Implantação do Serviço de IPTV em uma rede acadêmica: Um Estudo de Caso na Faculdade Católica do Tocantins

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 3230-3240
Aline Diniz De Oliveira ◽  
Joaquim Pires De Oliveira ◽  
Kayllah Cunha Dos Santos ◽  
Stéphany Moraes Martins ◽  
Umbelina Macedo Dos Santos Filha

Soluções baseadas em redes de comunicação podem ser aplicadas nas mais diversas áreas, tais como a Televisão Digital e comunicação entre dispositivos móveis. O presente artigo se propõe a descrever os estudos e experimentos realizados no desenvolvimento de um servidor IPTV na Faculdade Católica do Tocantins (FACTO) para distribuir conteúdo institucional na Internet, utilizando um servidor Video on Demand (VoD) e uma página web como meio de acesso ao streaming de vídeo disponibilizados pelo servidor.   Solutions based on communication networks can be applied in the most diverse areas, such as Digital Television and communication between mobile devices. This paper proposes to describe the studies and experiments carried out in the development of an IPTV server at Faculdade Católica do Tocantins (FACTO) to distribute institutional content on the Internet, using a Video on Demand (VoD) server and a web page as a means to access the video streaming made available by the server.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-18
R. Arockia Xavier Annie ◽  
P. Yogesh ◽  
A. Kannan

Recently, many video applications like video telephony, video conferencing, Video-on-Demand (VoD), and so forth have produced heterogeneous consumers in the Internet. In such a scenario, media servers play vital role when a large number of concurrent requests are sent by heterogeneous users. Moreover, the server and distributed client systems participating in the Internet communication have to provide suitable resources to heterogeneous users to meet their requirements satisfactorily. The challenges in providing suitable resources are to analyze the user service pattern, bandwidth and buffer availability, nature of applications used, and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for the heterogeneous users. Therefore, it is necessary to provide suitable techniques to handle these challenges. In this paper, we propose a framework for peer-to-peer- (P2P-) based VoD service in order to provide effective video streaming. It consists of four functional modules, namely, Quality Preserving Multivariate Video Model (QPMVM) for efficient server management, tracker for efficient peer management, heuristic-based content distribution, and light weight incentivized sharing mechanism. The first two of these modules are confined to a single entity of the framework while the other two are distributed across entities. Experimental results show that the proposed framework avoids overloading the server, increases the number of clients served, and does not compromise on QoS, irrespective of the fact that the expected framework is slightly reduced.

Comunicar ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 13 (25) ◽  
María-del-Rosario Fernández-Falero

The challenge of the electronic commerce for the new century is going to be the step to the digital television, so that we go away to having to adapt at the rate of a television been founded on the diffusion, to a set of services of digital video based on the access. Of this form, the spectator of television is going to meet the possibility of interacting with the way, which supposes a change in the industry of the broadcast, so then though till now they were the distribution companies of information and entertainment the only ones with possibilities of controlling such events, the possibility of interaction the way on the part of the spectators of the digital television it will allow them intervening in the diffusion of information, which supposes a significant change for the hearing of the television. The companies must elaborate contents directed a users who are going to have access to will: it is necessary to offer them what want, when they want - this is VOD (video on demand) - Then the digital television not only is going to modify the way of doing television, but also the way of seeing television. The electronic market is guaranteeing positions in the commercial Spanish panorama, growth that becomes clear in the increase so much of the number of users as of the volume of business, of the number of economic operations by Internet and of the number of web pages of companies dedicated to the trade across the Net. This positive evolution of the market shows how a way technologically so new as it is Internet, has allowed that in only 15 years it could speak about a historical evolution of the same one. This makes foresee that the step and evolution of the electronic market from Internet to the digital television could have a similar evolution in acceptance and consolidation. Finally, the future of the electronic commerce not only is subject to the appearance of new commercial models, but also to the technology; this way, the following step, technologically speaking, it is that of the digital television, which interactive and to allow to the user a use similar to that of Internet, does to the being that the challenge of the electronic trade is to go on to this way and to evolve in agreement with the characteristics of the same one. The first problem to which one is going to face this market is that of the user's change: in Spain the Internet user (according to the AECE, Spanish Association of Electronic Trade) is for the most part a male, with an age understood between 25 and 34 years; the television, nevertheless, is a very spread way and within reach of all, which will suppose a change both in the content and in the way of presenting the information (definitively, the product that is wanted to sell). El reto del comercio electrónico para el nuevo siglo va a ser el paso a la televisión digital, de manera que nos vamos a tener que adaptar al cambio de una televisión fundada en la difusión, a un conjunto de servicios de video digital basados en el acceso. De esta forma, el espectador de televisión se va a encontrar con la posibilidad de interactuar con el medio, lo que supone un cambio en la industria de la teledifusión, pues si bien hasta ahora eran las empresas distribuidoras de información y entretenimiento las únicas con posibilidades de controlar tales eventos, la posibilidad de interacción con el medio por parte de los espectadores de la televisión digital permitirá a estos intervenir en la difusión de información, lo que supone un cambio significativo para la audiencia de la televisión. Las empresas deben elaborar contenidos dirigidos a un usuario que va a tener acceso a voluntad: hay que ofrecerle lo que quiera, cuando quiera -es decir VOD (video on demand)- Luego la televisión digital no sólo va a modificar la forma de hacer televisión, sino también la forma de ver televisión. El mercado electrónico está afianzando posiciones en el panorama comercial español, crecimiento que se hace patente en el aumento tanto del número de usuarios como del volumen de negocio, del número de operaciones económicas por Internet y del número de páginas web de empresas dedicadas al comercio a través de la Red. Esta evolución positiva del mercado muestra cómo un medio tecnológicamente tan joven como es Internet, ha permitido que en apenas 15 años se pueda hablar de una evolución histórica del mismo. Esto hace prever que el paso y evolución del mercado electrónico desde Internet a la televisión digital pueda tener una evolución parecida en aceptación y consolidación. Finalmente, el futuro del comercio electrónico no sólo está sujeto a la aparición de nuevos modelos comerciales, sino también a la tecnología; así, el siguiente paso, tecnológicamente hablando, es el de la televisión digital, la cual por ser interactiva y permitir al usuario un uso parecido al de Internet, hace que el reto del comercio electrónico sea pasar a este medio y evolucionar de acuerdo con las características del mismo. Uno de los primeros problemas a los que se va a enfrentar este mercado es el del cambio de usuario: en España el usuario de Internet (según la AECE, Asociación Española de Comercio Electrónico)es mayoritariamente varón, con una edad comprendida entre 25 y 34 años; la televisión, sin embargo, es un medio muy difundido y al alcance de todos, lo que supondrá un cambio tanto en el contenido como en la forma de presentar la información (en definitiva, el producto que se desea vender).

1998 ◽  
Joon-Hyeon Jeon ◽  
Heung-Kyu Lee

2020 ◽  
pp. 136787792095316
Amanda D Lotz

The different technological affordances and revenue models of subscriber-funded, internet-distributed video streaming services have altered the competitive environments of audiovisual services. One category of these services, multinational SVODs (subscription video on demand), are changing the dynamics of transnational video distribution. Although having subscribers and offices, and commissioning content from many countries, are obvious measures of these services’ multinational status, the extent to which the distinct affordances of these services diminish the national lens through which all other international television trade occurs may be the most profound measure. The article explores how this too becomes a distinguishing competitive tool for Netflix that enables uncommon content strategies, such as the ability to program for tastes and sensibilities too small to effectively form a viable market for services limited by national reach.

Rafael Fernandes Lopes ◽  
Carlos Danilo Miranda Regis ◽  
Waslon Terllizzie Araujo Lopes ◽  
Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 2203
Aushofi Zuhrotul Ulya

AbstractThe new broadcast media is broadcast digitization in the form of a platform accessed via the internet network. Netflix as a provider of the Subscription Video on Demand service broadcasts uncensored films which result in the films being against the culture and laws and regulations in Indonesia because they contain pornography to violence even though there is an obligation to be censored by a film before the film will be shown. This research is a legal research that analyzes the uncensored film broadcasting activities carried out by Netflix according to the laws and regulations in Indonesia and Netflix's legal liability for uncensored film broadcasting by using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. From this research it was found that Netflix broadcasts uncensored films in Indonesia in violation of the statutory provisions concerning Broadcasting, Film, Pornography, and ITE. However, Netflix does not automatically account for all provisions of the laws and regulations because the locus of broadcasting activities carried out by Netflix cannot be reached by all the provisions of the laws and regulations.Keywords: Film Broadcasting; Netflix; Film Censorship; Internet.AbstrakMedia penyiaran baru merupakan digitalisasi penyiaran dalam bentuk platform yang diakses melalui jaringan internet. Netflix sebagai penyedia layanan Subscription Video on Demand menyiarkan film tanpa sensor yang mengakibatkan filmnya bertentangan dengan budaya dan peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia karena bermuatan pornografi hingga kekerasan padahal terdapat kewajiban untuk dilakukan sensor film dikeluarkan oleh lembaga sensor film sebelum film akan dipertunjukkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum yang menganalisis kegiatan penyiaran film tanpa sensor yang dilakukan oleh Netflix menurut peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia dan pertanggungjawaban hukum Netflix terhadap penyiaran film tanpa sensor dengan mengggunakan pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan konseptual. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa Netflix melakukan penyiaran film tanpa sensor di Indonesia melanggar ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan tentang Penyiaran, Perfilman, Pornografi, dan ITE. Namun, tidak serta merta semua ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang dilanggar dapat dipertanggungjawabkan pada Netflix karena locus kegiatan penyiaran yang dilakukan oleh Netflix tidak dapat dijangkau semua ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. Kata Kunci: Penyiaran Film; Netflix; Sensor Film; Internet.

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