scholarly journals Increased UV radiation due to polar ozone chemical depletion and vortex occurrences at Southern Sub-polar Latitudes in the period [1997–2005]

2008 ◽  
Vol 8 (17) ◽  
pp. 5339-5352 ◽  
A. F. Pazmiño ◽  
S. Godin-Beekmann ◽  
E. A. Luccini ◽  
R. D. Piacentini ◽  
E. J. Quel ◽  

Abstract. The variability of total ozone and UV radiation from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) measurements is analyzed as a function of polar vortex occurrences over the southern subpolar regions during the 1997–2005 period. The analysis of vortex occurrences showed high interannual variability in the 40° S–60° S latitude band with a longitudinal asymmetry showing the largest frequencies over the 90° W–90° E region. The impact of vortex occurrences on UV radiation and ozone in clear sky conditions was determined from the comparison between the measurements inside the vortex and a climatology obtained from data outside the vortex over the studied period. Clear sky conditions were determined from TOMS reflectivity data. For measurements outside the vortex, clear sky conditions were selected for reflectivity values lower than 7.5%, while for measurements inside the vortex, a relaxed threshold was determined from statistically similar UV values as a function of reflectivity. UV changes and ozone differences from the climatology were analyzed in the 40° S–50° S and 50° S–60° S latitude bands during the spring period (September to November). The largest UV increases and ozone decreases, reaching ~200% and ~65%, respectively, were found in the 50° S–60° S latitude band in September and October. The heterogeneous ozone loss during vortex occurrences was estimated using a chemical transport model. The largest impact of vortex occurrences was found in October with mean UV increase, total ozone decrease and accumulated ozone loss in the 350–650 K range of, respectively, 47%, 30% and 57%. The region close to South America is the most affected by the Antarctic ozone depletion due to the combined effect of large number of vortex occurrences, lower cloud cover and large ozone decrease. This region would be the most vulnerable in case of cloud cover decrease, due to more frequent occurrence of ozone poor air masses during austral spring.

2008 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 6501-6537
A. F. Pazmino ◽  
S. Godin-Beekmann ◽  
E. A. Luccini ◽  
R. D. Piacentini ◽  
E. J. Quel ◽  

Abstract. The variability of total ozone and UV radiation from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) measurements is analyzed as a function of polar vortex occurrences over the southern subpolar regions during the 1997–2005 period. The analysis of vortex occurrences showed high interannual variability in the 40° S–60° S latitude band with a longitudinal asymmetry showing the largest frequencies over the 90° W–90° E region. The impact of vortex occurrences on UV radiation and ozone in clear sky conditions was determined from the comparison between the measurements inside the vortex and a climatology obtained from data outside the vortex over the studied period. Clear sky conditions were determined from TOMS reflectivity data. For measurements outside the vortex, clear sky conditions were selected for reflectivity values lower than 7.5%, while for measurements inside the vortex, a relaxed threshold was determined from statistically similar UV values as a function of reflectivity. UV changes and ozone differences from the climatology were analyzed in the 40° S–50° S and 50° S–60° S latitude bands during the spring period (September to November). The largest UV increases and ozone decreases, reaching 200% and 65%, respectively, were found in the 50° S–60° S latitude band in September and October. The heterogeneous ozone loss during vortex occurrences was estimated using a chemical transport model. The largest impact of vortex occurrences was found in October with mean UV increase, total ozone decrease and accumulated ozone loss in the 350 K–650 K range of respectively 47%, 32% and 63%. The region close to South America is the most affected by the Antarctic ozone depletion due to the combined effect of large number of vortex occurrences, lower cloud cover and large ozone decrease. This region would be the most vulnerable in case of cloud cover decrease linked to climate change, due to more frequent occurrence of ozone poor air masses during austral spring.

After shading a light on the extraterrestrial solar radiation in the chapter 3 it is important to evaluate the global terrestrial solar radiation and its components. The information on terrestrial solar radiation is required in several different forms depending on the kinds of calculations and kind of application that are to be done. Of course, terrestrial solar radiation on the horizontal plane depends on the different weather conditions such as cloud cover, relative humidity, and ambient temperature. Therefore, the impact of the atmosphere on solar radiation should be considered. One of the most important points of terrestrial solar radiation evaluation is its determination during clear sky conditions. Therefore, in this chapter, the equations that determine the air mass basing on available theories are given and the clear sky conditions are introduced with shading a light on the previous work in identifying clear sky conditions. Taking into consideration that, clear sky solar radiation estimation is of great importance for solar tracking, a detailed review of main available models is given in this chapter. As daily, monthly, seasonally, biannually and yearly mean daily solar radiations are required information for designing and installing long term tracking systems, different available methods are commented regarding their applicability for the estimation of solar radiation information in the desired format from the data that are available. An important accent is paid also on the assessment and comparison of monthly mean daily solar radiation estimation models.

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 13377-13394 ◽  
F. Jégou ◽  
S. Godin-Beekman ◽  
M. P. Corrêa ◽  
C. Brogniez ◽  
F. Auriol ◽  

Abstract. In order to test the validity of ultraviolet index (UVI) satellite products and UVI model simulations for general public information, intercomparison involving three satellite instruments (SCIAMACHY, OMI and GOME-2), the Chemistry and Transport Model, Modélisation de la Chimie Atmosphérique Grande Echelle (MOCAGE), and ground-based instruments was performed in 2008 and 2009. The intercomparison highlighted a systematic high bias of ~1 UVI in the OMI clear-sky products compared to the SCIAMACHY and TUV model clear-sky products. The OMI and GOME-2 all-sky products are close to the ground-based observations with a low 6 % positive bias, comparable to the results found during the satellite validation campaigns. This result shows that OMI and GOME-2 all-sky products are well appropriate to evaluate the UV-risk on health. The study has pointed out the difficulty to take into account either in the retrieval algorithms or in the models, the large spatial and temporal cloud modification effect on UV radiation. This factor is crucial to provide good quality UV information. OMI and GOME-2 show a realistic UV variability as a function of the cloud cover. Nevertheless these satellite products do not sufficiently take into account the radiation reflected by clouds. MOCAGE numerical forecasts show good results during periods with low cloud covers, but are actually not adequate for overcast conditions; this is why Météo-France currently uses human-expertised cloudiness (rather than direct outputs from Numerical Prediction Models) together with MOCAGE clear-sky UV indices for its operational forecasts. From now on, the UV monitoring could be done using free satellite products (OMI, GOME-2) and operational forecast for general public by using modelling, as long as cloud forecasts and the parametrisation of the impact of cloudiness on UV radiation are adequate.

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 17375-17421 ◽  
F. Jégou ◽  
S. Godin-Beekman ◽  
M. P. Corrêa ◽  
C. Brogniez ◽  
F. Auriol ◽  

Abstract. In order to test the validity of ultraviolet index (UVI) satellite products and UVI model simulations for general public information, intercomparison involving three satellite instruments (SCIAMACHY, OMI and GOME-2), the Chemistry and Transport Model, Modélisation de la Chimie Atmosphérique Grande Echelle (MOCAGE), and ground-based instruments was performed in 2008 and 2009. The intercomparison highlighted a systematic high bias of ~1 UVI in the OMI clear-sky products compared to the SCIAMACHY and TUV model clear-sky products. The OMI and GOME-2 all-sky products are close to the ground-based observations with a low 6 % positive bias, comparable to the results found during the satellite validation campaigns. This result shows that OMI and GOME-2 all-sky products are well appropriate to evaluate the UV-risk on health. The study has pointed out the difficulty to take into account either in the retrieval algorithms or in the models, the large spatial and temporal cloud modification effect on UV radiation. This factor is crucial to provide good quality UV information. OMI and GOME-2 show a realistic UV variability as a function of the cloud cover. Nevertheless these satellite products do not sufficiently take into account the radiation reflected by clouds. MOCAGE numerical forecasts show good results during periods with low cloud covers, but are actually not adequate for overcast conditions; this is why Météo-France currently uses human-expertised cloudiness (rather than direct outputs from Numerical Prediction Models) together with MOCAGE clear-sky UV indices for its operational forecasts. From now on, the UV monitoring could be done using free satellite products (OMI, GOME-2) and operational forecast for general public by using modelling, as long as cloud forecasts and the parametrisation of the impact of cloudiness on UV radiation are adequate.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 812
Alnilam Fernandes ◽  
Aleksander Pietruczuk ◽  
Artur Szkop ◽  
Janusz Krzyścin

Atmospheric aerosol and ultraviolet index (UVI) measurements performed in Racibórz (50.08° N, 18.19° E) were analyzed for the period June–September 2019. Results of the following observations were taken into account: columnar characteristics of the aerosols (aerosol thickness, Angstrom exponent, single scattering albedo, asymmetry factor) obtained from standard CIMEL sun-photometer observations and parameters of aerosol layers (ALs) in the free troposphere (the number of layers and altitudes of the base and top) derived from continuous monitoring by a CHM-15k ceilometer. Three categories of ALs were defined: residues from the daily evolution of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) aerosols, from the PBL-adjacent layer, and from the elevated layer above the PBL. Total column ozone measurements taken by the Ozone-Monitoring Instrument on board NASA’s Aura satellite completed the list of variables used to model UVI variability under clear-sky conditions. The aim was to present a hybrid model (radiative transfer model combined with a regression model) for determining ALs’ impact on the observed UVI series. First, a radiative transfer model, the Tropospheric Ultraviolet–Visible (TUV) model, which uses typical columnar characteristics to describe UV attenuation in the atmosphere, was applied to calculate hypothetical surface UVI values under clear-sky conditions. These modeled values were used to normalize the measured UVI data obtained during cloudless conditions. Next, a regression of the normalized UVI values was made using the AL characteristics. Random forest (RF) regression was chosen to search for an AL signal in the measured data. This explained about 55% of the variance in the normalized UVI series under clear-sky conditions. Finally, the UVI values were calculated as the product of the RF regression and the relevant UVIs by the columnar TUV model. The root mean square error and mean absolute error of the hybrid model were 1.86% and 1.25%, respectively, about 1 percentage point lower than corresponding values derived from the columnar TUV model. The 5th–95th percentile ranges of the observation/model differences were [−2.5%, 2.8%] and [−3.0%, 5.3%] for the hybrid model and columnar TUV model, respectively. Therefore, the impact of ALs on measured surface UV radiation could be demonstrated using the proposed AL characteristics. The statistical analysis of the UVI differences between the models allowed us to identify specific AL configuration responsible for these differences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 920 ◽  
Sabrina Gentile ◽  
Francesco Di Paola ◽  
Domenico Cimini ◽  
Donatello Gallucci ◽  
Edoardo Geraldi ◽  

Solar power generation is highly fluctuating due to its dependence on atmospheric conditions. The integration of this variable resource into the energy supply system requires reliable predictions of the expected power production as a basis for management and operation strategies. This is one of the goals of the Solar Cloud project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MISE)—to provide detailed forecasts of solar irradiance variables to operators and organizations operating in the solar energy industry. The Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis of the National Research Council (IMAA-CNR), participating to the project, implemented an operational chain that provides forecasts of all the solar irradiance variables at high temporal and horizontal resolution using the numerical weather prediction Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) Solar version 3.8.1 released by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in August 2016. With the aim of improving the forecast of solar irradiance, the three-dimensional (3D-Var) data assimilation was tested to assimilate radiances from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) aboard the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geostationary satellite into WRF Solar. To quantify the impact, the model output is compared against observational data. Hourly Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) is compared with ground-based observations from Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment (ARPA) and with MSG Shortwave Solar Irradiance estimations, while WRF Solar cloud coverage is compared with Cloud Mask by MSG. A preliminary test has been performed in clear sky conditions to assess the capability of the model to reproduce the diurnal cycle of the solar irradiance. The statistical scores for clear sky conditions show a positive performance of the model with values comparable to the instrument uncertainty and a correlation of 0.995. For cloudy sky, the solar irradiance and the cloud cover are better simulated when the SEVIRI radiances are assimilated, especially in the short range of the simulation. For the cloud cover, the Mean Bias Error one hour after the assimilation time is reduced from 41.62 to 20.29 W/m2 when the assimilation is activated. Although only two case studies are considered here, the results indicate that the assimilation of SEVIRI radiance improves the performance of WRF Solar especially in the first 3 hour forecast.

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-15 ◽  
Wes P. Kent ◽  
Scott C. Sheridan

Abstract Although it is often suggested that direct sunlight may affect a player’s vision, no published studies have analyzed this interaction. In this research, a variety of statistical tests were utilized to study how baseball variables respond to different cloud cover conditions. Data from more than 35 000 Major League Baseball games, spanning the seasons from 1987 through 2002, were studied. Eleven baseball variables covering batting, pitching, and fielding performance were included. Overall responses were analyzed, as well as individual responses at 21 different stadiums. Home and away team performances were evaluated separately. This study then synthesized the synergistic differences in offensive production, pitching performance, and fielding performance into changes in the “home field advantage.” Offensive production generally declines during clearer-sky daytime games compared to cloudy-sky daytime games, while pitching performance increases as conditions become clearer. Strikeouts show the strongest response in the study, increasing from 5.95 per game during cloudy-sky conditions to 6.40 per game during clear-sky conditions. The number of errors per game increases during clear-sky daytime games compared to cloudy-sky daytime games, while fly outs increase and ground outs decrease between daytime and nighttime games, regardless of the amount of cloud cover. Results at individual stadiums vary, with some stadiums displaying a very strong association between baseball performance and changes in cloud cover, while others display a weak association. All of these impacts affect the home field advantage, with the home team winning 56% of the games played under clear skies compared to 52.3% of the games played under cloudy skies.

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1711-1727 ◽  
E. Real ◽  
K. Sartelet

Abstract. This paper evaluates the impact of photolysis rate calculation on simulated European air composition and air quality. In particular, the impact of the cloud parametrisation and the impact of aerosols on photolysis rates are analysed. Photolysis rates are simulated using the Fast-JX photolysis scheme and gas and aerosol concentrations over Europe are simulated with the regional chemistry-transport model Polair3D of the Polyphemus platform. The photolysis scheme is first used to update the clear-sky tabulation of photolysis rates used in the previous Polair3D version. Important differences in photolysis rates are simulated, mainly due to updated cross-sections and quantum yields in the Fast-JX scheme. In the previous Polair3D version, clouds were taken into account by multiplying the clear-sky photolysis rates by a correction factor. In the new version, clouds are taken into account more accurately by simulating them directly in the photolysis scheme. Differences in photolysis rates inside clouds can be large but outside clouds, and especially at the ground, differences are small. To take into account the impact of aerosols on photolysis rates, Polair3D and Fast-JX are coupled. Photolysis rates are updated every hour. Large impact on photolysis rates is observed at the ground, decreasing with altitude. The aerosol specie that impact the most photolysis rates is dust especially in south Europe. Strong impact is also observed over anthropogenic emission regions (Paris, The Po and the Ruhr Valley) where mainly nitrate and sulphate reduce the incoming radiation. Differences in photolysis rates lead to changes in gas concentrations, with the largest impact simulated on OH and NO concentrations. At the ground, monthly mean concentrations of both species are reduced over Europe by around 10 to 14% and their tropospheric burden by around 10%. The decrease in OH leads to an increase of the life-time of several species such as VOC. NO2 concentrations are not strongly impacted and O3 concentrations are mostly reduced at the ground (−3%). O3 peaks are systematically decreased because of the NO2 photolysis rate coefficient decrease. Not only gas are impacted but also secondary aerosols, due to changes in gas precursors concentrations. However changes in aerosol species concentrations often compensate each other resulting in a low impact on PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations (lower than 2%). The changes in gas concentrations at the ground induced by the modification of photolysis rates (by aerosols and clouds) are compared to changes induced by 29 different model parametrisations in Roustan et al. (2010). Among the 31 model parametrisations, "including aerosols on photolysis rates calculation" has the strongest impact on OH concentrations and on O3 bias in July. In terms of air quality, ground concentrations (NO2, O3, PM10) are compared with measurements. Changes arising from cloud parametrisation are small. Simulation performances are often slightly better when including aerosol in photolysis rates calculation. The systematic O3 peak reduction leads to large differences in the exceedances of the European O3 standard as calculated by the model, in better agreement with measurements. The number of exceedances of the information and the alert threshold is divided by 2 when the aerosol impact on photochemistry is simulated. This shows the importance of taking into account aerosols impact on photolysis rates in air quality studies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 76 (11) ◽  
pp. 3485-3504 ◽  
Carsten Abraham ◽  
Adam H. Monahan

Abstract In a companion paper hidden Markov model (HMM) analyses have been conducted to classify the nocturnal stably stratified boundary layer (SBL) into weakly stable (wSBL) and very stable (vSBL) conditions at different tower sites on the basis of long-term Reynolds-averaged mean data. The resulting HMM regime sequences allow analysis of long-term (climatological) SBL regime statistics. In particular, statistical features of very persistent wSBL and vSBL nights, in which a single regime lasts for the entire night, are contrasted with those of nights with SBL regime transitions. The occurrence of very persistent nights is seasonally dependent and more likely in homogeneous surroundings than in regions with complex terrain. When transitions occur, their timing is not seasonally dependent, but transitions are enhanced close to sunset (for land-based sites). The regime event durations depict remarkably similar distributions across all stations with peaks in transition likelihood approximately 1–2 h after a preceding transition. At Cabauw in the Netherlands, very persistent wSBL and vSBL nights are usually accompanied by overcast conditions with strong geostrophic winds Ugeo or clear-sky conditions with weak Ugeo, respectively. In contrast, SBL regime transitions can neither be linked to magnitudes in Ugeo and cloud coverage nor to specific tendencies in Ugeo. However, regime transitions can be initiated by changes in low-level cloud cover.

2008 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-264 ◽  
R. Müller ◽  
J.-U. Grooß ◽  
C. Lemmen ◽  
D. Heinze ◽  
M. Dameris ◽  

Abstract. We investigate the extent to which quantities that are based on total column ozone are applicable as measures of ozone loss in the polar vortices. Such quantities have been used frequently in ozone assessments by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and also to assess the performance of chemistry-climate models. The most commonly considered quantities are March and October mean column ozone poleward of geometric latitude 63° and the spring minimum of daily total ozone minima poleward of a given latitude. Particularly in the Arctic, the former measure is affected by vortex variability and vortex break-up in spring. The minimum of daily total ozone minima poleward of a particular latitude is debatable, insofar as it relies on one single measurement or model grid point. We find that, for Arctic conditions, this minimum value often occurs in air outside the polar vortex, both in the observations and in a chemistry-climate model. Neither of the two measures shows a good correlation with chemical ozone loss in the vortex deduced from observations. We recommend that the minimum of daily minima should no longer be used when comparing polar ozone loss in observations and models. As an alternative to the March and October mean column polar ozone we suggest considering the minimum of daily average total ozone poleward of 63° equivalent latitude in spring (except for winters with an early vortex break-up). Such a definition both obviates relying on one single data point and reduces the impact of year-to-year variability in the Arctic vortex break-up on ozone loss measures. Further, this measure shows a reasonable correlation (r=–0.75) with observed chemical ozone loss. Nonetheless, simple measures of polar ozone loss must be used with caution; if possible, it is preferable to use more sophisticated measures that include additional information to disentangle the impact of transport and chemistry on ozone.

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