scholarly journals Hoe om in te kom en hoe om binne te bly – die “groot sendingopdrag” aan die kerk vandag volgens Matteus 28:16-20

Andries G. Van Aarde

Getting in and staying in – the “great commission” to the present-day church according to Matthew 28:16-20 In this article the phrases “getting in” and “staying in” relate to the technical term “covenantal nomism”. The article’s aim is to argue that this concept is radically redefined in the so-called “great commission” in Matthew 28:16-20. Inclusivity replaces ethnic exclusivism. This redefinition is applied to the well-being of the church and its spirituality in the present-day postmodern context. The article is specifically addressed to the members of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Church in South Africa. It challenges the traditional dichotomy between “insiders” and “outsiders” in missionary work. It advocates a way of thinking in terms of which “non-conformists” in so-called “churchless Christianity” are considered as being part of the “church on the other side”.

Andries C. Hauptfleisch

Unsubsidised private retirement resorts in South Africa developed during the last three decades present residents with many challenges. There is no existing generally accepted knowledge base or guidelines to serve this sensitive market. The research objective was to establish which elements are experienced by residents of retirement resorts as satisfactory and which as problematic. A literature study was also undertaken. Quantitative as well as qualitative data were obtained by means of structured questionnaires, interviews and a seminar. The results reported pertain to eight resorts in the east of Pretoria, four in Bloemfontein and two in Knysna. The study is currently being extended to other centres. The quantitative data is arranged in order of the priorities set by the biggest group (Pretoria), with the other groups in comparison. So the research was based on the sourcing of quantitative and qualitative data, as well as on descriptive evaluations. The results offer insightful knowledge and guidelines towards establishing an optimal profile for the development of long-term sustainable private retirement resorts. The implications and value of this study are that both developers of retirement resorts and prospective residents are provided with guidelines to better equip them to evaluate a specific retirement resort with regard to the sustainable well- being of residents long-term.

1994 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
C. M. Van den Berg ◽  
T. F.J. Dreyer

An introductory study to identify and classify theories of learning with regard to the task of preaching Learning is a lifelong process in which man must be what he can be, namely a being interacting with his world in a creative problem-solving manner for the well-being of himself and others. In a similar sense the church has always seen her task in preaching, supported by all the other domains of churchlife, as that of teaching people to come to terms with the gospel of Jesus Christ in their daily existence. This article proposes to identify, categorize and integrate the acknowledged theories underlying the learning process, as they exist in the social sciences, into an allencompassing model for learning; a model from which conclusions are drawn in the hope that further studies can spell out the implications of these conclusions as they are applicable to the task of preaching within the church.

2009 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
P. H. Fick

The correspondence of J.J. Venter with H.A.L. Hamelberg: an analysis of a view of mission The controversy regarding the view of missionary work has recurred in South African church history from time to time. This was also the case in the Reformed Church in the Orange Free State during the nineteenth century. It becomes apparent from the 1879 to 1881 correspondence of J.J. Venter with H.A.L. Hamelberg, the then Consul-General of the Free State in the Netherlands. Venter wrote to Hamelberg about his dis- appointment with the reverend Dirk Postma, the first minister of the Reformed Church in South Africa. According to Venter they had been misled: they had asked for a preacher and got a missionary instead. Venter’s view of mission is based on a peculiar view of the doctrine of predestination: he approved of missionary work only if the fruit of election becomes apparent in the lives of the objects of the missionary work. Venter wrote particularly to Hamelberg, a “fellow-tribesman” more than a religious think-alike. This fact, as well as the correspondence reveals Venter’s actual view on the doctrine of predestination and it is clearly shown in this article. Although Venter’s own writings speak of a Pietistic “Busskampf”, his view of mission is rather in line with orthodoxy’s insistence on a structural link between church and state. Cross-cultural mission was therefore unthinkable, unless there is proof of a change in the other culture.

2014 ◽  
Vol 70 (3) ◽  
Maarman S. Tshehla

How does a self-respecting Christian from Galilee who now finds himself based near the seat of empire relate to power in light of his faith? How are his admonishments, especially those which relate to the public arena, to be appropriated by those living on the periphery of the empire? I reflect on these questions from the vantage point of a South Africa in which on the one hand erstwhile prophets are being haunted by the vagaries of power and on the other the Church is apparently as powerless as never before.

1990 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 369-386 ◽  
Wayne Fields

The world of Tom Sawyer, both that of the character and of the novel which bears his name, is a world dominated by fences; the neat, straight palings that surround the Widow Dougla's property, the fence around the Teacher house over which the lovestick Tom gazes longingly after Becky, and all the other upright boundaries delineating St. Petersburg respectability. As the central icon of the novel, Aunt Polly's white-washed fence appropriately represents the care and maintenance of order to which the town is committed, an order upon which both Tom and his story depend. Although Twain first identifies St. Petersburg as a poor, shabby, frontier village, it is far from defenseless in its confrontations either with shabbiness or wilderness. Well ordered by its fences and undergirded, like Tom's story, by the central institutions of civil and cultural order — the court, the school, the church — it is a society where things have been assigned their proper places and where the primary function of the St. Petersburg elect is to tend those places. This is a world overseen by guardians and Sunday superintendents, schoolmastes, and judges, authorities who, if sometimes mistaken, or even slightly absurd, are essentially benign and nearly always reliable. Thus it is that the minister, praying for the community's children, does so in the context of a hierarchy of responsibility that from country officials to the President of the United States, an ordering presence that, among other reassuring work, is to guarantee the well-being of the young. As though to provide the fullest representation of this benevolent system, Missouri's most important senator, Thomas Hart Benton, makes a cameo appearance in the novel, albeit one in which he is judged of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer as a book about boyish freedom, it affirms at every turn an order of the most conventional sort and depends upon that order for the version of boyhood it depicts.

Phronimon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
Mogobe Ben Ramose ◽  
Molelekeng Sethuntsa

The essay examines the meaning and impact of Covid-19 in comparative relation to some of the experiences of the Black Death (1348–1350). It also presents and critically analyses actual case studies of pseudo-named people—in recognition and respect for confidentiality in research ethics—infected by Covid-19. “South Africa” is the primary but not the only focus of this essay. The thesis defended in this essay is that the “social distance” prescribed as a preventative measure to curb the spread of Covid-19 ought to be complemented by ethical “proximity to the other.”   Kweli phepha, sizo bonakalisa iintlungu eziviwe ngabantu abaye basuleleka yintsholongwane ye Corona—iSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (Covid-19) ngelasemzini. Lentsholongwane ibaphazamise ngokwase moyeni nangokwase ngqondweni. Sizo phinda sijonge ukuba iCorona ingathelekiswa njani nokuba yohluke njani kwi medieval Black Death eyabulala abantu abaninzi mandulo. Abantu aba balisa amabali abo kweli phepha baphiwe amagama angewo wenyani ukuze sibahloniphe, nemfihlo zabo zingafikeleli kubantu ababaziyo.

2017 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
Henry Mbaya

St Paul’s Theological College was established in Grahamstown, South Africa, in 1902 to train white Anglican students for the ministry. During the last six years of its existence, from 1986 to 1992, the college went through rapid changes: emerging new trends in theological training and ministry raised questions on the relevance of traditional patterns of training in which St Paul’s College had been established and operated from. Although the College was originally intended to exclusively train white students, during this period, the numbers of black students started to balance off with those of white students, just as the number of women ordinands also started to rise. On the other hand, financial challenges facing some dioceses also adversely affected the college. In the dying days of apartheid, the college became more involved in the socio-political issues of Grahamstown. Moreover, its enduring image as a “white” college in the emerging new South Africa seemed an embarrassment to the church authorities. The closure of St Paul’s College, and its merger with St Bede’s College on the premises of St Paul’s College, paved the way for a new College of the Transfiguration (COT), which was an attempt to respond some of these challenges.

2013 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
Sophia Van Helden

In hierdie artikel word die institusionalistiese denkwyse (I-denke) as dominante denkwyse in die krimpende tradisioneel-Afrikaanssprekende Gereformeerde kerke bespreek. I-denke toon ’n denkwanbalans wat weerspieël word in die huidige ongebalanseerde en ongesonde kerkpraktyk. Die onwaarskynlikheid van organiese groei binne die huidige ekklesiologiese wanbalans, word belig deur te fokus op navorsing binne die Gereformeerde Kerk van Suid Afrika (GKSA)-kerkpraktyk, as een van die drie gereformeerde susterskerke. Die bevindings dui op die noodeisende toestand binne die tradisionele ekklesiologie. Die Christosentriese denkparadigma word as gebalanseerde korrektief aan die hand van die groot opdrag uiteengesit (maak dissipels van alle nasies) uiteengesit, as sleutel vir die daarstel van gesonde omstandighede ter wille van kerkgroei. Denke as die belangrikste ekklesiologiese oorsaak van kerkkrimping, kan deur denkverandering teëgewerk word ten einde verdere krimping van die susterskerke teë te werk.Institutionalism – alive and well in the declining Afrikaans reformed church practice. This article discusses institutionalism as the dominant paradigm (I-paradigm) among the declining traditional Afrikaans speaking Reformed churches in South Africa. The I-paradigm portrays imbalanced thinking prevailing in the current unhealthy church practice. The improbability of natural growth within the recent ecclesiastic imbalance, is highlighted by focusing on a study within the church practice of the Reformed Curch of South Africa (RCSA) – one of the three reformed sister churches. Conclusions drawn from the study emphasise the serious conditions of this traditional ecclesiology. The Christ centered paradigm, as balanced corrective, is discussed in line with the great commission (disciple the nations) as key to creating healthy circumstances in order to realise church growth in the long run. Thinking, as the most important ecclesiological factor causing church decline, can be changed, thus preventing further decline of the sister churches.

2010 ◽  
Vol 44 (0) ◽  
J.W. Hofmeyr

In this article the curtain is raised on the interesting and fascinating relation between Augustine of Hippo and John Cal- vin from Geneva, as seen through the eyes of the Dutch scholar Johannes van Oort. The influences of and links between Augustine and Calvin are immense. This has been the focus of various studies in the past. The purpose of this article is, however, not to re-invent the wheel about these relations, but rather to reflect on one of the most eminent scholars on Augustine, i.e. Van Oort’s vision on these links and to enter into a dialogue with him so as to shed some new light on this topic and on some aspects related to ecclesiology. After attention to the use of Augustine by Calvin, the focus is on the discussion with Van Oort and eventually on the relevance of this for us in South(ern) Africa. It is concluded that in this era of post- modernism and relativism as well much can be learnt from both Augustine and Calvin, and especially with regard to the well- being of the church.

1962 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-216 ◽  
Peter Hinchliff

It is probably no one's fault that general histories of the Church in the nineteenth century are so misleading about bishop Colenso. Unless one gets down to the primary source material, which is almost all in South Africa, there is no way of escaping from the distortions of controversy. Almost all the books about Colenso are unreliable. His own biography was written by an ardent admirer who hoped to succeed him as bishop of Natal. The lives of his principal opponents, Robert Gray and James Green, are just as unsatisfactory. Gray's life was written by his son. Green's was written by Dr. Wirgman, a frank and open controversialist. Histories of the Province of South Africa are either missionary propaganda, or else become so immersed in the constitutional and legal issues connected with Colenso, that the character of the man himself is lost. In consequence, the bishop of Natal appears in history as a kind of religious schizophrenic—on the one hand a great missionary who loved the Zulu people with an infinite tenderness and, on the other, a wilful and spiteful heretic for whom no action was too base and mean. Or, worse still, he is represented as a brilliant but misunderstood fore-runner of modern biblical scholars who was also by accident a South African missionary.

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