beam center
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Iys Nur Handayani

Early childhood Education institutions that provide services and facilities to the students with the aim of the development aspects of the religion-moral, cognitive, language, social-emotional, and physical-motor. Proper learning model for early childhood is required. Centre learning models applied in the PAUD Institute need to have a curriculum management tailored to the curriculum that is carried out in an institution. The purpose of this article is to know the implementation of curriculum management in the Learning Center in PAUD Terpadu Mutiara Yogyakarta. The research method used in this study aims to obtain facts and conclusions in order to gain understanding, explanation, divination, and control. This type of research is a qualitative field research. Research in PAUD Terpadu Mutiara Yogyakarta. The result of this research is that the implementation of curriculum management in the Learning Center in PAUD Terpadu Mutiara Yogyakarta became the 4 stages of the processing process, as follows: 1) Planning curriculum is designed in accordance with vision, mass and institution objectives, 2) The organization of the curriculum contains the management of organizational in the institution, 3) Implementation of the curriculum in the Learning Centers (Preparation Center, Role of Micro Center, Macro Role Center, Beam Center, Faith and Taqwa Center, Arts Creativity Center, Science Center, Cooking Center, Multimedia Center, and Natural Material Center), 4) Control or appraisal is done in the students and all educators.

Photonics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 190
Alexey A. Kovalev ◽  
Victor V. Kotlyar ◽  
Darya S. Kalinkina

We studied paraxial light beams, obtained by a continuous superposition of off-axis Gaussian beams with their phases chosen so that the whole superposition is invariant to free-space propagation, i.e., does not change its transverse intensity shape. Solving a system of five nonlinear equations for such superpositions, we obtained an analytical expression for a propagation-invariant off-axis elliptic Gaussian beam. For such an elliptic beam, an analytical expression was derived for the orbital angular momentum, which was shown to consist of two terms. The first one is intrinsic and describes the momentum with respect to the beam center and is shown to grow with the beam ellipticity. The second term depends parabolically on the distance between the beam center and the optical axis (similar to the Steiner theorem in mechanics). It is shown that the ellipse orientation in the transverse plane does not affect the normalized orbital angular momentum. Such elliptic beams can be used in wireless optical communications, since their superpositions do not interfere in space, if they do not interfere in the initial plane.

2021 ◽  
Jong Min Lee ◽  
Seung-Hoon Baek ◽  
Yeon Soo Lee

Abstract Introduction: PolyWareTM software (PW) has been an exclusively used software in most polyethylene wear studies of total hip arthroplasty (THA). We found that PolyWareTM (PW) measurements can be significantly inaccurate and unrepeatable depending on imaging conditions or subjective manipulation choices. In this regard, this study reveals the required conditions to achieve the best accuracy and reliability of the PW measurements.Results: Among all the imported X-ray images, those with a resolution of 1076×1076 exhibited the best standard deviation in wear measurements as small as 0.01 mm and the least occurrences of blurriness. The edge detection area specified as non-squared and off the femoral head center exhibited the most occurrence of blurriness. At the X-ray scanning moment, an eccentric placement of the femoral head center by 15 cm superior to the X-ray beam center led to an acetabular anteversion measurement error up to 5.3°.Conclusion: Because PW has been an exclusively used polyethylene wear measurement tool, revealing its error sources and making the countermeasure are of great importance. The results request researchers to observe the following conditions; 1) the original X-ray image be 1076×1076 squared X-ray images, 2) the edge detection area be specified as a square with edge lengths of 5 times the diameter of the femoral head centered at the femoral head center, 3) the femoral head center or acetabular center be placed as close to the center line of the X-ray beam as possible, at the X-ray scanning moment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-91
Sartika Pa’indu ◽  
Rida Sinaga ◽  
Frets Keriapy

AbstractEarly Childhood Education (PAUD), can be used to explore children's intelligence. One of them is visual-spatial intelligence. Visual-spatial intelligence is important for children because visual-spatial intelligence enables children to learn visually and generate ideas. Children can think in concept (holistically) to understand something. To develop visual-spatial intelligence in children, the center block is one of the tools that can be used to develop it. Through the block center children can be taught to recognize the shape, color and size of the blocks. Block center was chosen because children love building designing games. Through designing and constructing a building such as a house, palace and other forms, it is hoped that the visual-spatial intelligence of children can develop. The method used in this research is the library research method, namely the form of research carried out through research report books, journals and other documents. In the beam center there are various geometric shapes in various sizes, some are colored and some are plain. In playing blocks, there are eleven stages, from simple to complex building. To be able to make children creative, teachers need to provide adequate support, opportunities, times, and facilities. The results of research on block center can be said to improve visual-spatial intelligence. Because the block center contributes to the improvement of visual-spatial intelligence. It can be seen from the conclusions of the research results that when children play in a block center with adequate support, opportunity, time, and facilities provided by the teacher to children, it can improve children's visual-spatial intelligence with the characteristics of a visually-spatial intelligent child having advantages. such as: children quickly understand the explanation from the teacher related to the building to be made, children can do more than the teacher's orders, children can mix colors well, children build beautifully, neatly and vary and children enjoy doing and enjoying playing blocks.Key words: Visual-Spatial Intelligence, Block Center, Teacher AbstrakPendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD), dapat digunakan untuk menggali kecerdasan yang dimiliki anak. Salah satunya adalah kecerdasan visual-spasial. Kecerdasan visual-spasial penting dimiliki anak karena kecerdasan visual- spasial membuat anak dapat belajar secara visual dan memunculkan ide-ide. Anak dapat berfikir secara konsep (holistik) untuk memahami sesuatu. Untuk mengembangkan kecerdasan visual-spasial pada anak, sentra balok merupakan salah satu sarana yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkannya. Melalui sentra balok anak dapat diajarkan mengenal bentuk, warna serta ukuran dari balok tersebut. Sentra balok dipilih karena anak-anak menyukai permainan merancang bangunan. Melalui merancang dan membangun sebuah bangunan seperti rumah, istana dan bentuk lainnya diharapkan dapat mengembangkan kecerdasan visual-spasial pada anak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kepustakaan yaitu bentuk penelitian yang dilakukan melalui buku laporan penelitian, jurnal Di sentra balok terdapat berbagai bentuk geometri dalam berbagai ukuran ada yang berwarna dan ada yang polos. Dalam bermain balok ada sebelas tahapan, mulai dari sederhana sampai membangun secara komplek. Untuk dapat membuat anak menjadi kreatif maka guru perlu memberikan dukungan, kesempatan, waktu, serta sarana yang memadai. Hasil penelitian mengenai sentra balok dapat dikatakan meningkatkan kecerdasan visual-spasial. Karena sentra balok memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan kecerdasan visual-spasial. Dapat dilihat dari kesimpulan hasil penelitian bahwa pada saat anak bermain di sentra balok dengan dukungan, kesempatan, waktu, serta sarana yang memadai yang diberikan guru kepada anak dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan visual-spasial anak dengan ciri-ciri anak yang cerdas secara visual-spasial  memiliki kelebihan seperti : anak cepat memahami penjelasan dari guru yang berhubungan dengan bangunan yang akan dibuat, anak dapat melakukan lebih dari perintah guru, anak dapat memadukan warna dengan baik, anak membangun dengan indah, rapi dan bervariasi dan anak senang melakukan serta menikmati bermain balok.Kata kunci: Kecerdasan Visual-Spasial, Sentra Balok, Guru 

2021 ◽  
Jong min Lee ◽  
Seung-Hoon Baek ◽  
Yeon Soo Lee

Abstract Background: PolyWareTM software (PW) has been exclusively used in most of the polyethylene wear studies of total hip arthroplasty (THA). But, we found that PolyWareTM (PW) measurements can be significantly inaccurate and unrepeatable depending on imaging conditions or subjective manipulation choices. In this regard, this study reveals the required conditions to achieve the best accuracy and reliability of the PW measurements.Methods: The experiment examined the dependency of PW on several measurement conditions. The X-ray images of in-vitro THA prostheses were acquired under a clinical X-ray scanning condition. A liner wear of 6.67 mm, an acetabular lateral inclination of 36.7° and an anteversion of 9.0° were simulated.Results: Among all the imported X-ray images, those with a resolution of 1076×1076 exhibited the best standard deviation in wear measurements as small as 0.01 mm and the least occurrences of blurriness. The edge detection area specified as non-squared and off the femoral head center exhibited the most occurrence of blurriness. At the X-ray scanning moment, an eccentric placement of the femoral head center by 15 cm superior to the X-ray beam center led to an acetabular anteversion error up to 5.3°.Conclusion: The results request researchers to observe following conditions; 1) the original Xray image be 1076×1076 squared X-ray images, 2) the edge detection area be specified as a square with edge lengths of 5 times the diameter of the femoral head centered at the femoral head center, 3) the femoral head center or acetabular center be placed as close to the center line of the X-ray beam as possible, at the X-ray scanning moment.

2020 ◽  
Muhammad Salman Bashir ◽  
Ming-Cheng Tsai ◽  
Mohamed-Slim Alouini

Optical beam center position on an array of detectors is an important parameter that is essential for estimating the angle-of-arrival of the incoming signal beam. In this paper, we have examined the beam position estimation problem for photon-counting detector arrays, and to this end, we have derived and analyzed the Cramer-Rao lower bounds on the mean-square error of the unbiased estimators of the beam position. Furthermore, we have also derived the Cramer-Rao lower bounds of other beam parameters such as peak intensity, and the intensity of background radiation on the array. In this sense, we have considered a robust estimation of the beam position in which none of the parameters are assumed to be known beforehand. Additionally, we have derived the Cramer-Rao lower bounds of beam parameters for observations based on both pilot and data symbols of a pulse position modulation (PPM) scheme. Finally, we have considered a two-step estimation problem in which the peak intensity and background radiation are estimated using a method of moments estimator, and the beam center position is estimated with the help of a maximum likelihood estimator. <br><br>

2020 ◽  
Muhammad Salman Bashir ◽  
Ming-Cheng Tsai ◽  
Mohamed-Slim Alouini

Optical beam center position on an array of detectors is an important parameter that is essential for estimating the angle-of-arrival of the incoming signal beam. In this paper, we have examined the beam position estimation problem for photon-counting detector arrays, and to this end, we have derived and analyzed the Cramer-Rao lower bounds on the mean-square error of the unbiased estimators of the beam position. Furthermore, we have also derived the Cramer-Rao lower bounds of other beam parameters such as peak intensity, and the intensity of background radiation on the array. In this sense, we have considered a robust estimation of the beam position in which none of the parameters are assumed to be known beforehand. Additionally, we have derived the Cramer-Rao lower bounds of beam parameters for observations based on both pilot and data symbols of a pulse position modulation (PPM) scheme. Finally, we have considered a two-step estimation problem in which the peak intensity and background radiation are estimated using a method of moments estimator, and the beam center position is estimated with the help of a maximum likelihood estimator. <br><br>

2020 ◽  
Muhammad Salman Bashir ◽  
Ming-Cheng Tsai ◽  
Mohamed-Slim Alouini

Optical beam center position on an array of detectors is an important parameter that is essential for estimating the angle-of-arrival of the incoming signal beam. In this paper, we have examined the beam position estimation problem for photon-counting detector arrays, and to this end, we have derived and analyzed the Cramer-Rao lower bounds on the mean-square error of the unbiased estimators of the beam position. Furthermore, we have also derived the Cramer-Rao lower bounds of other beam parameters such as peak intensity, and the intensity of background radiation on the array. In this sense, we have considered a robust estimation of the beam position in which none of the parameters are assumed to be known beforehand. Additionally, we have derived the Cramer-Rao lower bounds of beam parameters for observations based on both pilot and data symbols of a pulse position modulation (PPM) scheme. Finally, we have considered a two-step estimation problem in which the peak intensity and background radiation are estimated using a method of moments estimator, and the beam center position is estimated with the help of a maximum likelihood estimator. <br><br>

2020 ◽  
Muhammad Salman Bashir ◽  
Ming-Cheng Tsai ◽  
Mohamed-Slim Alouini

Optical beam center position on an array of detectors is an important parameter that is essential for estimating the angle-of-arrival of the incoming signal beam. In this paper, we have examined the beam position estimation problem for photon-counting detector arrays, and to this end, we have derived and analyzed the Cramer-Rao lower bounds on the mean-square error of the unbiased estimators of the beam position. Furthermore, we have also derived the Cramer-Rao lower bounds of other beam parameters such as peak intensity, and the intensity of background radiation on the array. In this sense, we have considered a robust estimation of the beam position in which none of the parameters are assumed to be known beforehand. Additionally, we have derived the Cramer-Rao lower bounds of beam parameters for observations based on both pilot and data symbols of a pulse position modulation (PPM) scheme. Finally, we have considered a two-step estimation problem in which the peak intensity and background radiation are estimated using a method of moments estimator, and the beam center position is estimated with the help of a maximum likelihood estimator.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-136
Imam Muthie ◽  
Yaswinda Yaswinda

The purpose of this study was to describe how the stimulation of early childhood language politeness in class B1 children at Hauriyah Halum PAUD Padang was carried out. This research is a descriptive approach with qualitative methods. The research was conducted from April 19 to May 19 2019. Researchers used teachers and parents as informants. The way to collect data that the researcher uses is observation, interview, and documentation, while the data analysis technique is done using data triangulation techniques. This study found that the development of children's language politeness in Hauriyah Halum PAUD was carried out through the application of donated duo baleh in accordance with Minangkabau culture and integrated in the learning process, the center. Every activity of developing language politeness is carried out through the process of habituation until it is finally embedded properly for the child. The center which is the focus of politeness-language research is the beam center, natural center, Islamic center, arts center and preparation center. The teacher carries out the development of language politeness by providing simulations through various types of activities in the classroom and outside the classroom. The teacher uses a variety of methods in implementing the development of children's language politeness, namely using, direct practice methods, demonstration methods, and methods of assigning assignments. Then it can be concluded from this study that the implementation of stimulation of speaking politeness in early childhood at PAUD Hauriyah Halum Padang has gone well in accordance with the principles of Minangkabau cultural politeness.

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