scholarly journals Evolution of turbulent kinetic energy during the entire sandstorm process

2021 ◽  
Hongyou Liu ◽  
Yanxiong Shi ◽  
Xiaojing Zheng

Abstract. An adaptive segmented stationary method for non-stationary signal is proposed to reveal the turbulent kinetic energy evolution during the entire sandstorm process observed at the Qingtu Lake Observation Array. Sandstorm which is a common natural disaster is mechanically characterized by a particle-laden two-phase flow experiencing wall turbulence, with an extremely high Reynolds number and significant turbulent kinetic energy. Turbulence energy transfer is important to the understanding of sandstorm dynamics. This study indicates that large-/very-large-scale coherent structures originally exist in the rising stage of sandstorms with a streamwise kinetic energy of 75 % rather than gradually forming. In addition to carrying a substantial portion of energy, the very-large-scale-motions are active structures with strong nonlinear energy transfer. These structures gain energy from strong nonlinear interaction. As sandstorm evolves, these large structures are gradually broken by quadratic phase coupling, with the energy fraction reducing to 40 % in the declining stage. The nonlinear process in the steady and declining stages weakens and maintains a balanced budget of energy. The systematic bispectrum results provide a new perspective for further insight of sandstorms.

2020 ◽  
Christopher Chen ◽  

<p>The first two orbits of the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) spacecraft have enabled the first in situ measurements of the solar wind down to a heliocentric distance of 0.17 au (or 36 Rs). Here, we present an analysis of this data to study solar wind turbulence at 0.17 au and its evolution out to 1 au. While many features remain similar, key differences at 0.17 au include: increased turbulence energy levels by more than an order of magnitude, a magnetic field spectral index of -3/2 matching that of the velocity and both Elsasser fields, a lower magnetic compressibility consistent with a smaller slow-mode kinetic energy fraction, and a much smaller outer scale that has had time for substantial nonlinear processing. There is also an overall increase in the dominance of outward-propagating Alfvenic fluctuations compared to inward-propagating ones, and the radial variation of the inward component is consistent with its generation by reflection from the large-scale gradient in Alfven speed. The energy flux in this turbulence at 0.17 au was found to be ~10% of that in the bulk solar wind kinetic energy, becoming ~40% when extrapolated to the Alfven point, and both the fraction and rate of increase of this flux towards the Sun is consistent with turbulence-driven models in which the solar wind is powered by this flux.</p>

Tellus ◽  
1960 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-111 ◽  
Barry Saltzman ◽  
Aaron Fleisher

2013 ◽  
Vol 715 ◽  
pp. 32-59 ◽  
Lihao Zhao ◽  
Helge I. Andersson ◽  
Jurriaan J. J. Gillissen

AbstractTransfer of mechanical energy between solid spherical particles and a Newtonian carrier fluid has been explored in two-way coupled direct numerical simulations of turbulent channel flow. The inertial particles have been treated as individual point particles in a Lagrangian framework and their feedback on the fluid phase has been incorporated in the Navier–Stokes equations. At sufficiently large particle response times the Reynolds shear stress and the turbulence intensities in the spanwise and wall-normal directions were attenuated whereas the velocity fluctuations were augmented in the streamwise direction. The physical mechanisms involved in the particle–fluid interactions were analysed in detail, and it was observed that the fluid transferred energy to the particles in the core region of the channel whereas the fluid received kinetic energy from the particles in the wall region. A local imbalance in the work performed by the particles on the fluid and the work exerted by the fluid on the particles was observed. This imbalance gave rise to a particle-induced energy dissipation which represents a loss of mechanical energy from the fluid–particle suspension. An independent examination of the work associated with the different directional components of the Stokes force revealed that the dominating energy transfer was associated with the streamwise component. Both the mean and fluctuating parts of the Stokes force promoted streamwise fluctuations in the near-wall region. The kinetic energy associated with the cross-sectional velocity components was damped due to work done by the particles, and the energy was dissipated rather than recovered as particle kinetic energy. Componentwise scatter plots of the instantaneous velocity versus the instantaneous slip-velocity provided further insight into the energy transfer mechanisms, and the observed modulations of the flow field could thereby be explained.

2001 ◽  
Vol 448 ◽  
pp. 53-80 ◽  
Z. LIU ◽  
R. J. ADRIAN ◽  

Turbulent flow in a rectangular channel is investigated to determine the scale and pattern of the eddies that contribute most to the total turbulent kinetic energy and the Reynolds shear stress. Instantaneous, two-dimensional particle image velocimeter measurements in the streamwise-wall-normal plane at Reynolds numbers Reh = 5378 and 29 935 are used to form two-point spatial correlation functions, from which the proper orthogonal modes are determined. Large-scale motions – having length scales of the order of the channel width and represented by a small set of low-order eigenmodes – contain a large fraction of the kinetic energy of the streamwise velocity component and a small fraction of the kinetic energy of the wall-normal velocities. Surprisingly, the set of large-scale modes that contains half of the total turbulent kinetic energy in the channel, also contains two-thirds to three-quarters of the total Reynolds shear stress in the outer region. Thus, it is the large-scale motions, rather than the main turbulent motions, that dominate turbulent transport in all parts of the channel except the buffer layer. Samples of the large-scale structures associated with the dominant eigenfunctions are found by projecting individual realizations onto the dominant modes. In the streamwise wall-normal plane their patterns often consist of an inclined region of second quadrant vectors separated from an upstream region of fourth quadrant vectors by a stagnation point/shear layer. The inclined Q4/shear layer/Q2 region of the largest motions extends beyond the centreline of the channel and lies under a region of fluid that rotates about the spanwise direction. This pattern is very similar to the signature of a hairpin vortex. Reynolds number similarity of the large structures is demonstrated, approximately, by comparing the two-dimensional correlation coefficients and the eigenvalues of the different modes at the two Reynolds numbers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 079
Ivan Bašták Ďurán ◽  
Pascal Marquet

Le schéma de turbulence Toucans est utilisé dans la configuration opérationnelle Alaro du modèle Aladin depuis début 2015. Son développement a été initié, guidé et en grande partie conçu par Jean-François Geleyn. Ce développement a commencé avec le prédécesseur du schéma Toucans, le schéma « pseudo-pronostique » en énergie cinétique turbulente, lui-même basé sur l'ancien schéma de turbulence de Louis, mais étendu dans Toucans à un schéma pronostique. Le schéma Toucans a pour objectif de traiter de manière cohérente les fonctions qui dépendent de la stabilité verticale de l'atmosphère, de l'influence de l'humidité et des échelles de longueur de la turbulence (de mélange et de dissipation). De plus, de nouvelles caractéristiques ont été ajoutées : une représentation améliorée pour les stratifications très stables (absence de nombre de Richardson critique), une meilleure représentation de l'anisotropie, un paramétrage unifié de la turbulence et des nuages par l'ajout d'une deuxième énergie turbulente pronostique et la paramétrisation des moments du troisième ordre. The Toucans turbulence scheme is a turbulence scheme that is used in the operational Alaro configuration of the Aladin model since early 2015. Its development was initiated, guided and to a large extend authored by Jean-François Geleyn. The development started with the predecessor of the Toucans scheme, the "pseudo-prognostic" turbulent kinetic energy scheme which itself was built on the "Louis" turbulence scheme, but extended to a prognostic scheme. The Toucans scheme aims for a consistent treatment of stability dependency functions, influence of moisture, and turbulence length scales. Additionally, new features were added to the turbulence scheme: improved representation of turbulence in very stable stratification (absence of critical gradient Richardson number), better representation of anisotropy, unified parameterization of turbulence and clouds via addition of second prognostic turbulence energy, and parameterization of third order moments.

2014 ◽  
Vol 760 ◽  
pp. 304-312 ◽  
Farid Karimpour ◽  
Subhas K. Venayagamoorthy

AbstractIn this study, we revisit the consequence of assuming equilibrium between the rates of production ($P$) and dissipation $({\it\epsilon})$ of the turbulent kinetic energy $(k)$ in the highly anisotropic and inhomogeneous near-wall region. Analytical and dimensional arguments are made to determine the relevant scales inherent in the turbulent viscosity (${\it\nu}_{t}$) formulation of the standard $k{-}{\it\epsilon}$ model, which is one of the most widely used turbulence closure schemes. This turbulent viscosity formulation is developed by assuming equilibrium and use of the turbulent kinetic energy $(k)$ to infer the relevant velocity scale. We show that such turbulent viscosity formulations are not suitable for modelling near-wall turbulence. Furthermore, we use the turbulent viscosity $({\it\nu}_{t})$ formulation suggested by Durbin (Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn., vol. 3, 1991, pp. 1–13) to highlight the appropriate scales that correctly capture the characteristic scales and behaviour of $P/{\it\epsilon}$ in the near-wall region. We also show that the anisotropic Reynolds stress ($\overline{u^{\prime }v^{\prime }}$) is correlated with the wall-normal, isotropic Reynolds stress ($\overline{v^{\prime 2}}$) as $-\overline{u^{\prime }v^{\prime }}=c_{{\it\mu}}^{\prime }(ST_{L})(\overline{v^{\prime 2}})$, where $S$ is the mean shear rate, $T_{L}=k/{\it\epsilon}$ is the turbulence (decay) time scale and $c_{{\it\mu}}^{\prime }$ is a universal constant. ‘A priori’ tests are performed to assess the validity of the propositions using the direct numerical simulation (DNS) data of unstratified channel flow of Hoyas & Jiménez (Phys. Fluids, vol. 18, 2006, 011702). The comparisons with the data are excellent and confirm our findings.

In this problem a mean turbulent shear layer originally exists, homogeneous in the streamwise direction, formed perhaps by previous instabilities, but in equilibrium with the fine-grained turbulence. At a given time, a large eddy of a fixed horizontal wavenumber is initiated. We study the subsequent time development of the non-equilibrium interactions between the three components of flow as they adjust towards ultimate simultaneous equilibrium, using the integrated energy-balance conservation equations to derive the amplitude equations. This necessarily involves the usual averaging procedure and a conditional or phase-averaging procedure by which the large structure motion is educed from the total fluctuations. In general, the mean flow growth is due to the energy transfer to both fluctuating components, the large eddy gains energy from the mean motion and exchanges energy with the fine-grained turbulence, while the fine-grained turbulence gains energy from the mean flow and exchanges with the large eddy and converts its energy to heat through viscous dissipation of the smallest scales. The closure problem is obtained via the shape assumptions which enter into the interaction integrals. The situation in which the fine-grained turbulent kinetic energy production and viscous dissipation are in local balance is considered, the displacement from equilibrium being due only to the energy transfer from the large eddy. The large eddy shape is taken to be two-dimensional, instability-wavelike, with its vorticity axis perpendicular to the direction of the mean outer stream. Prior to averaging, detailed but approximate calculations of the wave-induced turbulent Reynolds stresses are obtained; the product of these stresses with the appropriate large-eddy rates of strain give the energy transfer mechanism between the two disparate scales of fluctuations. Coupled, nonlinear amplitude or energy density equations for the three components of motion are obtained, the coefficients of which are the interaction integrals guided by the shape assumptions. It is found that for the special case of parallel flow, the energy of the large eddy first undergoes a hydrodynamic-instability type of amplification but eventually decays due to the energy transfer to the fine-grained turbulence, while the turbulent kinetic energy is displaced from an original level of equilibrium to a new one because of the ability of the large eddy to negotiate an indirect energy transfer from the mean flow. For the growing shear layer, approximate considerations show that if the mechanism of energy transfer from the large to the small scale is eventually weakened by the shear layer growth compared to the large-eddy production mechanism so that the amplification and decay process repeats, ‘bursts’ of the remnant of the same large eddy will occur repeatedly until an ultimate equilibrium is reached among the three interacting components of motion. However, for the large eddy whose wavenumber corresponds to that of the initially most amplified case, the ‘bursting’ phenomenon is much less pronounced and equilibrium is very nearly reached at the end of the very first ‘burst’.

2007 ◽  
Vol 129 (7) ◽  
pp. 842-851 ◽  
Uri Vandsburger ◽  
Yiqing Yuan

A new self-excited jet methodology was developed for the mixing enhancement of jet fluid with its surrounding, quiescent, stagnant, or coflowing fluid. The nozzles, of a square or rectangular cross section, featured two flexible side walls that could go into aerodynamically-induced vibration. The mixing of nozzle fluid was measured using planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) from acetone seeded into the nozzle fluid. Overall, the self-excited jet showed enhanced mixing with the ambient fluid; for example, at 390Hz excitation a mixing rate enhancement of 400% at x∕D=4 and 200% at x∕D=20 over the unexcited jet. The mixing rate was sensitive to the excitation frequency, increasing by 60% with the frequency changing from 200 to 390Hz (corresponding to a Strouhal number from 0.052 to 0.1). It was also observed that the mixing rate increased with the coflow velocity. To explain the observed mixing enhancement, the flow field was studied in detail using four-element hot wire probes. This led to the observation of two pairs of counter rotating large-scale streamwise vortices as the dominant structures in the excited flow. Shedding right from the nozzle exit, these inviscid vortices provided a rapid transport of the momentum and mass between the jet and the surrounding fluid at a length scale comparable to half-nozzle diameter. Moreover, the excited jet gained as much as six times the turbulent kinetic energy at the nozzle exit over the unexcited jet. Most of the turbulent kinetic energy is concentrated within five diameters from the nozzle exit, distributed across the entire jet width, explaining the increased mixing in the near field.

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