gospel message
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2022 ◽  

Drawing on original research covering different periods and spaces, this book sets out to appreciate the specific place of images in the history of evangelisation in the long modern period. How can we reconceptualise the functions of the visual mediation of the gospel message, both in terms of the production and reception of this message and in terms of its effective mediators, artists, religious, and cultural ambassadors? The contributions in this book offer multiple geographical and historical insights regarding the circulation of the image on the global scale of the Christianised world or the world in the process of being Christianised, from China to Iberia. Combining the contribution of historians and art historians, the authors highlight the points of intercultural encounter and tension around preaching, catechesis, devotional practices and the propagandistic use of images. Through its aesthetic and social study of the image, and by examining the inner and outer borders of Europe and the mission lands, Eloquent Images contributes significantly to the history of evangelisation, one of the major dynamics of the first European globalisation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Soleman Kawangmani

Pemberitaan Injil selalu berhadapan dengan budaya pendengar. Pengenalan budaya dan pemanfaatannya sebagai jembatan komunikasi akan mengefektifkan pemberitaan Injil.  Sebaliknya, pengabaian budaya dapat mengakibatkan penolakan atau penerimaan dan penghayatan Injil yang sinkretis. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menemukan suatu desain pemberitaan Injil berbasis pengenalan budaya rumpun keluarga bersuku Jawa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan pengataman kepada keluarga Suk yang bersuku Jawa di Surakarta dan studi pustaka. Peneliti menemukan worldview keluarga Suk sebagai inti budaya yaitu animisme. Untuk menjangkau keluarga suku Jawa berorientasi keagamaan animisme dengan Injil, peneliti mengusulkan suatu “Desain Pemberitaan Injil-6P”, terdiri dari enam komponen yaitu persiapan penginjil; ‘dambaan keselamatan,  hidup bahagia dan tenteram’ sebagai point of contact Injil dan budaya,  pentahapan isi berita Injil, pelaksanaan pemberitaan Injil, pentingnya motivasi kasih, doa dan pertolongan Roh Kudus, serta pemuridan korektif sebagai basis pelayanan lanjutan. Keenam komponen desain ini harus diintegrasikan dalam pelaksanaannya.The preaching of the gospel is always dealing with the culture of the listener. The introduction of culture and its use as a communication bridge will make the preaching of the gospel more effectively. On the other hand, cultural neglect can lead to rejection or acceptance and a syncretic living of the gospel. The purpose of this study is to find a design for preaching the gospel based on the introduction of Javanese family culture. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Collecting data through in-depth interviews and observations of the Javanese Suk family in Surakarta and literature study. The researcher found the worldview of the Suk family as the core of culture, namely animism. To reach Javanese families with animistic religious orientation with the Bible, the researcher proposes a “Gospel Preaching Design-6P”, consisting of six components, namely preparation of evangelists; 'desire for salvation, happy and peaceful life as a point of contact with the Gospel and culture, phasing out the contents of the gospel message, carrying out the preaching of the gospel, the importance of love motivation, prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit, as well as corrective discipleship as the basis for continued ministry. These six design components must be integrated into their implementation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Fransisco De Kr. Anugerah Jacob

This article aims to examine and analyze how Christian education was carried out in the Timor residency during the time of the Nederlansch Zendeling Genootschap. Based on the results of the discussion, it is clear that education is a key element in the pattern of NZG evangelism. Therefore, education could never be separated from evangelism. Instead, the final destination of education is the expansion of the gospel message. The seeds of the gospel were introduced to local people through education. In its journey, the education during the NZG continued to experience ups and downs. There are problems caused by internal factors, but some are caused by external conditions. Even so, the NZG consistently continues to pay attention to the running of education services. The Christian education that has been carried out by the NZG brought a big impact on the social life of the people in the Residency of Timor.AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis bagaimana jalannya pendidikan Kristen di Keresidenan Timor pada masa Nederlansch Zendeling Genootschap. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan, nyatalah bahwa pendidikan menjadi elemen kunci dalam pola pekabaran Injil NZG. Karena itu, pendidikan tidak akan pernah bisa dilepaskan dari pekabaran Injil. Malahan, muara dari pendidikan adalah perluasan pekabaran Injil. Sebab, melalui pendidikan, benih-benih Injil mulai diperkenalkan kepada orang-orang lokal. Dalam perjalanannya, dunia pendidikan pada masa NZG terus mengalami pasang surut. Ada persoalan-persoalan yang disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor internal, namun ada juga yang disebabkan oleh kondisi eksternal. Walau begitu, NZG secara konsisten terus memberikan perhatian terhadap jalannya pelayanan pendidikan. Pendidikan Kristen yang dijalankan oleh NZG pada akhirnya membawa dampak besar terhadap kehidupan sosial masyarakat di Keresidenan Timor. 

Sonny Samuel Hasiholan

AbstractThe history of colonialization in Asia left traditions and perspectives that were often oppressive. Minority or weak groups, often become victims. When this oppression and injustice occurs, and the oppressed group feels it is normal, it will be passed on to the next generation. Oppressive traditions and worldviews also occur in Christianity and in Bible reading. This article explores how Feminist Theologian Kwok Pui Lan tries to decolonialize Bible reading through dialogue and imagination. Kwok Pui Lan, in particular, pays attention tothe injustice that is caused by problems of race and gender. With dialogue and imagination between Bible readers and listeners in their specific contexts the gospel message will reach everyone in their existence, and make them free human beings. In the end, the Bible and the good news it carries are not only read according to strong and powerful interests, but have a variety of voices that can greet anyone. AbstrakSejarah kolonialisasi di Asia meninggalkan tradisi dan cara pandang yang tidak jarang menindas. Kelompok minoritas atau yang lemah, seringkali menjadi korbannya. Ketika penindasan dan ketidakadilan ini terjadi, dan kelompok yang tertindas merasa hal itu sebagai sebuah kewajaran maka akan bertahan dan diwariskan kepada generasi berikutnya. Tradisi dan cara pandang yang menindas juga terjadi dalam kekristenan dan pembacaan Alkitab. Artikel ini menelusuri bagaimana Kwok Pui Lan, seorang Teolog Feminis, mencoba melakukan dekolonialisasi terhadap pembacaan Alkitab diantaranya melalui dialog dan imajinasi. KwokPui Lan secara khusus memberikan perhatiannya kepada ketidakadilan yang dilatarbelakangi oleh persoalan ras dan gender. Dengan dialog dan imajinasi antara pembaca Alkitab dan pendengar dengan konteks mereka yang khas maka kabar baik dalam Alkitab akan sampai kepada setiap orang dalam keberadaan mereka, dan menjadikan mereka manusia yang merdeka. Pada akhirnya Alkitab dan kabar baik yang dibawanya tidak saja dibaca menurut kepentingan yang kuat dan berkuasa, melainkan memiliki keragaman suara yang dapatmenyapa siapa saja.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-77
Paulus Kunto Baskoro

Safety is fundamental part of human life. The issue of the doctrine of salvation is a never-ending discussion. Because this is closely related to a belief in life in the future. Yet not many people take seriously the importance of salvation. There are some people who say salvation is matter of later, what important now is to focus on life in this wolrd. So it very necessary for every believer to take responsibility for preaching the gospel of salvation. Because of what is happening now, many believers are more focused on living tn the present. Many believres do not take their evangelistic mandate seriously and consistenly, even though the content of salvation is extraordinary and veru clear. As a believer, preaching the gospel is a task that is most basic and even become a believer’s lifestyle. Because salvation in Jesus is an important principle whose end is eternal salvation. The context of this discussion is focused on the theological overview of the concept of through writing, namely, First, believers understand how important the meaning of salvation is for everyone. Second, belivers fulfill the call to carry out the great commission in all aspects of life; Third, every believer always has creativity in conveying the gospel message to everyone who does not believe in Jesus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-90
Patrick Mwania

Women in Africa, both in the traditional setup and in modern society form the cornerstone of the Church and society. They have spearheaded change in traditional and modern society and heralded the Gospel message on the African soil. Based on the formidable roles women played and the influential areas of authority they occupied in the social, economic, political, and religious dimensions of African traditional societies, such as priestesses, diviners, medicine women etc., I attempt to understand the role women play and the place they occupy in the Church and in society today taking the Catholic Church as a case study. The aim of this paper is to seek to understand the roles women play in society, as well as discerning how the roles could be promoted and improved for the betterment of the Church and society. For the discussion to achieve its objective, the following areas will be addressed: explore the place and the significance that traditional African society accorded to women;  investigate the nature of women’s involvement in the life of the community as well as the precise roles that traditional society assigned to women; discover the place of women in Christianity and some of the roles the Catholic Church assigns to women members as documented; understand some of the challenges women face as members of the Church and  the roles they play in enhancing the Gospel; and finally attempt to provide some recommendations in response to some of the challenges identified.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 98-108
Patrick Mwania

Women in Africa, both in the traditional setup and in modern society form the cornerstone of the Church and society. They have spearheaded change in traditional and modern society and heralded the Gospel message on the African soil. Based on the formidable roles women played and the influential areas of authority they occupied in the social, economic, political, and religious dimensions of African traditional societies, such as priestesses, diviners, medicine women etc., I attempt to understand the role women play and the place they occupy in the Church and in society today taking the Catholic Church as a case study. The aim of this paper is to seek to understand the roles women play in society, as well as discerning how the roles could be promoted and improved for the betterment of the Church and society. For the discussion to achieve its objective, the following areas will be addressed: explore the place and the significance that traditional African society accorded to women;  investigate the nature of women’s involvement in the life of the community as well as the precise roles that traditional society assigned to women; discover the place of women in Christianity and some of the roles the Catholic Church assigns to women members as documented; understand some of the challenges women face as members of the Church and  the roles they play in enhancing the Gospel; and finally attempt to provide some recommendations in response to some of the challenges identified.

Mike Megrove Reddy

The article describes and reconnoitres how the Apostle Paul, a Hebrew who was a welllearned man and a brilliant scholar and studentunder Gamaliel, went about conveying the Word to the Gentiles. The aim of this brief study is thus to describe the methodology used by the Apostle Paul to communicate the Word. He was raised to leadership and mentorship and gave guidance to the body of Christ and used every form of communication at his disposal to share the gospel with the surrounding Gentile world. Though he was called to preach the word of God to the Gentiles, he also preached to the Jews and defended the gospel against various kinds of obstinate and pagan rulers. The New Testament (Ἡ Καινὴ Διαθήκη) has a compilation of the letters written by the Apostle Paul. It should also be noted that although he was a prolific writer and teacher of the word, Paul encountered many barriers when it came to sharing the gospel. He was nonetheless very able to connect with people in the Graeco-Roman world outside of his culture and could easily communicate with the intellectual élites he encountered in the Empire. He was an eloquent speaker and also engaged effectively with the non-believers in the promulgation of the gospel message. Paul allowed both give-and-take, he was always eager to answer acute questions on faith issues, and he exerted himself in aiding people to acknowledge the truth of Jesus Christ. At times Paul spent a short period of time in a city, presenting the gospel and opening new churches. However, in Acts 18:11, it is evident that Paul stayed at one place for up to a year and time was spent in instructing the locals and also in evangelizing. This was clearly a sound strategy designed to meet his objective. In the Graeco-Roman culture, Paul personified a strong voice present in his oral and written works. The theoretical framework used in this study was the Shannon and Weaver Communication Model. This paper was based on a desktop research approach and literature from various sources was used including holy scriptures, academic articles, books, and various online sources.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 844
Amy Lauren Peeler

This study examined Hebrews’ use of gender-exclusive language for the purpose of understanding the author of the Epistle’s perspective on women and their role the religious community. The study used both broader historical research and exegetical analysis to support theological conclusions about Hebrews’ treatment of women. Despite the use of gender-exclusive language, the epistle does not suggest a bias against women. On the contrary, in the author of Hebrews’ hand, gendered language becomes a vehicle for understanding the implications of the gospel message for the Christian community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
Hlulani M. Mdingi

The introduction of the Bible in Africa operated on two major frontiers, firstly, the oral tradition of the missionary who possessed both the Gospel message by word and in the written text (gadget). Conversion occurred through oral ‘manipulation’ that includes an oral negation of the native’s history and worldviews. Secondly, the rise of missionary schools opened the door to the reading of the Bible. However, the black experience has revealed that the reading of the Bible by blacks, slaves and the oppressed gave rise to a new world of interpretation and, in some respects, quietened the oral, historical, political and spiritual disturbance of the missionary voice as the vanguard of the colonial master. It is not the gadget or the written word that is in dispute, even in the digital era, but what the Bible says about oppression, poverty, injustice, dehumanisation, equitable distribution of wealth and politics. Through the paradigms of liberative thought, namely, the hermeneutics of the oppressed, this study firstly will acknowledge the creative and existential interpretation of the Bible for particular goals. While laying out a brief history on Eurocentrism as superseding the Gospel. Secondly, the study seeks to look into Western Christian thought as expansion of the Western Empire. Therefore, arguing that shifts and progress under the guise of development maintain western values. Lastly, the study seeks to argue that despite any platform of biblical transmission, orally, the printing press and the electronic platform, the hermeneutical and epistemological pedagogy of the liberationist lens of the Bible persist; liberation transcends technology.Contribution: This research will contribute in the dialogue between faith and technology within the paradigm of liberation theology. The study seeks to centre the pertinent theme of justice and liberation in the Bible as a critical witness that is relevant for the meaning and relevance of the Bible.

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