scholarly journals Stimulasi Kesantunan Berbahasa Anak Usia Dini di PAUD Hauriyah Halum, Padang

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-136
Imam Muthie ◽  
Yaswinda Yaswinda

The purpose of this study was to describe how the stimulation of early childhood language politeness in class B1 children at Hauriyah Halum PAUD Padang was carried out. This research is a descriptive approach with qualitative methods. The research was conducted from April 19 to May 19 2019. Researchers used teachers and parents as informants. The way to collect data that the researcher uses is observation, interview, and documentation, while the data analysis technique is done using data triangulation techniques. This study found that the development of children's language politeness in Hauriyah Halum PAUD was carried out through the application of donated duo baleh in accordance with Minangkabau culture and integrated in the learning process, the center. Every activity of developing language politeness is carried out through the process of habituation until it is finally embedded properly for the child. The center which is the focus of politeness-language research is the beam center, natural center, Islamic center, arts center and preparation center. The teacher carries out the development of language politeness by providing simulations through various types of activities in the classroom and outside the classroom. The teacher uses a variety of methods in implementing the development of children's language politeness, namely using, direct practice methods, demonstration methods, and methods of assigning assignments. Then it can be concluded from this study that the implementation of stimulation of speaking politeness in early childhood at PAUD Hauriyah Halum Padang has gone well in accordance with the principles of Minangkabau cultural politeness.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Faiza Indriastuti

AbstractDevelopment of early childhood language is very important in developingthe communication and interaction skills with others. Stimulation of the development of language skills can be done in the family and school environment. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of contributionof media audio AKSI utilization in developing early childhood language ability. This study uses an experimental method to early childhood that using media audio AKSI as a learning treatment. The result of this study revealed that media audio AKSI has a signi cantly contribution for developing early childhood’s languange skills because enabling to improve the quality of children’s learning achievements, enabling to make teacher more productive, enabling to provide alternative learning media that more user friendly, and enabling to the ease of audio  les storage, retrieval, and utilization makes learning become more  exible. AbstrakPengembangan berbahasa anak usia dini sangat penting dilakukan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Stimulasi pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa tersebut dapat dilakukan, baik di lingkungan keluarga maupun lingkungan sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sejauhmana kontribusi pemanfaatan media audio AKSI terhadap pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa anak usia dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen terhadap peserta didik usia dini melalui treatmen penggunaan media audio AKSI dalam pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa media audio AKSI memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar terhadap pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa anak usia dini karena mampu meningkatkan kualitas hasil belajar anak, mampu membuat pendidik lebih produktif, dan mampu memberikan alternatif media pembelajaran yang lebih user friendly, dan kemudahan penyimpanan, pengambilan, dan pemanfaatan  le audio menjadikan pembelajaran menjadi lebih  eksibel. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Faiza Indriastuti

AbstractDevelopment of early childhood language is very important in developingthe communication and interaction skills with others. Stimulation of the development of language skills can be done in the family and school environment. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of contributionof media audio AKSI utilization in developing early childhood language ability. This study uses an experimental method to early childhood that using media audio AKSI as a learning treatment. The result of this study revealed that media audio AKSI has a signi cantly contribution for developing early childhood’s languange skills because enabling to improve the quality of children’s learning achievements, enabling to make teacher more productive, enabling to provide alternative learning media that more user friendly, and enabling to the ease of audio  les storage, retrieval, and utilization makes learning become more  exible. AbstrakPengembangan berbahasa anak usia dini sangat penting dilakukan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Stimulasi pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa tersebut dapat dilakukan, baik di lingkungan keluarga maupun lingkungan sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sejauhmana kontribusi pemanfaatan media audio AKSI terhadap pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa anak usia dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen terhadap peserta didik usia dini melalui treatmen penggunaan media audio AKSI dalam pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa media audio AKSI memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar terhadap pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa anak usia dini karena mampu meningkatkan kualitas hasil belajar anak, mampu membuat pendidik lebih produktif, dan mampu memberikan alternatif media pembelajaran yang lebih user friendly, dan kemudahan penyimpanan, pengambilan, dan pemanfaatan  le audio menjadikan pembelajaran menjadi lebih  eksibel. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Faiza Indriastuti

Development of early childhood language is very important in developingthe communication and interaction skills with others. Stimulation of the development of language skills can be done in the family and school environment. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of contributionof media audio AKSI utilization in developing early childhood language ability. This study uses an experimental method to early childhood that using media audio AKSI as a learning treatment. The result of this study revealed that media audio AKSI has a significantly contribution for developing early childhood’s languange skills because enabling to improve the quality of children’s learning achievements, enabling to make teacher more productive, enabling to provide alternative learning media that more user friendly, and enabling to the ease of audio files storage, retrieval, and utilization makes learning become more flexible. AbstrakPengembangan berbahasa anak usia dini sangat penting dilakukan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Stimulasi pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa tersebut dapat dilakukan, baik di lingkungan keluarga maupun lingkungan sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sejauhmana kontribusi pemanfaatan media audio AKSI terhadap pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa anak usia dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen terhadap peserta didik usia dini melalui treatmen penggunaan media audio AKSI dalam pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa media audio AKSI memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar terhadap pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa anak usia dini karena mampu meningkatkan kualitas hasil belajar anak, mampu membuat pendidik lebih produktif, dan mampu memberikan alternatif media pembelajaran yang lebih user friendly, dan kemudahan penyimpanan, pengambilan, dan pemanfaatan file audio menjadikan pembelajaran menjadi lebih fleksibel.

genius ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-60
Fakhriyatus Shofa Alawiyah ◽  
Laila Masruroh

Abstract Forming a religious experience in early childhood means embedding religious roots in them. The religious experience that is implanted early, will be able to improve the character, personality and moral of the child. One of the efforts to develop religious and moral values of early childhood in the physical distancing is through the collaboration of teachers and parents. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach in TK Al-Hidayah Purworejo, Lumajang. Data collected by interview techniques and document studies using WhatsApp (phone, chat, voice note) and polls using Google forms. The data was analyzed by the analysis of the Miles and Huberman models and the validity test of data using the triangulation of the source and method, discussion with peers, using references. The results of this research that religious and moral values developed in children or students of TK al-Hidayah include: Know the religion that is embraced, work on worship, behave honestly, helper, responsibilities, maintain self-hygiene and the environment. To develop these values, the form of collaboration that teachers and parents use is a partnership or shared responsibilities model that emphasizes the coordination and cooperation of schools and families to develop communication and collaboration. Some forms of collaborative activities include building a relationship and communication with two-way applications based on WhatsApp Group (WAG), teachers provide daily assignments for children during the study at home, teachers give instructions for learning based television Republic of Indonesia (TVRI), learning the sheet based Activities Ramadan. Parents strive to accompany each and every activity and report the children's learning outcomes to the teachers.

Novan Ardy Wiyani

<p>This research is a case study research using qualitative approach. This research is aimed to describe the activity of behavioral management of social-emotion non-self-sufficiency in early childhood in kindergarten Aisyiyah XIV Kedungwuluh Purwokerto. The data in this study were collected using interview technique, observation, and documentation. Then analyzed using data analysis technique inductively. Based on the results of the study can be seen that there are four problems of social-emotional self-sufficiency in early childhood. First, the child strikes school. Second, children do not want to follow the learning activities. Third, the child does not want to be left by his mother. Fourth, children do not want to write or do something. The four issues are then addressed by implementing the 5 steps in the practice of behavioral social-emotional self-reliance behavior in early childhood. First, conduct an analysis of social-emotional self-sufficiency behavior problems in early childhood. Second, create action plans to address the problem of social-emotional self-sufficiency behavior in early childhood. Third, coordinate with the guardian in addressing the problem of social-emotional self-sufficiency behavior in early childhood. Fourth, implementing action handling to overcome the problem of social-emotional self-sufficiency behavior in early childhood. Fifth, assess the success in overcoming the problem of social-emotional self-sufficiency behavior in early childhood.</p>

Putra Kaslin Hutabarat Putra

The purpose of this study was to describe the strategies used in improving 6S in SD / MI. This journal uses a descriptive approach, observation data collection techniques, and interviews. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses an interactive model. Then test the validity of the data using data triangulation. And the strategy used is to use posters, slogans and posters that are displayed in class and outside the classroom. The results of this study are proven by showing a friendly and fully open attitude with good character, the language style starts from the greeting sentence. which is an example applied by the teacher when going into the room to shake hands and pray together. So it can be concluded that the existence of posters and slogans can increase the attitude and attitude of grade III students

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Faiza Indriastuti

AbstractDevelopment of early childhood language is very important in developingthe communication and interaction skills with others. Stimulation of the development of language skills can be done in the family and school environment. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of contributionof media audio AKSI utilization in developing early childhood language ability. This study uses an experimental method to early childhood that using media audio AKSI as a learning treatment. The result of this study revealed that media audio AKSI has a signi cantly contribution for developing early childhood’s languange skills because enabling to improve the quality of children’s learning achievements, enabling to make teacher more productive, enabling to provide alternative learning media that more user friendly, and enabling to the ease of audio  les storage, retrieval, and utilization makes learning become more  exible. AbstrakPengembangan berbahasa anak usia dini sangat penting dilakukan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Stimulasi pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa tersebut dapat dilakukan, baik di lingkungan keluarga maupun lingkungan sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sejauhmana kontribusi pemanfaatan media audio AKSI terhadap pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa anak usia dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen terhadap peserta didik usia dini melalui treatmen penggunaan media audio AKSI dalam pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa media audio AKSI memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar terhadap pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa anak usia dini karena mampu meningkatkan kualitas hasil belajar anak, mampu membuat pendidik lebih produktif, dan mampu memberikan alternatif media pembelajaran yang lebih user friendly, dan kemudahan penyimpanan, pengambilan, dan pemanfaatan  le audio menjadikan pembelajaran menjadi lebih  eksibel. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-88
Agung Prihatmojo ◽  
Badawi Badawi ◽  
Purna Bayu Nugroho

The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of solidarity buying on the economic resilience of street vendors' families during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. Determination of the subject using purposive to be determined according to the purpose of the study. The subjects in this study amounted to 5 street vendors in Kotabumi, North Lampung. The technique of collecting data is semi-structured interview. Data analysis technique with steps of data reduction, data presentation, and verification. Testing the validity of the data using data triangulation. The results of the ta'awun-based Solidarity buying research were able to increase the income of street vendors during the pandemic. The income of street vendors can increase not only from the profit of buying and selling but from the ta'awun of buyers who often overspend or give alms. Ta'awun really helps street vendors in setting aside money to pay debts. Ta'awun Muhammadiyah activities in North Lampung during the pandemic also helped fulfill the food needs of street vendors, namely the distribution of free basic-necessities to street vendors.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-120
Budi Astuti ◽  
Sugiyatno Sugiyatno ◽  
Siti Aminah

The objective of this research was to create early childhood sex education materials for Early Childhood Education Teachers. The research was initiated by conducting need assessment in the form of identification of the needs of sex education materials that appropriate for early childhood and the role of teachers and parents in the sex education. The subjects were chosen by using the purposive technique. The subjects of this study were 28 Early Childhood Education teachers in Sleman Regency. The data collection in this research was using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique was using quantitative descriptive techniques. The results of the research provided a description that the materials about the skills to protect themselves from sexual violence is the most needed matter of Early Childhood Education teachers. Further, respectively according to the level of need, the material that needs to be included in a Early Childhood Sex Education is the introduction of the gender, the introduction of self-identity, the relationship of men and women and ways to maintain the health,  and the introduction of reproductive organs and functions. Materials product is expected to be a guideline and reference in providing early sex education.

Aghnaita Aghnaita ◽  
Ajeng Almira Salsabila ◽  
Camelia Hanik ◽  
Maulida Syafitri ◽  
Norhayani Norhayani ◽  

This study aims to determine the emotional social development of early childhood in Integrated Early Childhood Education Tarbiyatul Athfal UIN Antasari Banjarmasin as well as the form of learning activities undertaken as an effort to stimulate the emotional social development. The research method used is qualitative research on 6 children and learning activities that can stimulate children's emotional emotional development as primary data. Based on research conducted, the results obtained that the child's emotional social development tends to be unstable. Children often prefer to play alone. Nevertheless, children also begin to show interest in hanging out in the surrounding environment and doing play activities together. In addition, there are several factors influence, such as: social emotional experiences of children, gender differences, differences in family and cultural backgrounds, and parenting. While the form of learning activities that are pursued in the form of stimulation of children's emotional social development include: routine activities of reading Asmaul Husna and short surahs, filling in journals, playing indoor, and conducting learning activities. The activity was carried out through exemplary methods, sharing learning, and collaborative games.

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