scholarly journals Case study of a moisture intrusion over the Arctic with the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic (ICON) model: resolution dependence of its representation

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 173-196
Hélène Bresson ◽  
Annette Rinke ◽  
Mario Mech ◽  
Daniel Reinert ◽  
Vera Schemann ◽  

Abstract. The Arctic is warming faster than the global average and any other region of a similar size. One important factor in this is the poleward atmospheric transport of heat and moisture, which contributes directly to the surface and air warming. In this case study, the atmospheric circulation and spatio-temporal structure of a moisture intrusion event is assessed, which occurred from 5 to 7 June 2017 over the Nordic seas during an intensive measurement campaign over Svalbard. This analysis focuses on high-spatial-resolution simulations with the ICON (ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic) model which is put in context with coarser-resolution runs as well the ERA5 reanalysis. A variety of observations including passive microwave satellite measurements is used for evaluation. The global operational ICON forecasts from the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) at 13 km horizontal resolution are used to drive high-resolution Limited-Area Mode (LAM) ICON simulations over the Arctic with 6 and 3 km horizontal resolutions. The results show the skilful capacity of the ICON-LAM model to represent the observed spatio-temporal structure of the selected moisture intrusion event and its signature in the temperature, humidity and wind profiles, and surface radiation. In several aspects, the high-resolution simulations offer a higher accuracy than the global simulations and the ERA5 reanalysis when evaluated against observations. One feature where the high-resolution simulations demonstrated an advanced skill is the representation of the changing vertical structure of specific humidity and wind associated with the moisture intrusion passing Ny-Ålesund (western Svalbard); the humidity increase at 1–2 km height topped by a dry layer and the development of a low-level wind jet are best represented by the 3 km simulation. The study also demonstrates that such moisture intrusions can have a strong impact on the radiative and turbulent heat fluxes at the surface. A drastic decrease in downward shortwave radiation by ca. 500 W m−2 as well as an increase in downward longwave radiation by ca. 100 W m−2 within 3 h have been determined. These results highlight the importance of both moisture and clouds associated with this event for the surface energy budget.

2021 ◽  
Hélène Bresson ◽  
Annette Rinke ◽  
Mario Mech ◽  
Daniel Reinert ◽  
Vera Schemann ◽  

Abstract. The Arctic is warming faster than the global average and any other region. One important factor for this is the poleward atmospheric transport of heat and moisture, which contributes directly to the surface and air warming. In this case study, the atmospheric circulation and spatio-temporal structure of a moisture intrusion event is assessed, which occurred during the 5th to 7th June 2017 over the Nordic Seas during an intensive measurement campaign over Svalbard. This analysis focuses on high-spatial resolution simulations with the ICON (ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic) model which is put in context with coarser resolution runs as well the ERA5 reanalysis. A variety of observations including passive microwave satellite measurements is used for evaluation. The global operational ICON forecasts from the German Weather Service DWD at 13 km horizontal resolution are used to drive high resolution Limited Area Mode (LAM) ICON simulations over the Arctic with 6 km and 3 km horizontal resolutions. The results show the skillfull capacity of the ICON-LAM model to represent the observed spatio-temporal structure of the selected moisture intrusion event and its signature in the temperature, humidity and wind profiles, and surface radiation. The high resolution simulations offer a higher accuracy than the global simulations and the ERA5 reanalysis, compared to observations. This is especially demonstrated in the representation of the changing vertical structure of specific humidity and wind associated with the moisture intrusion passing Ny-Ålesund (western Svalbard). Namely, the humidity increase in 1–2 km height topped by a dry layer and the development of a low-level wind jet is best represented by the 3 km simulation. The study also demonstrates that such moisture intrusions can have a strong impact on the radiative and turbulent heat fluxes at the surface. A drastic decrease of downward shortwave radiation by ca. 500 W m−2 and an increase of downward longwave radiation by ca. 100 W m−2 within 3 hours are determined, which highlight the importance of both moisture and clouds associated with this event for the surface energy budget.

2021 ◽  
Hélène Bresson ◽  
Annette Rinke ◽  
Vera Schemann ◽  
Mario Mech ◽  
Susanne Crewell ◽  

<p>The Arctic climate changes faster than the ones of other regions, but the relative role of the individual feedback mechanisms contributing to Arctic amplification is still unclear. Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) are narrow and transient river-style moisture flows from the sub-polar regions. The integrated water vapour transport associated with ARs can explain up to 70% of the precipitation variance north of 70°N. However, there are still uncertainties regarding the specific role and the impact of ARs on the Arctic climate variability. For the first time, the high-resolution ICON modelling framework is used over the Arctic region. Pan Arctic simulations (from 13 km down to ca. 6 and 3 km) are performed to investigate processes related with anomalous moisture transport into the Arctic. Based on a case study over the Nordic Seas, the representation of the atmospheric circulation and the spatio-temporal structure of water vapor, temperature and precipitation within the limited-area mode (LAM) of the ICON model is assessed, and compared with reanalysis and in-situ datasets. Preliminary results show that the moisture intrusion is relatively well represented in the ICON-LAM simulations. The study also shows added value in increasing the model horizontal resolution on the AR representation.</p>

2016 ◽  
Kwang-Yul Kim ◽  
Benjamin D. Hamlington ◽  
Hanna Na ◽  
Jinju Kim

Abstract. Sea ice melting is proposed as a primary reason for the Artic amplification, although physical mechanism of the Arctic amplification and its connection with sea ice melting is still in debate. In the present study, monthly ERA-interim reanalysis data are analyzed via cyclostationary empirical orthogonal function analysis to understand the seasonal mechanism of sea ice melting in the Arctic Ocean and the Arctic amplification. While sea ice melting is widespread over much of the perimeter of the Arctic Ocean in summer, sea ice remains to be thin in winter only in the Barents-Kara Seas. Excessive turbulent heat flux through the sea surface exposed to air due to sea ice melting warms the atmospheric column. Warmer air increases the downward longwave radiation and subsequently surface air temperature, which facilitates sea surface remains to be ice free. A 1 % reduction in sea ice concentration in winter leads to ~ 0.76 W m−2 increase in upward heat flux, ~ 0.07 K increase in 850 hPa air temperature, ~ 0.97 W m−2 increase in downward longwave radiation, and ~ 0.26 K increase in surface air temperature. This positive feedback mechanism is not clearly observed in the Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas, since sea ice refreezes in late fall (November) before excessive turbulent heat flux is available for warming the atmospheric column in winter. A detailed seasonal heat budget is presented in order to understand specific differences between the Barents-Kara Seas and Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 20-23
I.V. Despirak ◽  
P.V. Setsko ◽  
Ya.A. Sakharov ◽  
V.N. Selivanov ◽  

Geomagnetically induced currents (GICs), arising both on power lines and on pipelines, may have strong negative impact on the technological networks up to accidents ("blackouts"). Magnetospheric disturbances are one of the factors in the appearance of GICs, however there is no unambiguous relationship between substorm and presence of currents. In this paper, we consider two intense cases of GIC (15March 2012 and 17 March 2013), registered on two different technological networks: 1) on the "Nothern Transit" power line (Vykhodnoy, Revda and Kondopoga stations) located in the auroral zone, 2) on the Finnish natural gas pipeline near Mäntsälä located in the subauroral zone. Both GIC cases are compared with substorm development in the auroral zone, using data from IMAGE magnetometers network and MAIN camera system in Apatity. We found a good correlation between the GIC appearance and variations of geomagnetic indexes: IL – index, which characterized of westward electrojet intensity on the IMAGE meridian and Wp - index, which describes the wave activity of the substorm. Besides, it was shown also a good correlation between GICs and the thin spatio-temporal structure of the substorm development (the appearance and the propagation to the pole of substorm activations), which is appeared both in the magnetic data and in the all sky camera images.

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 561-602 ◽  
J. Ettema ◽  
M. R. van den Broeke ◽  
E. van Meijgaard ◽  
W. J. van de Berg ◽  
J. E. Box ◽  

Abstract. A simulation of 51 years (1957–2008) has been performed over Greenland using the regional atmospheric climate model RACMO2 at a horizontal grid spacing of 11 km forced by ECMWF analysis products. To better represent processes affecting ice sheet surface mass balance, such as melt water refreezing and penetration, an additional snow/ice surface module has been developed and implemented into the surface parameterisation of RACMO2v1. The temporal evolution and climatology of the model is evaluated with in situ coastal and ice sheet atmospheric measurements of near-surface variables and surface energy balance components. The bias for the near-surface air temperature (0.9 °C), specific humidity (0.1 g kg−1), wind speed (0.3 m s−1) as well as for radiative (2.5 W m−2 for net radiation) and turbulent heat fluxes shows that the model is in good accordance with available observations. The modeled surface energy budget underestimates the downward longwave radiation and overestimates the sensible heat flux. Due to their compensating effect, the averaged 2 m temperature bias is less than −0.9°C. The katabatic wind circulation is well captured by the model.

2017 ◽  
Kwang-Yul Kim ◽  
Jinju Kim ◽  
Saerim Yeo ◽  
Hanna Na ◽  
Benjamin D. Hamlington ◽  

Abstract. Sea ice reduction is accelerating in the Barents and Kara Seas. Several mechanisms are proposed to explain the accelerated loss of polar sea ice, which remains an open question. In the present study, the detailed physical mechanism of sea ice reduction in winter is identified using the daily ERA interim reanalysis data. Downward longwave radiation is an essential element for sea ice reduction, but can only be sustained by excessive upward heat flux from the sea surface exposed to air in the region of sea ice loss. The increased turbulent heat flux is used to increase air temperature and specific humidity in the lower troposphere, which in turn increases downward longwave radiation. This feedback process is clearly observed in the Barents and Kara Seas in the reanalysis data. A quantitative assessment reveals that this feedback process is amplifying at the rate of ~ 8.9 % every year during 1979–2016. Based on this estimate, sea ice will completely disappear in the Barents and Kara Seas by around 2025. Availability of excessive heat flux is necessary for the maintenance of this feedback process; a similar mechanism of sea ice loss is expected to take place over the sea-ice covered polar region when sea ice is not fully recovered in winter.

2016 ◽  
P. Crippa ◽  
R. C. Sullivan ◽  
A. Thota ◽  
S. C. Pryor

Abstract. Despite recent advances in global Earth System Models (ESMs), the current global mean aerosol direct and indirect radiative effects remain uncertain, as does their future role in climate forcing and regional manifestations. Reasons for this uncertainty include the high spatio-temporal variability of aerosol populations. Thus, limited area (regional) models applied at higher resolution over specific regions of interest are generally expected to "add value", i.e. improve the fidelity of the physical-dynamical-chemical processes that induce extreme events and dictate climate forcing, via more realistic representation of spatio-temporal variability. However, added value is not inevitable, and there remains a need to optimize use of numerical resources, and to quantify the impact on simulation fidelity that derives from increased resolution. Here we quantify the value added by enhanced spatial resolution in simulations of the drivers of aerosol direct radiative forcing by applying the Weather Research and Forecasting model with coupled Chemistry (WRF-Chem) over eastern North America at different resolutions. Using Brier Skill Scores and other statistical metrics it is shown that enhanced resolution (from 60 to 12 km) improves model performance for all of the meteorological parameters and gas phase concentrations considered, in addition to both mean and extreme Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) in three wavelengths in the visible relative to satellite observations, principally via increase of potential skill. Some of the enhanced model performance for AOD appears to be attributable to improved simulation of specific humidity and the resulting impact on aerosol hygroscopic growth/hysteresis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 959-983 ◽  
Morten Køltzow ◽  
Barbara Casati ◽  
Eric Bazile ◽  
Thomas Haiden ◽  
Teresa Valkonen

AbstractIncreased human activity in the Arctic calls for accurate and reliable weather predictions. This study presents an intercomparison of operational and/or high-resolution models in an attempt to establish a baseline for present-day Arctic short-range forecast capabilities for near-surface weather (pressure, wind speed, temperature, precipitation, and total cloud cover) during winter. One global model [the high-resolution version of the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS-HRES)], and three high-resolution, limited-area models [Applications of Research to Operations at Mesoscale (AROME)-Arctic, Canadian Arctic Prediction System (CAPS), and AROME with Météo-France setup (MF-AROME)] are evaluated. As part of the model intercomparison, several aspects of the impact of observation errors and representativeness on the verification are discussed. The results show how the forecasts differ in their spatial details and how forecast accuracy varies with region, parameter, lead time, weather, and forecast system, and they confirm many findings from mid- or lower latitudes. While some weaknesses are unique or more pronounced in some of the systems, several common model deficiencies are found, such as forecasting temperature during cloud-free, calm weather; a cold bias in windy conditions; the distinction between freezing and melting conditions; underestimation of solid precipitation; less skillful wind speed forecasts over land than over ocean; and difficulties with small-scale spatial variability. The added value of high-resolution limited area models is most pronounced for wind speed and temperature in regions with complex terrain and coastlines. However, forecast errors grow faster in the high-resolution models. This study also shows that observation errors and representativeness can account for a substantial part of the difference between forecast and observations in standard verification.

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