and suggest intriguing intersections between worldviews and personality traits.

Numen ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-32 ◽  
Jakob De Roover

Abstract For centuries, the question whether there were peoples without religion was the subject of heated debate among European thinkers. At the turn of the twentieth century, this concern vanished from the radar of Western scholarship: all known peoples and societies, it was concluded, had some form of religion. This essay examines the relevant debates from the sixteenth to the twentieth century: Why was this issue so important? How did European thinkers determine whether or not some people had religion? What allowed them to close this debate? It will be shown that European descriptions of the “religions” of non-Western cultures counted as evidence for or against theoretical claims made within a particular framework, namely that of generic Christian theology. The issue of the universality of religion was settled not by scientific research but by making ad hoc modifications to this theological framework whenever it faced empirical anomalies. This is important today, because the debate concerning the cultural universality of religion has been reopened. On the one hand, evolutionary-biological explanations of religion claim that religion must be a cultural universal, since its origin lies in the evolution of the human species; on the other hand, authors suggest that religion is not a cultural universal, because many of the “religions” of humanity are fictitious entities created within an underlying theological framework.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 267
Mohammad Muslih

The development of an integrative scientific paradigm is certainly a very large scientific project, however, it must be admitted that the success of reconstructing the new paradigm is still insufficient, as it must be supported by the availability of a functional and effective methodology. This article is a study aimed at offering a methodology for integrative paradigm-based science development, which is not only functional and effective, but also ensures productivity, as well as secure from the pseudo-scientific of abusive practices and the excessive practice of ideological science. The reconstruction of a methodology of religious-based science development urged to do, on the one hand, to provide an answer to the doubt about its compatibility with the Islamic sciences, and on the other hand deny the fear of the disappearance of Islamic values, precisely with the continued execution of scientific research, or the development of scientific reason, in general.Pembangunan paradigma ilmiah integratif sudah tentu merupakan proyek keilmuan yang sangat besar, meski demikian, harus diakui, keberhasilan melakukan rekonstruksi paradigma baru itu masih belum cukup, sebab masih harus didukung oleh tersedianya metodologi yang fungsional dan efektif. Artikel ini merupakan kajian bermaksud menawarkan metodologi pengembangan sains berbasis paradigma integratif, yang tidak hanya fungsional dan efektif, tetapi juga menjamin produktivitas, sekaligus aman dari jeratan praktek kasar pseudosaintifik dan praktek berlebihan sains ideologis. Rekonstruksi metodologi pengembangan ilmu berbasis agama mendesak untuk dilakukan, di satu sisi untuk memberi jawaban atas keraguan akan kompetabilitasnya dengan ilmu-ilmu keislaman, dan pada sisi yang lain membantah kekhawatiran akan hilangnya atau terkikisnya nilai-nilai keislaman, justru dengan semakin dijalankannya riset-riset ilmiah, atau dikembangkannya nalar ilmiah secara umum

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-12
T.M. Mariutina

«Vanishing heritability» is a linguistic metaphor, reflecting the phenomenonof noncoincidence between impact assessments for the operation of the genotype of the psyche in norm and pathology, which are fixed in two different methods: population-related and molecular-genetic. On the one hand, population-based studies of kinship (twins, siblings, parents-children), when assessing their cognitive and personality traits, have received high values of the basic statistic index - heritability. On the other hand, the molecular-genetic research has shownthat certain genetic polymorphisms cannot explain a large part ofheritabilityof this kind of psyche both in normal and pathology. The article deals with the background of the problem, examines the possible causes of this phenomenon and the ways out of the situation.

1990 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 35-44
P. van der Tuin ◽  
M. van Es ◽  
A.J. van Essen

This article reports research into the relationschips between four aspects of cognitve style [field(in)dependency, habit-formation, sensitivity to interference, and creativity], and achievement with regard to grammatical competence and oral communicative competence in English. The present investigation also takes into account the relationships between two verbal and two spatial intelligence factors, seven personality traits, attitude to English, socioeconomic background of the pupils, and the intellectual climate at home on the one hand, and the grammatical and communicative achievements on the other. The most important results are presented and discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 204275302199531
Fang Zhao

Interviews with scholars and experts are becoming more and more popular as e-learning materials. Yet how an interview video should be edited is mostly based on personal preference rather than on rigorous scientific research. Thus this study tested whether showing the interviewer in educational interview videos can affect the learning outcome. Two interview learning materials on two topics (eye tracking and text–picture integration) were conducted by the author and edited in two versions. One version was with the interviewer and the other version was without the interviewer, the latter’s image and voice being edited out. Psychology students ( N = 180) watched either the video with or the one without the interviewer and answered the corresponding questions. Results in an online experiment yielded a better learning outcome in the video without the interviewer than in the video with the interviewer. It is probable that the absence of the interviewer can protect participants from extraneous processing and a split-attention effect. The without-interviewer video, segmented by displaying interview questions in keywords on slides, seemed to assist participants in managing the essential processing. The absence of the interviewer may avoid the confusion of multiple instructors, which fosters the generative processing. This study provides practical and pedagogical implications and suggests that removing the image and voice of the interviewer is likely to promote learning.

Slovene ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 494-526 ◽  
Anastasia Urzha

The review accumulates the information on the Theory of Grounding and Saliency Hierarchy (based on publications that have not been translated into Russian) and describes the main modern trends in the study of grounding. The Theory of Grounding, designed in the last quarter of the 20th century, has since then been developing within linguistic, narratological, cognitive and translation studies, being applied to texts of various genres in many languages. Early works in this sphere elaborated the criteria characterizing the relative grounding of the clauses in the narrative (based on temporal sequentiality and transitivity), while later research, focusing on the wider range of texts including free indirect discourse and non-sequential prose, highlighted the subjectivity of grounding, including criteria of human importance and unpredictability into the analysis of the salient clauses. As a result the Theory of Grounding has contributed to various coexisting trends in the scientific research concerning subordination of clauses and anaphoric relations in texts on the one hand, and deixis, evaluation and perspective on the other. Touching upon these trends in the review, we pay special attention to the analysis of grounding within translation studies: the researchers focus on transitivity in translation, revealing and explaining the cases of non-intentional and purposeful changes in transitivity made by translators. The analysis of the deictic center shifts in original texts and their translations also contributes to our knowledge of grounding devices. Out of all publications, our special attention is drawn to the studies of grounding that employ Russian-language narrative materials.

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