dug wells
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Medicines ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Osaro Ogie Enehizena ◽  
Mathias A. Emokpae

Drinking water can be a potential source of toxic metals, which are a known leading cause of infertility in men. This study determines the concentrations of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) in drinking water (borehole, hand-dug well and treated water) and sex hormone levels (serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PROL), estradiol (E2), progesterone (PROG), and testosterone (T) in males who drink water mainly from these sources. The concentrations of Cd, and Pb in hand-dug wells were higher than the permissible limit recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) while Zn and Cu were within the permissible levels in drinking water. Blood Cd and Pb levels were significantly higher (p < 0.001) among subjects who consumed hand-dug and borehole water than treated water, while serum Zn was significantly lower (p < 0.001) in hand-dug well and borehole water consumers than in control subjects. Also, serum FSH (p < 0.001), LH (p < 0.001), E2 (p < 0.002), PROG (p < 0.04) and T (p < 0.001) were significantly lower among hand-dug well and borehole water consumers than controls, while PROL (p < 0.001) was significantly higher in hand-dug well and borehole water consumers than controls. Blood Cd and Pb levels were significantly higher (p < 0.001) in hand-dug well water consumers than borehole water consumers. The consumption of water from hand-dug wells may have adverse reproductive sequelae among consumers.

Fitri Mairizki ◽  
Arief Yandra Putra ◽  
Widya Adiza Putri ◽  

Groundwater plays important role as the main water resource for human needs. The vulnerability of groundwater to contaminants both naturally and by human activities can be not avoided as a trigger for groundwater quality degradation. Hydrogeochemical become important highlights in groundwater studies because groundwater conditions in quality and quantity influenced by the geological formation of rock minerals in aquifer. Naturally, the condition of the research area which consists of peat swamps can also affect the characteristics of groundwater. The aims of this research are to determine groundwater types and groundwater facies in study area with an analytical approach using stiff diagram and piper diagram. The method used was purposive sampling by collecting data from dug wells at the research site. 5 samples from dug wells were used as representatives in the groundwater facies analysis. The groundwater facies analysis was carried out by measuring the concentration of major ions such as Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, SO4, and HCO3. The highest groundwater level was in the northern part of study area (7,84 m) while the lowest groundwater level was in the southwest part of study area (2,05 m). The results showed three types of groundwater based on stiff diagram as sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium sulfate (NaSO4) and magnesium sulfate (MgSO4). The lithology conditions that composed the aquifer affected the facies or origin of groundwater. The alluvium layer in the research area which rich in sodium (Na+) minerals with chloride (Cl-) or sulfate (SO42-) anions forms chloride sulfate facies (Cl+SO4) which were located in the middle to the south of the study area and sodium (potassium) chloride (sulfate) facies (Na(K)Cl(SO4)) which were distributed in the northern part of study area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-78
Syukra Alhamda ◽  
Mila Sari ◽  
Nova Herawati

Jorong Koto Kaciak is a fairly high incidence of diarrhea contributed 36% of the incidence of diarrhea in Magek District. This study aims to analyze the Physical Quality and Bacteriology (E-Coli) of Dug Well Water in Jorong Koto Kaciak. This is a descriptive describing the physical quality and bacteriology of community dug well water. The populations were all community dug wells amount 153 units. By using cluster sampling, the sample was determined as much as 5 dug wells. Data collection used observation sheets and data analysis included univariate analysis which was carried out computerized. The results showed that 80% dug well water samples met the physical parameter requirements based on temperature, overall 100% community dug well water met the turbidity requirements <25 NTU / 100 ml, 60% dug well water samples met the physical requirements. odorless and tasteless and overall 100% dug well water samples do not meet the quality requirements of microbiology (e-coli)> 50 MPN / 100 ml It can be concluded that the community dug well water physically meets the quality standard requirements drinking water, but microbiologically it does not meet the health standard requirements, especially the quality of bacteriology, which can increase the risk of gastrointestinal infections for the community (diarrhea). For this reason, it is recommended that the community and health workers in Jorong Koto Kaciak pay more attention to the quality of dug well water.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 711-719
Enehizena Osaro Ogie ◽  
Fidelis Ohiremen Oyakhire ◽  
Egho Eseoghene Valentine ◽  
Cedric Odaro ◽  
Joy Akpesiri Egho ◽  

Objective: Drinking water contaminated with toxic metals can be a leading cause of infertility in males. The aim of this study was to determine the levels of some toxic metals and trace elements in drinking water and reproductive hormone levels in males who drink water from these sources in Sabongida-Ora , Edo State, Nigeria. Material and Methods: A total of 90 subjects consisting of 30 subjects who drink borehole water, 30 subjects who drink water from hand-dug well, and 30 subjects who drink table water, aged between 18 and 45 years, were recruited for this study. Serum reproductive hormones were analyzed using ELISA method. Blood lead, cadmium, serum zinc, and copper were analyzed using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The data obtained were analyzed using SPSS version 23.0. Results: Blood Cd and Pb levels were significantly higher (P<0.05) in hand-dug, borehole and treated water consumers while serum Zn level was significantly lower P<0.05) in hand-dug well and borehole water consumers than treated table water consumers. The serum Cu level was not significantly different between the groups.  The reproductive hormones were significantly lower among hand-dug well and borehole water consumers than treated table water consumers (p<0.05), while PROL(P<0.05) was significantly higher among hand-dug well, borehole water consumers than treated water consumers. Serum PROL correlated positively with Pb (r=0.443; P<0.05) and negatively with serum Zn (r=-0.404; P<0.05) while T correlated positively (r=0.542; P<0.005) with Zn. Similarly, FSH correlated negatively with Pb (r=-0.398; P<0.05) and positively with Zn (r=0.422;P<0.05), while LH correlated inversely with Cd (r=-0.622;P<0.05) and positively with Zn (r=0.745; P<0.05). Expectedly, Cd and Pb were higher while Cu and Zn were lower in hand-dug well water consumers than borehole water consumers. Conclusion: Water consumption from hand-dug wells may have adverse reproductive sequelae among consumers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 289-305
Imelda Rosita ◽  
Hastuti Marlina ◽  
Beny Yulianto

Keberadaan jentik nyamuk Aedes aegypti dalam sumur gali sebagai tempat penampungan air alamiah dapat dipengaruhi beberapa faktor. Keberadaan jentik Aedes aegypti dapat ditemukan pada genangan air bersih dan tidak mengalir, terbuka serta terlindung dari cahaya matahari. Lingkungan tempat penduduk adalah tempat perindukan nyamuk oleh karena itu masyarakat harus menjaga kebersihan lingkungan disekitar rumah dan tidak ada tempat atau media yang dapat menjadi tempat perindukan nyamuk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik sumur gali yang berpotensi menjadi tempat perkembangbiakan nyamuk Aedes aegypti di Desa Salo Timur Kecamatan Salo Tahun 2020. Jenis penelitian ini adalah explanatory research dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah sumur gali yang berada di Desa Salo Timur sejumlah 1033 sumur gali dan diperoleh 280 sampel. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada hubungan antara letak sumur gali (nilai p=0,012), keberadaan penutup sumur gali (nilai p=0,000), pH sumur gali (nilai p=0,000), dan Pencahayaan Sumur Gali (nilai p=0,000) dengan keberadaan jentik nyamuk Aedes aegypti.   The larvae exitence in dug wells where it is a place of collecting and saving water were influenced by some factors. The presence of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae can be found in stagnant water that does not flow, open, and protected from sunlight. The environment where residents are breeding palces for mosquitoes is therefore the community must maintain the cleanliness of the environment around the house and there is no place or media that can become mosquito breeding places. The purpose of this study determined the characteristics of dug wells that could potentially become a breeding Aedes aegypti mosquito in Salo Timur Village, Salo District in 2020 This type of research was explanatory research which using cross sectional approach. The population of this research were dug wells around  in the village of East Salo with a total of 1033 dug wells and 280 samples were obtained. Sampling using the Purposive Sampling method. The results showed there was a relationship between the location of dug wells (p = 0.012), the presence of dug well cover (p = 0,000), pH of dug wells (p = 0,000) and dug well lighting (p=0,000) with the presence of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. Suggestion, improve sanitation of dug wells to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 930 (1) ◽  
pp. 012053
K Aribowo ◽  
W Wilopo ◽  
D H Barianto

Abstract Groundwater resources are vital for residents in Muntilan Sub-District and its surrounding area in Central Java. The residents use groundwater for daily consumption by developing dug wells. Therefore, groundwater sources from contamination should be protected to guarantee sustainable groundwater use in this area. Groundwater vulnerability maps can be used as basic information to prevent groundwater contamination, land-use planning, and groundwater resources management. Therefore, this study aims to develop the groundwater vulnerability map in the Muntilan, Salam, Ngluwar Sub-Districts, Magelang Regency, Central Java. The vulnerability assessment used the DRASTIC method. The method has used the sum of the weighting of various parameters, including topography, net recharge, groundwater depth, the impact of the vadose zone, soil media, hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, and aquifer media. The analysis results described that the DRASTIC Index (DI) value ranges from low to high levels, low levels, and the moderate level of vulnerability covers Muntilan sub-district and salam sub-district, while high levels of vulnerability are located in Muntilan, Ngluwar, and Salam Sub-Districts. Therefore, this vulnerability can be used for regional spatial planning and groundwater protection in the district.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (E) ◽  
pp. 1224-1227
Mulyadi Mulyadi ◽  
Zaenab Zaenab ◽  
Ain Khaer ◽  
Zrimurti Mappau ◽  
Adriyani Adam

BACKGROUND: Based on the results of laboratory examinations, initial samples taken from one of the clean water sources (dug wells) in Biringere Village, North Sinjai District, results showed that the water sample contained high enough metal ions such as Fe, Mn, hardness, and organic substances which did not meet the requirements as clean water because it still contained levels of Manganese (Mn) 1.68 mg/l. Meanwhile, for organic substances (KMnO4), it is 9876 mg/l. AIM: The purpose of the research was to determine the effectiveness of multimedia filters in improving quality of clean water from the parameters of Mn and KMnO4 in clean water sources (dug wells).. METHODS: The type of research conducted is quasi-experimental by made a filtering processing method with a “Up Flow” flow system, using media consisting of silica sand, zeolite, resin (pine resin), and active carbon in PVC tubes. The population in this study were all dug wells in North Sinjai district. The samples were dug wells located on Biringere Village, North Sinjai District. The samples examined in Center for Environmental Health and disease control of Makassar. RESULTS: The results obtained were that there was a significant change in manganese (Mn) levels of 0.49 mg/l (80.37%). Meanwhile, organic substances (MnO4) amounted to 17.38 mg/l (70.02%). CONCLUSION: Decreasing levels of manganese (Mn) in well water after going through the multimedia filter process above show that the manganese content has met the standard requirements of the Minister of Health Regulation No. 32 of 2017.

2021 ◽  
Vol 926 (1) ◽  
pp. 012079
E E Tantama ◽  
M A Kumara ◽  
D P E Putra ◽  
G I Marliyani

Abstract The community of Randublatung basin and its surroundings (Grobogan, Blora, and Bojonegoro Regencies) using groundwater for agricultural, farming, and daily needs. However, these activities can contaminate the groundwater through nitrate and chloride in fertilizers, pesticides, animal waste, and household waste. Therefore, it is crucial to know the amount of nitrate and chloride content in the groundwater of The Randublatung basin and its surroundings. This research aims to analyze nitrate and chloride content and the ratio between ions in the groundwater of The Randublatung basin and its surroundings to find contaminant resources. The method to analyze the nitrate and chloride content is using Ion Chromatography. The analysis result from 35 samples of groundwater shows that the average nitrate content in dug wells samples is 10.06 mg/L, while the average from pump wells is 6.31 mg/L. The average chloride in dug wells samples is 43.65 mg/L, and the average from pump wells is 54.57 mg/L. These nitrate and chloride level are still in safe category based on Health Ministry Indonesia and WHO. The nitrate: chloride ratio in dug wells is 1:5, 1:9 from pump wells. The ratios indicate that the nitrate’s resource is associated with the on-site sanitation and will increase if there is no mitigation action to the contaminant resource.

Herniwanti, Herniwanti ◽  
Endang Purnawati Rahayu ◽  
Yen Purwawinata Mohan

Accessing the characteristics of Refill Drinking Water Depot (DAMIU) is the initial step in mapping the quality of water to be processed into drinking water. Therefore, this study aims to map the characteristics and bacteriology of DAMIU raw water at the Koto Kampar Hulu sub-district to prevent COVID-19. This was a study conducted using a qualitative approach with 7 raw water samples. The bacteriology of Raw Water (E. Coli and Coliform) is an indicator of the required standards in line with the minister of health regulation No.32 of 2017. Furthermore, the results showed that 85% of the DAMIU raw water originated from drilling and dug wells. The distance to water sources was mostly <20 km. Bacteriological tests for E. Coli were consistent with the quality standards while 4 DAMIU sources contain Coliform bacteria due to poor hygiene. Hence, it is recommended that the health department, responsible for consumer protection and law enforcement, provide guidance and supervision to DAMIU entrepreneurs that failed to meet the requirements. Further PAMSIMAS, PHBS, and STMB programs as well as other technological innovations are needed to provide a drinking water source that is healthy, cheap, and protected from disease during the COVID-19 period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 926 (1) ◽  
pp. 012081
D Erlinawati ◽  
D P E Putra ◽  
A D Titisari

Abstract Nitrate (NO3-) pollution in groundwater is generally caused by chemical fertilizers from the agricultural sector and wastewater from onsite sanitation. Magelang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia, is a large food estate that has 206 km2 paddy fields. In addition, this area is inhabited by 1.3 million people who produce onsite sanitary waste every day. Due to the concentration and intensity of fertilization and sanitary waste, which are quite high, Magelang Regency is susceptible to groundwater pollution by nitrate. This study aims to determine the characteristics of nitrate in the groundwater of the west side Magelang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The research was carried out by testing groundwater samples taken from several springs, dug wells, and drilled wells used by society for their daily needs. Groundwater sampling was carried out in the wet season and tested using the ion chromatography method to determine the level of nitrate in groundwater and know the chemical characteristics to analyze dominant ions in groundwater. The results showed that the average nitrate was 3.9 mg/l; the deviation standard was 5.12; minimum nitrate was 0 mg/l; and maximum nitrat was 20.78 mg/l. The origin of nitrate content may come come from feces but still in small quantities. Facies of groundwater are Ca-HCO3 and Na-Cl. It can be concluded that the groundwater of the west side Magelang Regency is not yet polluted by nitrate. However, there is still a possibility in the future, so that necessary to apply for groundwater protection immediately.

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