2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 2392-2396
Merin Jose ◽  
Ravindra Bhat K ◽  
Waheeda Banu

Dyslipidemia occurs when there is an elevation in the levels of plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, or a decreased level of HDL levels. It is one of the main causes that contribute to the event of atherosclerosis and a major cause of various lifestyle disorders. Dyslipidemia being the common issue faced by mankind, there is a necessity to combat it with the drugs mentioned in the classics. In this regard, an attempt has been made to critically review the action of two important drugs mentioned in the classical texts which help in managing Dyslipidemia. The pre- sent study was aimed to assess the clinical effectiveness of Tryushanadhi guggulu and Navaka guggulu in Dyslipidemia and to compare the effectiveness of both after therapy. This comparative clinical study was con- ducted with pre and post designs in 40 patients diagnosed with Dyslipidemia with 20 patients in each in two groups viz Group A and Group B treated with Tryushanadhi guggulu and Navaka guggulu respectively. The as- sessment was done before and after the treatment with Objective criteria. After a thorough assessment, it was found out that Group A (Tryushanadhi guggulu:20.87%) had better results compared to Group B (Navaka guggu- lu:10.37%). Keywords: Dyslipidemia, Tryushanadhi guggulu, Navaka guggulu, Medoroga

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (03) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Sandeep K ◽  
Guruprasad G ◽  
Veeraj Hegde

Due to present day lifestyle, a greater number of people are inclined to desk work and computer usage leading to many disorders. Manyasthamba is one among such disorders where the stiffness of neck with severe pain is the classical symptom which hampers our day to day life. While explaining treatment of Manyasthamba our Acharyas explained Rukshasweda and Nasya Karma as main line of treatment. Here a study was done by taking Gudashunti Yoga explained in Sharangadara Samhita indicated for Nasya and Kolakulattadi Churna indicated in Vatavyadhi explained in Ashtanga Sangraha for Ruksha Churna Sweda. A comparative clinical study of 40 patients suffering from Manyastambha were selected after thorough investigation. Patients were subjected to Nasya Karma in Group A and Ruksha Sweda and Nasya Karma in Group B for 7 days. Patients were assessed based on standard parameters before and after treatment and 7 days follow up. The statistical analysis revealed that there was a significant improvement in parameters like pain and stiffness. Hence proving the efficacy in the condition.

Md Tanzil Ansari ◽  
Sukumar Ghosh ◽  
Shailendra Kumar Singh

Nowadays, people are more vulnerable to metabolic disorders due to their faulty dietary and behavioural habits. One such disorder is Vatarakta which causes functional impairment due to involvement of Sandhi (joints). It is manifested by Ruk, Toda, Sparsha asahatva, Shopha, Raga, Daha and Stabdhata in Sandhi. Vatarakta can be correlated with Hyperuricaemia or Gout due to similarity in their clinical features. Hyperuricaemia is defined as abnormally high level of uric acid in blood (i.e. >6mg/dl in female and >7mg/dl in male). On the other hand, Gout is an inflammatory response to monosodium urate crystals formed secondary to hyperuricaemia. Aims and objectives: 1. To evaluate the effectiveness of Trikarshika kwatha and lifestyle modification in the management of Vatarakta. 2. To compare the effects of Trikarshika kwatha with and without lifestyle modification in the management of Vatarakta. Materials and methods: Raw herbs of the research formulation were collected after proper identification and Kwatha was prepared for oral administration. For the clinical study, total 60 patients were selected on the basis of selection criteria. Selected patients were randomly divided into two groups. (i) Group A: 30 patients were treated with Trikarshika kwatha. (ii) Group B: 30 patients were treated with Trikarshika kwatha along with Lifestyle modification. Individual patient was treated for 45 days along with follow up at the interval of every 15 days. To assess the effectiveness of treatment, scoring pattern was followed for subjective and objective parameters. They were assessed before and after treatment. The collected data were analysed statistically by using Paired t-test. Results: On the basis of all statistical data, it can be said that patients of Group B showed better results in all parameters in comparison to patients of Group A. Conclusion: Both Trikarshika kwatha and Lifestyle modification are affective but Trikarshika kwatha with Lifestyle modification is more effective than Trikarshika kwatha without Lifestyle modification in the management of Vatarakta.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 4694-4700
Vasudev R ◽  
Swathi S Deshpande

Gridhrasi is one among Vatajananatmaja Vikara characterized by Sthabdhata, Ruk, Toda which radiates from buttock region, lumbar region, thigh, knee, calf muscles and legs. Gridhrasi is of two types viz Vataja and Vata Kaphaja Gridhrasi. Vataja Gridhrasi is characterized by severe pain and Vata Kaphaja Gridhrasi has symptoms viz Tandra, Gaurava and Aruchi. The signs and symptoms of Gridhrasi can be correlated to sciatica of modern medicine. Sciatica is characterized by constant aching pain felt in lumbar region which may radiate to the buttock, thigh, calf and foot and pain is experienced along the sciatic nerve pathway. It is a common condition with lifetime incidence varying from 13% to 40%. Matra Basti is indicated in dis-eases caused by vitiated Vata Doshas and thus considered as one of the treatments for Gridhrasi. It was a comparative clinical study with a pre and post design in 40 patients who were diagnosed with Gridhrasi, were assigned into 2 groups of 20 patients each randomly. After examination MatraBasti had given for group A with Vyoshadi Taila and group B with Sahacharadi Taila after Sthanika Abhyanga and Nad-isweda with respective oil for 7 days. The assessment criteria were noted before and after treatment and on followup. Among the subjective and objective parameters, Group A showed better reduction 51.47% in Ruk, Sthambha, Toda, Gaurava, active and passive SLR test, Bragard’s test and Lumbar movements. Group B does not have statistically significant over Gaurava, left lateral flexion and rotation to leave. Showed reduction 40.49% in Ruk, Sthambha, Toda active and passive SLR test and lumbar movement. Hence it can be concluded that MatraBasti with Vyosadi Tailam is having more effect on symptoms of Gridhrasi and shows long lasting result.

Rajendra Joshi ◽  
N. B. Mashetti ◽  
Rakesh Kumar Gujar

Dushta Vrana is a common and frequently encountered problem faced in surgical practice. The presence of Dushta Vrana worsens the condition of the patient with different complications and may become fatal. Local factors on wound like slough, infection and foreign body, affect the normal process of healing. A healthy wound in a normal body heals earlier with a minimum scar as compared to a contaminated wound. Therefore in this study all the efforts are made to make a Dushta Vrana into a Shuddha Vrana. Once the Vrana becomes Shuddha, Ropana of the Vrana will start. The objective of the study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Jatyadi Taila and Jatyadi Ghrita in Dushta Vrana. Clinically diagnosed 60 Patients of Dushta Vrana were randomly divided into two groups, each consisting of 30 Patients. Group A were treated with the Jatyadi Taila and Group B was treated by Jatyadi Ghrita. The results observed was based on the relief obtained on the subjective and objective parameters taken for consideration for this study viz, size of ulcer, discharge, smell, pain, burning sensation, itching and granulation were found significant (P Lass Than 0.05). On the basis of assessment criteria and overall result of treatment, the patients of Jatyadi Taila group showed better results when compared to Jatyadi Ghrita group. Even though statistically there is no much significant difference between the two groups, but by seeing the effect on individual parameters (subjective and objective) and over all response, Jatyadi Taila seems to be effective when compared to Jatyadi Ghrita. It is having more Ropana qualities when compared to Shodhana.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 4036-4042
Abeena Raj D P ◽  
Shripathi Acharya

Katigraha is a condition in which the vitiated Vata is localizing in the Katipradesha and producing stiff-ness and pain. These symptoms are similar to Lumbar Spondylosis. The degenerative changes due to aging or trauma, changing in lifestyle & work pattern, unhealthy food habits causing nutritional deficit etc., are causing Dhatukshaya and Margavarodha. Here Ashtavarga & Gandharvahasthadi Kashayas are taken to evaluate the effect on Katigraha. Totally 40 patients of Katigraha were selected, divided in to two groups equally. Group A treated with Ashtavargamkashaya and Group B treated with Gandharvahasthadi Kashaya for 30 days. In group A, 55% patients got moderate improvement and 40% patients with mild im-provement in group B, 5%got moderate improvement and 60% got mild improvement. It is concluded that in general statistically significant results were seen in both the groups. AshtavargamKashaya showed better efficacy than Gandharvahasthadikashaya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (05) ◽  
pp. 96-103
Deepa S. Patil ◽  
Prashanth A.S

Rajonivrutti condition manifests in the end phase of Jarawastha; but its Samprapti begins from the Sandhikala of Madhyamawastha and Jarawastha due to Vatavruddi in womens reaching Rajonivrutti. Postmenopausal Asthikshaya is a disabling disease, which renders women a bedridden life. Here 40 subjects diagnosed with postmenopausal Asthikshaya fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected for the study and randomly categorized intp two groups as group A and group B each consisting of 20 subjects. Group A received Amapachana with Hinguvachadivati, Yastimadhu Siddha Ksheerabasti administered in Yoga Basti schedule followed by Tritiyatriphala Rasayana. Group B received Amapachana with Hinguvachadivati, Sadhyosnehapana with Amrita Ghrita, Sarvanga Abyanga with Murchita Tilataila followed by Sarvanga Swedana and Sneha Virechana was admistered with Eranda Taila followed by Tritiyatriphala Rasayana was given. Tritiya Triphala Rasayana selected for the present study by adapting all the general principles of prevention and management of Asthikshaya and as it is a well known Rasayana.

Geetha Lakshmi R. ◽  
Sornam M. S. ◽  
Thenmozhi G.

Background: Health and family welfare of Indian Ministry, emphasis on postpartum IUCD insertion. Here we conducted a clinical study comparing intra-caesarean and interval CuT-380A insertion in caesarean deliveries.Methods: A systematic study with 150 patients in each group, recruited clients alternately. Group A Intra-Caesarean Cu-T insertion and Group B Interval Cu-T insertion in caesarean deliveries. Groups were followed up at 6th week and 6th month post insertion with a set of parameters. Missed strings, expulsion and infection rates were the primary outcome measures.Results: Infection rate is higher in Group A (2.3%) at 6th week, and at 6th month infection rate is higher in Group B (1.8%). Missed strings are higher in intra-caesarean than in interval insertion method both at 6th week and 6th month follow up p=0.000, hence significant. Expulsion rate is higher in Group A (2.5%) at 6th week, and at 6th month expulsion rate is higher in Group B (1.9%). There are no complications such as uterine perforation or contraceptive failures in both the groups during the study period. By analysis, there are no significant differences in infection and expulsion rates between the groups. For missed strings there is significant difference between the groups with more missed strings in intra-caesarean insertion method.Conclusions: To conclude, intra-caesarean method is equally effective as interval IUCD insertion method without added complications in caesarean deliveries, with advantage of high motivation, good compliance, safety and ease for the provider to deliver services. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 2347-2352
Risin Sugunan ◽  
Zenica D’souza

Kasa is one of the Pranavaha Srothodusti vikara which hinders normal life. Kaphaja Kasa is a type of Kasa with Vata and Kapha as predominant doshas and present with Prabhuta, Ghana and Bahala kapha. Kaphaja Kasa can be best compared with Chronic Bronchitis. If left untreated it leads to various conditions like Swasa, Kshaya, Chardi, Svarasaadha etc. This signifies the importance of its early management. The present study was conducted on 40 diagnosed subjects of Kaphaja Kasa who were randomly allocated into 2 groups with 20 patients each. La- vangadi gutika was taken in Group A and Pippalyadi gutika in Group B. Medicines was given for 30 days and the data was collected from the subject at baseline, 16th day, 31st day and on 46th day (follow up). The result of the study showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the assessment parameters in both the groups from baseline. However no statistically significant difference was observed between the effect of Lavangadi guti- ka and Pippalyadi gutika in the management of Kaphaja Kasa suggesting that both interventions were having a significant effect on the condition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (04) ◽  
pp. 31-36
Conception Costa ◽  
Sudarshan A. ◽  
Jeejo Chandran O

Background: Apabahuka is a Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi, in which locomotive functions of Amsa Sandhi are affected mainly due to Vata Dosha Prakopa causing pain, stiffness and restricted movement of the shoulder. Apabahuka can be correlated to Frozen shoulder or Adhesive Capsulitis in modern medicine because of similar symptomatology. Nasya is indicated in Urdhwajatrugata Vikaras. Pinyaka Taila and Swalpa Masha Taila are Vatahara Taila used for Nasya. Method: A single blind randomised clinical study in which 40 clinically diagnosed patients of Apabahuka, fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected and divided into two groups - Group A treated with Pinyaka / Panchamula Taila Nasya and Group B treated with Swalpa Masha Taila Nasya, comprising of 20 patients each. Result: Statistically Nasya with Pinyaka Taila showed better results in Pain (51.2%), Stiffness (48%), Tenderness (58.33%), with improvement in goniometric readings of shoulder ROM than Nasya with Swalpa Masha Taila in Pain (39.4%), stiffness (40.9%), Tenderness (58%). Discussion: Rukshadi Gunas of Vata are increased in Apabahuka hence Viparita Gunas like Snigdhadi in the form of Brumhana Nasya with Pinyaka Taila was found to be effective in Apabahuka. In the present study Group A Nasya with Pinyaka Taila showed better effect than Group B Nasya with Swalpa Masha Taila.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Neha G Tank

In the present Era, stress is said to be one of the largest killers of man today. Stress is  related to our total health - physical, mental and emotional. In Ayurveda stress is a resultant condition due to pragyaparadha. In the present study total 137 patients were registered and randomly divided into 3 groups viz: Group A were subjected to Jaladhara 7days along with Mansyadi Kwatha for 30days; Group B were subjected to Tailadhara for 7 days along with Mansyadi Kwatha for 30days; Group C  received only Mansyadi Kwatha for 30days. The main aims & object of the study are: 1) To study the comparative effect of Jaladhara and Tailadhara in the management of stress. 2) To study the clinical efficacy of Shirodhara. Assessment of the effect of treatment was done on the basis of relief in the subjective & objective signs & symptoms of stress and on Brief psychiatric rating scale. The data were analysed statistically. It was observed that symptoms like insomnia, anxiety etc were almost completely relieved in Shirodhara group. In Breif Psychiatric rating scale statistically results of both the dhara group are highly significant. Taildhara provided better relief in all most all the symptoms of Stress and in Brief psychiatric rating scale compared to Jaladhara

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