Three Dimensional Modeling and Prototyping - A Case Study

1995 ◽  
Chetan Damania ◽  
Joshua Beer
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Matthew Magnani ◽  
Anatolijs Venovcevs ◽  
Stein Farstadvoll ◽  
Natalia Magnani

ABSTRACT This article shows how to record current events from an archaeological perspective. With a case study from the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway, we provide accessible tools to document broad spatial and behavioral patterns through material culture as they emerge. Stressing the importance of ethical engagement with contemporary subjects, we adapt archaeological field methods—including geolocation, photography, and three-dimensional modeling—to analyze the changing relationships between materiality and human sociality through the crisis. Integrating data from four contributors, we suggest that this workflow may engage broader publics as anthropological data collectors to describe unexpected social phenomena. Contemporary archaeological perspectives, deployed in rapid response, provide alternative readings on the development of current events. In the presented case, we suggest that local ways of coping with the pandemic may be overshadowed by the materiality of large-scale corporate and state response.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 61-71
A. V. Rastorguev ◽  
G. D. Neuvazhaev ◽  
K. D. Smirnov ◽  

The paper presents the processing of 2 cluster pumpings from imperfect wells inside a low-permeable rock mass. The processing was done using graphical-analytical method with three-dimensional modeling in GMS 10.4 software. The results obtained were analyzed and the interpretation methods of groundwater inflow testing (GIT) were compared. The paper identifies common patterns in the model GIT interpretation with some assumptions made on how to improve the processing of their results.

1991 ◽  
Vol 113 (2) ◽  
pp. 405-412 ◽  
C. M. Ettles ◽  
H. G. Anderson

The benefits of three-dimensional modeling of thrust bearings are described and illustrated with examples. Data are given for the convection coefficients on the back face of pads and attention is drawn to improvements in bearing performance given by reducing the thermal resistance of pads. The importance of pad support in large bearings is illustrated by a case study in which the size of the support disk is varied. Improved performance can be obtained if the disk is sized correctly. Further improvement is obtained if part of the disk support is cut away.

D. Calisi ◽  
M. Molinari

<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> The following research aims to exploit the low-cost technologies, for the survey and mapping of historical archaeology in the Roman context. The main purposes of the research is to implement a large-scale survey campaign to understand the geometry and the materiality of the artefacts examined. Three-dimensional survey from photography, allows an immediate mapping of the materiality, of the degradation and of the architectural elements characteristic of the architecture in question. From the model it is possible to obtain an image that is faithful to the reality that can be the basis for developments in many disciplines such as, for example, in the restoration project, for the material analysis and the mapping of the degradation. The applications for this type of mapping are numerous, one of those proposed in this research concerns the virtual musealisation of historical artifacts. More and more in recent years, museums are exploiting the capabilities of three-dimensional modeling software of architectural elements to interactively convey architectural elements. A methodology of work that in recent archaeological excavations is not based solely on the didactic divulgation of the history of a place, but during the excavation phase on the mapping and cataloging of uncovered finds.</p>

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