scholarly journals Natural and Anthropogenic Sources of Groundwater Salinization in Parts of Karachi, Pakistan

Sanober Rafi ◽  
Owais Niaz ◽  
Sadaf Naseem ◽  
Umair Majeed ◽  
Humaira Naz

This study is aimed to evaluate the groundwater quality of Gulshan-e-Iqbal and Liaquatabad towns inKarachi. Thirty (n=30) groundwater samples were randomly collected from different locations by electrically pumpedwells at various depths (14-91m). All the water samples were analyzed to determine their suitability for drinkingpurpose based on various physicochemical parameters. Data reveal that high concentration of TDS and hardness havedeteriorated the groundwater quality of study area. The main phenomenon responsible for groundwater pollution is theseawater intrusion due to the proximity of study area to the Arabian sea. Large scale unplanned urbanization, poorwaste management and other anthropogenic activities have also triggered the deterioration of groundwater quality.Study showed that local geology plays vital role in the distribution of major cations and anions. Data suggested thatground water of this study area is highly contaminated by seawater intrusion and considered not fit for drinkingpurpose.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-28
Sanober Rafi ◽  
Owais Niaz ◽  
Sadaf Naseem ◽  
Umair Majeed ◽  
Humaira Naz

This study is aimed to evaluate the groundwater quality of Gulshan-e-Iqbal and Liaquatabad towns inKarachi. Thirty (n=30) groundwater samples were randomly collected from different locations by electrically pumpedwells at various depths (14-91m). All the water samples were analyzed to determine their suitability for drinkingpurpose based on various physicochemical parameters. Data reveal that high concentration of TDS and hardness havedeteriorated the groundwater quality of study area. The main phenomenon responsible for groundwater pollution is theseawater intrusion due to the proximity of study area to the Arabian sea. Large scale unplanned urbanization, poorwaste management and other anthropogenic activities have also triggered the deterioration of groundwater quality.Study showed that local geology plays vital role in the distribution of major cations and anions. Data suggested thatground water of this study area is highly contaminated by seawater intrusion and considered not fit for drinkingpurpose.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-123 ◽  
Himanshu Gaikwad ◽  
Huzefa Shaikh ◽  
Bhavana Umrikar

Major ion constituents present in groundwater are studied for shallow unconfined basaltic aquifer in order to understand the quality of groundwater resources and its impacts on inhabitants and irrigation. 30 groundwater samples collected from dug wells located in upper Bhima basin were analyzed to measure major cations and anions for establishing water quality index (WQI) and irrigation indices. The concentration of pH, electrical conductivity, total hardness, total dissolved solids and major cations and anions were analyzed. Groundwater types were detected using Piper’s trilinear diagram as Ca2+-HCO3−, Ca2+-Na+-HCO3−, mixed Ca2+-Mg2+-Cl− and Ca2+-Cl− groups. High concentration (8 to 194 mg/L) of nitrate was found at some locations in the region. WQI shows 66% of the samples to be unfit for drinking purposes due to high nitrate content mostly introduced because of the anthropogenic activities. Suitability of groundwater for irrigation purposes was determined using of Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Permeability Index (PI), Kelly Ratio (KR), Magnesium Hazard (MH), Sodium (%) and Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC). Groundwater in the region is suitable for irrigation.

Water ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 1321 ◽  
Muhammad Aleem ◽  
Cao Shun ◽  
Chao Li ◽  
Arslan Aslam ◽  
Wu Yang ◽  

The industrial augmentation and unguided anthropogenic activities contaminate water sources in most parts of the world especially in developing countries like Pakistan. High concentration of pollutants in groundwater affects human, soil, and crop health badly. The present study was conducted to investigate groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation purposes in an industrial zone of Pakistan. A GIS tool was used to investigate the spatial distribution of different physico-chemical parameters. In this study, the average results exceeding World Health Organization (WHO) and National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) were found for pH 7.84, total dissolved solids (TDS) 1492 mg/L, phosphate 0.51 mg/L, dissolved oxygen (DO) 9.92% saturation, F-coli 6.48 colonies/100 mL, Na+ 366 mg/L, HCO3− 771 mg/L, sulfate 251 mg/L, chlorides 427 mg/L, total hardness (as CaCO3) 292 mg/L, electrical conductivity (EC) 2408 μS/cm, iron (Fe) 0.48 mg/L, chrome (Cr) 0.50 mg/L, arsenic (As) 0.04 mg/L, total phosphorus (TP) 0.17 mg/L, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) 9.76 (in meq/L), residual sodium carbonate (RSC) 9.28 meq/L, % ion balance 14.4 (in meq/L), percentage sodium ion (% Na+) concentration 58.9 meq/L, and water quality index (WQI) 69.0. The trend of cations and anions were (in meq/L) Na > Mg > Ca > K and HCO3 > Cl > CO3 > SO4 respectively. Although the results of the present study showed poor conditions of the groundwater for drinking as WQI but and irrigation purposes as SAR, it needs to improve some more conditions for the provision of safe drinking water and irrigation water quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Sepridawati Siregar ◽  
Desi Kiswiranti

AbstrakSungai Klampok mengalir melalui Kecamatan Bergas dan sekelilingnya terdapat beberapa industri sehingga mengakibatkan sungai tersebut tercemar karena menjadi badan penerima air limbah. Akibat penurunan kualitas air Sungai Klampok akan berimbas pada penurunan kualitas air tanah yang digunakan oleh penduduk sekitar sungai tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas air tanah yang berada di sekitar Sungai Klampok sebagai akibat adanya pengaruh beban pencemaran oleh air limbah industri berdasarkan Permenkes No. 416/MENKES/PER/IX/1990 tentang persyaratan kualitas air bersih. Lokasi pengambilan sampel air sungai dibagi menjadi 3 stasiun (LK1, LK2 dan LK3) sedangkan untuk sampel airtanah dari rumah-rumah penduduk dilakukan pada 6 titik yaitu 3 titik di daerah utara dari Sungai Klampok (U1,U2, U3) dan 3 titik di daerah selatan dari Sungai Klampok (S1,S2, S3). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada musim kemarau. Dari hasil uji kualitas air sungai, pencemaran yang terjadi pada air sungai Klampok masuk dalam kategori tercemar ringan-sedang. Sedangkan hasil uji kualitas air tanah masih berada di bawah baku mutu yang disyaratkan oleh Permenkes No. 416/MENKES/PER/IX/1990, sehingga penurunan kualitas air sungai Klampok tidak mempengaruhi kualitas air tanah di sekitar sungai tersebut. AbstractThe Klampok River flows through the Bergas Subdistrict and there are a number of industries around it, causing the river to become polluted because it becomes the body of the recipient of wastewater. As a result of the decline in the quality of the water in the Klampok River, it will impact on the quality of groundwater used by residents around the river. This study aims to determine the quality of groundwater around the Klampok River as a result of the influence of pollution load by industrial wastewater based on Permenkes No. 416 / MENKES / PER / IX / 1990 concerning requirements for clean water quality. The location of river water sampling is divided into 3 stations (LK1, LK2, and LK3) while for groundwater samples from residential houses is carried out at 6 points, namely 3 points in the northern area of Klampok River (U1, U2, U3) and 3 points in the area south of the Klampok River (S1, S2, S3). Sampling is done in the dry season. From the results of the test of river water quality, pollution that occurs in Klampok river water is categorized as mild-moderate polluted. While the results of groundwater quality testing are still below the quality standards required by Permenkes No. 416 / MENKES / PER / IX / 1990 so that the decline in the water quality of the Klampok river does not affect the quality of groundwater around the river.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Farooque Lanjwani ◽  
Muhammad Yar Khuhawar ◽  
Taj Muhammad Jahangir Khuhawar

AbstractThe study examines the water quality of Shahdadkot, Qubo Saeed Khan and Sijawal Junejo talukas of Qambar Shahdadkot District, less affected by industrial contamination. A total of 38 groundwater samples were collected and analysed for 28 parameters. The results indicated that 57.89% samples were not suitable for drinking purpose with total dissolved solids above than maximum permissible limit of World Health Organization (WHO) (1000 mg/L). The pH, total phosphate, orthophosphate and nitrite were within WHO limits. The concentration of essential metals more than half samples, fluoride in 60.52% and heavy metals 0–50% were contaminated higher than permissible limits of WHO. The statistical analysis of water quality parameters was also carried out to evaluate coefficient of determination among the parameters, cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Water quality determined for irrigation based on Kelly index (KI), sodium percentage (Na%), chloride–sulphate ratio, sodium adsorption ratio, permeability index (PI), chloroalkaline indices 1 (CAI-1), residual sodium carbonate and chloride bicarbonate ratio indicated that samples (55 to 100%) could be used for irrigation purposes. The consumption of water with high concentration of salts and fluoride above the permissible limits may be a cause of a number of diseases in the area.

R. Sophia Porchelvi ◽  
P. Selvavathi

Delta regions of the Cauvery River basin are one of the significant areas of rice production in India. In spite of large-scale utilization of the river basin for irrigation and drinking purposes, the lack of appropriate water management has seemingly deteriorated the water quality due to increasing anthropogenic activities. Vellore is the second most populous district of Tamil Nadu in India where the Palar River flowing towards east for about 295 Km. Vellore is surrounded by many leather tanneries and small scale dying industries and their effluents are discharged into the Palar river causing impact on the quality of the underground water. To assess the extent of deterioration, physicochemical characteristics of surface water were analyzed select regions of Cauvery Delta River basin and Palar region, Tamil Nadu, during March 2016 to May 2016. This study aimed to examine quality of drinking groundwater. The results represented whether the water was suitable or unsuitable for drinking purposes in this area. It was also observed that some areas like Tiruvarur, Needamangalam, Kamalapuram, Arcot, Soraiyur, Ranipet had low quality drinking water. It is suggested to take some necessary measures for supplying desirable water to the people living in these areas.

2017 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 1858 ◽  
K. Skordas ◽  
E. Tziritis ◽  
A. Kelepertsis

The area of Agia (Thessaly, Central Greece) is a highly cultivated region, whose hydrogeochemical status is influenced both by natural and manmade factors. Chemical analyses of 40 groundwater samples from the examined area, revealed that geology has a significant impact to aquifers chemistry, mainly expressed through the presence of carbonate rocks and evaporitic minerals of the Neogene formations of the area., as well as the ultrabasic rocks of the substrate. The manmade influence is assessed through the elevated values of nitrates (values up to 168,7 mg/L). Furthermore, the analytical results of the groundwaters revealed that NO3-, Fe and Se, in several samples, exceeded the EC and SMCL (USEPA) limits. More specifically, the 20% of NO3- samples exceeded the EC limits as well as the 2,5% of Se in samples. The 2,5% of Fe in samples exceeded both the EC and SMCL (USEPA) limits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 546-561
K. Mohammed Rizwan ◽  
V. Thirukumaran ◽  
M. Suresh

The aims of the current research are to assess the drinking water quality of the groundwater in the Gadilam River Basin, which is located in the northern part of Tamil Nadu, by identifying the groundwater quality index and examine its suitability for drinking. The current work determines the levels of groundwater quality parameters based on 120 groundwater samples; 50 samples from Archaean formation, 34 samples from Quaternary formation, 35 samples from Tertiary formation and the remaining sample from Cretaceous formation. Additionally, this research compares the determined levels with the various standards for drinking. Furthermore, the variability of parameters of the groundwater quality is explored in this paper by using the spatial interpolation method. The conclusion of this research reveals that the groundwater quality parameters such as Calcium (Ca2+), Magnesium (Mg2+), Nitrate (NO32-), Fluoride (F-), Sulphate (SO42-), Bi-carbonate (HCO3-) and Percentage of Hydrogen (pH) values are observed to be within the limiting value for WHO 2017 in all the formations during the seasons in which they were taken. The water quality index (WQI) values of the Archaean, Quaternary and Tertiary formations are found to be less than 100 meq/L in all stations in both seasons. In order of WQI, these stations come under the category of “Excellent” and “Good”. The Piper trilinear classification of groundwater samples fall in the field of mixed Ca-Mg-Cl, and No dominance, some of the samples represent Na-K, Cl types of water.

2000 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
A. L. Haldar ◽  
P. Dev

The quality of selected bored well and dug well waters from the central tracts of the Lalitpur region in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India, was investigated for irrigation purposes.  The study area is situated within the latitudes 24° 35' N and 24° 43' N, and the longitudes 78° 20' 41" E and 78° 30' E in the basin of the Shahzad River, which is a tributary of the Betwa River. Granites and gneisses of Archaean age are exposed in various parts of the area. The selected groundwater samples were analysed for major cations, anions, trace elements, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), sodium absorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), permeability index (Pl), and sodium per cent (SP). The analysed data were plotted on Wilcox and U.S. salinity diagrams to evaluate chemical quality of groundwater for irrigation. The SAR values (ranging from 0.47 to 79) are within the permissible limits. A majority of samples (i.e., 57.5%) belong to C3-S, class whereas remaining samples (42.5%) fall in C2-S1 class. Plots of SP against EC indicate that a large number of samples (67.5%) fall within Excellent to Good type of water whereas remaining samples lie within Good to Permissible type. Hence the water can be used for all types of crop on soils of medium to high permeability.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 241
Halimi Samia ◽  
Baali Fethi ◽  
Kherici Nacer ◽  
Zairi El moncef ◽  
Bouhsina Saad

In the Annaba plain (Northeast of Algeria), the anthropogenic activities have imposed serious unfavorable impacts on hydraulic, hydrochemical and biological balances that influence the socio-economic future of this area. A hydrochemical analysis was performed in 29 wells distributed over the whole of the plain region during the period of high water (December 2013) to assess the quality of groundwater for its suitability for irrigation. Several parameters were analyzed such as pH, TDS, Ca +2, Mg +2, Na+ , K+ , HCO3 - , Cl- and SO4 - . Analysis of results suggests that groundwater in the study area has the same qualities; however the observed degradation reflects a change in the water quality, and the SAR values vary from 0.08 to 16 with an average of 1.3. The US salinity laboratory, Wilcox, and percentage Na+ it suggest that the majority of groundwater samples are not good for irrigation.

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