scholarly journals Advance Surveillance Robot using Raspberry PiIot

G Sai Kiranmayi ◽  
B Bhanu ◽  
B Manikanta ◽  
N Ashok ◽  
G Govinda Raju

The main objective of this paper is to develop a virtual environment for detecting suspicious and targeted places for user without any loss of human life.The purpose of this project is to regulate robot with interface board of the raspberry pi,sensors and software to full fill real time equipment. There are sundry surveillance systems such as camera, CCTV etc. available in the market. In these systems, the person located in that particular area can only view what is transpiring in that place. We proposed a system to build an authentictime live streaming and monitoring system utilizing Raspberry pi with installed Wi-Fi connectivity. It can continuously monitor the objects. Robot can move in every direction (left, right,forward and backward). The webcam which is placed on the robotic unit will capture the video and it transmits vivacious to the remote end. The major application of this paper can be analysed utilizing HTML web page which can be acclimated to control the movement of the robot.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-45
Irwansyah Irwansyah ◽  
Hendra Kusumah ◽  
Muhammad Syarif

Along with the times, recently there have been found tool to facilitate human’s work. Electronics is one of technology to facilitate human’s work. One of human desire is being safe, so that people think to make a tool which can monitor the surrounding condition without being monitored with people’s own eyes. Public awareness of the underground water channels currently felt still very little so frequent floods. To avoid the flood disaster monitoring needs to be done to underground water channels.This tool is controlled via a web browser. for the components used in this monitoring system is the Raspberry Pi technology where the system can take pictures in real time with the help of Logitech C170 webcam camera. web browser and Raspberry Pi make everyone can control the devices around with using smartphone, laptop, computer and ipad. This research is expected to be able to help the users in knowing the blockage on water flow and monitored around in realtime.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 100292 ◽  
Mani Dheeraj Mudaliar ◽  
N. Sivakumar

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
pp. 2288-2295
K. V. Sowmya ◽  
Harshavardhan Jamedar ◽  
Pradeep Godavarthi

Development of surveillance and monitoring systems are quite difficult and challenging task at times. The design of a system depends on the environment to be monitored. Such surveillance systems need to have dynamic features, for e.g., cameras used for monitoring may be mobiles, web cams etc. installed to the system. Such systems are used in various large buildings like shopping malls where it could incur high cost for installing cameras in each level of buildings. Even for people like security officers it could be huge task to cover an entire building. Other examples for dynamic surveillance system could be detecting poisonous gases in an area, explosives and any fire risk elements. Another case is that it can reach where the area is not accessed by humans. In view of these challenges we propose a Remote monitoring system where a Robotic Car is installed with camera, Ultrasonic sensor, DHT11, PIR sensors according to the environment involved. The instructions are given to the robotic car using a third party app called Blynk as user interface. Here the raspberry pi is used as a microcontroller which is connected to WIFI acts as the communication medium to connect the server provided by Blynk. The Blynk app which acts as a user interface is interacted with the car using Wi-Fi and its server.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 819
Galih Irvan Setiaji ◽  
Aghus Sofwan ◽  
Sumardi Sumardi

Panel surya sebagai salah satu alternatif pembangkit listrik yang ramah lingkungan dengan sumber energi berupa sinar matahari. Penggunaan yang praktis dan memiliki mobilitas untuk menjangkau daerah yang tidak tercakup dalam jangkauan listrik PLN menjadikan panel surya banyak digunaan dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Hal ini yang menjadi pertimbangan catu daya yang digunakan dalam sistem smart open parking. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem charging dan monitoring daya yang dapat dilakukan secara realtime dan online. Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan sensor tegangan mengetahui tegangan, sensor arus ACS712 dan sensor DHT22 yang telah dikalibrasi dan terhubung dengan converter sebagai media konversi daya untuk mengisi baterai. Sistem ini menggunakan internet  yang terintegrasi database dan aplikasi android sebagai media untuk melakukan monitoring daya secara real time dan online sehingga sistem berjalan dengan prinsip IoT. Perancangan alat ini menggunakan Raspberry Pi 3 sebagai media pengolah dan pengirim data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sistem dapat memantau tegangan, arus, dan daya dari panel surya, tegangan baterai, suhu dan kelembaban sistem  dengan tingkat rata-rata error pengukuran tegangan panel 0,12V, arus panel 0,004A, daya panel 0,34W, tegangan baterai 0,73V, suhu sistem 0,2oC dan kelembaban sistem 2,5%. Dengan demikian kondisi sistem yang dipantau sesuai dengan kondisi sebenarnya.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (19) ◽  
pp. 6349
Jawad Ahmad ◽  
Johan Sidén ◽  
Henrik Andersson

This paper presents a posture recognition system aimed at detecting sitting postures of a wheelchair user. The main goals of the proposed system are to identify and inform irregular and improper posture to prevent sitting-related health issues such as pressure ulcers, with the potential that it could also be used for individuals without mobility issues. In the proposed monitoring system, an array of 16 screen printed pressure sensor units was employed to obtain pressure data, which are sampled and processed in real-time using read-out electronics. The posture recognition was performed for four sitting positions: right-, left-, forward- and backward leaning based on k-nearest neighbors (k-NN), support vector machines (SVM), random forest (RF), decision tree (DT) and LightGBM machine learning algorithms. As a result, a posture classification accuracy of up to 99.03 percent can be achieved. Experimental studies illustrate that the system can provide real-time pressure distribution value in the form of a pressure map on a standard PC and also on a raspberry pi system equipped with a touchscreen monitor. The stored pressure distribution data can later be shared with healthcare professionals so that abnormalities in sitting patterns can be identified by employing a post-processing unit. The proposed system could be used for risk assessments related to pressure ulcers. It may be served as a benchmark by recording and identifying individuals’ sitting patterns and the possibility of being realized as a lightweight portable health monitoring device.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.12) ◽  
pp. 244 ◽  
D Vishaka Gayathri ◽  
Shrutee Shree ◽  
Taru Jain ◽  
K Sornalakshmi

The need for intelligent surveillance systems has raised the concerns of security. A viable system with automated methods for person identification to detect, track and recognize persons in real time is required. The traditional detection techniques have not been able to analyze such a huge amount of live video generated in real-time. So, there is a necessity for live streaming video analytics which includes processing and analyzing large scale visual data such as images or videos to find content that are useful for interpretation. In this work, an automated surveillance system for real-time detection, recognition and tracking of persons in video streams from multiple video inputs is presented. In addition, the current location of an individual can be searched with the tool bar provided. A model is proposed, which uses a messaging queue to receive/transfer video feeds and the frames in the video are analyzed using image processing modules to identify and recognize the person with respect to the training data sets. The main aim of this project is to overcome the challenges faced in integrating the open source tools that build up the system for tagging and searching people.  

Pronami Bora ◽  
P. Kanakaraja ◽  
B. Chiranjeevi ◽  
M. Jyothi Sri Sai ◽  
A. Jeswanth

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