scholarly journals Isolated points in the branch locus of the moduli space of compact Riemann surfaces

Ravi S. Kulkarni
2012 ◽  
Vol 111 (1) ◽  
pp. 53 ◽  
Antonio F. Costa ◽  
Milagros Izquierdo

Let $g$ be an integer $\geq3$ and let $B_{g}=\{X\in\mathcal{M}_{g}: \mathrm{Aut}(X)\neq Id\}$ be the branch locus of $M_{g}$, where $M_{g}$ denotes the moduli space of compact Riemann surfaces of genus $g$. The structure of $B_{g}$ is of substantial interest because $B_{g}$ corresponds to the singularities of the action of the modular group on the Teichmüller space of surfaces of genus $g$ (see [14]). Kulkarni ([15], see also [13]) proved the existence of isolated points in the branch loci of the moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces. In this work we study the isolated connected components of dimension 1 in such loci. These isolated components of dimension one appear if the genus is $g=p-1$ with $p$ prime $\geq11$. We use uniformization by Fuchsian groups and the equisymmetric stratification of the branch loci.

2010 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 401-408 ◽  

AbstractUsing uniformization of Riemann surfaces by Fuchsian groups and the equisymmetric stratification of the branch locus of the moduli space of surfaces of genus 4, we prove its connectedness. As a consequence, one can deform a surface of genus 4 with automorphisms, i.e. symmetric, to any other symmetric genus 4 surface through a path consisting entirely of symmetric surfaces.

Gabriel Bartolini ◽  
Antonio F. Costa ◽  
Milagros Izquierdo ◽  
Ana M. Porto

1991 ◽  
Vol 110 (3) ◽  
pp. 461-466 ◽  
Gabino González Díez ◽  
William J. Harvey

Letgdenote the moduli space of compact Riemann surfaces of genusg> 3. It is known thatgis a non-complete quasi-projective variety that contains many complete curves. This is because the Satake compactificationgofgis projective and the boundary\has co-dimension 2; thus by intersectingwith hypersurfaces in sufficiently general position one obtains a complete curve ingpassing through any given set of points [8].

2015 ◽  
Vol 17 (04) ◽  
pp. 1550016 ◽  
David Radnell ◽  
Eric Schippers ◽  
Wolfgang Staubach

We consider bordered Riemann surfaces which are biholomorphic to compact Riemann surfaces of genus g with n regions biholomorphic to the disk removed. We define a refined Teichmüller space of such Riemann surfaces (which we refer to as the WP-class Teichmüller space) and demonstrate that in the case that 2g + 2 - n > 0, this refined Teichmüller space is a Hilbert manifold. The inclusion map from the refined Teichmüller space into the usual Teichmüller space (which is a Banach manifold) is holomorphic. We also show that the rigged moduli space of Riemann surfaces with non-overlapping holomorphic maps, appearing in conformal field theory, is a complex Hilbert manifold. This result requires an analytic reformulation of the moduli space, by enlarging the set of non-overlapping mappings to a class of maps intermediate between analytically extendible maps and quasiconformally extendible maps. Finally, we show that the rigged moduli space is the quotient of the refined Teichmüller space by a properly discontinuous group of biholomorphisms.

2011 ◽  
Vol 22 (02) ◽  
pp. 223-279 ◽  

Given a closed, oriented surface X of genus g ≥ 2, and a semisimple Lie group G, let [Formula: see text] be the moduli space of reductive representations of π1X in G. We determine the number of connected components of [Formula: see text], for n ≥ 4 even. In order to have a first division of connected components, we first classify real projective bundles over such a surface. Then we achieve our goal, using holomorphic methods through the theory of Higgs bundles over compact Riemann surfaces. We also show that the complement of the Hitchin component in [Formula: see text] is homotopically equivalent to [Formula: see text].

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
Paul-Konstantin Oehlmann

Abstract In this note we consider smooth elliptic Calabi-Yau four-folds whose fiber ceases to be flat over compact Riemann surfaces of genus g in the base. These non-flat fibers contribute Kähler moduli to the four-fold but also add to the three-form cohomology for g > 0. In F-/M-theory these sectors are to be interpreted as compactifications of six/five dimensional $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = (1, 0) superconformal matter theories. The three-form cohomology leads to additional chiral singlets proportional to the dimension of five dimensional Coulomb branch of those sectors. We construct explicit examples for E-string theories as well as higher rank cases. For the E-string theories we further investigate conifold transitions that remove those non-flat fibers. First we show how non-flat fibers can be deformed from curves down to isolated points in the base. This removes the chiral singlet of the three-forms and leads to non-perturbative four-point couplings among matter fields which can be understood as remnants of the former E-string. Alternatively the non-flat fibers can be avoided by performing birational base changes analogous to 6D tensor branches. For compact bases these transitions alternate all Hodge numbers but leave the Euler number invariant.

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