Be Flexible in Your use of Therapy Sessions

2014 ◽  
pp. 237-239
1981 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-12 ◽  
Barbara Culatta ◽  
Donna Horn

This study attempted to maximize environmental language learning for four hearing-impaired children. The children's mothers were systematically trained to present specific language symbols to their children at home. An increase in meaningful use of these words was observed during therapy sessions. In addition, as the mothers began to generalize the language exposure strategies, an increase was observed in the children's use of words not specifically identified by the clinician as targets.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-103
Gretchen Slover

Background: This research was birthed in 2017 during a trip to Lusaka, Zambia, with the purpose of offering fourth-year, medical students attending the University of Zambia, School of Medicine, lectures on psychology topics as part of their clinical studies.  Students were also offered brief therapy sessions where they could process thoughts and feelings causing them internal struggles.  The subject of offering counseling on a regular basis was randomly discussed with the students.  From these discussions the need for this research became evident, with the intent of becoming the launching pad to brainstorm the most effective ways of developing a plan to offer counseling services for all medical students attending the University of Zambia School of Medicine. Methods: An-experimental research design, consisting of completion of a 12-item questionnaire administered by paper and pen. The inclusion criteria were the fourth year, medical students attending the University of Zambia, School of Medicine. Results:  The student responses revealed that most of them had little to no experience with counseling services, but a strong desire for them. Discussion: The goal of this study was to simply establish a need for an on-campus counseling service, the need of which has been established by the very students who would benefit.  With the acceptance of this need, the future plan is to explore the different ways in which this need can be fulfilled with minimal costs to the Medical School Program. Conclusion:  This study is the first step towards identifying the needs of the medical students and sets the ground-work for further research into the specific areas of need and mental health challenges.  More specificity in the area of demographics of students will produce a more comprehensive picture of the areas of concentration for the therapists offering services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-128
Claudio Scarvaglieri

Based on a corpus of 70 tape-recorded therapy sessions (client-centered therapy, psychodynamic therapy), this paper presents analyses of therapists’ interventions that have the potential to trigger change processes. Using a conversation analytic approach, we identify utterances that re-formulate the patient’s experience from a different perspective. In a second step, we draw on concepts from cognitive and pragmatic linguistics, mainly “frame” and “category”, to analyze the conceptual side of these rewordings. We show that, besides processes of general abstraction, the conceptualization of the patient’s experience from a societal perspective is a crucial part of the rewordings. The verbal re-framing creates a potential for accessing stocks of societal knowledge that would not have been accessible based on the patient’s initial, individualistic and often erratic presentation of events. By changing the wording an experience is referred to, the therapist thus creates links to established collective knowledge about experiences of this category. Once such links to collective knowledge have been created, it then becomes possible to understand differently how the experience in question came to pass, which features it is characterized by and how it can be dealt with in a way that is collectively known to be helpful.

Klisala Harrison

Music Downtown Eastside explores how human rights are at play in the popular music practices of homeless and street-involved people who feel that music is one of the rare things that cannot be taken away of them. It draws on two decades of ethnographic research in one of Canada’s poorest urban neighborhoods, Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Klisala Harrison takes the reader into popular music jams and therapy sessions offered to the poorest of the poor in churches, community centers and health organizations. There she analyzes the capabilities music-making develops, and how human rights are respected, promoted, threatened, or violated in those musical moments. When doing so, she also offers new and detailed insights on the relationships between music and poverty, a type of social deprivation that diminishes people’s human capabilities and rights. The book contributes to the human rights literature by examining critically how human rights can be strengthened in cultural practices. Harrison’s study demonstrates that capabilities and human rights are interrelated. Developing capabilities can be a way to strengthen human rights.

2004 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 401-412 ◽  
R. McCABE ◽  

Background. Having a ‘theory of mind’ (ToM) means that one appreciates one's own and others' mental states, and that this appreciation guides interactions with others. It has been proposed that ToM is impaired in schizophrenia and experimental studies show that patients with schizophrenia have problems with ToM, particularly during acute episodes. The model predicts that communicative problems will result from ToM deficits.Method. We analysed 35 encounters (>80 h of recordings) between mental health professionals and people with chronic schizophrenia (out-patient consultations and cognitive behaviour therapy sessions) using conversation analysis in order to identify how the participants used or failed to use ToM relevant skills in social interaction.Results. Schizophrenics with ongoing positive and negative symptoms appropriately reported first and second order mental states of others and designed their contributions to conversations on the basis of what they thought their communicative partners knew and intended. Patients recognized that others do not share their delusions and attempted to reconcile others' beliefs with their own but problems arose when they try to warrant their delusional claims. They did not make the justification for their claim understandable for their interlocutor. Nevertheless, they did not fail to recognize that the justification for their claim is unconvincing. However, the ensuing disagreement did not lead them to modify their beliefs.Conclusions. Individuals with schizophrenia demonstrated intact ToM skills in conversational interactions. Psychotic beliefs persisted despite the realization they are not shared but not because patients cannot reflect on them and compare them with what others believe.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 237437352110343
Fereshteh Saaei ◽  
Susan G Klappa

COVID-19 has accelerated the adoption of telehealth among various specialties, including rehabilitation. The fast-paced implementation of telerehabilitation has laid bare its challenges, providing an opportunity for innovation in order to enhance the experience of remote care. The purpose of this study sought to understand the attitudes toward telerehabilitation from physical therapist (PT) and patient perspectives. Two surveys administered to PTs, and the general patient population explored beliefs regarding telerehabilitation. There were a total of 289 participant responses in this study. There were 228 PT respondents and 61 patients who responded to the patient survey. Qualitative results describe current attitudes toward telerehabilitation. Results indicated both groups were receptive to virtual therapy sessions; however, some challenges were also reported. Current challenges and trends in utilizing telerehabilitation are further discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 75 ◽  
pp. 101804
Inbal Argaman Ben David ◽  
Michal Bat Or ◽  
Dafna Regev ◽  
Sharon Snir

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