High School English Teachers’ Professional Life Cycle: A Study in an EFL Context

Arif Ahmed Mohammed Hassan Al-Ahdal
2012 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 367-391
박지선 ◽  
박재은 ◽  
백인환 ◽  
Kyungsuk Chang

2018 ◽  
Vol 120 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-60
Juliet Michelsen Wahleithner

Background Numerous reports have highlighted problems with writing instruction in American schools, yet few examine the interplay of teachers’ preparation to teach writing, the instructional policies they must navigate, and the writing development of the students in their classrooms. Purpose This study examines high school English teachers’ instruction of writing while taking into account their preparation for teaching writing—both preservice and inservice, the instructional policies in place, and the learners in their classrooms. Setting Data used come from public high school English teachers teaching in Northern California. These data were collected in 2011–2012, when teachers were sill complying with the mandates of the No Child Left Behind legislation. Research Design I use year-long qualitative case studies of five high school English teachers to highlight various ways teachers used their knowledge of writing instruction to negotiate the pressures of accountability policies and their students’ needs as writers to teach writing. Data collected include beginning- and end-of-year interviews with each teacher, four sets of 1- to 2-day observations of each teacher's instruction of writing, and instructional documents related to each teacher's writing instruction. These data were analyzed using the constant comparative method to look for themes within the data collected from each teacher and then make comparisons across teachers. Findings from the case studies are supported by findings from a survey of 171 high school teachers who taught a representative sample of California high school students at 21 schools in 20 districts. The survey included 41 multiple-choice items that asked about teachers’ instructional practices and their perceptions of high-stakes accountability pressures and their students as writers. Survey data were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics and principal components analysis. Findings Findings illustrate that significant differences existed in how the five teachers approached their writing instruction. These differences were due to both the teachers’ varied preparations to teach writing and the contextual factors in place where each taught. Those teachers with more developed knowledge of writing instruction were better able to navigate the policies in place at their sites and more equipped to plan appropriate instruction to develop their students as writers. Recommendations Findings indicate teachers would be better served by opportunities to develop their knowledge of writing instruction both prior to and once they begin their teaching careers. Additionally, the findings add to an existing body of research that demonstrates the limiting effect high-stakes assessments can have on teachers’ instruction of writing.

2000 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-348 ◽  
Jane Agee

This study examined how experienced high school English teachers defined and gauged effective literature instruction as well as how their perspectives affected their students' experiences with literature. The research focused on 3 questions: (a) How did these teachers define effective literature instruction? (b) What kinds of evidence did they look for to gauge their effectiveness? and (c) How did their perceptions of effective literature instruction inform their decisions about texts and ways of reading them with students in different grade- and ability-level classes? Profiles of 5 teachers showed that they used differing models for literature instruction against which they gauged their effectiveness. Flexible, student-centered models allowed teachers to address differences among students. Inflexible, teacher-centered models often limited teachers' ability to address student needs effectively. The kinds of models the teachers used determined whether or not they were willing to listen to feedback from students and to use it to make changes in their literature curriculum.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 723
Gerardo E. Heras Urgilés ◽  
Jean-Paul Jara Villacreces

Research has revealed that developing the pragmatic ability is a key element for any second or foreign language learner. The present paper aims to shed some light on the issue of pragmatics as part of English teaching and learning in the context of Ecuador. This paper is part of a research project that will involve public high school English teachers of Cuenca, Ecuador. After extensive research, it has been found that even though pragmatics is now part of the new English curriculum in this country, research in this field of linguistics is almost nonexistent.

2009 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-206
Jennifer Mclaughlin ◽  
Kim Kelly

The following essay is a dialogue between two high school English teachers at a small,progressive public school on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Throughout their dialogue, Jen, whose voice appears in italics, and Kim, whose voice appears in plain text, discuss the factors that motivated their decisions to become teachers, tell of the distinct impact that Obama's election has had on their practice and their students,and suggest that many students feel ambivalent about the extent to which President Obama could effect real change in their lives. The article concludes with an anecdote,suggesting that educators can engage in a process of inquiry with students to help them make connections between Obama's election and their lives.

1994 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 173-185 ◽  
Theresa Rogers ◽  
Mari M. McLean

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 466-482
Mani Ram Sharma

The present study aims to look into ecological classroom practices adopted by teachers while teaching English language courses at colleges in Kathmandu, Nepal. The study specifically explains how three high school English teachers in the class felt about ecology of language teaching, how they experienced teaching, and how they provided meaning to it. Three high school English teachers’ experiences were recalled through an in-depth phenomenological interview. The results revealed that the need of classroom ecology was not emphasized. The teachers' experiences in the form of narratives, collected, transcribed, coded, thematic analyses and presented in the notion of  emerging themes that English language teaching helped to explore the effective classroom ecological practices in detail. The study is expected to contribute in making EFL teaching successful in linguistic landscapes of Nepal.

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