scholarly journals Analisis Desain Formulir General Consent Rawat Inap (Studi Kasus di Lab RMIK Unjaya)

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-46
Kori Puspita Ningsih ◽  
Zakya Sinta Mahbubah

AbstractOne of the forms that show the patient's consent or the patient's family and is related to the patient's right to obtain health services in the hospital is general consent. This study aims to determine the general consent function of inpatients and to analyze the design of the general consent form from physical, anatomical, and content aspects. This research is a descriptive study, with a case study approach in the Laboratory of Medical Records and Health Information (D-3), Faculty of Health, Jenderal Achmad Yani University, Yogyakarta. The results showed that general consent was used as material for inpatient registration practice for students of the RMIK Study Program (D-3). This activity is carried out to achieve the competence of Medical Record Management, which is carried out by the roleplay method. The results of the analysis of general consent on the physical, anatomical, and content aspects show that it is necessary to redesign general consent on the anatomy and content aspects, including: (1) changes in the placement of items on gender and blood group (2) additional information on how to fill in the checklist form on the instruction placed at the top of the form, (3) confirmation of important information by giving a Bold sign, (4) the name and logo of the hospital is updated (5) the identity of the person in charge is completed with gender, place of birth date and name, while the address of the immediate family is deleted, (6) additional information related to patient rights and obligations and other witness signatures.Keyword: design analysis, general consent, inpatients AbstrakSatu diantara formulir yang menunjukkan persetujuan pasien atau keluarga pasien dan berkaitan dengan hak kewajiban pasien untuk memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit adalah general consent. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui fungsi general consent pasien rawat inap dan menganalisis desain formulir general consent dari aspek fisik, anatomi dan isi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, dengan pendekatan studi kasus di Laboratorium Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan (D-3) Fakultas Kesehatan Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan general consent digunakan sebagai bahan praktik pendaftaran pasien rawat inap mahasiswa Program Studi RMIK (D-3). Kegiatan tersebut dilakukan mencapai kompetensi Manajemen Rekam Medis yang dilaksanakan dengan metode roleplay. Hasil analisis general consent pada aspek fisik, anatomi dan isi menunjukkan perlu dilakukan desain ulang general consent pada aspek anatomi dan isi meliputi: (1) perubahan pada penempatan item pada jenis kelamin dan golongan darah (2) penambahan informasi cara pengisian ceklist formulir pada instruction yang diletakkan di bagian atas formulir, (3) penegasan informasi penting dengan pemberian tanda Bold, (4) nama dan logo rumah sakit diperbaharui (5) identitas penanggungjawab dilengkapi dengan jenis kelamin, tempat tanggal lahir, dan nama sedangkan alamat keluarga terdekat dihapus, (6) penambahan informasi terkait hak dan kewajiban pasien dan penambahan tanda tangan saksi.Kata Kunci: analisis desain, general conset, rawat inap

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-23
Titan Melina Putri

Tuberculosis is an infectious infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Anti Tuberculosis drug therapy given has side effects, one of which is hepatotoxicity.. The purpose of this study was to describe the levels of SGOT, SGPT, and total bilirubin in pulmonary tuberculosis patients based on the characteristics of gender and age. This type of research is descriptive observational with a case study approach. Data retrieval using purposive sampling of 120 patients was carried out by analyzing data on medical records. The results of the study in the intensive stage of treatment showed an increase in SGOT for 12 males and females an average of 71 U/L and 93 U/L. The SGPT of 12 men and 14 women averaged 86 U/L and 92 U/L. Total bilirubin in 10 men and 12 women averaged 1.58 mg/dl and 1.68 mg/dl, respectively. The increase in SGOT in 15 patients 26-45 years, 8 patients 46-65 years, and 2 patients 65 years averaged 79 U/L, 70 U/L, and 97 U/L. SGPT occurred in 15 patients 26-45 years, 8 patients 46-65 years, and 3 patients 65 years with mean levels of 82 U/L, 97 U/L, and 96 U/L. Total bilirubin occurred in 15 patients 26-45 years, 5 patients 46-65 years, and 2 patients 65 years with mean levels of 1.72 mg/dl, 1.38 mg/dl, and 1.57 mg/dl. , whereas in the advanced stage of treatment, all patients had normal levels of SGOT, SGPT, and total bilirubin with an average of 27 U/L, 29 U/L, and 0.41 mg/dl.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-126
Suryati Suryati

Utilizing Youtube as a Learning Media for Pop-Jazz Vocal Course at Music Education Study Program of Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. The research aims to reveal the learning process of the Pop-Jazz vocal course and the utilization of youtube as an accompaniment in learning the Pop- Jazz vocal course. This research is expected to provide solutions for students who face problems in the learning process of the Pop-Jazz vocal course during the covid-19 pandemic. It is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through direct observation during the learning process. Furthermore, interviews with teachers and vocal students of Pop-Jazz were conducted to obtain the data. It was a case study of vocal students of Pop-Jazz Intermediate 1 at the Music Education Study Program. The literature studies were carried out to support the data and references. This study shows that the interest in vocal learning of Pop-Jazz at the Music Education Study Program by utilizing youtube as an accompaniment at the pop-jazz vocal course can be increased.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (10) ◽  
pp. 3517
Kevin McDonnell ◽  
Finbarr Murphy ◽  
Barry Sheehan ◽  
Leandro Masello ◽  
German Castignani ◽  

A telematics device is a vehicle instrument that comes preinstalled by the vehicle manufacturer or can be added later. The device records information about driving behavior, including speed, acceleration, and turning force. When connected to vehicle computers, the device can also provide additional information regarding the mechanical usage and condition of the vehicle. All of this information can be transmitted to a central database via mobile networks. The information provided has led to new services such as Usage Based Insurance (UBI). A range of consultants, industry commentators and academics have produced an abundance of projections on how telematics information will allow the introduction of services from personalized insurance, bespoke entertainment and advertise and vehicle energy optimization, particularly for Electric Vehicles (EVs). In this paper we examine these potential services against a backdrop of nascent regulatory limitations and against the technical capacity of the devices. Using a case study approach, we examine three applications that can use telematics information. We find that the expectations of service providers will be significantly tempered by regulatory and technical hurdles. In our discussion we detail these limitations and suggest a more realistic rollout of ancillary services.

Arif Budiman ◽  
Sandy Rizki Febriadi ◽  
Mohamad Andri Ibrahim

Abstract. Ijarah according to the syara is a contract which contains the provision of a benefit compensating with certain conditions. Bengkok land is an asset belonging to the village that is lent to village officials during their tenure and has the right to be managed by them both in private management or leased to third parties. The ijarah (rent) agreement is very vulnerable when considering that the crooked is not the perfect property of village officials, but only the management right. This study aims to find out how the ijarah law in the view of fiqh muamalah, to find out how the perspective of fiqh muamalah regarding the practice of the benthic ijarah contract which is polemic in the middle of the contract period with the death of the village head in the village of Cileungsir, Rancah sub-district. The author hopes that this research can be an additional information in the world of education., This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach that is, the author conducts observations, and direct interviews with related parties according to the problem under study. The results showed that of the entire pillars of ijarah namely, aqidain, ma'qud 'alaih, ujrah, and shigat had been fulfilled except two of the other ijarah requirements namely, an-nafadz conditions (applicable conditions), and legal ijarah requirements where there were no blessings from the new village head for the continuation of the remaining contract which is now using his land rights, from the lack of pleasure resulting in the permit granted by the new village head was deemed invalid.Keywords: Fiqh Muamalah, Ijarah, Bengkok Land.Abstrak. Ijarah menurut syara adalah akad yang berisi pemberian suatu manfaat berkompensasi dengan syarat-syarat tertentu. Tanah bengkok merupakan aset milik desa yang dipinjamkan kepada aparat desa selama menjabat dan berhak untuk dikelola oleh mereka baik pengelolaan secara pribadi maupun disewakan kepada pihak ketiga. Akad ijarah (sewa) ini sangat rentan bila mengingat bengkok tersebut bukan merupakan hak milik sempurna aparat desa, melainkan hanya hak kelola saja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hukum ijarah dalam pandangan fikih muamalah, untuk mengetahui bagaimana perspektif fikih muamalah mengenai praktik akad ijarah tanah bengkok yang mana terdapat polemik ditengah masa akad dengan meninggalnya kepala desa di desa Cileungsir kecamatan Rancah. Penulis berharap penelitian ini dapat menjadi sebuah informasi tambahan dalam dunia pendidikan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus yakni, penulis melalukan observasi, dan wawancara langsung pada pihak-pihak terkait sesuai dengan permasalahan yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari keseluruhan rukun ijarah yakni, aqidain, ma’qud ‘alaih, ujrah, dan shigat telah terpenuhi kecuali dua diantara syarat ijarah lainnya yakni, syarat an-nafadz (syarat berlaku), dan syarat sah ijarah dimana tidak terdapat keridhoan dari kepala desa yang baru untuk keberlangsungan akad tersisa yang sekarang menggunakan hak tanahnya, dari ketidak ridhoan tersebut mengakibatkan izin yang diberikan kepala desa yang baru pun dianggap tidak sah.Kata kunci: Fikih Muamalah, Ijarah, Tanah Bengkok.

Listyanto Aji Nugroho ◽  
Sariyatun Sariyatun ◽  
Suryo Ediyono

Higher Education has a key role in preparing society to entering the era of Society 5.0. Higher education must be able to change the paradigm of society with good ideas and thoughts towards a better social order. Apart from knowledge, higher education must be able to form a generation of change agents in society. This study aims to find out more about the vision of the Satya Wacana Christian University to form a generation of leaders with a “creative minority” spirit. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach that was held in Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU). This research concludes that the vision of creative minority is the university's vision to form leaders who drive the nation's development with the following skills and character: Leadership, creative, problem solver, critical mindfulness. This vision is manifested as points in the CPL study program. In addition, this vision is also integrated into the hidden curriculum through the process of: habituation, role models, internalization, and culturalization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-199
Ambhita Dhyaningrum ◽  
Hanifa Pascarina

In etnopedagogic-based drama learning by the students of English Study Program, the exploration of local wisdom values can be carried out among others by transforming folklores into play scripts in English. The transformed folklores can  then be performed on stages. In the process of transforming  a script from its hypogram, a supporting skill in the form of integration between creative writing and English as a Foreign Language Mastery (EFL) mastery is absolutely necessary. Therefore, it takes an interdisciplinary approach between those two domains of expertise to succeed the transformation process. This research employed descriptive-qualitative method with contextual grounded case study approach. It was aimed at describing the process of transformation of Banyumas folklore texts to English play scripts ranging from the intrinsic elements to the language aspects in the play. The findings showed that there were changes in the characters, settings, plots as well as the conflicts of the stories. Meanwhile, regarding the language used, there were found a number of grammatical mistakes in using possessive pronouns, verbs, word order, tenses, and diction.  

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-143
Julie Boyles

An ethnographic case study approach to understanding women’s actions and reactions to husbands’ emigration—or potential emigration—offers a distinct set of challenges to a U.S.-based researcher.  International migration research in a foreign context likely offers challenges in language, culture, lifestyle, as well as potential gender norm impediments. A mixed methods approach contributed to successfully overcoming barriers through an array of research methods, strategies, and tactics, as well as practicing flexibility in data gathering methods. Even this researcher’s influence on the research was minimized and alleviated, to a degree, through ascertaining common ground with many of the women. Research with the women of San Juan Guelavía, Oaxaca, Mexico offered numerous and constant challenges, each overcome with ensuing rewards.

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