scholarly journals Development of an improved geomagnetic reference field of Antarctica

1999 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
A. De Santis ◽  
M. Chiappini ◽  
J. M. Torta ◽  
R. R. B. von Frese

The properties of the Earth's core magnetic field and its secular variation are poorly known for the Antarctic. The increasing availability of magnetic observations from airborne and satellite surveys, as well as the existence of several magnetic observatories and repeat stations in this region, offer the promise of greatly improving our understanding of the Antarctic core field. We investigate the possible development of a Laplacian reference model of the core field from these observations using spherical cap harmonic analysis. Possible uses and advantages of this approach relative to the implementations of the standard global reference field are also considered.

2006 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-109 ◽  
Luis R. Gaya-Piqué ◽  
Dhananjay Ravat ◽  
Angelo De Santis ◽  
J. Miquel Torta

Use of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field Model (IGRF) to construct magnetic anomaly maps can lead to problems with the accurate determination of magnetic anomalies that are readily apparent at the edges of local or regional magnetic surveys carried out at different epochs. The situation is severe in areas like Antarctica, where ionospheric activity is intense and only a few ground magnetic observatories exist. This makes it difficult to properly separate from ionospheric variations the secular variation of the core magnetic field. We examine two alternatives to the piecewise-continuous IGRF core magnetic field in Antarctica for the last 45 years: the present global Comprehensive Model (CM4) and the new version of the Antarctic Reference Model (ARM). Both these continuous models are better at representing the secular variation in Antarctica than the IGRF. Therefore, their use is recommended for defining the crustal magnetic field of Antarctica (e.g. the next generation of the Antarctic Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map).

The magnetic field generated in the core of the Earth is often represented by spherical harmonics of the magnetic potential. It has been found from looking at the equations of spherical harmonics, and from studying the values of the spherical harmonic coefficients derived from data from Magsat, that this is an unsatisfactory way of representing the core field. Harmonics of high degree are characterized by generally shorter wavelength expressions on the surface of the Earth, but also contain very long wavelength features as well. Thus if it is thought that the higher degree harmonics are produced by magnetizations within the crust of the Earth, these magnetizations have to be capable of producing very long wavelength signals. Since it is impossible to produce very long wavelength signals of sufficient amplitude by using crustal magnetizations of reasonable intensity, the separation of core and crustal sources by using spherical harmonics is not ideal. We suggest that a better way is to use radial off-centre dipoles located within the core of the Earth. These have several advantages. Firstly, they can be thought of as modelling real physical current systems within the core of the Earth. Secondly, it can be shown that off-centred dipoles, if located deep within the core, are more effective at removing long wavelength signals of potential or field than can be achieved by using spherical harmonics. The disadvantage is that it is much more difficult to compute the positions and strengths of the off-centred dipole fields, and much less easy to manipulate their effects (such as upward and downward continuation). But we believe, along with Cox and Alldredge & Hurwitz, that the understanding that we might obtain of the Earth’s magnetic field by using physically reasonable models rather than mathematically convenient models is very important. We discuss some of the radial dipole models that have been proposed for the nondipole portion of the Earth’s field to arrive at a model that agrees with observations of secular variation and excursions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
M. Rother ◽  
M. Korte ◽  
A. Morschhauser ◽  
F. Vervelidou ◽  
J. Matzka ◽  

AbstractWe present the GFZ candidate field models for the $$13{\mathrm{th}}$$ 13 th  Generation International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF-13). These candidates were derived from the geomagnetic core field model, which is constrained by Swarm satellite and ground observatory data from November 2013 to August 2019. Data were selected from magnetically quiet periods, and the model parameters have been obtained using an iteratively reweighted inversion scheme approximating a robust modified Huber norm as a measure of misfit. The root mean square misfit of the model to Swarm and observatory data is in the order of 3–5 nT for mid and low latitudes, with a maximum of 44 nT for the satellite east component data at high latitudes. The time-varying core field is described by order 6 splines and spherical harmonic coefficients up to degree and order 20. We note that the temporal variation of the core field component of the model is strongly damped and shows a smooth secular variation that suits well for the IGRF, where secular variation is represented as constant over 5-year intervals. Further, the external field is parameterised by a slowly varying part and a more rapidly varying part controlled by magnetic activity and interplanetary magnetic field proxies. Additionally, the Euler angles of the magnetic field sensor orientation are co-estimated. A widely discussed feature of the geomagnetic field is the South Atlantic Anomaly, a zone of weak and decreasing field strength stretching from southern Africa over to South America. The IGRF and indicate that the anomaly has developed a second, less pronounced eastern minimum at Earth’s surface since 2007. We observe that while the strong western minimum continues to drift westwards, the less pronounced eastern minimum currently drifts eastward at Earth’s surface. This does not seem to be linked to any eastward motion at the core–mantle boundary, but rather to intensity changes of westward drifting flux patches contributing to the observed surface field. Also, we report a sudden change in the secular variation measured at two South Atlantic observatories around 2015.0, which occurred shortly after the well-known jerk of 2014.0.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
Magnus D. Hammer ◽  
Grace A. Cox ◽  
William J. Brown ◽  
Ciarán D. Beggan ◽  
Christopher C. Finlay

AbstractWe present geomagnetic main field and secular variation time series, at 300 equal-area distributed locations and at 490 km altitude, derived from magnetic field measurements collected by the three Swarm satellites. These Geomagnetic Virtual Observatory (GVO) series provide a convenient means to globally monitor and analyze long-term variations of the geomagnetic field from low-Earth orbit. The series are obtained by robust fits of local Cartesian potential field models to along-track and East–West sums and differences of Swarm satellite data collected within a radius of 700 km of the GVO locations during either 1-monthly or 4-monthly time windows. We describe two GVO data products: (1) ‘Observed Field’ GVO time series, where all observed sources contribute to the estimated values, without any data selection or correction, and (2) ‘Core Field’ GVO time series, where additional data selection is carried out, then de-noising schemes and epoch-by-epoch spherical harmonic analysis are applied to reduce contamination by magnetospheric and ionospheric signals. Secular variation series are provided as annual differences of the Core Field GVOs. We present examples of the resulting Swarm GVO series, assessing their quality through comparisons with ground observatories and geomagnetic field models. In benchmark comparisons with six high-quality mid-to-low latitude ground observatories we find the secular variation of the Core Field GVO field intensities, calculated using annual differences, agrees to an rms of 1.8 nT/yr and 1.2 nT/yr for the 1-monthly and 4-monthly versions, respectively. Regular sampling in space and time, and the availability of data error estimates, makes the GVO series well suited for users wishing to perform data assimilation studies of core dynamics, or to study long-period magnetospheric and ionospheric signals and their induced counterparts. The Swarm GVO time series will be regularly updated, approximately every four months, allowing ready access to the latest secular variation data from the Swarm satellites.

2013 ◽  
Vol 55 (6) ◽  
Monika Korte ◽  
Vincent Lesur

<p>Geomagnetic repeat station surveys with local variometers for improved data reductions have been carried out in Germany for about ten years. For nearly the same time interval the satellites Ørsted and CHAMP have provided a good magnetic field data coverage of the whole globe. Recent global field models based on these satellite data together with geomagnetic observatory data provide an improved description of the core field and secular variation. We use the latest version of the GFZ Reference Internal Magnetic Model to compare the magnetic field evolution predicted by that model between 2001 and 2010 to the independent repeat station data collected over the same time interval in Germany. Estimates of crustal bias at the repeat station locations are obtained as averages of the residuals, and the scatter or trend around each average provides information about influences in the data from field sources not (fully) described by the global model. We find that external magnetic field signal in the order of several nT, including long-term trends, remains both in processed annual mean and quiet night time repeat station data. We conclude that the geomagnetic core field secular variation in this area is described to high accuracy (better than 1 nT/yr) by the global model. Weak long-term trends in the residuals between repeat station data and the model might indicate induced lithospheric anomalies, but more data are necessary for a robust analysis of such signals characterized by very unfavorable signal-to-noise ratio.</p>

The westward drift of the non-dipole part of the earth’s magnetic field and of its secular variation is investigated for the period 1907-45 and the uncertainty of the results discussed. It is found that a real drift exists having an angular velocity which is independent of latitude. For the non-dipole field the rate of drift is 0.18 ± 0-015°/year, that for the secular variation is 0.32 ±0-067°/year. The results are confirmed by a study of harmonic analyses made between 1829 and 1945. The drift is explained as a consequence of the dynamo theory of the origin of the earth’s field. This theory required the outer part of the core to rotate less rapidly than the inner part. As a result of electromagnetic forces the solid mantle of the earth is coupled to the core as a whole, and the outer part of the core therefore travels westward relative to the mantle, carrying the minor features of the field with it.

The Earth’s magnetic field has been undergoing a remarkably systematic variation during the last 30 years. This variation can be described by a constant time derivative and a step-function second derivative. These parameters are smoothly distributed over the Earth’s surface. The step occurred in 1969 and caused the second derivative to change signs for all of the components at most of the magnetic observatories. Similar but less well documented behavior had been observed around 1900; it seemed to correlate with a jump in the acceleration of the Earth’s rotation. We have investigated the motions at the top of the Earth’s core that are responsible for the recent magnetic variations by inversion procedures. The motions responsible for the time derivative of the magnetic field can be reasonably well assessed and are dominated by a westward drift term of approximately 0.2°/year, although important poloidal motions are also inferred. The data for the jump in the second derivative are much noisier and the motion accelerations are not as well resolved. The poloidal acceleration terms are still fairly well resolved, but the toroidal motions, especially the zonal motions, are very poorly resolved. No firm conclusion about an acceleration of the westward drift can be given on the basis of this analysis. The inversions give evidence that the motions for the lower modes are a strongly decreasing function of their order.

When the magnetic field of a planet is due to self-exciting hydromagnetic dynamo action in an electrically conducting fluid core surrounded by a poorly-conducting ‘mantle', a recently proposed method (Hide 1978,1979) can in principle be used to find the radius r c of the core from determinations of secular changes in the magnetic field B in the accessible region above the surface of the planet, mean radius r s , with a fractional error in r c of the order of, but somewhat larger than, the reciprocal of the magnetic Reynolds number of the core. It will be possible in due course to apply the method to Jupiter and other planets if and when magnetic measurements of sufficient accuracy and detail become available, and a preliminary analysis of Jovian data (Hide & Malin 1979) has already given encouraging results. The ‘magnetic radius’ ̄r̄ c of the Earth’s molten iron core has been calculated by using one of the best secular variation models available (which is based on magnetic data for the period 1955-75), and compared with the ‘seismological’ value of the mean core radius, r c = 3486 ± 5 km. Physically plausible values of r̄ c are obtained when terms beyond the centred dipole ( n = 1) and quadrupole ( n = 2) in the series expansion in spherical harmonics of degree n = 1,..., ^ n ,..., n * are included in the analysis (where 2 ≼ ^ n ≼ n *≼ ∞). Typical values of the fractional error ( r̄ c - r c ) / r c amount to between 0.10 and 0.15. Somewhat surprisingly, this error apparently depends significantly on the value of the small time interval considered; the error of 2% found in the first case considered, for which ^ n — n * = 8 and for the time interval 1965-75, is untypically low. These results provide observational support for theoretical models of the geomagnetic secular variation that treat the core as an almost perfect conductor to a first approximation except within a boundary layer of typical thickness much less than 1 km at the core-mantle interface.

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