Advance Surveillance Robot using Raspberry PiIot
The main objective of this paper is to develop a virtual environment for detecting suspicious and targeted places for user without any loss of human life.The purpose of this project is to regulate robot with interface board of the raspberry pi,sensors and software to full fill real time equipment. There are sundry surveillance systems such as camera, CCTV etc. available in the market. In these systems, the person located in that particular area can only view what is transpiring in that place. We proposed a system to build an authentictime live streaming and monitoring system utilizing Raspberry pi with installed Wi-Fi connectivity. It can continuously monitor the objects. Robot can move in every direction (left, right,forward and backward). The webcam which is placed on the robotic unit will capture the video and it transmits vivacious to the remote end. The major application of this paper can be analysed utilizing HTML web page which can be acclimated to control the movement of the robot.