Contextualizing Masculinity in the Book of Acts : Peter and Paul as Test Cases I thank Steve Walton, Matthew Skinner, and Eric Barreto for inviting me to contribute this essay, which I delivered at the 2013 SBL annual meeting in a session sponsored by the Book of Acts Section, with the title ‘Warts and All? Constructions of Masculinities in the Acts of the Apostles’. I have slightly revised and updated the piece for publication, but it largely retains the style of oral delivery.

2021 ◽  
pp. 103-139
Isaac W. Oliver

This chapter is devoted to Luke’s treatment of Israel’s eschatological restoration in the book of Acts. Jerusalem retains its centrality in Acts as in Luke, signaling the ongoing importance of the city and its people. Far from giving up on the restoration of Israel, Luke continues to maintain hope for Israel’s salvation in Acts. This restoration is comprehensive, bringing together Israel in all of its tribal plenitude, namely, Jews but also Samaritans and other Israelites who were dispersed from their land. Israel’s restoration, furthermore, is intimately tied to the general resurrection, which are both anticipated in the messiah’s own resurrection. As the “first of the resurrection from among the dead” (Acts 26:23), Jesus’s resurrection affirms the hope that the dead will rise again and the nation of Israel will be renewed. The chapter deals as well with the controversial passages in Acts that allegedly blame the Jewish people for Jesus’s crucifixion. Finally, it examines the ending of Acts, arguing that the end of Acts is not the end of Israel’s story for Luke.

2015 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-253
George Van Kooten ◽  
Oda Wischmeyer ◽  
N. T. Wright

At the 69th Annual Meeting of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (SNTS), held in Szeged, Hungary, three scholars were invited to debate the theme of the Greek element in Paul's eschatology – a theme proposed by Prof Udo Schnelle, President of SNTS for 2014. The three contrasting presentations, intended primarily for oral delivery, are published here. It is intended that this ‘Quaestiones Disputatae’ format will be a regular feature of the Society's meetings, and that presentations will be published in this journal.

2021 ◽  
pp. 294-301
Сергей Викторович Соловьёв

В 2017 г. издательство Санкт-Петербургской духовной академии выпустило в свет учебное пособие протоиерея Георгия Шмида «Введение в книгу Деяний апостолов». Уже в 2020 г. вышло второе переработанное и дополненное издание, которое и будет рассмотрено ниже. Протоиерей Георгий является кандидатом богословия и доцентом кафедры библеистики СПбДА. В основу издания положен курс лекций по книге Деяний апостолов, читаемый автором пособия в Духовной академии Северной столицы. Издание посвящено вопросам исагогики книги Деяний апостолов в свете современных научных исследований в этой области. Учебное пособие имеет целью воссоздать историческую и культурную обстановку, в которой появилась книга апостола Луки, и продемонстрировать направления и выводы дискуссий западных академических библеистов по исагогическим вопросам. Для этого привлечены исследования из области библейской текстологии, истории и патристики. In 2017 the publishing house of the St Petersburg Theological Academy published Archpriest Georgy Schmid's textbook Introduction to the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. Already in 2020 a second revised and enlarged edition was published, which will be discussed below. Archpriest Georgy is a Candidate of Theology and Associate Professor in the Department of Biblical Studies at St. Petersburg University of Applied Sciences. This book is based on a course of lectures on the Book of Acts of the Apostles which the author delivers at the Spiritual Academy of the Northern Capital. This book deals with the esagogy of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles in the light of current research in this area. The textbook aims to recreate the historical and cultural context in which the Book of Luke appeared and to show the directions and conclusions of the discussions of Western academic biblical scholars on isagogical issues. For this purpose, studies from the fields of biblical textology, history and patristics are drawn upon.

2004 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-293
Todd Penner

Scholarship on the book of Acts frequently proceeds under the 'no final con flict' slogan when it comes to employing a diversity of methods. In this essay, however, some of the fundamental assumptions and approaches to Acts in recent scholarship are examined and challenged, raising questions related to the proliferation of method in New Testament and early Christian studies, the underlying methodological assumptions of particular interpre tive approaches, and the sublimation of theology and ideology in scholar ship. The past 15 years of Acts scholarship provides the context for this broad survey and interaction. The essential contours of the discussion are focused around matters related to genre, the nature of Acts as 'text', the book's connections to its broader socio-cultural and historical worlds, and, finally, to matters related to post-critical interactions with Acts. No easy solutions are offered in this essay; rather, the broad discussion of method in current Acts scholarship pushes for a return to greater methodological awareness and reflection in the discipline.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-35
Paulus Kunto Baskoro

Salvation is a mighty work that Jesus did for all mankind. This is a serious problem for humans, namely the settlement of sins, which can also be explored from the Book of Acts. Yet many people feel that the Book of Acts is merely church history and does not have a strong contribution to the history of salvation. Based on the above facts, it is necessary to present the theologies in the Book of Acts and their contribution to the work of salvation for mankind. And the Book of Acts is also the starting point of a movement for God's church which is the basis of the gospel message to all people. Through the theological concepts that appear in the Book of Acts of the Apostles will be implemented for believers and the church today, so as to become a strong foundation for the movement of God's church in the work of the history of salvation until the end of time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-52
Gunar Sahari

Abstract: This study discusses the Theological Review of the Church and Its Growth Based on the Book of Acts. Researchers used qualitative methods to study this topic. After conducting the research, the researchers concluded that the Acts of the Apostles provided an excellent picture of church growth to serve as the biblical basis for studies of church growth today. Abstrak: Penelitian ini membahas tentang Tinjauan Teologis Gereja dan Pertumbuhannya Berdasarkan Kitab Kisah Para Rasul. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk mengkaji topik ini. Setelah melakukan penelitian, maka peneliti memperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Kisah Para Rasul memberikan gambaran pertumbuhan gereja yang sangat baik untuk dijadikan dasar Alkitab untuk studi-studi pertumbuhan gereja masa kini.

2008 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-237
Jon Ruthven

AbstractIsaiah 59.19-21 provides not only a prediction of the Pentecost events, but imposes a sequential and thematic coherence on Acts 2, describing: (1) the powerful rushing sound (2) of the wind/Spirit and the 'words in the mouth'/speaking (Joel 2) (3) which cause (4) the universal (5) fear of (6) the Lord's name and his glory. (7) In this way, the redeemer (Ps. 16) (8) comes to Zion/Jerusalem (9) to Jacob/Jews, who, upon their repentance, (10) will receive the covenant/promise of the Spirit (11) that shall not depart from him (Jesus) nor from his children nor from their children forever. Thus Isa. 59.19-21 serves as the programmatic statement for the book of Acts, building upon its mirrored programmatic passage (Isa. 61.1-2) of Luke's first volume. In Luke, Jesus is the prototypical bearer of the Spirit; in Acts, the bestower of the Spirit. The Spirit, expressed in the growing and multiplying 'word', is the unifying and structuring theme in Acts. This thesis solves a number of problems in Acts studies.

2008 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-47
Jon Ruthven

AbstractIsa. 59.19-21 provides not only the fulfillment of the Pentecost events, but imposes a sequential and thematic coherence on Acts 2, describing: (1) the powerful rushing sound (2) of the wind/Spirit and the 'words in the mouth'/speaking (Joel 2), (3) which cause (4) the universal (5) fear of (6) the Lord's name and his glory. (7) In this way, the redeemer (Ps 16) (8) comes to Zion/Jerusalem (9) to Jacob/Jews, who, upon their repentance, (10) will receive the covenant/promise of the Spirit (11) that shall not depart from him (Jesus) nor from his children nor from their children forever. Thus Isa. 59.19-21 serves as the programmatic statement for the book of Acts, building upon its mirrored programmatic passage (Isa. 61.1-2) of Luke's first volume. In Luke, Jesus is the bearer of the Spirit; in Acts, the bestower of the Spirit. This thesis solves a number of puzzles in Acts studies.

1939 ◽  
Vol 23 (253) ◽  
pp. 3-5

The Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association was held at King’s College, London, on 2nd and 3rd January, 1939. On Monday, 2nd January, the proceedings opened at 2.15 p.m. with the transaction of business, the President, Mr. W Hope-Jones, was in the chair. The Report of the Council for 1938 was adopted. The Hon. Treasurer presented a statement of accounts for the year ending 31st October, 1938.

PMLA ◽  
1935 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 1373-1374

The thirty-seventh annual meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast was held at Stanford University, California, on November 29 and 30, 1935.

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