scholarly journals Teologi Keluarga: Kajian Terhadap Kejadian 1-3 Sebagai Dasar Pemahaman Esensi Keluarga Kristen

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-103
Bakhoh Jatmiko

Family is an intersting entity to study. Theologically, a family is a God established intitution in the marrital bound between a man and a woman. The family that designed by God himself has been through many threads and challenges from the world that promoting new values for the family that makes the family origin values put by God are being faded out. Many distortions in the family have become challenges for the church and the believers to set the focus to a family as mentioned in the Bible especially Genesis 1-3 as a resources where Christians capture the picture of the first family that have ever existed.

2019 ◽  
Bakhoh Jatmiko

Family is an intersting entity to study. Theologically, a family is a God established intitution in the marrital bound between a man and a woman. The family that designed by God himself has been through many threads and challenges from the world that promoting new values for the family that makes the family origin values put by God are being faded out. Many distortions in the family have become challenges for the church and the believers to set the focus to a family as mentioned in the Bible especially Genesis 1-3 as a resources where Christians capture the picture of the first family that have ever existed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-49
Melissa M.F. Waturandang ◽  
Leonardo Caesar Dendeng

ABSTRACT   The purpose of this study is (1) analyzing the roles of men and women in Genesis 1-3, (2) identifying and analyzing the roles of men and women in the family in the Church (3) analyzing and describing the pastoral church about the role of men and women in the family of the Church. This research is a qualitative study, with a socio-historical analysis to analyze the text of Genesis 1-3, at the Evangelical Christian Church in Minahasa (GMIM) of the Jerusalem Paal Dua Church in Manado in 2018. Data is collected through interpretation, observation, interview and documentation study. From the results of the analysis and interpretation of the data obtained an indication that: (1) the roles of men and women in Genesis 1-3 are not equal, where men are still higher, according to the context in the agrarian society at that time (2) the role of men men and women in the family even though it is in the context of a networked society but still unequal, where men are still higher as in an agrarian society because the congregation still reads the Bible without knowing the context of writing (3) the Church still has not seen the role of men and women who equivalent as something important in pastoral care because it indirectly still preserves patriarchal views as in agrarian societies. From these findings it is recommended that (1) the congregation read the Bible according to the context because even though the message of the Word of God remains the same but the context and readers change (2) the church in pastoral ministry is advised to teach the congregation to read the Bible according to context, not to be constrained by the context at the time of writing The Bible but teaches the liberating Word of God and dynamic faith.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-175
Warseto Freddy Sihombing

AbstractNo one can be justified before God for doing good deeds. No matter how good a man is, if he does not believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, he will not be saved from the wrath of God to come. There is no human being who is right before God, and no sinful man can save himself in any way. The only way out is in the way that God has given to the problem of all sinners, by sending Jesus Christ to the world to die for sinners. "And for this he came, so that every man believed in him, who was sent by God" (John 6:29). The Bible teaches that salvation is only obtained because of faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the object of that faith. This salvation is known as the statement "Justified by faith. Paul explained this teaching in each of his writings. This teaching of justification by faith has been repeatedly denied by some people who disagree with Paul's opinion. The history of the church from the early centuries to the present has proven the variety of understandings that have emerged from this teaching, but one important thing is that sinful humans are justified by their faith in Jesus Christ before God.Keywords: Paul;history; justified by faith.AbstrakTidak ada seorang pun yang dapat dibenarkan di hadapan Allah karena telah melakukan perbuatan baik. Sebaik apa pun manusia, jika dia tidak percaya kepada Yesus Kristus, Anak Allah maka ia tidak akan selamat dari murka Allah yang akan datang. Tidak ada seorang pun manusia yang benar di hadapan Allah, dan tidak ada seorang manusia berdosa yang dapat menyelematkan dirinya sendiri dengan cara apa pun. Satu-satunya jalan keluar adalah dengan cara yang Allah telah berikan untuk masalah semua orang berdosa, yaitu dengan mengutus Yesus Kristus ke dunia untuk mati bagi orang berdosa. “Dan untuk itulah Dia datang, yaitu supaya setiap orang percaya kepada Dia, yang telah diutus oleh Allah” (Yohanes 6:29). Alkitab mengajarkan bahwa keselamatan hanya diperoleh karena iman kepada Yesus Kristus. Yesus Kristus adalah obyek iman tersebut. Keselamatan ini dikenal dengan pernyataan “Dibenarkan karena iman. Paulus menjelaskan ajaran ini dalam setiap tulisannya. Ajaran pembenaran oleh iman ini telah berulang kali disangkal oleh beberap orang yang tidak setuju dengan pendapat Paulus. Sejarah gereja mulai dari abad permulaan sampai pada masa sekarang ini telah membuktikan beragamnya pemahaman yang muncul terhadap ajaran ini, namun satu hal yang terpenting adalah bahwa manusia berdosa dibenarkan oleh iman mereka kepada Yesus Kristus di hadapan Allah.Kata Kunci: Paulus; sejarah; iman; dibenarkan oleh iman.

2013 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 26-40
Adesanya Ibiyinka Olusola

Feminist leadership is very important in theological education as it would seek to deconstruct stereotypical assumptions about women and gender in Christian theological traditions. Unfortunately, most of the theological schools in Nigeria do not have feminist as leaders. Five reasons why feminist leadership are needed in theological schools have been identified as, the bible teaching that women brought sin and death to the world, servant hood notion of women, scandal of particularity, male domination of ministries and theological methods and process that are full of stereotypes. All this does not provide women a unique opportunity to discover and develop their potential in the church and society. Also, women’s relevance and contributions can be hampered if not allowed to put in their optimum. To avoid this, the researcher suggests that theological education should not discriminate against any gender, but should work to bring about gender justice by involving the feminist leaders in theological education in Nigeria. It is hoped that by pursuing these steps, theological education in Nigeria would be preparing the way to sustainable development of the mission of Christ on earth.

2019 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
Dirk G. Van der Merwe

Throughout its history, Christianity has stood in a dichotomous relation to the various philosophical movements or eras (pre-modernism, modernism, postmodernism and post-postmodernism) that took on different faces throughout history. In each period, it was the sciences that influenced, to a great extent, the interpretation and understanding of the Bible. Christianity, however, was not immune to influences, specifically those of the Western world. This essay reflects briefly on this dichotomy and the influence of Bultmann’s demythologising of the kerygma during the 20th century. Also, the remythologising (Vanhoozer) of the church’s message as proposed for the 21st century no more satisfies the critical Christian thinkers. The relationship between science and religion is revisited, albeit from a different perspective as established over the past two decades as to how the sciences have been pointed out more and more to complement theology. This article endeavours to evoke the church to consider the fundamental contributions of the sciences and how it is going to incorporate the sciences into its theological training and message to the world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-75
Innawati Teddywono

The Bible teaches about the nature of work as an activity that is meaningful for humans and others. That is why Christian workers must have a biblical work ethic in the world of work. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The research objective was to determine the level of understanding of the GPdI Wlingi congregation in Blitar regarding the nature of work according to Colossians 3:22-24 and the work ethic. This study found the magnitude of the influence of teaching about the nature of work according to Colossians 3: 22-24 on work variables among the GPdI Wlingi congregation, Blitar was 18.5%, while other causes explained the remaining 81.5% outside of this research model. It means that teaching about the nature of work, according to Colossians 3:22-24, must be taught and implemented by the church to improve its congregation's work ethic.AbstrakAlkitab memberikan pengajaran tentang hakikat kerja sebagai suatu aktivitas yang sangat bermakna bagi manusia dan sesamanya. Itulah sebabnya, pekerja Kristen harus memiliki etos kerja yang alkitabiah di tengah dunia kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Tujuan penelitian hendak mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat pemahaman jemaat GPdI Wlingi, Blitar, mengenai hakikat kerja menurut Kolose 3:22-24, dan terhadap etos kerja. Penelitian ini menemukan besarnya pengaruh ajaran tentang hakikat kerja menurut Kolose 3:22-24 terhadap variabel kerja di kalangan jemaat GPdI Wlingi, Blitar adalah 18,5%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 81,5% dijelaskan oleh sebab-sebab lain di luar model penelitian ini. Ini berarti pengajaran tentang hakikat kerja menurut Kolose 3:22-24 harus diajarkan dan diimplementasikan oleh gereja untuk meningkatkan etos kerja jemaatnya. 

2021 ◽  
Adi Putra

This article explains that persecution is not only happening or experienced by the general public, but it is also experienced by the Lord's Church. This opinion is evidenced by evidence of information obtained from the Bible, especially the New Testament and also in the Church's historical literature. Then discussed further with the church because the church fellowship is different from the world or does not come from the world. Because the Church has been chosen and set apart by God to live differently from the world or live like Christ. And because Christ had already experienced it, then the later Church which is a follower of Christ also experiences similar things. And this writing is endowed with perspectives that have many benefits for the Church. As described above, there are at least five benefits. Such as: the empowerment of the Church may imitate the suffering that Christ has undergone or rather the Church has done the will of Jesus; persuasion helps spread the gospel in the world, persecution of the church can be a means of God to filter and filter out which true believers and non-believers, the quality of the church's faith will be further enhanced through persecution, and persecution of the church can help the church to bear fruit.

2020 ◽  
Vol 57 ◽  
pp. 265-282
Kazimierz Skoczylas

Modern seniors who are characterized by good health at the end of their professional activity engage in new forms of activity. Some of them are involved in the activities of universities of the third age, belong to the Family of Radio Maryja, are volunteers or use various forms of religious tourism and pilgrimages. Many manifestations of their activity come from the religiosity of seniors. The growing religiosity of seniors requires a systematic catechesis that helps them in its development. The church emphasizes that this catechesis should be adapted to the situation of a senior. Catechesis helps to read the religious meaning of this stage of life and to strengthen the motivation for Christian presence in the family and environment. Therefore, this catechesis should strengthen religious interest in faith, shape and sustain the motivation of Christian activity, in the Church and in the world. This is reflected in the Christian involvement in family upbringing, in the ecclesial community, for the social good and also in an attractive way of spending free time.

2021 ◽  
Anne van Gend

<p>The question of how we can speak of a transcendent God and God’s relationship with creation has been pondered for millennia. Today particular difficulties arise when communicating Christian atonement theories to a generation for whom the world of the Bible is increasingly foreign, and in a time when theologians and philosophers are questioning both the violence of some atonement theories and the existence of “superior transcendence.” This study explores the presence of biblical motifs in the stories of atonement in young adult fantasy works. It suggests that the use of these motifs to make sense of atonement within fantasy worlds may assist readers to make sense of the same motifs when they are used to portray the Christian story of atonement.  The investigation begins by discussing the place of imagination, reason and transcendence in religious language and argues for the centrality of metaphor and myth in religious expression. It suggests that young people today still seek intermediaries—“priests and prophets”—between themselves and the unknown, but they now find them in the fantasy authors who continue to use imaginative language to communicate transcendence.  A central trope in contemporary fantasy fiction is that of a death that saves the world. Contrary to the expectations raised by René Girard’s work, these are not the violent deaths of a helpless scapegoat. The biblical mythologems incorporated in these works allow the authors to explore instead ideas of divine and human self-giving. This is demonstrated by tracing how mythological understandings of blood, victory and covenant in the Bible are incorporated into the atonement process of three fantasy series: the Old Kingdom Chronicles by Garth Nix (1995-2003), the Mortal Instruments trilogy by Cassandra Clare (2007-2009), and the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).  The thesis proposes that the presence of biblical mythologems in contemporary fantasy stories of atonement means that a better understanding of their use in each domain can both enrich our appreciation of this kind of literature and provide teenagers with an imaginative language with which to consider aspects of Christian atonement. The prevalence of atonement ideas within recent fantasy books suggests that, by attending to the mythologems of atonement drawn from the Bible, the church might both rediscover the imaginative power of her own story and convey it meaningfully to young readers of fantasy literature today.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-133
John Henry King

Abstrak Seperti yang dikatakan oleh Pendeta David Platt, Pendeta Utama di Gereja Alkitab McLean di Washington, D.C., dengan tepat menyatakannya, “Injil adalah sumber kehidupan Kekristenan.” Di sinilah letak motif Kristen;” menyatakan Dewan Misionaris 1928, “sederhana. Kita tidak bisa hidup tanpa Kristus dan kita tidak tahan memikirkan manusia yang hidup tanpa Dia.” Bagi Dr. Platt tantangannya adalah “bagaimana menghidupi Injil itu dalam kehidupan kita, keluarga, dan gereja di zaman kebingungan seksual, aborsi legal, materialisme yang merajalela, rasisme yang kejam, meningkatnya krisis pengungsi, berkurangnya kebebasan beragama, dan sejumlah masalah sosial penting lainnya.” Dalam karyanya “From Christendom to Apostolic Mission” Uskup Kagan, Uskup Bismarck, North Dakota, melihat perlunya Gereja sekali lagi mengenakan jubah misionaris karena kita tidak lagi hidup dalam budaya kristen. Stanley Hauerwas, seorang teolog, ahli etika Amerika, dalam karyanya, "The Christian Difference, or Surviving Postmodernism," menyebut karya kita "perjuangan hidup dan mati dengan dunia." …menambahkan: “Saya pikir adalah kesalahan serius untuk tidak menganggap serius postmodernisme.” Hauerwas melihat orang-orang percaya sebagai “komunitas di pengasingan.” (Postmodernisme adalah intelektualisme yang melelahkan dunia yang tidak lagi memandang kehidupan dalam kerangka prinsip-prinsip absolut atau universal. Mereka melangkah lebih jauh dengan mengatakan bahwa semua pemikiran sama-sama relevan (bahwa tidak ada batasan, tidak ada aturan, tidak ada hierarki, tidak ada realitas objektif). dan semua fakta hanyalah 'konstruksi sosial.') Seperti yang ditulis Dr. Platt, “Sebagai pengikut Kristus, kita membodohi diri sendiri jika kita tidak menghadapi kenyataan bahwa kepercayaan dan ketaatan kepada Alkitab di zaman anti-Kristen pasti akan membawa risiko dalam keluarga, masa depan, hubungan seseorang. , reputasi, karier, dan kenyamanan di dunia ini.” Dunia menaruh kepercayaan mereka pada kemajuan evolusioner bukan pada Tuhan. Menurut Kejadian 1 Tuhan adalah Pencipta kita yang pertama. Kreasionisme tidak memiliki kesamaan dengan teori evolusi. Teori evolusi menunjukkan bahwa kita sedang menuju dunia utopis di mana "survival of the fittest" adalah proses alami meninggalkan yang terbaik dari yang terbaik, bukan pemeliharaan ilahi yang merencanakan untuk mengakhiri dosa dan korupsi. Pemikiran postmodern dan teori evolusi menentang apa yang dimaksud dengan eskatologi Kristen. Allah sebagai Pencipta kita menciptakan kita, untuk kemuliaan-Nya. Jika ini tidak benar, Roma 3:23 akan menjadi omong kosong, karena kita tidak dapat mengabaikan hubungan yang menurut postmodernisme materialistis tidak ada. Dosa dan penghakiman Tuhan sekarang diejek oleh doktrin bahwa pengetahuan, kebenaran, dan moralitas hanya ada dalam kaitannya dengan budaya. Susunan Kristen telah digantikan dengan realitas materialistis. Kami, dalam kebenaran sederhana, misionaris untuk perubahan budaya. Apologet Kristen J. F. Baldwin mengakui pentingnya kehidupan yang heroik dan dipenuhi Roh, sebagai argumen paling kuat yang memberi isyarat kepada orang-orang yang tidak percaya kepada iman. “Manusia modern lebih bersedia mendengarkan saksi daripada guru,” Paus Paulus Keenam mengamati. Kita sekarang, sebagai Peter, harus menyelesaikan masalah ini di dalam hati kita. Upaya untuk membungkam kita harus gagal. Ketika sampai pada pesan Injil tentang Salib, “Kita harus lebih taat kepada Allah daripada kepada manusia” (Kisah Para Rasul 5:29) Abstract As Pastor David Platt, Lead Pastor at McLean Bible Church in Washington, D.C., so aptly states it, “The Gospel is the lifeblood of Christianity.” Herein lies the Christian motive;” states the 1928 Missionary Council, “it is simple. We cannot live without Christ and we cannot bear to think of men living without Him.” To Dr. Platt the challenge is “how to live out that gospel in our lives, families, and churches in an age of sexual confusion, legal abortion, rampant materialism, violent racism, escalating refugee crises, diminishing religious liberties, and a number of other significant social issues.” In his work “From Christendom to Apostolic Mission” Bishop Kagan, the Bishop of Bismarck, North Dakota, sees the necessity for the Church to once again don the mantle of the missionary since we are no longer living in a christian culture. Stanley Hauerwas, an American theologian, ethicist, in his work, “The Christian Difference, or Surviving Postmodernism,” called ours ”a life and death struggle with the world.” …adding: “I think it is a serious mistake not to take postmodernism seriously.” Hauerwas saw believers as “a community-in-exile.” (Postmodernism is a world-weary intellectualism that no longer views life in terms of absolutes or universal principles. They go so far as to say that all thought is equally relevant (that there are no boundaries, no rules, no hierarchies, no objective reality and all facts are just ‘social constructs.’) As Dr. Platt writes, “As followers of Christ, we are fooling ourselves if we don’t face the reality that belief in and obedience to the Bible in an anti-Christian age will inevitably lead to risk in one’s family, future, relationships, reputation, career, and comfort in this world.” The world puts their faith in an evolutionary progress not in God. According to Genesis 1 God is first our Creator. Creationism has nothing in common with evolutionary theory. Evolutionary theory suggests we are heading toward a utopian world where “survival of the fittest” is a natural process leaving the best of the best instead of a divine providence that plans an end to sin and corruption. Postmodern thought and evolutionary theory counters what Christian eschatology is all about. God as our Creator made us, for His glory. If this were untrue, Romans 3:23 would be nonsense, since we cannot fall short of a relationship that a materialistic postmodernism says doesn’t exist. Sin and God’s judgment is now mocked by the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality only exist in relation to culture. Christendom has been replaced with a materialistic reality. We are, in simple truth, missionaries to cultural change. Christian apologist J. F. Baldwin recognizes the importance of heroic, Spirit-filled living, as the most powerful argument beckoning nonbelievers to the faith. “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers,” Pope Paul the Sixth observed. We now, as Peter, must settle the matter in our hearts. The effort to silence us must fail. When it comes to the Gospel message of the Cross, “ We must obey God rather than people” (Acts 5:29)

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