scholarly journals Remote Monitoring Technologies in Dementia Care: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Family Caregivers’ Experiences

Martha Snyder ◽  
Laurie Dringus ◽  
Manon Maitland Schladen ◽  
Ronald Chenail ◽  
Elizabeth Oviawe

The desire to maintain an independent lifestyle is one shared by an increasing number of older adults. Adult children, spouses, siblings, and other relatives, also known as family caregivers, play an integral role in helping their loved ones maintain independence. Remote monitoring technologies (RMTs) such as wearable sensors, mobile emergency devices, smartphone apps, and webcams can be used to monitor, sense, record, and communicate a person’s daily activities. However, understanding is limited of the family caregiver’s needs and perceptions of RMTs used in a home-based setting. The purpose was to explore how family caregivers perceive RMTs and their use for monitoring and supporting their care recipients who choose to live independently. We used a survey to capture some basic characteristics of family caregivers, what they know about RMTs, and to recruit interview participants. We conducted semi-structured interviews with four participants who shared the commonality of caring for a relative with dementia. We reported the survey data using descriptive statistics and we applied interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to analyze and report results from the interviews. Four themes emerged including the unique relationships that exist in family care, the risk-benefit conundrum that accompanies benefits and tradeoffs of RMT use, human-technology interaction and usability, and the importance of creating tailored solutions to facilitate RMT adoption and use. Our findings provide insight into factors impacting adoption and use.

Dementia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 2620-2634 ◽  
Xiubin Zhang ◽  
Charlotte L. Clarke ◽  
Sarah J. Rhynas

The filial piety model of family centred care has dominated Chinese society for thousands of years. The ways in which filial piety is presented are being modified and modernised as China undergoes social transitions. The study aims to understand the meaning of filial piety for people with dementia and family caregivers. Semi-structured interviews with people with dementia ( n = 10) and family caregivers ( n = 14) were conducted. Data were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Three themes emerged: (a) ‘Being filial is a cultural continuity and my future investment’. (b) ‘The changed perception and ways of being filial’. (c) ‘Filial responsibility is a social and cultural convention, but not my personal choice’. This study highlights the importance of cultural values in family care decision making and in shaping filial responsibilities. It indicates that filial obligation can be maintained through social support, even though the nature of filial piety has been changed by social transitions.

2020 ◽  
pp. 17-26
Arista Apriani ◽  
M Mufdlilah ◽  
Menik Sri Daryanti

ABSTRAK GDM dapat berpotensi menimbulkan komplikasi serius yang dapat mengakibatkan risiko kesehatan jangka pendek dan jangka panjang bagi ibu dan bayinya. diagnosis GDM menimbulkan efek emosional yang negatif. Persepsi ibu hamil tentang GDM dapat memengaruhi perubahan gaya hidup. Garis pertama penatalaksanaan DMG yaitu dengan perubahan gaya hidup. Tujuan menggali secara mendalam kebutuhan ibu dengan diagnosis diabetes melitus gestasional. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan  fenomenologi. Lokasi di Kabupaten Karanganyar yaitu Puskesmas Jaten I, Puskesmas Matesih dan RSUD Kabupaten Karanganyar, pada bulan Oktober 2019 - Januari 2020. Sampel secara criterion sampling Pengumpulan data dengan semistructure interview dengan one on one interview. Uji Keabsahan Data dengan Credibility pada penelitian ini menggunakan strategi validitas triangulasi, Tranferability, Dependability, Confirmability. Analisis data dengan Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Hasil penelitian kebutuhan ibu hamil dengan DMG teridentifikasi empat tema, yaitu dukungan keluarga dalam hal mengontrol pola makan, mengatarkan periksa ke tenaga kesehatan, dan mengingatkan untuk aktifitas olah raga. Dukungan sosial, yaitu cara mengontrol gula darah. Dukungan tenaga kesehatan, yaitu saran dan motivasi untuk mengontrol gula darah. Informasi mendapat saran atau perawatan DMG dalam kehamilan adalah dari tenaga kesehatan yaitu bidan, dokter, serta selain tenaga kesehatan dari teman dan internet. Kesimpulannya kebutuhan ibu hamil dengan DMG teridentifikasi empat tema, yaitu dukungan keluarga, dukungan sosial, dukungan tenaga kesehatan dan informasi.   Kata kunci: diabetes melitus gestasional, kehamilan, kebutuhan.   ABSTRACT GDM can overcome serious problems that can overcome short-term and long-term health problems for mother and baby. a diagnosis of GDM has a negative emotional effect. Pregnant women 's perception of GDM can affect lifestyle changes. The first line of management of DMG is lifestyle changes. Diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus. Qualitative research methods by studying phenomenology. Locations in Karanganyar Regency are Jaten I Health Center, Matesih Health Center and Karanganyar District Public Hospital, in October 2019 - January 2020. Sample sampling criteria Data collection by semi-structured interviews with one-on-one interviews. Data Validity Test with Credibility in this study using the triangulation validity strategy, Transparency, Dependability, Confirmability. Data analysis with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The results of the study of the needs of pregnant women with DMG identified four themes, namely supporting the family in terms of controlling diet, sending check to health workers, and reminding for sports activities. Social support, which is a way to control blood sugar. Support of Health Workers, namely advice and motivation to control blood sugar. The information obtained from DMG advice or treatment in the assessment is from health workers, namely midwives, doctors, and also health workers from friends and the internet. In conclusion, the needs of pregnant women with DMG identified four themes, namely family support, social support, support of health workers and information.  

Emilia Marie Wersig ◽  
Kevin Wilson-Smith

AbstractThis interpretative phenomenological analysis explores aid workers’ understanding of identity and belonging through the transition from working in humanitarian aid to returning home. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 participants who had returned to the UK after working in recently founded non-governmental organisations in Northern France between 2016 and 2019. Analysis of interview data identified four superordinate themes: (1) shared humanitarian identity, (2) limits and borders, (3) holding on to humanitarian identity and (4) redefining belonging and identity. Aid workers’ belonging in humanitarian work settings is rooted in shared moral values and being able to fulfil a clearly defined role. Upon returning, aid workers struggled to reintegrate, manifesting as denial of having left humanitarian work, re-creation of the social setting and moral demarcation. Participants formed a new sense of belonging through redefining their social in-group. The study sheds light on a previously unexplored area of research, specifically characterised through the closeness of the international humanitarian setting and participants’ homes. Findings suggest organisations can assist aid workers’ re-entry by supporting professional distance in the field, and through opportunities that allow to sustain moral values post-mission. Future research should focus on the role of peer support in the re-entry process and the re-entry experiences of aid workers returning from comparable settings further afield (e.g. Greece).

Rebecca Winnard ◽  
Mark Roy ◽  
Hannah Butler-Coyne

AbstractLittle is known about the emotional pressures and practical management of daily challenges and, intra and interpersonal demands of raising a child as a parent with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Conditions. The present study utilised a qualitative approach to understand perceptions of females diagnosed on the autistic spectrum of ‘being a parent’. Eight semi-structured interviews were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Benefits and challenges of being a parent were highlighted alongside population-specific skill and characteristics associated with strength and resilience, love, nurture, routine and sensory considerations. Findings identify the need for population-specific specialist parenting support, provide direction for professionals in clinical settings and expand the paucity of research in this area.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105477382110166
Alessia Martina Trenta ◽  
Davide Ausili ◽  
Rosario Caruso ◽  
Cristina Arrigoni ◽  
Massimo Moro ◽  

This study aimed to explore lived experience of patients with heart failure (HF) during the COVID-19 pandemic. A qualitative study was conducted using an interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Data collection performed in March-May 2020, using in-depth, semi-structured interviews on a purposive sample. Data were analyzed according to the IPA methodology, and triangulation, bracketing, journaling, and member checking were used to assure rigor. 14 patients with HF were enrolled, and three main themes described their lived experience during the COVID-19 pandemic: Vulnerability, Hanging in the balance, and Coping strategies. These people felt particularly vulnerable to the novel virus and experienced uncertainty due to hospital organization changes. Because of this, they felt like they were hanging in the balance, experiencing various negative feelings. Nevertheless, they managed to deal with this challenging situation by implementing some peculiar coping strategies. The COVID-19 represents a significant challenge for patients with HF, impacting significantly on their lives.

2021 ◽  
pp. 089202062110038
Lucy Lindley

This study aimed to explore how educational leaders in England experience and promote their own well-being. To address this, five semi-structured interviews were carried out with educational leaders who expressed that they had personally experienced high levels of well-being. Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), four themes were identified, which highlighted that well-being is a subjective experience (‘there’s no blueprint’); that high levels of well-being are commonly described as feeling balanced (‘maintain a balance’); that well-being is perceived as a personal responsibility (‘you’ve got to find ways to manage that’); and that participants were leading by example in relation to well-being (‘be a well-being supermodel’). Overall, this study emphasised that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to well-being, so educational leaders (and their colleagues) should be given space and personal autonomy to work out what works for them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-35
Eva De Clercq

This study provides insight into the experiences of young adults born with variations of sex characteristics to identify aspects of care and social support that need improvement. Semi-structured interviews with intersex youths in Switzerland were analyzed using interpretative, phenomenological analysis. Young adults desire timely, patient-centered information about their diagnoses. Peer support is key to delivering high-quality care but rarely systematically implemented. Intersex youth often face misrepresentation, stigma, and discrimination in medical settings and in society. Increased visibility alone cannot tackle these issues, but a feminist curiosity of care will enable health providers and society to overcome preconceptions of body normativity.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Shikha Rana

PurposeThe present study aims to gauge the perspectives of students on the difficulties they faced during online learning during the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) through the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) technique.Design/methodology/approachThe current study employed IPA, and it was conducted among the students enrolled for professional courses in the government, private and deemed-to-be universities in Uttarakhand, India, using semi-structured interviews for the purpose of data collection.FindingsThe findings have been grouped under five parts referred to as “superordinate themes” or “barriers” which comprises learning in an online class environment, online learning in the home environment, student–teacher relationship in online learning, technical hindrances in online learning and health issues in online learning. These superordinate themes were further grouped under sub-themes.Research limitations/implicationsThe present study focused on the students of various private, public and deemed-to-be universities of the Uttarakhand region and represents the higher education sector only and did not tap the primary, secondary and vocational education. The students of academic courses or degree courses like arts, commerce, basic sciences and humanities, etc. were not included in the research study. Hence, the study lacks generalizability.Practical implicationsThe research findings of the present study have implications for higher education institutions (HEIs), teachers, students and policymakers.Originality/valueThe present study addresses the methodological gap by offering a new line of research where IPA has been used as the methodology to determine the barriers of online learning in the COVID-19 situation, and to the best of the authors’ knowledge, none of the studies have used it so far to ascertain the barriers to online learning from the student perspective.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-120
Edward John Noon

This is a revised article First published: Noon, J. E. (2017). An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Barriers to the Use of Humour in the Teaching of Childhood Studies, Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 5(3), pp. 45-52. doi: The above article was first published online on May 10, 2017. The methodology section has been corrected to accurately reflect the sampling technique employed in this study. The revised version is published in this issue. In the original publication, it was noted that the sample was determined by certain criteria, including gender, years of teaching experience, and previous professional career.  However, having reflected back on the process, this was not the case. Whilst it was ensured that participants had at least six years of teaching experience in higher education, the fact that the sample was dominated by female academics from a wide range of backgrounds was inevitable given the ‘make-up’ of the population under investigation, and was not something that was specifically planned for. Abstract Whilst pedagogical humour is a common teaching strategy employed by educators across compulsory education systems, a review of the extant literature expounds that it is a tool largely neglected by instructors throughout higher education. As such, this study sought to discern the perspectives of educators concerning the barriers to the use of humour in the teaching of Childhood Studies. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with five educators on the BA (Hons) Childhood Studies programme at a Yorkshire-based post-1992 university. Verbatim transcripts of the interviews were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Respondents believed that an academic’s personality held a significant bearing upon their pedagogy, and therefore their use of classroom jocularity. Educators claimed that whilst pedagogical humour did have its benefits, it was also capable of causing offence, distracting from course content, and making students feel uncomfortable. Consequently, educators generated situated understandings of when and where they were permitted to employ pedagogical humour, and what form said humour should take; they were cautious not to overuse humour, and were also less likely to draw upon it when teaching emotive or distressing content, and when teaching groups of students they were less familiar with. Educators also noted that they were less likely to draw upon pedagogical humour in the lecture theatre, despite university-wide pressure for instructors to produce more interactive lectures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
Vusi Mthimkhulu ◽  
Hugo D. Van der Walt

Orientation: Workplace testing is seen as a viable method in monitoring alcohol intoxication in the workplace. This article explored lived experiences of random and scheduled alcohol breathalyser testing to gain insights into meaning and understanding of the phenomenon under study.Research purpose: Random and scheduled testing are preferred techniques of assessing intoxication in the workplace. This article set to gain insights into whether behaviour can have an influence on the effectiveness of random and scheduled testing. The information can contribute to the ongoing debate on the efficacy of workplace testing and lays groundwork for future studies.Motivation for the study: Emergent data seem to suggest that the success of workplace testing in preventing alcohol and substance use in the workplace is indecisive.Research approach/design and method: A qualitative method was employed to collect data from eight alcohol-consuming individuals who performed jobs considered safety-sensitive through semi-structured interviews. Data were analysed through the application of an interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA).Main findings: Findings revealed incidents of alcohol intoxication within the workplace in spite of random and scheduled testing in place. There seems to be a disregard for rules that prohibit intoxication in the workplace. Money bribes seem to enable cheating on testing in the workplace. Behaviour undercuts the goal of an alcohol-free workplace.Practical implications: Behaviour stemming from on-site intoxication and cheating on alcohol tests hinders on the goal of attaining an alcohol-free workplace.Contribution/value-add: The analysis of behaviour could contribute to the ongoing debate regarding the efficacy of workplace testing.

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