scholarly journals Application of the Bayesian calibration methodology for the parameter estimation in CoupModel

2009 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 13-24 ◽  
Y. Conrad ◽  
N. Fohrer

Abstract. This study provides results for the optimization strategy of highly parameterized models, especially with a high number of unknown input parameters and joint problems in terms of sufficient parameter space. Consequently, the uncertainty in model parameterization and measurements must be considered when highly variable nitrogen losses, e.g. N leaching, are to be predicted. The Bayesian calibration methodology was used to investigate the parameter uncertainty of the process-based CoupModel. Bayesian methods link prior probability distributions of input parameters to likelihood estimates of the simulation results by comparison with measured values. The uncertainty in the updated posterior parameters can be used to conduct an uncertainty analysis of the model output. A number of 24 model variables were optimized during 20 000 simulations to find the "optimum" value for each parameter. The likelihood was computed by comparing simulation results with observed values of 23 output variables including soil water contents, soil temperatures, groundwater level, soil mineral nitrogen, nitrate concentrations below the root zone, denitrification and harvested carbon from grassland plots in Northern Germany for the period 1997–2002. The posterior parameter space was sampled with the Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach to obtain plot-specific posterior parameter distributions for each system. Posterior distributions of the parameters narrowed down in the accepted runs, thus uncertainty decreased. Results from the single-plot optimization showed a plausible reproduction of soil temperatures, soil water contents and water tensions in different soil depths for both systems. The model performed better for these abiotic system properties compared to the results for harvested carbon and soil mineral nitrogen dynamics. The high variability in modeled nitrogen leaching showed that the soil nitrogen conditions are highly uncertain associated with low modeling efficiencies. Simulated nitrate leaching was compared to more general, site-specific estimations, indicating a higher leaching during the seepage periods for both simulated grassland systems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 113 (4) ◽  
pp. 1927-1932
Cai-hua Shi ◽  
Jing-rong Hu ◽  
You-jun Zhang

Abstract The production of Chinese chives is reduced throughout China due to a root-feeding dipteran pest Bradysia odoriphaga Yang et Zhang (Diptera: Sciaridae), therefore deciphering the conditions influencing its growth and development are important in developing ecological control strategies. A study was conducted from 2014 to 2017 to determine the relationship between the abundance of B. odoriphaga and temperature (atmospheric and soil), soil water content, and atmospheric humidity in a Chinese chive field in Beijing City, China. Numbers of adults peaked in March and October to November and were lowest in July to August and December to next February; numbers of larvae were highest in December to next February and lowest in July to August. From 2014 to 2017, the numbers of adults and larvae were significantly correlated with monthly mean atmospheric temperatures and soil temperatures, but were not significantly correlated with monthly mean atmospheric relative humidity and soil water content. However, for both adults and larvae, numbers were significantly greater with high soil water contents compared with drought treatment. The results of this study suggest that the very low soil water contents, high atmospheric temperatures, and high soil temperatures were critical for regulating field populations of B. odoriphaga.

1974 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 795-802 ◽  
B. Sneh ◽  
D. L. McIntosh

Sporangia and oospores of P. cactorum persisted for appreciable periods in soil at temperatures and soil water contents likely to prevail during a growing season.Mycelium lysed more rapidly as soil water content and temperature increased. Hyphae were not viable after 3 days incubation in wet soil at 29 °C but survived for at least 45 days at 4 °C.At soil water contents higher than 3.0 bars suction and at soil temperatures above 10 °C sporangia appeared on mycelium buried in soil. When soil moisture was reduced to 3.0 bars suction and temperature to 10 °C, oogonia were formed.Longevity of sporangia was reduced by increasing soil water content above 0.3 bars suction. Glucose added to soil induced germination of sporangia and germ tube elongation, while asparagine inhibited germination.Sporangia and oospores but not mycelium survived freezing temperatures in moist soil. Sporangia could not be recovered from soil which had been allowed to dry. Some oospores germinated after drying.

2000 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-61 ◽  
L. M. Dwyer ◽  
B. L. Ma ◽  
R. de Jong ◽  
M. Tollenaar

Seedbed temperature and moisture conditions affect crop emergence rate and stand establishment. A 4 × 4 factorial experiment arranged in a split plot design with four replications was conducted for 3 yr at four sites to measure corn emergence rate and stand establishment while monitoring seedbed temperature and soil water content in situ. Four planting dates, beginning as early as the soil could be worked and every 10 d thereafter, were the main plots and four corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids the subplots. Volumetric soil water content in the top 0.10 m was measured a minimum of two times per week using time domain reflectometry (TDR) and estimated daily using a budget model. Measured and estimated soil water contents were similar (R2 = 0.73) and daily estimated values were used in the analysis. Stand establishment for most planting date-site-years ranged from 80 to 99%. Less than 15% of planting date-site-years had stands below 80%, and they were characterized by soil temperatures at or below 12.5°C combined with high soil water contents (>90% available water). Rate of emergence was not associated with stand establishment (P > 0.10) and could not be predicted from soil temperatures below 12.5°C. Results suggest that reduction in stand establishment under conditions of low (12.5°C) soil temperature and high (>field capacity) soil water content may be a factor in corn yield reductions associated with reduced or no tillage. Key words: Time domain reflectometry, soil water content, soil temperature, maize

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 1759
Said A. Hamido ◽  
Kelly T. Morgan

The availability and proper irrigation scheduling of water are some of the most significant limitations on citrus production in Florida. The proper volume of citrus water demand is vital in evaluating sustainable irrigation approaches. The current study aims to determine the amount of irrigation required to grow citrus trees at higher planting densities without detrimental impacts on trees’ water relation parameters. The study was conducted between November 2017 and September 2020 on young sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) trees budded on the ‘US-897’ (Cleopatra mandarin x Flying Dragon trifoliate orange) citrus rootstock transplanted in sandy soil at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center (SWFREC) demonstration grove, near Immokalee, Florida. The experiment contained six planting densities, including 447, 598, and 745 trees per ha replicated four times, and 512, 717, and 897 trees per ha replicated six times. Each density treatment was irrigated at 62% or 100% during the first 15 months between 2017 and 2019 or one of the four irrigation rates (26.5, 40.5, 53, or 81%) based on the calculated crop water supplied (ETc) during the last 17 months of 2019–2020. Tree water relations, including soil moisture, stem water potential, and water supplied, were collected periodically. In addition, soil salinity was determined. During the first year (2018), a higher irrigation rate (100% ETc) represented higher soil water contents; however, the soil water content for the lower irrigation rate (62% ETc) did not represent biological stress. One emitter per tree regardless of planting density supported stem water potential (Ψstem) values between −0.80 and −0.79 MPa for lower and full irrigation rates, respectively. However, when treatments were adjusted from April 2019 through September 2020, the results substantially changed. The higher irrigation rate (81% ETc) represented higher soil water contents during the remainder of the study, the lower irrigation rate (26.5% ETc) represents biological stress as a result of stem water potential (Ψstem) values between −1.05 and −0.91 MPa for lower and higher irrigation rates, respectively. Besides this, increasing the irrigation rate from 26.5% to 81%ETc decreased the soil salinity by 33%. Although increasing the planting density from 717 to 897 trees per hectare reduced the water supplied on average by 37% when one irrigation emitter was used to irrigate two trees instead of one, applying an 81% ETc irrigation rate in citrus is more efficient and could be managed in commercial groves.

Geoderma ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 326 ◽  
pp. 9-21 ◽  
Masuda Akter ◽  
Heleen Deroo ◽  
Eddy De Grave ◽  
Toon Van Alboom ◽  
Mohammed Abdul Kader ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 68 (6) ◽  
pp. 853-863 ◽  
P. Shi ◽  
S. Thorlacius ◽  
T. Keller ◽  
M. Keller ◽  
R. Schulin

1999 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-125 ◽  
Maria Stenberg ◽  
Helena Aronsson ◽  
Börje Lindén ◽  
Tomas Rydberg ◽  
Arne Gustafson


Climate change and water scarcity may badly affect existing rice production system in Bangladesh. With a view to sustain rice productivity and mitigate yield scaled CH4 emission in the changing climatic conditions, a pot experiment was conducted under different soil water contents, biochar and silicate amendments with inorganic fertilization (NPKS). In this regard, 12 treatments combinations of biochar, silicate and NPKS fertilizer along with continuous standing water (CSW), soil saturation water content and field capacity (100% and 50%) moisture levels were arranged into rice planted potted soils. Gas samples were collected from rice planted pots through Closed Chamber technique and analyzed by Gas Chromatograph. This study revealed that seasonal CH4 emissions were suppressed through integrated biochar and silicate amendments with NPKS fertilizer (50–75% of the recommended doze), while increased rice yield significantly at different soil water contents. Biochar and silicate amendments with NPKS fertilizer (50% of the recommended doze) increased rice grain yield by 10.9%, 18.1%, 13.0% and 14.2%, while decreased seasonal CH4 emissions by 22.8%, 20.9%, 23.3% and 24.3% at continuous standing water level (CSW) (T9), at saturated soil water content (T10), at 100% field capacity soil water content (T11) and at 50% field capacity soil water content (T12), respectively. Soil porosity, soil redox status, SOC and free iron oxide contents were improved with biochar and silicate amendments. Furthermore, rice root oxidation activity (ROA) was found more dominant in water stress condition compared to flooded and saturated soil water contents, which ultimately reduced seasonal CH4 emissions as well as yield scaled CH4 emission. Conclusively, soil amendments with biochar and silicate fertilizer may be a rational practice to reduce the demand for inorganic fertilization and mitigate CH4 emissions during rice cultivation under water stress drought conditions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 189-195 ◽  
Beibei Zhou ◽  
Xiaopeng Chen

The poor water retention capacity of sandy soils commonly aggregate soil erosion and ecological environment on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Due to its strong capacity for absorption and large specific surface area, the use of nanocarbon made of coconut shell as a soil amendment that could improve water retention was investigated. Soil column experiments were conducted in which a layer of nanocarbon mixed well with the soil was formed at a depth of 20 cm below the soil surface. Four different nanocarbon contents by weight (0%, 0.1%, 0.5%, and 1%) and five thicknesses of the nanocarbon- soil mixture layer ranging from 1 to 5 cm were considered. Cumulative infiltration and soil water content distributions were determined when water was added to soil columns. Soil Water Characteristic Curves (SWCC) were obtained using the centrifuge method. The principal results showed that the infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration increased with the increases of nanocarbon contents, to the thicknesses of the nano carbon-soil mixture layer. Soil water contents that below the soil-nano carbon layer decreased sharply. Both the Brooks-Corey and van Genuchten models could describe well the SWCC of the disturbed sandy soil with various nano carbon contents. Both the saturated water content (θs), residual water content (θr) and empirical parameter (α) increased with increasing nano carbon content, while the pore-size distribution parameter (n) decreased. The available soil water contents were efficiently increased with the increase in nanocarbon contents.

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