comparative clinical study
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 842-849
Shashi Prakash Gupta ◽  
Vaghela D B

Background: Vataja Abhishyanda is characterized by Toda (Pricking pain), Sangharsha (foreign body sensation), Achchasruta (watery discharge), Alpa Shopha (mild chemosis), Vishushka Bhava (feeling of dryness), Parushya (roughness) etc which are very similar to the most of signs and symptoms of the Allergic Conjunctivitis. It is one of the most common type of eye allergy and is widely experienced by global population. Aims and Objective: . To evaluate and compare the efficacy of Punarnavadi eye drops and Gutika Anjana in the management of Vataja Abhishyanda(Allergic conjunctivitis). Materials and methods: Total 104 patients diagnosed with symptoms and signs of Vataja Abhishyanda were selected from the outpatient department of Shalakya tantra. The selected patients were assigned randomly into two groups, group A (Punarnavadi eye drop) having 51 and group B (Gutika Anjana) having 50 patients. Duration of treatment was 8weeks with follow up for one month after the trial. Result: In Group A, 96.08% got complete relief after the completion of treatment, 03.92% got marked improvement. In Group B, 98% got complete relief after the completion of treatment, 2% got marked improvement. Conclusion: Gutika Anjana shows better relief in all sign and symptoms on the basis of percentage. The reason may be Anjana has maximum absorption due to more contact of time with the tissue which is responsible for better bioavailability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 954-960
Anu Gupta ◽  
Chinky Goyal ◽  
Amitabh Singh

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory joint disease characterized by swollen, painful and stiff joints. Amavata is a disease of Madhyama Roga Marga as it affects Sandhis and Haridaya Marma. Though Ama and Vata are the predominant pathogenic factors but the disease represents Tridoshic vitiation. The affliction of Sandhis by Vata dosha in association with Ama reflects the equal role of both Dosha and Dushya in the causation of disease. Moreover, the chief pathogenic factors, being contradictory in nature possess difficulty in planning the line of treatment. The objectives of this randomized parallel group comparative study were to evaluate the effect of Khanda Shunthi and Prasarni Avaleha in the management of Amavata. This Study was conducted on 40 patients selected randomly from OPD and IPD of Desh Bhagat Ayurvedic Hospital and divided into 2 trial groups A and B having 20 patients in each group. Group A received Khanda Shunthi 10 gms BD and Group B received Prasarni Avaleha 10 gms BD with lukewarm water for 60 days. Results showed statistically significant difference in effect of Group A and Group B on, Pain, Swelling, Stiffness, ESR, Walking time and Grip Strength except on Fever and HB. Percent wise Khanda Shunthi is found to be more effective than Prasarni Avaleha for all assessment criteria in the management of Amavata.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2933-2941
Rashmi Verma ◽  
Supriya M ◽  
Shobha Mattur

Menstruation is a normal physiological process when it is accompanied by pain is called Dysmenorrhea. It is one of the commonest gynaecological complaints. Dysmenorrhea is painful menstruation, which is the pratyatma lax- ana of Udavartini yoni vyapad i.e., spasmodic dysmenorrhea. It is a common cause of distress in women. Here the main reason for pain is the vitiation of vata dosha (apana vata), viloma/pratiloma gati leading to vedna yukta artava munchan and to manage this pratiloma vata, one needs to use drugs that have anulomana properties and vedna samak. Kumarika vati is used as vedana shamaka aushadha to give symptomatic relief. Hence the topic was selected for the study. Objectives: To compare the effect of Kumarika Vati with Mefenamic Acid in the man- agement of Udavartini Yonivyapad (Spasmodic Dysmenorrhea). Materials & Methods: 20 patients of Group A were treated with Kumarika Vati, a dose of 250mg BD 5 days before menstruation & 5 days during menstruation. 20 patients of Group B were treated with a Mefenamic Acid dose of 250mg BD for 3 days during menstruation. Result: The data of both groups were collected according to the objective and subjective parameters and analyzed using the most appropriate statistical test (repeated measures of ANOVA test and Mann –Whitney U test). The efficacy is statically significant within the group at P<0.001 and statistically insignificant between the group at P>0.05 among all the parameters. Interpretation and Conclusion: On comparison of Kumarika Vati with Mefenamic acid both have equal effectiveness in relieving the pain intensity, pain duration, site of pain, nature of pain and associated complaints. Keywords: Udavartini Yoni Vyapad, Dysmenorrhea, Kumarika Vati, Mefenamic Acid.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2975-2984
Nupur Biswas ◽  
Kultar Singh

Sandhigata Vata (Osteoarthritis) is a type of Vatavyadhi (degenerative disease) that mainly occurs in Vrid- dhavastha (Old age) due to Dhatukshaya (cellular degeneration). Vagabhatta has also considered Vata Vyadhi as a Maharoga. It appears from the point of view of modern medical sciences that Sandhigata vata can be simulated with Osteoarthritis in its clinical appearance. Osteoarthritis is the most common articular disorder that begins asymptomatically in the 2nd and 3rddecades and is extremely common by age 70. Almost all persons by age 40 have some pathologic change in the weight-bearing joint. 25% of females and 16% males have symptomatic OA. This disease has been described in Ayurveda from ancient times. The disease Arthritis causes work disability. It limits everyday activities such as walking, dressing, bathing etc, thus making individuals handicapped. No treat- ment is available which can prevent the disease process. In western medical science, mainly analgesics, anti- inflammatory drugs or surgery are the options for the treatment of Osteoarthritis; don’t provide remarkable recov- ery but causes great adverse effect. Researchers are trying their level best for making drugs that can prevent or slow down or reverse joint damage. Panchakarma therapy is one of the important branches of Ayurveda, which deals mainly with the purification of the aggravated Doshas from the human system. This is the reason behind the selection of the topic entitled “A COMPARATIVE CLINICAL STUDY OF MATRA VASTI AND PICHU WITH RASNA TAILA IN SANDHIGATA VATA W.S.R TO OSTEOARTHRITIS”. We have used Panchakarma treatment procedure. Panchakarma treatment is believed to help in the radical elimi- nation of the disease-causing factors and maintain the equilibrium of doshas. The selection of Matravasti and pichu both are based on repeated recommendations of different Acharyas on Sandhigatavata. We used Rasna taila. Keywords: Sandhigata vata, Osteoarthritis, MatraVasti, Pichu, Rasna taila

Joon Hyuk Hou ◽  
Hyunjung Shin ◽  
Hyeji Shin ◽  
Yechan Kil ◽  
Da Hye Yang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Aniruddh Yashwant V ◽  
Pratebha Balu ◽  
R Saravana Kumar ◽  
Pavithranand Ammayappan ◽  
Vikneshan Murugaboopathy

ABSTRACT Objectives To compare the rate of extraction space closure between periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics (PAOO) using platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) (Group 1) and PAOO using demineralized bone xenograft (DMBM) (Group 2) and to compare the level of wound healing between the PRF group vs the DMBM group after PAOO. Materials and Methods A two-arm prospective single blind pilot study with a split-mouth design was used in which 14 patients requiring premolar extraction were divided into two groups: PRF and DMBM. En-masse space closure was carried out with using mini implants after the PAOO procedure. The amount of space closure was measured at five time points with 2-week intervals within 2 months. The gingival healing levels were assessed using early wound healing scores on the first postoperative day. Results The rate of extraction space closure was faster in the experimental quadrant at all time points (T1-T4) in the PRF group and at time points (T3, T4) in the DMBM group. Comparison between experimental quadrants showed a significant increase in the rate of space closure in the PRF group T1 to T3 (P &lt; .05). The PRF group showed higher total early healing scores than the DMBM group. Conclusions PRF, when used in the PAOO procedure, produces a faster rate of space closure with better early wound healing than DMBM.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (6) ◽  
pp. 622-629
Yun Hyun Kim ◽  
Jeong Yeop Ryu ◽  
Joon Seok Lee ◽  
Seok Jong Lee ◽  
Jong Min Lee ◽  

Background Venous malformations (VMs) are the most common type of vascular malformations. Intramuscular venous malformations (IMVMs) are lesions involving the muscles, excluding intramuscular hemangiomas. The purpose of this study was to compare clinical outcomes between patients with IMVMs who were treated with sclerotherapy and those who were treated with surgical excision.Methods Of 492 patients with VMs treated between July 2011 and August 2020 at a single medical center for vascular anomalies, 63 patients diagnosed with IMVM were retrospectively reviewed. Pain, movement limitations, swelling, and quality of life (QOL) were evaluated subjectively, while radiological outcomes were assessed by qualified radiologists at the center. Complication rates were also evaluated, and radiological and clinical examinations were used to determine which treatment group (sclerotherapy or surgical excision) exhibited greater improvement.Results Although there were no significant differences in pain (P=0.471), swelling (P=0.322), or the occurrence of complications (P=0.206) between the two treatment groups, the surgical treatment group exhibited significantly better outcomes with regard to movement limitations (P=0.010), QOL (P=0.013), and radiological outcomes (P=0.017). Moreover, both duplex ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging showed greater improvements in clinical outcomes in the surgical excision group than in the sclerotherapy group.Conclusions Although several studies have examined IMVM treatment methods, no clear guidelines for treatment selection have been developed. Based on the results of this study, surgical excision is strongly encouraged for the treatment of IMVMs.

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