Soil organic matter quality and aggregate stability under eight potato cropping sequences in a fine sandy loam of Prince Edward Island

1999 ◽  
Vol 79 (3) ◽  
pp. 411-417 ◽  
Denis A. Angers ◽  
Linnell M. Edwards ◽  
J. Brian Sanderson ◽  
Nicole Bissonnette

Soil degradation and soil organic matter (SOM) reduction have long been suspected to occur under intensive potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production in Prince Edward Island. Thus, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of eight potato cropping sequences involving barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and barley under-seeded with red clover on aggregate stability and SOM properties of a Charlottetown fine sandy loam (Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol). Total C and N, light-fraction (density < 1.7 g cm−3) C (LF-C) and light-fraction N (LF-N), microbial biomass C (MBC), carbohydrate content, alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and aggregate stability were determined in the 0- to 15-cm soil layer in the 6th and 10th years of the trial. Average C and N contents were 20 to 27% greater in sequences that included 3 or 4 yr of potatoes and a high frequency of red clover than in a 9-yr potato sequence; and were attributed to the less frequent tillage and higher organic matter inputs associated with the forage component. The response for MBC, LF-C, LF-N and APA was greater than those for total C and N suggesting that the former parameters may better reveal SOM changes caused by variations in potato management than the latter. Light-fraction N was particularly sensitive to the inclusion of perennial legumes in the cropping sequence. Wet-aggregate stability was 33% higher after 6 yr in the sequence with 50% frequency of red clover than in the continuous potato system, but no effect was noted after 10 yr. The results of this study indicate that sequences which are limited to 30 to 40% of potatoes and have a high frequency of perennial forage such as red clover, lead to greater SOM content and quality of a Charlottetown fine sandy loam compared to continuous potatoes. Trends in aggregate stability generally followed those of SOM fractions but the effects were relatively smaller and varied with time. Key words: Potato, Solanum tuberosum L., soil aggregation, organic matter, carbon, nitrogen, light fraction, microbial biomass

2004 ◽  
Vol 84 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-218 ◽  
M. R. Carter ◽  
J. B. Sanderson ◽  
J. A. MacLeod

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) rotations often require organic amendments to maintain or improve soil organic matter levels and soil physical properties. However, beneficial effects of compost can be modified by time of application and rotating tillage depth and intensity. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of compost applied once at different phases in a 3-yr potato, barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), and red clover (Trifolium pretense L.) rotation on a range of soil physical properties and organic matter fractions for a Charlottetown fine sandy loam (Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol) in Prince Edward Island. Soil samples (0–8 cm) were obtained during the second cycle of the rotation (after two compost applications) in the fifth year of the experiment. Soil properties were influenced by compost addition, time of compost addition, and crop phase. Compost-induced benefits in soil physical properties (bulk density, macro-porosity, oxygen diffusion rate, shear vane strength, water-filled pore space) were mainly expressed in the red clover phase of the rotation, where soil density was relatively high compared to the barley and potato phases, due to the absence of tillage. The soil physical parameters, however, were mainly within their established optimum ranges for this soil type. Soil water content at −0.033 MPa was increased by compost in the potato phase, compared to the control. Soil organic matter was influenced by both compost and crop C inputs. Compost increased soil particulate organic matter (POM) in the potato and barley phases. Due to differences in crop residue inputs, compost-related differences in organic matter were minimized in the red clover phase of the rotation. Compost addition increased potato tuber yield above the maximum yield obtained with nitrogen application. This “non-nitrogen” compost yield effect may be related to the slight, but significant, improvement in soil water-holding capacity. Overall , compost application in an intensive 3-yr potato rotation provided benefits for potato productivity and in both soil physical and biological properties. Key words: Soil organic carbon, particulate organic matter, soil physical properties, compost amendment, potato yield, eastern Canada

2009 ◽  
Vol 89 (3) ◽  
pp. 255-267 ◽  
E G Gregorich ◽  
M R Carter ◽  
D A Angers ◽  
C F Drury

Tillage influences the retention and storage of organic matter (OM) in soil. We used a sequential density and particle-size fractionation to evaluate the total quantity and distribution of organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in the profile of soils under mouldboard ploughing and no-till. Cores (0-60 cm) from four long-term tillage studies (in Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and two sites in Ontario) on soils of different textures, from sandy loam to clay were collected and divided into six depth increments. Four soil OM fractions were isolated on the basis of size and density from each sample. At two sites the standing stocks of C and N were larger in tilled than in no-till soil profiles at depths slightly greater than plough depth; tillage effects were also evident at a third site, where the mass of C in a layer close to the depth of ploughing was greater in tilled soils. Ploughing also had a substantial and consistent positive effect in all four soils on the quantity of C (and in some cases N) protected within aggregates, particularly at or near the bottom of the plough layer, and sometimes in surface soil layers. We attribute differences observed in whole soil C and N due to tillage mostly to differences in mineral-associated OM, particularly in soils with heavier textures, but the other size and density fractions could, together, account for as much as 25% of the difference. Because the C capacity level was not reached in heavy-textured soils, these soils show greater potential for further accumulation of C in the soil profile than coarse-textured soils, especially near the bottom of the plough layer.Key words: Light fraction, soil organic matter, soil tillage, physically-protected organic matter, no-till, soil texture

1989 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 799-811 ◽  

Three soils from Prince Edward Island (a loam, a fine sandy loam, and a sandy loam) were tested under a laboratory rainfall simulator to examine the effects of frequency of freezing and thawing, winter rye cover, incorporated cereal residue, and subsoil compaction on runoff volume and sediment loss. Wooden soil boxes were subjected to simulated rain (i) at the end of a 10-d freezing period, and (ii) at the end of the 5th 24-h freezing period of a 10-d alternating freeze-thaw cycle (freeze/thaw). Where the soil was continuously frozen for 10 d, there was 178% greater sediment loss and 160% greater runoff than with daily freeze/thaw over the same period, but there was no difference in sediment concentration. Incorporated cereal residue decreased sediment loss to 50% and runoff to 77% of that from bare soil. Winter rye cover decreased sediment loss to 73% of that from bare soil. Simulated soil compaction caused a 45% increase in sediment loss. The loam soil showed 16.5% greater loss of fine sediment fractions <0.075 mm than the fine sandy loam which showed 23.4% greater loss than the sandy loam. Key words: Freeze-thaw, erosion, compaction, winter rye, cereal residue, rainfall simulator, Prince Edward Island soils

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 341
Rodrigo Santos Moreira ◽  
Marcio Koiti Chiba ◽  
Isabella Clerici De Maria ◽  
Caio César Zito Siqueira ◽  
Aildson Pereira Duarte ◽  

Soil organic matter is considered a key attribute for a sustainable agricultural production and is influenced by the quantity and quality of the crop residue deposited on the soil surface. Therefore, different crop rotations could change the soil organic matter pools. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the soil carbon pools obtained by chemical and physical fractionation methods and the humification index under different crop rotations in a no-till system. We test the following hypothesis: a) the distribution of C and N among the soil organic matter fractions depends on plant species rotation schemes and; b) labile fractions are more sensitive to the input of crop residues and therefore, more suitable for evaluating the impact of different crop rotations in the soil organic matter quality. We evaluated four crop sequences (corn/corn/corn; corn/wheat/corn; soybean/wheat/corn and soybean/corn/corn) in a no-till system. A five-year reforested area was used as reference. We determined the total C and N contents, the mineral-associated C and N, the light fraction of C and N, the labile carbon extracted with KMnO4 and the soil organic matter humification index. We found narrow differences between the crop rotation systems in the total C and N levels, the mineral-associated C and N fractions and the labile C extracted with KMnO4. The diversification of the agricultural system with soybean in crop rotation favored the accumulation of light fraction C and N in the soil that were more efficient to provide information about the changes in the soil organic matter quality.

Weed Science ◽  
1982 ◽  
Vol 30 (6) ◽  
pp. 688-691 ◽  
Michael G. Patterson ◽  
Gale A. Buchanan ◽  
Robert H. Walker ◽  
Richard M. Patterson

Analysis of fluometuron [1,1-dimethyl-3-(α,α,α-trifluoro-m-tolyl)urea] in soil solution after application of 0.5 or 1.0 ppmw revealed up to five-fold differences among three Alabama soils (Lucedale fine sandy loam, Decatur silty clay loam, and Sacul loam). Differences in fluometuron in soil solution were attributed to variable organic matter present and clay fractions. Fluometuron concentration in soil solution for each soil correlated well with control of four broadleaf weed species in a field experiment.

Weed Science ◽  
1991 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 280-283 ◽  
George H. Friesen ◽  
David A. Wall

Response of flax, canola, field pea, sunflower, field corn, lentils, and common buckwheat to soil residues of CGA-131036 and chlorsulfuron applied at 22 g ai ha–1was determined on two soil types at Morden, Manitoba. on a fine sandy loam with a pH of 7.4 and 4.5% organic matter, the length of time required before crops showed no phytotoxicity from CGA-131036 residues was: sunflower 4 yr; canola and common buckwheat 3 yr; flax 2 yr; field pea and field corn 1 yr. on a clay loam with a pH of 6.5 and 5.3% organic matter, the corresponding duration was: lentil, canola, and sunflower 3 yr; flax and field pea 1 yr. Chlorsulfuron residues persisted somewhat longer than CGA-131036 residues on the sandy loam but not on the clay loam.

2000 ◽  
Vol 80 (4) ◽  
pp. 607-615 ◽  
M. R. Carter ◽  
J. E. Richards

Subsoils in Prince Edward Island have poor chemical and often physical quality for root growth that may present a barrier to development of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). This study was conducted to characterise the response or benefit, on soil properties and alfalfa growth, of chemical amelioration and loosening of the subsoil. In 1987, the following three treatments were imposed on an acidic, fine sandy loam, Humo-Ferric Podzol: control (no subsoiling or lime), subsoiling alone, and subsoiling plus lime (5 Mg ha−1 dry CaCO3) mixed into the subsoil. The subsoiler was a Wye Double-Digger, a combined plough and rotary cultivator that facilitated the mixing of lime into the soil over the 230–480 mm depth. Management of the 0–200 mm soil depth was the same for all treatments. Growth of alfalfa and change in soil properties were monitored over time. In 2 of 4 yr (1991–1994), alfalfa yield was significantly (P < 0.05) increased by the subsoil plus lime treatment, compared with subsoiling alone or the control. Yield increases were related to periods of low growing season precipitation. Subsoil amelioration increased alfalfa root penetration (by 90 mm) and reduced leaf Mn concentration. Over an 8-yr period (1987–1994), soil exchangeable Ca was increased over fourfold, while exchangeable Al was decreased threefold in the ameliorated subsoil, compared with the control. Soil pH (in water) was increased from 4.8 to near 6.0. There was some evidence that liming of the topsoil improved the subsoil chemistry over time. Bulk density and penetrometer resistance contours, measured over time, indicated that the soil loosening effect was sustained throughout the soil profile over the duration of the study. Soil biological properties were not changed by the subsoil treatments. Key words: Subsoil acidity, podzol, lime, deep placement, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), cool-humid climate

HortScience ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 636f-636 ◽  
James M. Spiers

In a 1989 field study, `Gulfcoast' southern highbush blueberry plants were subjected to irrigation [8 liters per week (low) and 30 liters per week (high)], mulching (none and 15 cm height), row height (level and raised 10-15 cm), and soil incorporated peat (none and 15 liters in each planting hole) treatments at establishment. Plants were grown on a well-drained fine sandy loam soil that contained < 1.0% organic matter. Plant volume was increased by either mulching, high irrigation, incorporated peat moss or level beds. Fruit yields were not significantly affected by irrigation levels but were highest with either mulching, level beds or incorporated peat moss. The bed height X mulching interaction indicated that mulching increased yield more with level beds than with raised beds. Plants grown with the combination of mulching, level beds, incorporated peat moss, and high irrigation levels yielded 1.1 kg per plant or approximately 10 times more than plants grown without mulch, with raised beds, without peat moss, and with the low rates of irrigation. Of the 4 establishment practices evaluated, mulching had the greatest influence on plant growth and fruiting.

Soil Research ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 56 (8) ◽  
pp. 820 ◽  
K. A. Conrad ◽  
R. C. Dalal ◽  
D. E. Allen ◽  
R. Fujinuma ◽  
Neal W. Menzies

Quantifying the size and turnover of physically uncomplexed soil organic matter (SOM) is crucial for the understanding of nutrient cycling and storage of soil organic carbon (SOC). However, the C and nitrogen (N) dynamics of SOM fractions in leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala)–grass pastures remains unclear. We assessed the potential of leucaena to sequester labile, free light fraction (fLF) C and N in soil by estimating the origin, quantity and vertical distribution of physically unprotected SOM. The soil from a chronosequence of seasonally grazed leucaena stands (0–40 years) was sampled to a depth of 0.2m and soil and fLF were analysed for organic C, N and δ13C and δ15N. On average, the fLF formed 20% of SOC and 14% of total N stocks in the upper 0.1m of soil from leucaena rows and showed a peak of fLF-C and fLF-N stocks in the 22-year-stand. The fLF δ13C and fLF δ15N values indicated that leucaena produced 37% of fLF-C and 28% of fLF-N in the upper 0.1m of soil from leucaena rows. Irrespective of pasture type or soil depth, the majority of fLF-C originated from the accompanying C4 pasture-grass species. This study suggests that fLF-C and fLF-N, the labile SOM, can form a significant portion of total SOM, especially in leucaena–grass pastures.

1995 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-138 ◽  
L.M. Edwards ◽  
J.R. Burney ◽  
P.A. Frame

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