2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-29
Fashi Hatul Lisaniyah ◽  
Ummidlatus Salamah

This study aims to describe Arabic language learning media era 4.0 from conceptual and actual aspects and focuses on media learning Arabic language specifically elementary school (Junior hight school). The approach of this study is (library research) by discussing literatures that discuss arabic language learning media. Conclusion of this study is innovation of learning, especially in Arabic language lessons, is something important and must be owned or done by arabic teachers. This is because learning will be more enjoyable and meaningful for students. With kahoot and socrative media, it is expected to encourage students to be more enthusiastic and happy to learn Arabic. As a teacher who interacts with students every day, it is not wrong to constantly innovate in learning. Entering this 4.0 era, teachers are required to keep trying to find, explore and find breakthroughs, approaches, methods and learning media is one of the supporting new media that will be fresh and enlightening. This article describes the media of Arabic language learning for the basic level, covering the learning media of Kahoot and Socrative. The more creative and innovative a teacher is in using learning media will make it easier to deliver Arabic lessons, the easier it is for students to receive Arabic lessons. This is a major factor in the success of MI-level Arabic lessons.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-198
Rizka Eliyana Maslihah

The issue of gender responsiveness become a subject of study that is widely discussed. Discourse about the equality of men and women reap many pros and cons from various circles, as the result of social construction differences that affect the perspective of mindset. This article intends to describe the gender-responsive value contained in the material of Arabic language learning. Where the material presented includes the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary, where both have equal status without any stereotypes and subordinates of them. This article was written using library research; the author analyzed the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary in a balanced manner, as well as the use of various gender discriminations in the form of gender stereotypes and gender-based violence found in Arabic textbooks in grades IV and VI of Islamic Elementary School (MI). Based on the analysis result, the researcher concludes that gender-responsive emphasis has been appearing in Arabic language teaching materials, but it needs more. So, in the next, gender discrimination will not be found in the Arabic language teaching material of Islamic Elementary School (MI). ملخص أصبحت الإشاعة عن استجابة الجنس بحثا مرحوبا فى مجال المعارف. وحصد البحوث فى تكافؤ الرجال والنساء الموافقة والمعارضة من قبل الاجتماعية. حيث أن الاختلاف فى بنية الاجتماعية سيؤدي إلى الاختلاف فى ضوء العقليات. وكتبت هذه المقالة للكشف عن التصور الشامل للنتائج  من استجابة الجنس فى مادة تعليم اللغة العربية. حيث اشتملت المادة فى استخدام المفردات المذكّر والمؤنث. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، وجد تكافؤ الدرجة دون النمطية وثانوية النساء فى المجتمع. وكتبت هذه المقالة بمدخل البحث المكتبي للتحليل عن استخدام المفردات المذكّر والمؤنث بالتكافؤ، دون النمطية وثانوية النساء فى الكتب المدرسي للفصل الرابع إلى السادس لمستوى المدرسة الإبتدائية. وحصلت الكاتبة على النتيجة كما يلي: ظهرت التركيز من النتائج لاستجابة الجنس فى مادة تعليم اللغة العربية جيّدة، ولكن يحتاج التركيز إلى التقوية، للوصول إلى عدم تمييز الجنس فى مادة اللغة العربية لـهذا المستوى. الكلمات الرئيسية: النتيجة، استجابة الجنس، مادة التعليم، تمييز الجنس

Muhammad Raihan Nasution

In this digital era, young people are very vulnerable to negative things, therefore Islam as a religion which is rahmatan lil alamin, must take appropriate and fast actions to save young generations of Islam from getting lost in the darkness of cyberspace life. This article is prepared with a library research approach by conducting a literature review and collecting data from various sources and subsequently, the data is analyzed descriptively by presenting facts or findings which are then theoretically reviewed. Therefore da’wah of digital era really must use the media, especially new media. The development of communication technology has changed the way people communicate and interact. Nowadays, almost everyone uses the internet to send, search, and read information. Therefore, the Qur’an Surah An-Nahl: 125 offering da'wah methods of digital era have to be able to attract sympathetic Millennials, presenting representative, interactive and innovative da'wah methods through social media is the best way to save the young generations of Islam in the future.

Damar Gemilang ◽  
Hastuti Listiana

This article discusses the media of learning Arabic language, through library studies that focus on distributing material effectively to students without making them boring. The limited creations and variations in learning as well as the low ability of Arabic language maharah of students make the role of the media so important. The selection of media correctly, can improve the mastery of material skills, motivate, and stimulate students. Through library studies from journals, papers, and books on learning media for the Arabic curriculum which are then analyzed and concluded data will be obtained about learning media for the Arabic curriculum which is useful for teachers. There are several rules in determining the media that will be used by taking into account the direction and objectives of learning, types of learning strategies, understanding the characteristics of the media by the teacher, in terms of cost suitability, media readiness, quality, and environment to operate the media. In terms of functions related to sensing devices, the media are divided into visual media, audio media, and audiovisual media. Meanwhile, viewed from the viewpoint in Arabic and that maharah, the media can be grouped into learning media mufrodat, nahwu-shorof, and Arabic language skills consisting of media istima', qiro'ah, kitabah, and kalam. This can help academics in applying media correctly in the learning of the Arabic language curriculum.One of the elements of learning Arabic is the student's Arabic learning strategy. But there are still some students who have not found the right strategy for learning Arabic, because of a lack of knowledge about Arabic learning strategies, especially the Oxford model of language learning strategies. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of the Arabic language learning strategy for students in the Oxford model of Madrasah Ibitidaiyah Al Islam Kartasura students.This research is descriptive qualitative, as for the research site at Madrasah Ibitidaiyah Al Islam Kartasura. This research was conducted from March to June 2020. The subjects in this study were students of class V A at Madrasah Ibitidaiyah Al Islam Kartasura. The informants in this study were the fifth grade Arabic teachers at Madrasah Ibitidaiyah Al Islam Kartasura. Data collection methods used were interviews, observation and documentation.The conclusion of this study is that students use Arabic learning strategies in the Oxford model because there are indications that students are using their learning. The strategies used are memory strategies, cognitive strategies, compensation strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies. The strategy that is often used by students is the memorial strategy.

Abjadia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Mardhiya Agustina

<p dir="RTL">التعليم في الإسلام يشمل جميع أبعاد حياة المسلم. إما الأبعاد الإلهية تتعلق بالله، أو الأبعاد الإنسانية المتعلقة بالناس، والأبعاد الكونية المرتبطة بالكون. وبالتالي فإن مادة التربية في الإسلام هي أيضا واسعة جدا تشمل جميع الأبعاد الثلاثة ، وهي بصفة عامة مواد العقيدة والعبادة والأخلاق واللغة والأدب والعلوم والتكنولوجيا. التعليم الإسلامي مصدره بالكامل يستند إلى القرآن والسنة. وبالنظر إلى أن المصدر الرئيسي هو القرآن والسنة ، فإن اللغة العربية تعلمها وفهمها هو ضروري  لأنها اللغة المستخدمة في كلا المصدرين. اللغة العربية في إندونيسيا كأكبر دولة إسلامية في العالم، هي واحدة من المواد اللازمة في المناهج الدراسية للمؤسسات التربوية الإسلامية الحكومية ، في حين أن  في المؤسسات التربوية العامة هي مواد اختيارية. ولكن بطبيعة الحال في عملية تعليم اللغة العربية واجهت العقبات والصعوبات بالإضافة إلى التحديات ، حيث اللغة العربية هي لغة أجنبية لشعوب إندونيسيا. الإشكاليات والتحديات التي تواجه المؤسسات التربوية الإسلامية في إندونيسيا متنوعة إلى حد كبير، ولكن في الواقع لا تزال هناك أوجه تشابه في  المشاكل والتحديات المواجهة بين المؤسسات التعليمية مع بعضها البعض ، بحيث يمكن تجميعها في عدة نقاط رئيسية على النحو التالي: (1) الإشكاليات السياسية؛ (2) الإشكاليات الاجتماعية. (3) الإشكاليات المنهجية. لكن على الرغم من العديد من التحديات والعقبات التي تواجهها ، إلا أن كل ذلك يمكن أن يكون فرصة لتطوير تعليم اللغة العربية في المؤسسات التربوية الإسلامية في إندونيسيا.</p><p>Education in Islam covers the entire dimension of a Muslim's life. Bothdimensions ilahiyyahrelate to their relationship to God, or the dimensions of insaniyyah in relation to other human beings, as well as the dimensions of kauniyyah in relation to the universe. So the educational material in Islam is also very broadly covering the three dimensions, which are largely the subject of Aqidah, Ibadah, Morals, Languages and Literature, Science and Technology. Islamic education is entirely sourced and based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Given that its main source is the Qur'an and the Sunnah, then a necessity to study and understand the language used by both sources is Arabic. In Indonesia as the world's largest Muslim population, Arabic is one of the mandatory subject material in the national curriculum for Islamic education institutions, while for public education institutions as the subject matter of choice. But of course in the course of learning it encounters obstacles and difficulties as well as challenges, where Arabic is a foreign language morning Indonesian people. This research is a library research (Library Research) that is equipped with data from the field. The data collected are from the literature or from the informants related to this theme. The author describes the data through the deskreptive method and then draws conclusions that the undertaking is done objectively and systematically. The results show that the obstacles and challenges faced by Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia are quite diverse, but they still have similarities between one institution and another, so they can be grouped into the following major points: (1) politically problematic ; (2) problematic in sociological terms; (3) problematic in terms of methodology. But despite the many challenges and obstacles faced, but all of that can be an opportunity to develop Arabic language learning at Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-190
Ahmad Fauzi

With the existence of learning media, not only overcoming limitations possessed by teacher in teaching and learning process, but with the existence of learning media created direct interaction between teaching materials and students, that will facilitate students in learning. Therefore, researchers used the camtasia video media as one of the learning media for Arabic that will be developed by students of Sunan Ampel Surabaya State Islamic University in third semester. This study uses the Class Action Research method so that researchers get the maximum value from the media developed by students by using three times of practicum for media improvement. The purpose of this study is to develop technology-based Arabic language learning media, especially multimedia software that is already very familiar with students

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
Rahmawati Ali

The objectives of this study are: to develop Android-based learning media for reading skills, to measure the validity of the media by giving questionnaires to experts and to students to find out student responses. The objectives of this study are: 1. to find out the steps for developing android-based learning media for android-based reading skills, 2. To find out student responses about android-based learning media that have been developed. This research is research and development. By adapting the development steps known as ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and evaluation).  Researchers will develop an Android-based reading skill learning media which is then validated by several experts, such as Arabic language experts, material experts, media experts and Arabic language learning practitioners. And then research subjects are 8 students. The data collection techniques use: observation, interviews and questionnaires. The results of this study are: 1. Application of Android-based learning media to read Arabic for students of UPB UIN ANTASARI Banjarmasin, using steps known as ADDIE. 2. By using a range of 1-5 validation of learning media in terms of language with an average score of 4.5 (very good), validation of learning media in terms of material with an average score of 4.4, validation of learning media in terms of media with a score an average of 4.5 (very good) validation of learning media from learning practitioners with an average score of 4.4 (very good). With a student response with an average score of 4.4 (very good). So with the results of this study, it can be concluded that the Android-based learning media for learning reading skills is appropriate to be used as a medium for learning reading skills.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Muhammad Luqman Hakim

Arabic language is one of the areas of study taught at the level of junior high school. Learning of Arabic language on the this level directed at the fourth skill, there are; listening skills (Al-maharah Al-Istima’), speaking skills (Al-maharah Al-Kalam, reading skills Al-Maharah Al-Qira’ah), and writing skills (Al-Maharah Al-Kitabah).The fourth skill cannot be achieved without having a good mastery of vocabulary, because the quality of a person's language skills depends on the quantity and quality of its own vocabulary. This research aims to obtain information about the needs of the media in learning Arabic language. The method used is qualitative descriptive and review of the literature. The results of this research is in the Arabic language learning requires media interactive games to make learning interesting and can facilitate the learning process.

Imam Kurniawan ◽  
Anung Al Hamat ◽  
Abdul Hayyie Al Kattani

<p class="15bIsiAbstractBInggris">Creative Learning Methods in Arabic Language Subjects For Grade 1 Elementary School is a strategic step in fostering students' learning interest and minimizing student saturation when learning a foreign language. This research aims to produce Creative Learning Methods in Arabic Language Subjects for Grade 1 Elementary School (SD). The research method used in this research is qualitative field research—data collection tools through observation, interviews, and documentation. The formulation of Creative Learning Method in the Arabic Language For Grade 1 elementary school was conducted validity test through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with four experts, namely: religious experts, linguists, psychologists and education experts. This study's results can be described that the Arabic Language Learning Method for Grade 1 Elementary School at Ibnu Hajar Bogor Islamic School in a structured manner has not looked neat. In its implementation, learning Arabic in grade 1 elementary school at Ibnu Hajar Bogor Islamic School uses Arabic manuals for grade 1 elementary school ordered by the school with exciting methods in its delivery. While in Pioneer School Depok Arabic Language Learning For Grade 1 Elementary School is held once a week, namely on Tuesdays, starting at 09:00- 09:30 by using learning modules created by the school based on students' needs namely lughotuna Arabic language books. The methods used by the two institutions studied in Arabic language learning are very diverse, he said; direct methods, Q&amp;amp; A, Qowa'id, and Game</p><p class="16aJudulAbstrak"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p class="16bIsiAbstrak">Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar merupakan langkah strategis dalam menumbuhkan minat belajar siswa dan meminimalisir kejenuhan siswa saat belajar bahasa asing.  Tujuan dalam penelitian ini Untuk menghasilkan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar (SD). Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif field research. Alat pengumpul data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil rumusan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Kelas 1 SD dilakukan uji keabsahan melalui Focus Group Discusion (FGD) dengan 4 ahli yaitu: ahli agama, ahli bahasa, ahli psikologi dan ahli pendidikan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dideskripsikan bahwa Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar di Sekolah Islam Ibnu Hajar Bogor secara terstruktur belum terlihat rapi. Dalam pelaksanaannya, pembelajaran bahasa Arab kelas 1 SD di Sekolah Islam Ibnu Hajar Bogor menggunakan buku panduan bahasa Arab untuk kelas 1 SD yang dipesan oleh pihak sekolah dengan penambahan metode menarik dalam penyampaiannya. Sedangkan di Sekolah Pioneer Depok  Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar dilaksanakan satu kali dalam sepekan, yaitu di hari Selasa, mulai pukul 09:00- 09:30 dengan menggunakan modul pembelajaran yang dibuat oleh sekolah berdasarkan kebutuhan peserta didik yaitu buku bahasa Arab Lughotuna. Metode yang digunakan oleh dua lembaga yang diteliti dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab sangat beragam, di antaranya; metode langsung, tanya jawab, Qowa’id, dan metode Game.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 210-234
Athik Hidayatul Ummah ◽  
M. Khairul Khatoni ◽  
M. Khairurromadhan

Digital da'wah is a new demand and trend currently, because public especially the younger generation search religious knowledge through new media. Podcasts are one of the most popular new media because flexible and can be accessed on various platforms. This study aims to analyze the opportunities and challenges, and Podcast strategy model as an effective digital da'wah media. The research method is library research to analyze various literature with in-depth analysis to answer the research problems. The results showed that Podcast is an effective digital da'wah media because it can transform religious knowledge to the public; can be collaborated with other media; alternative media to disseminate audio content individually or institutionally; can be accessed safely and comfortably. The strategies to manage digital da'wah through Podcasts are identify characteristics of the da'wah object, create an interesting message of preaching, use the appropriate da'wah methods, and use the media according to the target.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Fyra Aldira Audia ◽  
Linda Zakiah ◽  
Nidya Chandra Muji Utami

In revolution 4.0, technology has an important role in the education sector one of them to making digital media learning there are values on character education by the purpose of learning on the curriculum 2013. This study aims to designed Lectora to inspire learning media-based character education on PPKn for students in class III elementary school and measuring the media. Research methodology uses the research and development model of Hannafin and Peck. To technique data collection to students, teachers, and validation by 3. expert. Analysis technique quantitative data based on the calculation of answers in Likert scale. The result of validation data from material experts with a score of 87.5%, validation result from media experts with a score of 85%, validation result from language experts with a score of 81%, and grade III teachers with a score of 98%. The learning media Lectora inspire based character education who then tried out on 15 students grade III Elementary School with a score of 98%. By looking at the result, it can be said Lectora inspires learning media-based character education on PPKn for students in class III elementary school appropriate to be used as medium learning.

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