Cloud Infrastructure Automation Tools: A Review

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (06) ◽  
pp. 1083-1091
Nishchal Shetty ◽  
Dr. Krishnappa H. K. ◽  

Many businesses have moved their services to the cloud throughout the years. One of the main reasons for this is its less expensive infrastructure and scalability. The necessity for infrastructure automation develops as a result of the increased usage of the cloud. There are multiple cloud automation tools available but there is no single tool suitable for every situation. This paper summarizes the various features offered by the different types of cloud automation tools.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 15 ◽  
Maarten Kollenstart ◽  
Edwin Harmsma ◽  
Erik Langius ◽  
Vasilios Andrikopoulos ◽  
Alexander Lazovik

Efficient utilization of resources plays an important role in the performance of large scale task processing. In cases where heterogeneous types of resources are used within the same application, it is hard to achieve good utilization of all of the different types of resources. By taking advantage of recent developments in cloud infrastructure that enable the use of dynamic clusters of resources, and by dynamically altering the size of the available resources for all the different resource types, the overall utilization of resources, however, can be improved. Starting from this premise, this paper discusses a solution that aims to provide a generic algorithm to estimate the desired ratios of instance processing tasks as well as ratios of the resources that are used by these instances, without the necessity for trial runs or a priori knowledge of the execution steps. These ratios are then used as part of an adaptive system that is able to reconfigure itself to maximize utilization. To verify the solution, a reference framework which adaptively manages clusters of functionally different VMs to host a calculation scenario is implemented. Experiments are conducted based on a compute-heavy use case in which the probability of underground pipeline failures is determined based on the settlement of soils. These experiments show that the solution is capable of eliminating large amounts of under-utilization, resulting in increased throughput and lower lead times.

Varsha C L ◽  
Dr. Ashok Kumar A R ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (13) ◽  
pp. 471
Prassanna J ◽  
Anjali R Pawar ◽  
Neelanarayanan V

Many enterprises are running distributed applications on their on-premise servers. However, if load on those servers changes unexpectedly, then itbecomes tedious to scale the resources and requires skilled human power to manage such situations. It may increase the capital expenditure. Hence,many companies have started to migrate their on-premise applications to the cloud. This migration of the applications to the cloud is one of the majorchallenges. To setup and manage the growing complex infrastructure, after migrating these applications to the cloud are really a time-consuming andtedious process which results in downtime. Hence, we need to automate this environment. To achieve architecture for the distributed systems whichsupport security, repeatability, reliability, and scalability, we require some cloud automation tools. This paper summarizes tools such as Terraform andcloud formation for infrastructure automation and Docker and Habitat for application automation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-30
H. M. Dipu Kabir ◽  
Abbas Khosravi ◽  
Subrota K. Mondal ◽  
Mustaneer Rahman ◽  
Saeid Nahavandi ◽  

The rapid growth of the cloud industry has increased challenges in the proper governance of the cloud infrastructure. Many intelligent systems have been developing, considering uncertainties in the cloud. Intelligent approaches with the consideration of uncertainties bring optimal management with higher profitability. Uncertainties of different levels and different types exist in various domains of cloud computing. This survey aims to discuss all types of uncertainties and their effect on different components of cloud computing. The article first presents the concept of uncertainty and its quantification. A vast number of uncertain events influence the cloud, as it is connected with the entire world through the internet. Five major uncertain parameters are identified, which are directly affected by numerous uncertain events and affect the performance of the cloud. Notable events affecting major uncertain parameters are also described. Besides, we present notable uncertainty-aware research works in cloud computing. A hype curve on uncertainty-aware approaches in the cloud is also presented to visualize current conditions and future possibilities. We expect the inauguration of numerous uncertainty-aware intelligent systems in cloud management over time. This article may provide a deeper understanding of managing cloud resources with uncertainties efficiently to future cloud researchers.

Salah Eddin Murad ◽  
Salah Dowaji

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers are influenced by a variety of characteristics and capabilities of the available cloud infrastructure resources (IaaS). As a result, the decision made by business service owners to lease and use certain resources is an important one in order to achieve the planned outcome. This chapter uses value based approach to manage the SaaS service provided to the customers. Based on our approach, customer satisfaction is modeled not only based on the response time, but also based on the allotted budget. Using our model, the application owner is able to direct and control the decision of renting cloud resources as per the current strategy. This strategy is led by a set of defined key performance indicators. In addition, we present a scheduling algorithm that can bid for different types of virtual machines to achieve the target value. Furthermore, we proposed the required Ontology to semantically discover the needed IaaS resources. We conduct extensive simulations using different types of Amazon EC2 instances with dynamic prices.

1986 ◽  
Vol 23 (04) ◽  
pp. 851-858 ◽  
P. J. Brockwell

The Laplace transform of the extinction time is determined for a general birth and death process with arbitrary catastrophe rate and catastrophe size distribution. It is assumed only that the birth rates satisfyλ0= 0,λj> 0 for eachj> 0, and. Necessary and sufficient conditions for certain extinction of the population are derived. The results are applied to the linear birth and death process (λj=jλ, µj=jμ) with catastrophes of several different types.

2020 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
Rajen A. Anderson ◽  
Benjamin C. Ruisch ◽  
David A. Pizarro

Abstract We argue that Tomasello's account overlooks important psychological distinctions between how humans judge different types of moral obligations, such as prescriptive obligations (i.e., what one should do) and proscriptive obligations (i.e., what one should not do). Specifically, evaluating these different types of obligations rests on different psychological inputs and has distinct downstream consequences for judgments of moral character.

P.L. Moore

Previous freeze fracture results on the intact giant, amoeba Chaos carolinensis indicated the presence of a fibrillar arrangement of filaments within the cytoplasm. A complete interpretation of the three dimensional ultrastructure of these structures, and their possible role in amoeboid movement was not possible, since comparable results could not be obtained with conventional fixation of intact amoebae. Progress in interpreting the freeze fracture images of amoebae required a more thorough understanding of the different types of filaments present in amoebae, and of the ways in which they could be organized while remaining functional.The recent development of a calcium sensitive, demembranated, amoeboid model of Chaos carolinensis has made it possible to achieve a better understanding of such functional arrangements of amoeboid filaments. In these models the motility of demembranated cytoplasm can be controlled in vitro, and the chemical conditions necessary for contractility, and cytoplasmic streaming can be investigated. It is clear from these studies that “fibrils” exist in amoeboid models, and that they are capable of contracting along their length under conditions similar to those which cause contraction in vertebrate muscles.

U. Aebi ◽  
P. Rew ◽  
T.-T. Sun

Various types of intermediate-sized (10-nm) filaments have been found and described in many different cell types during the past few years. Despite the differences in the chemical composition among the different types of filaments, they all yield common structural features: they are usually up to several microns long and have a diameter of 7 to 10 nm; there is evidence that they are made of several 2 to 3.5 nm wide protofilaments which are helically wound around each other; the secondary structure of the polypeptides constituting the filaments is rich in ∞-helix. However a detailed description of their structural organization is lacking to date.

E. L. Thomas ◽  
S. L. Sass

In polyethylene single crystals pairs of black and white lines spaced 700-3,000Å apart, parallel to the [100] and [010] directions, have been identified as microsector boundaries. A microsector is formed when the plane of chain folding changes over a small distance within a polymer crystal. In order for the different types of folds to accommodate at the boundary between the 2 fold domains, a staggering along the chain direction and a rotation of the chains in the plane of the boundary occurs. The black-white contrast from a microsector boundary can be explained in terms of these chain rotations. We demonstrate that microsectors can terminate within the crystal and interpret the observed terminal strain contrast in terms of a screw dislocation dipole model.

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