Cemented Mortar Matrices Densified with Organic Additions

2020 ◽  
Vol 841 ◽  
pp. 193-197
Luis Colín Velázquez ◽  
Elia Mercedes Alonso Guzmán ◽  
Wilfrido Martínez Molina ◽  
Hugo Luis Chávez García ◽  
Maybelin Carolina García Chiquito ◽  

Nowadays, one of the biggest problems is the environmental contamination, which is attributed to a great variety of factors, among which is the construction, because one of the main synthetic materials most used is concrete, artificial material consisting of portland cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates and water, in the production and processing of portland cement a large amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) is generated, by 2018 approximately 8% of CO2 emissions from the world is attributed to the cement industry. As a solution to this problem, substitutions and additions to portland cement are proposed, which will generate a reduction in consumption and processing by having a more durable and better quality material in terms of physical and mechanical characteristics. Additions of 2% are made with respect to the weight of the cement of organic additions, which do not affect the behavior of the mortar. Cubic specimens were developed for tests of pulse velocity, compressive stress and accelerated attack of sodium sulfate to determine the durability of the material, where favorable results were obtained with organic addition of corn starch.

2017 ◽  
Vol 902 ◽  
pp. 9-13
Rosalía Ruiz Ruiz ◽  
Elia Mercedes Alonso Guzmán ◽  
Wilfrido Martínez Molina ◽  
Hugo Luis Chávez García ◽  
Judith Alejandra Velázquez Perez

Cement industry is responsible of 5-7% of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. This is preoccupant because this is one of the greenhouse effect gases which cause global warming. Pozzolanic material incorporation in cement mortars elaboration represents a good alternative to partially substitute cement, since its chemical composition could contribute to improvement of its durability and mechanical characteristics. In this research, mortars with pozzolanic substitutions are evaluated through non-destructive tests as: capillary absorption, electrical resistivity, and ultrasonic pulse velocity to the age of 1000 days. The results suggested that the incorporation of pozzolanic material as partial substitutes of Portland cement increases the mortars properties mainly in substitutions of CBC 20%, PN 10, and 30%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 974 ◽  
pp. 149-155
Irina V. Kozlova ◽  
Alexey E. Bespalov ◽  
Alexandra V. Bespalova

Cement compositions prepared by mixing cement with a stabilized finely dispersed slag suspension, which allow improving the structural, physical and mechanical characteristics of the cement stone are considered. On the first day of hardening, the strength of modified specimens increased by 54%, at the grade age - by 43%, and the porosity decreased by 13.8 and 17.3%, respectively. The possibility of obtaining an injection solution for soil consolidation on the basis of Portland cement and a stabilized slag suspension with the concentration of a finely dispersed slag of 50 g/l is considered. Studies have shown that the injection solution under study has reduced viscosity and sedimentation, increased compressive strength. After 28 days of hardening, the strength was 14.2 MPa, which is higher than the recommended values ​​for consolidation of soil under the foundations (4-6 MPa), and at a concentrated load, for the base under the foundations of the columns (9-10 MPa). The data obtained allows considering an injection solution based on Portland cement and slag suspension for the use in the injection technology of soil consolidation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 789 ◽  
pp. 150-154
Victor Hugo Blancas-Herrera ◽  
Jorge Alberto Pacheco-Segovia ◽  
Wilfrido Martínez-Molina ◽  
Hugo Luis Chávez García ◽  
Mauricio Arreola-Sanchez ◽  

The use of dehydrated fibres of cactus, Opuntia ficus-indica (FN), and starch (corn starch,Zea Mays (MZ)) as partial substitutes for the total mass of Portland Cement (CP) in the making ofmortar, aims at modifying its physical and mechanical properties, reducing the amount of cementand the CO2 emission. Four mixtures of CP mortar were designed incorporating a superplasticizeradditive with a water/cement weight ratio of 0.68. To compare the results, there was a controlmortar; two mixtures with partial substitutions using fibres of FN, 0.5 and 1.5% (in weight of CP)respectively; and a substituted mixture with 2% of corn starch plus 0.5% of cactus fibre (MZ - FN).The test age was 180 days. The specimens were subjected to an accelerated attack of sodiumsulphate, quantifying the electric resistivity (ER) and the ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV). Theresults indicate that the substitution of the materials, remarkably densify the cement matrix, whichresults in the improvement of the physical properties and the durability.

2009 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Gino Ricci ◽  
José Tadeu Balbo

O emprego de agregados reciclados de resíduos sólidos da construção civil e demolição tem sido objeto de interesse de agentes públicos engajados em projetos e obras de pavimentação viária. A coleta, triagem e classificação desses materiais como agregados alternativos torna ainda possível seu emprego em concretos para algumas finalidades, sendo que no caso do concreto compactado para fins de pavimentação ainda não se tem precedente de uso no país. Estudos sobre este material para pavimentação têm sido realizados, sendo aqui apresentados resultados relativos a características mecânicas fundamentais para a análise das potencialidades do material para bases de pavimentos asfálticos e de concreto, ainda que para aplicações urbanas e em volumes limitados. Foram empregados nos estudos agregados reciclados de diferentes origens em substituição parcial ou total dos de agregados nos concretos. Os resultados obtidos permitem observar inexpressiva alteração em resistências com pequenos ajustes nos consumos de cimento. Todavia, concomitantemente ocorreu queda expressiva dos valores de módulo de elasticidade dos materiais na medida em que frações menos densas de agregados foram empregadas em maior quantidade e a parcela de substituição de agregados virgens por reciclados aumentou. As características observadas permitem a indicação do emprego do material para vias de baixo volume de tráfego além de áreas residenciais, condomínios, estacionamentos, etc. Por outro lado, o aumento da porosidade dos concretos em função da presença de reciclados exige atenção e estudos mais aprofundados sobre o comportamento à fratura e à fadiga desses materiais. <br /><br /><strong>Abstract</strong>: Along the last decades, recycled aggregate produced from waste material from civil construction activities gained growing interest for its employment in pavements. Appropriate collection, selection and sieving of such a material make it possible to use it in concretes for many applications, such as rolled compacted concrete. As partial results of an in course comprehensive study about compacted concrete, manufactured with this kind of aggregate, essential physical and mechanical characteristics of some concretes are presented herein, promptly aiding to foresee its suitability as bases for asphalt or concrete pavements, despite the constrained context. Recycled aggregate from several sources has been used as a replacement for coarse and fine aggregates in concretes. Results went beyond expectations since the little cement content increases requirements to avoid strength losses as pottery recycled aggregates contents also increase. However, the concrete modulus of elasticity has fallen with the inclusion of alternative aggregate. The set of results allow indicating that such concretes can be used in low-volume pavements such as residential ones, parking lots, garage floors, among others; nevertheless, the increasing porosity of the compacted concretes using recycled aggregate needs further attention as regards to fatigue and fracture of such materials for paving purposes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-246
Zitouni Salim ◽  
Naceri Abdelghani ◽  
Maza Mekki ◽  

The effects of clay and limestone dusts in the aggregates on the physico -mechanical characteristics of concretewere investigated. The fine aggregates (dune sand) and coarse aggregates (crushed gravels) used in this study were washed, dried and sieved.Twodifferent mineralogical compositions of dusts (clay and stone) were incorporated in different rates(0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%) by replacementin weight of fine(dune sand) and coarse (crushed gravel) aggregates. The presence of clay and limestone dust particles in the fine and coarse aggregates inexcessive quantities influencedthe physico –mechanicalpropertiesof fresh and hardened concrete. The results obtained showed that the effect of clay dust content is more important compared to limestone dust content on the properties of concrete.

Surfactants are products widely used in many segments of the industry and because they exhibit many properties they can intensify or improve some properties of the products in which they are used. Natural surfactants are obtained by isolating material of animal or vegetable origin without undergoing chemical changes in its structure. An example of a natural surfactant is that obtained from the Juá husk. Considering the relevance of Juá for obtaining natural surfactants, this work will analyze the effects on physical and mechanical properties that the incorporation, in different proportions, of the powder additive produced from the husk of the trunk of Ziyphus Joazeiro Mart. can offer Portland cement mortar CP-II - Z. The study was carried out at the IFPB - Campus Cajazeiras facilities. Tests were carried out that seek to evaluate the surfactant properties provided by Ziziphus Joazeiro Mart. and its physical and mechanical effects in the mortar. The production of Portland cement mortar combined with the “husk” additive of Ziyphus Joazeiro may be able to result in structures with optimized physical and mechanical characteristics, especially with regard to the consumption of water in the mixture of water, aggregate and binder, in workability and mechanical resistance, consequences resulting from the surfactant properties inherent in the studied composite

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (Special) ◽  
pp. 2-49-2-59
Mohammed H. Mahmud ◽  
Mohammed A. Abdulrehman ◽  

This study has been done to study the physical and mechanical characteristics of colored geopolymer concrete by adding two types of pigments yellow (iron oxide hydroxide) and blue (cobalt) with three additional proportions for each of the listed colors (0,2, 4, 6% wt), some materials which are available in the native market and other materials imported from outside of the country. The experimental investigation has dealt with the fresh properties(slump) of the colored geopolymer concrete mixes as well as some of the mechanical and physical characteristics of the hardened concrete by testing specimens in compressive strength, flexural strength, water absorption, Rebound number (RN), and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV). In addition to that, Finding a relationship between the destructive (strength of compressive) and (RN and UPV) tests. Show us that (2% wt) pigment percentage gives the best results.

A.A. Moskalenko ◽  

Abstract. The physical and mechanical characteristics of highly filled slag cements modified by the organic-mineral complex of LLC “MC Bauhemi” have been investigated. As a result of optimization, the area of permissible concentrations of organic-mineral additives was established according to the maximum criteria for the timing of the beginning and end of setting and strength in compression at the age of 7 and 28 days. It is shown that the expansion of the beginning of setting and its end is positively influenced by the presence of the plasticizer MC-PowerFlow 2695 from 0.43 to 0.8% and the organic-mineral complex Centrilit NC and Centrilit Fume SX in an amount from 3 / 5.25 to 5.2 / 7%, that with a simultaneous increase in the slag content from 50 to 70% in the composition of Portland cement, the start-end time of setting increases from 225/250 to 320/330 minutes, which is 1.3 / 1.5 times higher than similar indicators of no additive Portland cement. It was noted that at the age of 7 and 28 days, the introduction of an organic-mineral complex of the composition MC-PowerFlow 2695 from 0.28 to 0.64%, Centrilit NC from 4.23 to 7% and Centrilit Fume SX from 3 to 7% and at the content of GDSH in the amount of 50 and 70% contributes to the production of an artificial stone of the M500 brand with compressive strength in the range of 47 / 52.8 and 46/48 MPa. Using the method of superposition of response functions, the optimal area of permissible concentrations of the components of the Bauhemi organic-mineral complex, affecting the stated criteria, was determined when the slag content in Portland cement was 50 and 70%, namely: 0.6% MC-PowerFlow 2695, 5% Centrilit NC and 5 % Centrilit Fume SX. Further research will be aimed at studying the effect of this complex on the physical and mechanical properties with a slag content of 50 and 70% in the composition of Portland cement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 264 ◽  
pp. 01012
Shavkat Rakhimov ◽  
Uchqun Gaziev ◽  
Nilufar Babakulova ◽  
Qunduz Khudoynazarova

The object of the study is filling mixtures based on waste from the mining, energy, and copper-smelting industries, Portland cement, and superplasticizer. In the course of the study, standardized methods for studying the properties and quality indicators of industrial waste and filling mixtures based on it and mathematical methods for optimizing the compositions of mixtures, statistical methods for analyzing the results of experiments, were used. It has been established that, in terms of their physical and mechanical characteristics, stowing mixtures based on waste are not inferior to mixtures based on natural materials. The mathematical method for planning experiments has revealed the dependences linking strength with the quantitative characteristics of the components of the filling mixture. Based on the established regularities, an optimization model has been developed that minimizes the consumption of the binder and establishes a relationship between the composition and properties of the mixture.

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